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October 15, 1890 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-10-15

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Published Daily (Sundays excepted) dluring
the College yeur, by
Subseriltiospriee $2,50 perr yer, invariably
iudiunr c(. Siugle copies 3 crots,.tin -ale at
hbeelsnsaled tout Office onews sdevery
ecenin-titt 6 o'clock. Oaleseiptiottosmayp be
left atte oilijee of she Dii st, l it l1e10 e
block, auS hlerehatis, usStoflet's, (,r N t any
of te ediiors.
Ctimmuntnications should reach tise oiier by
t0 A. Mt. it they oretottaspear the rotor say.
Atidressoti11 platter itstettded far publicatioi tot
the Managisng Editosr. All business commtun-
icationossouldi be sent to tte BuesitesMate
Rtepoirt till neglect on testart of Catrriers to
the City Ciirctultator, W. B. ONeisi.
Ann Arbor, MieS.
H. B. SHOEMAKER. -a. MNAaa Eurron.
A. H. CanERT's', n.AWT. MAN~AGINaEaITOn..
W. B. O'NEI. as.91,As-T. Bas. MANGR
R. W. DOUGHTeY,-no.2, s'..Bus. MNAE..
5-E.lisi. G liiN f . 5. 11,iltt17,a s.
lits-st tWis. 'l91. 11. Iil. lt's ouch'.t1.
I:. L IIeAS ,3. C .. SPAIN, '94.
from a college 'Itiel, it must be STUDENTS' BOOKS-
confessed by all, surpasses 11 BUY YOUR~ COLLEGE
other Amtericain institutionsisn TEXT BoOKs. LAW ANDP MEDICAL BOOKS
both athletic mtantagement anid NT sTl
The toiliir comes fromt a college Secondi-hatnd books at ilowu pricea. We are agenits of Pauli E. Wirt, Scott and
whi-ihiltfac-ulty- antdstuodents Rllandtifounitain penus. Bargaiints isastationtery.
ioa-c l'til to bet-otte the rilval of & -
itioytsiv ines the u mitiber- of M HIA EN I
stutdenitsit posetsses, anll tot T«1.UheNiagara Falls Rants.' 'eol iain u nnavi
pottant athletic features far- out- CENTRAL STANDARD TIME.
strippinig thtems. It is the cei- N'D.THE
deavor of both these editors to N .0a
arorise by fair anid canidid criticismi A1 R Y BNSHSS tCO MOE 6aE,
the enithussiasmof the studens in ° fl 0 0
our sports, to advocate easterni La t-rCc ;On00
miethiods whterea-er they may be i
fouind expedienit here, and ulti- -oDT H E BEST - I 0et ,V
intly SPto lalce (ouruivt-rs-ity- oil se teent-sisteaehiers.liBiard tith u rishest
an t-qual tootinglewith (lie ttc Ot50 111 ii
easternlcolisgetsiotaer tics as __it __P. R. CLEARY, President. -.-
(Nies- r 1 is- rtsoe tl tit tt t the 1411ClT A 10 D NI Y
ICtaI as 0 0 w utttt-~ i t isltta-c.ste-.-t(.EIc;ss-__s.
- lsltao '00tt) w a no nc, 1101ii ssietit taleutcis Isis-al tisli-i I
titi~-101 -u, a . 5ittlgililI sticc Isr I,}tetulttle il. BANvK BOOKS.
a~l~illl.S till SlllliS I.'tilrIlrlt. .-iaissssi ii itttoi Masistltaci'.( LTIILFTI2 QDOD3 AND STUDENTS' FSUPPLIES
isle otil ead-erswitli otlo-ittie Ti'vs' Tltiss Stet,:lit Lundryt. >
lyiesi arryvali tf 1 ITlS canielt at i esat lie of'FO) 0 NTA IN11 S i(it- h
attlilt-et itt-ne 011111 livea O t one t- tiyllllc-ya t-'city.. he- (leait, Siota Water,
timelor(itittotlle, efined-h u (r ipo.- Tt'sfilt iilrmaero s. 'Wa gner' & Ctl~fteloti n(tall .utmcitea,
sitioi titt regasrdlto this imllorftt tlv-M-ttii1eay (gl's011 slO~
ft-atture of -olle-ge lift-, lie posi- Oa ricostitig~s att taffertlai. YTISPtSTW01OtON
tion. of sporinhg editor- ont acollege lt-ffristtttg 52sdiiaaari t26 Cai ai=' e SAtES=
Piller is thle 0511etitst difficitit to Slit-ea repaired ott Libertsneart State. DL. DOWD'S HEALTH EXERCISER.
l I Fo itan-WttermZ: Seetary Ptople:
fill itt a satisfactory tinantneriof any v Wogior &'k-).Co105tw -11witig a1n1ele- IGestleent, Ladles, Youtha; the
gtlu tte ef Yt-t l t s Oa'ercoats. A thtleteour Inval~id. A cotttltltl
of the board. To be a good r, niaim Tksubtoi.
t5 Aet Till!1it\' OtJills see the Mcin1C- ds0su aroo tutmous,, sentfc
toall. durablle,comspreheosive, rheap.
athletic reporter, oemutn t jr nosdyoaligctiltt l lotcl-it15at lThe Two yers, tlert imen, editortsat othes')
only be ass athletic enthusiast 11h1n- Stums.Ir nvo ai. stas-soitSend -atonetlt' crca-D1
self anid fully aequaited with all liii to E. 1B. 01a10 for coal. Le'lsst .. toutdScietiic ht iel sanud
tile points of the gaime, which lie Blathtsit-c att P. 0. Ba~rtber Slit-i. .htt-itt i n
Mlli(llpupie, Teacher of Gitaor, 2~ 1\
unidertakces to chronicle, btut lie Banijos aiuti Mandolin at Ciements.
moust, it additiont to thus, be able to Bluy scigairs, candyi, stationiery, etc..,
write atm accurate aind graphic dis-otGasr .aslo-in. FluENt-B top1?CREANS. FINEST FRiENCHi
Go tt- Staeibler for best hatrd atid soft COOsiat. LOaWEST i-RIuCES FOR
cription of the gamie as lie set-s it.ctol iV.Wuigt-it.iETMruuL
e mut b acqained o ( oly isiager Ba loxters Star Laundsry. 71 Fort St.. Went. - Detroit, Mitch.
lie ustbe ccjaimted21(0 othyJi1ttitortit sofAIn, onl Fosirtli ut. CITY LIVERY AND SALE STABLE.'
wuithi his owtn college and its short- Newau-iiuecof Statiomiery at GrtiberS n. C. .ant T, 'let 51mb.ox
Ns 13 ad 5wainetn mt. - Ypsilanti, e.
ing characters, buit it- must becomle Rbost-s th ie best atud cleastest ctol. hicef-elooa iRigs and sutishs Sad(tl lie orses
Yard, ,'. lurous street, neatr railroadi. fosr Hice..
acq~uaiuted, if possible, by assoc-ia- Buty ctoil oand awoodi of .Jtudson, State
tion with the athiletic smaagemt'ent street.1
- -- S-T-OLEN:--A Goild Heouaed iUmbrella
and features of otiter utstitutions. entgrav-edl, 'Ii. Iluties, Grd. LedigeWts-uldgreo nlui
'Wit a usi deget-of suthtus- Sicli. Ali imfrmait aill but reaaaru!.
at 4 Chuircht street.,4
asni for his owvn college, hue must Sostietlimg itt it. " U. of M." PUJ-E 0, T0 A P j,
yet, motthirotughiigmoranice or big- gutitar. Qtulity highest. lPriceslws.Gaote.Aln u-s er NO. 0 YI IhURON ST.
otry, stiffer its faults to escapet- 1. & 0. (Co., udealers int everythinsg tuu-
sicoal. it-s S. Maini.--: - 1"= °
huit. It wuill be seen that fe ani A pitue assortmnmt of eu-eirythting ill
at time JUiversity of iMichigan or at Haordaware at Eberbachi Haordaware to.'s. f - ^~
othertuniersiy areableto Ko-ehi& Ilemiie, 56 astul38Main St. 'c'lcaa-
any oteliivriyae bet eadquai~rters for fuirnituire andtlcar- -
fulfill all these requirements. Yet pets. l lse aifat lil a J:
tieDIY cosiety blee advaies the coat of strings 25 per -Y j-
tla i asfun womn h aecent., I gularantee to sell blue beat ansd 0~O SATRD>nAY EgVE.,
strongest strinugs at old prices, viz., coe s
able to do so. 10c for violin and guitar, 8c for banjo, Oc° e S
These glien are F. B. Tibbals, 3 plain wire 10c, and guarantee them il RUlflJ P UILD41"
eadt n odi hsct tay(Yale '88) and Ralphi Stone, prie. A fresh stock to-day. See the
(Swarhmor '$9elegan~t Bay St te guitars.PFind (te PRICES- 5 50 AND 75 CENTS.
(wr. necmsplanes,2) So. 4th Ave. A. Wilsey. $eata en Saie 4 P.O0. News Seem.
, t i a c
'aao I(aouO
Itlitily. *Sundsay- exceptled.
0. aW. BUGGLES, 11. a- lAVES.
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.
Time Table suing intaoafec, Moinday,.No. 25-
'Guing Eurthu aTATIONn. GoingSonuth.
;Stan. Core Gd. Standued Tints. Ci're ad. Mo
1Sap. EPap. Mali taEx. Mailt 555
... 21.1100 6 .04 ..TOLEOO..I.r.1 t10 11 1.5-
4117 6 40Oonnoe Jusct'n 52 27102us-.""
-.... t 17"647-....Dundee.-.12 2010 t8
-... ot 3 7 5!..-Mimon .1200 0495-
4s5t 022 ....Pittueud too s1s41 a--3
... 01 33..ANN ARB~OR 11tO 30-022.
6 3t' 'e 5t+ Lelnd's. .11 5 90
51147 8111.WhitoeLeg-1o02 85.
....52t3 8410....Hobur....-0 5 011ij.s..
-... 628S 5..DaRoell..d- I0 2b 8 7,S--.
....705310 05-...Coeunnn-. 915 O6--7
-S00 110 ..iOwoso.....09 10 6 .41,
9'2'~1250-..St. Louis...7 321S .55.
.....9 3212 08 ...Alma.....7285 13tt..-
An . 10 t15.1Z45 ...31t. Pleasant....614.5 4 35 r. i
1 3010 4512t0t......Cluare..-omit 40i880
5143 .... 1 432-..Farewell..., ... 35261
7 30t-...tIv.... Cadilac... - iF .... 1i560
855--...4 40...C9mih.. 054
m16e--52zit -.Ouekama. - '3 4
1 2-...1625 ...MHanistee. - 3715 2 3C
lull--..t51S ...ltecoaia -1. ..810 326i
ir.0.. 5t40...F-anlftl..... 7150
Saginaw Div iSlon.
Guing Norsthi STATI. GoingSouth-
Pan Pasn. Pass gPO
>Pns- A. e.) t] Ar. AM.....P>
5 07- git.7 3 Ann Arborn.. 11 305-....
q 6....96 Fla~sing..... 843- 66
to. 195 Emnlnanw.. 7 45 5:
15 W AULT A. JJA&I$j ,5
EO. H. iAZLEWOOD. Loe1I .n5Xvt

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