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February 17, 1905 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1905-02-17

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The Michigan Daily
NO. 94
Evening Record Prints In= Records Show an Improvement Oer1DrXXW.iH. Sawyer Nominated to Suc'
terestng [Description of the WXork of L at 'Year Ireshman teed lion. C. ID. Lawton Two
(reat Coach. Oir it Fe Conditon. er Precedent Did Not Hold.
44444_ 1144''4411111,1'44414n n4 41c4 f ~o
tit, in its cltiletv1 It i411114 n 44444 , he Ii vca1o141~ 7
Itgt fis out 1of 4ater t11 dc'144 114 her.il~l the I'll4f 1h4ye'4144.t tee
Ri414111 t.of 1114 114 e1.11 ie mal-1tio,1the 'isadcrcnt , ndl1 a codn opeclit
1111 oit e c lz e c e k r od . eld t e tc !e h u b r u l<3g l;\ ~ trh n
,.14 1 1e1nd 1 14 1 144' 1, 411111 '444 1111
144114 F 4nl;;s 1t4444' ght111~ t, fain1 1 111 11imI 4n 44l11~ci u 11'4I, 1111111t,; 1 1''4111 1114444441
1' 14444 1:a ) a 7,'l h ';il' t li. ]- ,m ot % it tn .R n ' a m a
144 a" ,ttlls ,, tmh,7 cie odiin.T~ ~ o h ihtiifaulsriga
Fil i wit hi 144 o 4 se 4on 44ost 114.o con111l 44414111 s11111 nt111 11101 .14 the1 . t4sd n o sd ras
frt tak11,44411 it,4 h 4 4441lea411irl4 . il44n11'cn ai411he am4 O144, in'he ate Ge logcalSi rve
at 11
4444. 441114(11 1111144111 i, t oot a 44 4111,t ht 4r,111, t1144444 v'44111 4114 111:cu 1111111114114114 44'r
14444y ahmlIl tt '4,1 'll411'-t1Trod, 4 so, 4 1144 41444141144 11411t44144114111111111a 144 4111441411414s 41411r 4444
eve 4 n 44u1 i 14411144 h '441 t an vv as th t I c41si ye1144111er 1 - 1 ll ti ,r, c 44i1o 414 im er t
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414444i :,1. 14 1, 444 41 h)-414h4ir441 414 1114
sot w o c rt4Ijt44n m o ton ,f 414u h n ls }a r tvv , ~ o e f t o e
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4144444, :: 1 i}, u1 $1vDO C sunS H R tt ed e r.Saoo'
i441 te baance tal c14111t l 1taat 4144 siion tall
444 anoth44er 4n41wspaper roa4n414444i jTeThhs sc ety ih iga an t ailyhe for cinc te n led o
ell1i-'r4act ton4ht at1te"Cobala nc of theiColege Yi 1 ear oemn o
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,'p414 atJohn I4ayl4r1,411 ia n 44, 4rlr t :5 414414ecptin C. A.itv l ' l t o f medi'ON, wishM thr
l0144,4l'41k14 44411 1441 4. 4i14 1 4144d ilPhone 461c 331 Packar
1414444 41441l, , 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4''w o ld ib 44141 r a S a t 44Y o il4n g f ll w i g
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444444 r p nl hogh scI M le. folv ad Pa m l l oth iyo erot Fl ie
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1144444r wh4411144114 4 NuI) 141444434444444 N'41't4'e144114444. hoa4oN"4'FS'4'S.
444 aut se44 41t1,h rrd fa4wllh4ofeed1it14cu
14~a~t of4 144 1 in4 441441 t1 all 41: 11~ 1 1411 4414144 4,4 '4 1414414-4-4r 111
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4 111144 11411 44 4 44 14 4.1141. 1 .4i ' ~ ~ "-404444, F'. 7
4114 14 ,4 444 44444w114ere go411a'I'l 11po'ets,4 44111a4 1d44 414h4114
44t' 44 "t . o oo vn chair4s41144 n4$11.0CH GAN NOT a. id 11in 4ad 1va 4414414411411 .f
,44 41: 441414 4441111 4.41 41~4 44 ' vil1 144 114444144, O 1444441
44i 441 1 1441444er" 41 44144441114 41.1111in1 1ho4141444l1' 141111444 44dress(Ir
414414'lunarctd dhrd4144444 ( .444 C.4414 4414 44'A ..14'444 41444 41 1 4144. '144141, tus n r
4444 14441414 114 4 }urry U'4 was 4,,,- 4444 ne4 1334114 444414414414144111d___ St.___
14t~ 4144 444444414, 444444 44144444 4,1441 11144 1144114 44444 0 444 4444g
444 gIl4 4144 444114 444411 11,441414444i. ''4 1441044 11' 4.4' , .FR 4.444'
It44 14441111of 4moil'4and4 1o41 411i4144444nd414
44y .4 4444411441414l
14( 4111441444of4a4 poet44:4 1:14 4 1 ,t4 14444444' 4441114 14 4111
Ie4 ~ 4 beleves 4144ha tthe best I '4114 4441 44414444of 441441144 444144444ce 4444444 411e 4411414441 414cr14tary. 41444114S.
1444o or44144 yearsisuc 41cession t44114the 4144441ywere they 14m14' 414 had 44144h-144i'e.'Chapman.4'44144 4Davidson14is a 4444114
41441444444m444t404444141444144st.4iv 44students.4 14 4444'o44possible to accom- AV14'C.. '4. 1,. he414will begin144h4144duties
~~(utinued on page two.) 4414444mulch mnore work than formerly. 11441 next Wednesday.}
Ninety 4seen Men arc Entered for
Contest'ITomorrow Night-Spec
al Relay Race
The ick 14.n 141414ir at 41441
t141 4144 4141clibe u a 144144e444
1.41 tievrou vns However Dir
te'4''414 4e4114t'S41444441144144t4may4do
tso 414guin0hisna 14to 'id illard,
rel1.1 r144 414444441 444o 41444ed 4444m44
by1 '4eer1414414r trecof 4H44g44s
tea ar; arrels444:, 144.44 4111 4114Long
The reshmedcs 44114lay trial
4441414 144i441 a,1 r''44144114-5,4414an11
114e .4111 al 4444r44he 4444t4a444a44fol
444114rseSid4 144 i41444 4 14ssistan1t
clerks 11.W14 14e,. 14' .14incl444
1414W.Joclyn.41R. 1. 14 114411 track
4414c 44444414idl 1414s « . C. Cole
NJ 141.4411444 1 44144 4441,11144141.1D
1 P r 4 4 411444444 Loga, C.lHaes; timers,
'4114las, '44 4. R Ibtk044444ge Hal
44414444444 44IT.Shea'rr J 444e4r144
4 d , I' 4.l41444111hlk4.'a441414.444Good
144114414444441 Le4444, 1444414 Riard
1414441144'4141114l '44441144rdHugg4'ceele,
411 '14411414.enk, 4Workman, (Grahan,
44441 414441444d4es-Shaw, Hall, Kali-
4414144, 4444114, 414444et4, 4F.,Keeler,
nuaitauc 444444444aha, '4444l4444144,
14,4., 1 144r4414-4R1444, (Goodwin11, G.
Read, 41Warrn,1'F, McKinne4y, W4arner,
'44 '14444141 J 'Fishleigh1, Wilox, Robin'
son, '441444444144y144Wa14e4k,4Co, Rowe,
11111 4114114t 4 Te1le, Boyd,4,Hayes,
'44414 4441- 14414l,4Waldeck, Coe, Rowe,
Bla 144l '441410orGrimmn.
44igh 41144144-C44, 4. Rad, Hertz,
Po4le vau44t-W.,Fishleigh, '. Read,
n. 1111, M4cNabb, 4414444.
444444 put-Ac4kerman1, 04114144, 4441144.,
414 44444w 4444114444g 1414444 i14baseball
tine 4w14k.,TheIls,444of 441441444'c41444-
414441444---Mclntock, Sager, Wel'
de 144,44e44h, lery, Martin, Nage,
441444e,4444444,Love, W4iliam4s, Sm1it44,
444141444y,4Rem,4 Davidson, Morgan,
44444441s-44tc44, 044444m, Brett,
141411444444144n, Giford, Lightner, Alle
"4414y 4111144 for 414414 years ca4t44er
tain1of414e 'o1 team,44444 414Ann Ar4440
41114l41444m114n444h44440 414s4144ng 4w1444Dir'
ect4o4 Fitzpatrick and swapping base..
ball stories with Tom Bird.

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