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January 17, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUIESDAY, JANUARY 17: 1905 No. 7 6 A LURID TRACK SUIT REGENTS TAKE ACTIONj BASEBALL CANDIDATES! NORTHWESTERN FRIDAY '4"ick" Keeler Says tie Will Run in the F~resh Soph Meet in a Suit of fellow and Blue Trunks. Anti=(irrX Stanud Made by Regents List of Aspirants for Baseball Hionors at lDectn l)Lr -leeting==Prof. Patter- As (iiven Out by Captain Bird=- Representatives From Eivanston vs. Michigan in D~ebate- ...…

February 17, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY f-,, 49145 NO. 94 SDY OF "'HURRY UP." WOMEN AS STUDENTS. A CHANGE IN REGENTS. ENTRIES FOR MEET. Oto Evening Record Prints In= Records Show an Improvement Oer1DrXXW.iH. Sawyer Nominated to Suc' terestng [Description of the WXork of L at 'Year Ireshman teed lion. C. ID. Lawton Two (reat Coach. Oir it Fe Conditon. er Precedent Did Not Hold. ,11. 44444_ 1144''4411111,1'44414n n4 41c4 f ~o tit, ...…

March 17, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…Tve MihignDail FIR~ST EGIMENTMEET. braee lia l~yrcentSoldiers int,. eot i nc ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY.,oMARCH 17, 1905 t>F']; GAME1)1>1 1.*T SET01 ED 1'h 11(1 opc 1 'mi ieof thebase tbn all:,''ile r I lii ii e il ide ls 1tle( '1 ic r l~ti )roure nt latons forI in iols a d , omet, ilcuh i a lto t mi a ir 'tl ltii1'"li' lI plns or a000 tl; Iii1 l Iii li 'li e'r 011 11111T lliii'irto ii eplyed betweellti' ti lie i t1 It t lel 1111eelpIr eet at th...…

May 17, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 162) • Page Image 1

…M0 '0 - O ;jm' ?~ r ir, ,- r, ,.." - r, r -- . .~ :J i .. I. 1. J .-- . J J f. f .. . .y :1 ,... -J. ~ten ^ t. r, -77 U wf, rte /, , f ;: ,'= -' N , f. .-j i .. J s_ L ti !. tai ... ~ :-. 4- ":. f :J ./" ^ J . r-- _ - '- Ic VEER K u1 ', H '' jam', H ', , { -. i f f ll f"'1 f r . h-+ +-} r°i t- w'"'}1 V Kai W /y ^} W // }- f / F--i e"" ^. z 0 o. let x V 0 OLf a o 0 T r is J . ~ .,_ ^ f, f :t, . J ,f .. .-+ n . f. .-. r. 'f. f _ +./ t «+ _ ,.- "...…

October 17, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily N XARBOR, MICHIGANk\ "I N's-sj)\\ I 'thlR 17, 5905. Vol- Z V [. FULLBACK LONGMAN IsVS 'XdXAT. AGAIN IN PRACTICE Te smaoker held by the' Iowa clh -asinesay nighlt was a ntissikcd sa7css Big Fullback Again tIons Football froant start to Finish. It was field miiiiiiiIII Togs- Will Be in Saturday's5 for thlieeit of the newttesn and ahott (same With Nebraska. siityii eittfereereesisesnit. i)n-ins th eelilggreetitags Were s sit ...…

December 17, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

…4 The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, D 11Cl ilI II 1,79105 VOL. XVI. No. 67. AMII ERS' T WAND GAME' Massachusetts College Plans a Western Trip and Is Anxious to Play at Ann Arbo licigan witll play the1 Amhet base-1 bal1teamat Ate Arbor ot la 122.1pr iting the negotton1s1now pendng ar satiisfactot ill 1011cldd. N11,1tlh ford1. Jr. of Ntmhrt, as i Am Aort yesteray1to 11fe1 ith Chaie 111ird11 tc(director 110s111 Chicgo andiiMr. lila...…

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