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October 15, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

…/ Y Vt . I . 1 \\\ _ , s'" " T -- - -------" r 0 L. I. No. 15. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1890. PlmCl E 3 CENTS. ay &Co JEROME 0. KNOWLTON. THE NEW DEAN OF THE LAW DEPARTMENT. He was Appointed by the Board of Regents this Afternoon. An important meeting of the Board of Regents was held this afternoon, one of the principal duties being the appointment of a Successor to Henry Wade Rogers. After considerable deliberation a con...…

November 15, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…t ,- VOL. I. No. 42. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1890. PRICE 3 CENTS. SHORT AND THICK SET DESCRIBES THE GUARD WHO STRUCK DENNISON. The Inquest Adjourns Until Thurs- day Next.--Five Witnesses Examined this Morning- What They Saw. The rumors of Quartermaster Gran- ger's death have proven unfounded. tr.George, this morning, said that e was in no immediate danger. A- variety of rumors have besn afloat cernilig the tragedy, but i...…

November 15, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…. V'OL- I. No. 42. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1890. PRICE 3 CENTS. EXTRAD XF E A T E D ! . vs. CORNELL. COu.1ELL 20, U. OF M. 5. A Large'-Crowd Witness our Defeat. Maio Seriously Interferes With the Game. l*5i±5l to theL . of M". "I3 IX. 1 DETROIT, Nov. 15, 1890. ae gamt was called at two- ity. - J. H. cMillen acted as "eferee, V. G. Williams, umpire. t llowing is the make-up of the .eams: y *o . Positions. Cornell. e.. . R...…

December 15, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…T \ UTNIVERS ITY OF MIC.,tiGAN MTA ONI)ky., DECEMBER 1.3, 1890. PRICiE 3 CENTS. Anual Address Before the IS. C. A. th l ,l1 te i thellrcol, ! 33 visl1 'c i is 0l(1 :' 1 Clos " y ii hut ill It t1 lie 0 't; 1 I l c l .7111 IIi I oftt rist Ilero_, of t ile flaIr, Cufui tothe aid otes, . } . l cokO l ly portraiei. ieci Irt of self-sacrifice aitd iiiiiWer- 1'rseaeto ite distitngiihted 1 lrSt life---.thie emptatiolns ill tf fli10ress, tile a...…

October 15, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 15) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) dluring the College yeur, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT A:)SOCIATION. Subseriltiospriee $2,50 perr yer, invariably iudiunr c(. Siugle copies 3 crots,.tin -ale at hbeelsnsaled tout Office onews sdevery ecenin-titt 6 o'clock. Oaleseiptiottosmayp be left atte oilijee of she Dii st, l it l1e10 e block, auS hlerehatis, usStoflet's, (,r N t any of te ediiors. Ctimmuntnications should reach tise oi...…

November 15, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 42) • Page Image 2

…THE.U. OF Xit of 3Z(B ' T aTIV. Resolutions o '94. hecommittee appointed to Pubiebhed Daily (Sndys excepIted) during Th the College Sear, iy draft resolutions upon the death THEUor . NDEENENTAoOGITINof I. J. Dnnison have made the THE . wM. NDEENDNT sSOIATONfollowing report, and tte, resoi- Sutbeisciion pelee $,211pee 1r, invnibly tion have been adopted: in advannce. Single cpies :iceuti. On sle at Wherea. tGod in his Diviie lrovi- Secitot'e cn...…

November 15, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 42) • Page Image 2

…THE.U. OF M. DAILY. "~(of jJ(" j( Resolutions ot '94. duig The tonmmittee appointed to the ihed D i t ear byed) draft resolutions upon the death THEU. M.INEPEDEN ASOCATIN.of I. J. Djennison have made the _____UO _.INEEDET_ SOIAIN following report, and the resolti- Sated ititi l rimee 5,50 CIr? itinv o'i 0h tiontsahave heen adoapted: in advancfle. ingle enie Itt rnts.tin t a t lciCs sdi 15Dvn '' Sheehtan's titd t'at ttie rrt "cht ti t'ae' ' r t...…

December 15, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 61) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF C.of. ritu.4 Published Daily (Sundays eceped during the College er, by THE U. IF M. INDEPENENT ASOCIATON. Subbeription price 1,10 per year, invariably in advance. Sige epies a cets. Os aie at Sheehan's and Pst offrs newso statd every evening at 6 o'clock. Subcription may be left at the ofilie of the DILY, opera House black, at Sheehan's, at Stotel, or ewittt ay of the edtor. Coimntaications should reaclihe orice by 16 A .it they are ...…

October 15, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 15) • Page Image 3

…T114 V Mess See the THE 1.8 THE U. OF M. DAILY TWO SA $Of:Old U. of M. should have a rsYOMA'8KAOW Univer~ityof Michigan Guitar. Ind SL VER AN'SPrices lowest, Quality highest. (Gnaranteed es eli icl of the road. TedSI VEMAVSViolin .rind Guitar Strings, 10 cts.; I3lanjo and Mandolin Strings ' 5 nis. Everything in proportion). & f !V/ Collar - LiCOAT See it at BROWN'S DRUG STO.RE COIIN it MAIN AND HIURON STR:EETS. LARGEST S-rOCK OF TOILEr Goojas ...…

November 15, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 42) • Page Image 3

…AfAT THE4TW Pr ice Alb~ert Suits, andi Fine Dress THE U. OF M. DAILY 1 0 S re)m ST:_F151- ~ TSBJ=' 1%) 1kIV ~ IOf Old U. of M. should have a U nivesity of Michigan Prices lowest, (Quality highest. Guaranteed every inc Violin aind Gitar strings, 10 ets.; Banjo anid Man Cutawy S~tS, S cts. Everything in proportion. Suits, L. IT.Clement, T T T I F"M NTCTTFS-T? D NTn . F~ TTl Guitar. ciof the road. Qdolin Strings, 8 OPLGINCO. JUST ARRIVED- -- See ...…

November 15, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 42) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY .AT THE TW O SAftIV1Old U of M. should have inhoa h od -- wU-------ty of Michigan JG uitar. Pri~e lbet Sits Cuawa ~Violin amdi Guitar Strings, 0 cts.; Banjo and Mandolin Strings, and FineDressSuts, LIL iet ALLMLITDIITGEL PIAITO & ORGAiN 00. See Yoninan'sliat, Knox's Ilar, Silverman's Tints and Caps, AT THE TWO SAIN L L 3L .LTZ. vIS BROWN'S DRUG STORE ('OEN ElitMAIN AND 1 ,IIUON S1,1LIEETS. LARGEST STOCK TOITow'rGOODS AND FIa...…

December 15, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 61) • Page Image 3

…TRZ U. OF.M. DAILY -OF -JUST ARRIVED, ATHE TWO. SAMS ]BUY YOUR SUITS AND OVERCOATS f o11tIEMBE gt Guuess the word thatd will open the Sale, a dictionary word of La. S3L.ATZ. LpiAbr80~l1Lllhr VOORHEIS &DITS REST WORK IN THE CITY: STATE ST. TAILORS, Ca ALLEDFOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. W515hCIAL 5RATS COTUENS. SE OIC_ 23 South Fourth Ave. - AtLNLSE U, =T7L M=SrT7 ==2 TWr Of Old U. of M. should have a Univer~ity of MichigUan Q""uitar. Pri...…

October 15, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 15) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. V~E1EI,-THE NEW\/VCOLLAR- CLOHING- HOUSE, 71,73, 15 UWoodwaid Avenue, Detot, Mih t NIo~s G A F S' AIT(1 cii~ N P 1 Nsi; chill 1 UCI1IIN zH NN L~aoi C Nio Ao rrivinLg ~. NEW BOOK STORES, This is exceed- inglv lpopular Wxithi Well-(lress- ed gi-untlenien. We carry a full line of the justly- celebrated Crown Collars and Cuffs and Monarch Shirts. 6 Soith Ma ij Stroe. 44 Souit lStt Street, UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, ~ ~ Q T ~ .H ID ...…

November 15, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 42) • Page Image 4

…_._...-. TuE t: OT 'M.DAILY CLOTHING HOUSE, 9LT T~Ih BKNR C~id' O RINGHPVFS AND 0@/#FS F-.-LatesE Novelties Arr viva DaiLi. NEW BOOK STORES, LAQ QOFF , the {,atest(raze, ~~~ - ALI T T ' ~ ~Mi~Y''%P~FI9~ I3i 'HEADQUARTERS FOR NOVELTIES - 6 South Main1 Street. 44 South Stage Street, G I ID U IVERSITY TEXT-1300RS, G. H.IOWILD, Medical Boms Law Books, 1iiE.NIi Bo~s, ALi KINb1 Al1Iioks sedin itySchols ~ tdeits oteook an Pas. ~r~t- Is Tho wing te La...…

November 15, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 42) • Page Image 4

…THE U nYr M. DAILY CLOTHING tHILJSE " +H -Ti ;N?®L ten, 173 17 W ow GdAve . DtriM icN's y t s , ' t>. } LWLBL Novelties f\PP vir2 Eli L. NEW BOOK STORES, F3 ? C QU~QJFF%, the Latest Qraze, -4 .~ 2 TO=LJ=7S >G ? ~~~ HEADQ&UARTERS FOR NOVELTIES- 0-South Ma q Street. 44 S)ut iSate Str2G.H.WL UNI1VE SITl'Y'E T-l0O~KS, a2T.AT= -, , .If ID M c BooktLava Boonst o a IAia 0 AtlA'oonkS used itn(iCcitootS. u. Nt totsudpitDi Is showing the lr 'eat Stork o...…

December 15, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 61) • Page Image 4

…TT4I-.0 UnfP M..D)A ILY ~QO~~ NOBLE, The Clothier, Shoohai &Cot)fle llliversitJ Booksollers), ~ ~_--I> OF(F EKING---- Wh bae hasor imany yearsat this' sea sot, displayid the largest,11m0st cii isrehensis'c,aiiatrcie toki ter cof lsmeswllts cr e n trciesok i hi lseo uies ilti erxcel their formier exhibits, thc e 'tlt Liof reparaitioi oin a broiadter sialeb p c a ~ ~ e - n e w a than ever before. S~ ii u u 4 n ~ w a Finc Illustrated Books. Art C...…

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