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November 15, 1890 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-11-15

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t ,-
The Inquest Adjourns Until Thurs-
day Next.--Five Witnesses
Examined this Morning-
What They Saw.
The rumors of Quartermaster Gran-
ger's death have proven unfounded.
tr.George, this morning, said that
e was in no immediate danger.
A- variety of rumors have besn afloat
cernilig the tragedy, but investiga-
t5oProves most of them without foun-
After the close of the DAily's ac-
eount last night a few witnesses were
eard at the inquest.
Jess D. Spitzer: "Am a junior in
t 'aw department; did not know
Irving Deniisoi. On ednesday
t ning i got to the affray when the
sti de uts were rushing away the first
tle. I dodged them and stayed
hereWI1as on south-west corner of
llOn and Liberty. 1 saw a guard
tlt a raised musket rushing toward
cr Ile said sometling and young
made some reply. Then I saw
wardghit him on forehead. The
rl, han staggered and the guard
a ck across street about where he
etfrom. Ile came from south-
stcorner, opposite church. The
n struck stood on south-east cor-
n was about one minute after
ttack. I was about 20 feet from
t o was struck. Ile was about 5
f i clies in height, rather slight
d yung appearing man. The guard
tho struck lim was rather short and
'i set, I think he had on a cap.
k he1* was in uniform. The young
1 Who was struck was taken back.
h5 Dennison after he was dead and
le sh about the height of man I saw
tck'I did not see man struck
hete han once. Did not notice
ha er the guard who struck him
a beard or mustache."
der E. Davis: -'Reside at 38 S.
ae treet. Am a Senior Law. Last
te a~esday evening I followed mili-
the cWn to the church on same side
tnPany was. I saw men with
l ng across street. A gentle-
ste o seemed to be in command,
e dut to say something but I
hari hear him. He made a re-
sltikl . person across the street,
g 'Word, telling him to shut up
or he would break his head. Ile got
mad and told the men to charge and
knock the devil out of diem or words
to that effect. I saw a man struck
with a musket but could not identify
either party."
hugh J. Miller: "I was on south-
east corner of Division and Liberty
when soldiers came along. Someon
said they were going to drill. I saw
they were going to give exhibition of
power, not skill, and I crossed over into
orchard behind house. I saw a ma1
with musket cross street and strike a
man one blow before I went into the
yard. I had a talk with Mr. Arm-
strong, captain of Company A, Thurs-
day morning. Ile told me lie was there
a guest to the party the night before.
Ile saidl ie told the boys when in the
house that if they were going to light
they had better go down towni and get
something to ight with."
Cramer 1). Morris: "Live at 413 E.
Washington street, a1 a junior law.
Did not knowMr.Dennison, have seen
him since his death. Think I saw him
before on corner where red church is.
When second charge was made he was
hit, and I saw him on the ground after
lie was hit. Did not see him hit. That
was on the northwest corner near the
Dr. W. It. Jackson: "'Live on the
corner of Liberty and Division street.
I was in house all the while until after
affair was over. I saw the Company
when they passed by my house. The
others closed in behind them. I saw
men stoop down and make motions to
throw. I could not tell whether they
hit anything or not. Some of crowd
had pickets in hand. Some across the
street were tearing off pickets. There
were brick-bats on my window sill
next morning. Militia turned around
and made charge.
The inquest adjourned until this
The inquest adjourned this morning
until inie o'clock next Thursday
morning, after hearing some testimony
which threw no new light on the sad
Fred Camp saw Granger and
Thomas in front of the house on Di-
vision street. He didn't know any of
the men at the church. Ile could not
hear any commands because of the
students' college yells.
Maggie Halo saw students throwing
sticks, and said that was about all she
Frank Gale, who was with Miss
alo, saw twenty-five men with guns. riht Ka & Co
Ile came down William to Division W rg t Ka Co
street. Militia passed down Division
street single file, talking to each other. Foreign Buyers, Importers of Gaes
Crowd followed them giving college sad Art Goods, Jewes old Op-
vells. Ile could not remember his
whereabouts after that till lie found ticians, \lanufacturers of the
himself in Dr. Jacksons yard. Saw Finest Society Badges nde in the
sticks and mud thrown. Didn't see o ountrySample sent upon pro-
aiybody hit.
Francis Mt. ltenley,senior law, saw a per references,
man with gun having altercation with
Wicks. Ile had a smooth face and Dch-otr- Opwm a s-,Alo Bo R.,
weighed about 140 pounds. Another
man came up behind Wicks and 4 A
struck him with gull. 140 WOODWAl A
George J. Stoll, the newly married
memberof Company A, invited those Retrolt, - - Mich!&an.
members of the company outside his
house to come inside, but lie couldn't WHEN IN YPSILANTI
remember any of their names except-
ing Granger, although his memory wassT-tieom- A' TiiE
good as to the drum corps. Ile didn't
hear anything said about noise out-fl J}IDEN JL-I'O ,
side. Ile ordered refreshments for
the compauy but had no liquid re- Special Rates to Students.
freshmenits. ------- -
The prosecuting attorney wanted TRAGEDIAN LOUIS JAMES .AS
time to prepare the evidence, and was JULIUS CIESAR.
given until Thursday.
An Important Engagement at the
Opera House. Next Monday
Glee Club Prizes.
The Glee Club offers the follow-
ing prizes: For the best comic
song, $10, to be set to a new or
old air, or not, as writer pleases,
former alternative preferred. For
best "'gag," similar to "iat" and
'"Chair" drills, life-size portrait
photograph, value $14.00, pre-
sented by Gibson. The club will
consider and decide on the merit
of the productions, and reserves
the right to use those not awarded
the prize. An arrangement has
been effected by which the comic
selection chosen will appear in
one of the college annuals. All
productions should be handed to
the president of the Club before
Dec. 1. Both students and mem.
bers of the Faculty are requested
to contribute.
Uev. Robert Nourse at Univer-
sity Hall to-night.
An event of unusual importance
to all lovers of legitimate acting
will be the appearance of Mr.
Louis James at the Opera House,
next Thursday evening, in Shake-
speare's greatest tragedy, "Julius
Cesar." Mr. James is now con-
sidered our leading actor of trag-
edy on the stage to-day, possess-
ing the intellectual dramatic at.
tributes of Edwin Booth and in
physical qualifications far sur-
passing him; Mr. Jamnes, in char-
acters like "Brutus" in ''Julius
Cesar," ''Virginius" and "Othel-
lo," stands to-day without an
equal. His dramatic education
has been long and enthusiastic.
His conceptions of a character
are true and his presentation of
them in harmony with his ideal.
We are free to aver that there
will be no other occasion so fertile
in interest at the Opera House
this season.

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