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December 15, 1890 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-12-15

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T \
Anual Address Before the
IS. C. A.
th l ,l1 te i thellrcol,
! 33 visl1
'c i is 0l(1 :' 1 Clos
" y ii
hut ill
It t1 lie 0 't; 1 I l c
l t.lt.t~
.7111 IIi I
oftt rist Ilero_, of t ile flaIr,
Cufui tothe aid otes,
. } . l cokO
l ly portraiei. ieci
Irt of self-sacrifice aitd iiiiiWer-
1'rseaeto ite distitngiihted
1 lrSt life---.thie emptatiolns ill
tf fli10ress, tile aiiiiletittil-
tflli SdiscipAles, Juedas' teach-
Vd l" ibirdeti, of tC iiiso f
wolrld-.,allI failed to turii
1%.Qu its purpose. fCirist hali
' if r>3 "iiiottrv whelni liecola
h'5it 1i'111 l i
t'lfss atiti rolt.e lemfewnts
l 1 diedhighidetilt.ts itall
l Practical affait,of datile lift.; lie
~l rogr~l55ssit. freatilt. c What
itpo llonear Co us is thtie itis
ift lecy of wviteallt ttttv ti.
'h hl Un t.1ion niade its first
e erallft last night aodpefofrmefd
r~l usCaI part of theer~vices in a
admirable manner. The sing-
ilatigtmust indeed hsave been
reelto010tohose who have never
ei~r heard a large, well-trained
ch r s 11 1 1 . . l 11111 l t. l i 1,1 ' I le
#r t, ii.. v I I I - 11k, of tlw 1I i c
Ptehitstortc SMall
t.p ric nli e-llit i i 111-r. liitn-
til ClIljcai tal-ii] ti-ilt .
ica l oletI- 11 I r h st ill 1 :
tloni i t a I lts w al , I 1
jlilil, loll o ISwa C i l CIt
-iiii-iitiol-ia iarc llma gtiilali ies pcie -
weie nniio iii toitalield. ea
111tisetCie lecur.\ i1 tin o
thers li~t-crcasre iaveor alttet.t
C>il te til e'i'a r c illsert11of1;1aturda
M111.ettii. 'itelaeat 1 lthct tiled
citei;1 apic ia ithel if ever parIth h
ro(,i"!tas torat. '71' lte ae rtiotin
ott it'ctriteiierge espci~allyineoti,7
thiel siilies thier sect.-whl
HidPr herCrloliitt ner ttil
iths ofi . rtti Le fcte ANsciations
whil iere isioi ir ntedu xiiiMr. is-
liers wremen tiinlyrecompenstedeaiy
iayaocethelis-Prk cneti Citesyathea
avitti reccelCite tiauikseof Cie sit
theirtspwascCiteoapearavire ofrCite
lepadiedreess T heite lrsonit
anei:iewsandBlue, adlCitnorettdrin
panyCr, sa wolisinferiorintouthe
Philharmonic Club, yeciteflects
caionstorhaebrouht themsofhee
Capt. Thayers neath.
Cap.Cha. iii- i lii I o ha
r l" i ll C C I Ii c'lt 1". 11 i s IiilL 11 > '
I li 1ta l 1 83-_ li lI tw 1'i )~:.-i
I - hl1! lI C I r llr " p .Ila e
11; Iii 111 1iit.21); " f t~ t :. 23
I i l I _'I 1 i l 1 1 ltt~ t c
t11ie 141d ' '-41,1t1,1,isrili tif ltsllil It}1:at
Ne tlt 1 iir7 tievf ofa Clins s t"iC115
itttill a for Cite pJroitoiotof Cite
art tid ciies. ltl e{.Universtyw
Ac eri ulpotoagracenis whih rof.
tue, sta Cite clctrigof dtysems
toea iolttioiU. of AC ite tiflas,
inituatin ost-ahttte ptomtie hoardtof
aitiries t N ciho t r hwichicPtrCit
to bie secreartif Cthe tearitltws,
wh-iere they hope fitr a favorabile tie-
tiston. 'me tie N ii oirk ideputy's
rulitig affects nottttitly this inistitti-
tiont,tiut all other collegers ill this
'Te Freshtmetn withste expetrience
of thseir fiirat attempt to elect class
officers before thsemn, tad been so
careful in preparing for the second
attempt that they thsoughst no unfair-
ness could occur, but as a matter of
fact quite a number-of frat upper
classmen voted, and several also
"oted twice or thsree times.
W rightKay &Go.
I, ,tCCPi
II I , C l It-' f'
io-1rilriviitii tIse
Hasrivarii Citttrs,
(ainiridge. Class.
A SpdlidI New hine of Gentle-
men'usUndserivear, Gloies, lies, &c.
Also Sportitig aind Athtletic Goods.
Chas. Speller & .
20 1-2 5 State.
iAN sEAttN IlO
Iv ttatdressintg a Postallcatrtd to
Mantager Michtigtat League Teachers'
-4NJNf2?Boq, - - yJCHI G.
Several Good Positions to be Filled
by January 5, 1891

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