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November 15, 1890 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-11-15

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. V'OL- I. No. 42.
XF E A T E D !
. vs. CORNELL.
COu.1ELL 20, U. OF M. 5.
A Large'-Crowd Witness our
Maio Seriously Interferes With
the Game.
l*5i±5l to theL . of M". "I3 IX. 1
DETROIT, Nov. 15, 1890.
ae gamt was called at two-
ity. - J. H. cMillen acted as
"eferee, V. G. Williams, umpire.
t llowing is the make-up of the
y *o . Positions. Cornell.
e.. . R. E......horton.
th $ .-........I .'T.......Ray.
C rlaotl .....it.G......Grilith.
1raIits e....,Center.....Galbreath.
rier-......L. G .....Colnon.
rettpi I
. Y .....L. T......Johnson.
Z11 nt.....L. E......Shepherd.
% -en.-...Qu'r back....Yawger.
bIg -'Left half back..Osgood.
Jff.....ight half back.Strait.
'ett. --- ....Full back. Iacon.
er, r
The U. of At. was well repre-
4"sted in Detoit to-day. About
students were on the special
ttt, } which arrived in Detroit at
and in spite of the gloomy
Bather, the Yellow and Blue
fldted gayly throughout the city.
n 'uly five thousand people were
Sh grounds. The rain seri-
'IY interfered with the game
Iade the ground very soft
and slippery. Cornell secured Gino Club Prtzon. X right, l av & (Co.
the first touch-down through Ra-, The Glee Club oters the follow-
scoring four points agatinst uts. lug prizes: Fot' the heat comic Foeg ues mpreso es
Osgood also made a touch-down, song, $10, to be set to a new or andart Gods, e atj o-
from which a goal was kicked. old air, or not, as writer pleases, c C tears.0 (act f erss o tse
This gave Cornell six more points, former alternative preferred. For F nes Soc et Baadges q,:ei, the
making the score 10-0 in favor best "gag," similar to ''liat" and c I t Sap esont pon pro-
of Cornell. ''Chair" drills, life-size portrait per e
Jewett, of the U. of M., made photograph, value $14.00, pre-
a touch-down, but it was disallow- sented by Gibson. The club will DatroitOjon lcay' B C.,
ed. consider and- decide on the tterit
Strait, of Corell, was ruled of the productions, and reserves 140 WOO)WARD A ,
utforslug the right to use those not awarded
outfr slugging, and Barr substi-
tuted. Jewett also slugged and the prize. An arrangement has MetroEt, - - M hi h1gan.
tis place was filled by Harless. been effected by which the comic -
selection chosen will appear in WHEN IN YPSILANTI,
Second half-lalley played one of the college annuals. All STOP Ar ETI
Ialf-back and 1)ufty, back. lar- productions should be handed to
less throttles and Cornell gets 25 the president of the Club before
yards. Cornell secures the ball I m t. b lebs
De 1_ Bloths.tudents andm Special Rate t stdents.
on a kick and Osgood and Ray
run with the ball. Osgood se-
cures a touch-down but no goal is
kicked. The ball is not crowded
over the line. Our ball is at the
three yards line. Duffy kicks low
and the ball bounds. Johnson
gets a touchdown and Bacon
kicks a goal, scuring 6 points.
The ball is now worked down
the field and Duffy drops a goal
from the 35 yard line. Cornell
works the ball from the goal.
Osgood and Ray by hard running
reach our 5 yard line. Harless
slugs and is ruled out. Pearson is
substituted, McKeon gets the ball
and runs. down the field. A
touch-down is made, but disallow-
ed on account of time. being call-
The score is 20-5 in favor of
Jewett did fine individual play-
ing, as did several of the other
boys, but the eleven lacked team
work. The ground was crowded
and the yellow and blue were the
predominating colors.
. . . 1 a ) 1:L . li U tl 1G t- ' a a - u ~ wa
bers of the Faculty are requested.........................-
ATHLETIC NOTES. An important Engagement at the
--- Opera House. Next Monday
At the Harvard Cycling Asso-
ciation open handicap meeting on
Holmes' field, at Cambridge, the
events and winners were as fol-
lows: Quarter mile ordinary--A.
P. Howe, Yale; time, 38 1-5
seconds. Half mile safety-F.
L. Olmstead, Jr., Harvard; time,
lm 19 1-5s. Two mile ordinary
-G. F. Taylor, Harvard; time,
but 47 2-5s. One mile safety
(inter-scholastic)- C. S. Pierce,
Roxbury Latin School; time, Stn
25 3-5s. Half mile safety (for
novices)-C. T. Keller, Harvard;
time, 1m 34 3-5s. One mile ordi-
nary-O. B. Hawes, Harvard;
time, 2 2 56 1-5s.
Cornell has a new trick, the
"turtle crawl", which they propose
to spring on the unsuspecting U.
of M. team.
There are 460 students at the
University of Virginia, a larger
number than ever before.
An event of unusual importance
to all lovers of legitimate acting
will be the appearance of Mr.
Louis Jates at the Opera House,
next Thursday evening, .in Shake-
speare's greatest tragedy, "Julius
CoMsar." Mr. James is now con-
sidered our leading actor of trag-
edy on the stage to-day, possess-
ing the intellectual dramatic at-
tributes of Edwin Booth and it
physical qualifications far sur-
passing him; Mr. Janes, in char-
acters like "Brutus" in 'Julius
Cesar," 4'Virginius" and "Othel-
lo," stands to-day without an
equal. His dramatic education
has been long and enthusiastic.
His conceptions of a character
are true and his presentation of
them in harmony with his ideal.
We are free to aver that there
will be no other occasion so fertile
in interest at the Opera House
this season.

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