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February 14, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…News: 76-DAILY Advertising: 764-0554 w it gr ml Ua One hundred siA years rf editolaifreedom Friday February 14, 1997 glilgoill State 0 Minimum wage raise to $5.15 will not affect most stufdents B effrey Kosseff Daily Staff Reporter Many University students said bills passed Wednesday in the state House and Senate proposing to raise the state minimum wage to $5.15 an hour will not affect them. In Ann Arbor's- competitive job mar- ket, ma...…

February 14, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…E it I1a *rn1 Weather Tonight: Variable cloudiness, low 15. Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy, high around 280. One hundredfve years ofeditoralfreedom W y4ednesday February 14, 1996 ,.: ., .. . , .y: y+'9x ' . . c '..y. ,,.- , . , .Ni Mr., > r ~ .'.t na n., , ra,. 3y ea~nr ..w,=:: <.§ a.+ ": sag h: . :xa, a .,.a, , x s 6 , ,. ..:- .r, ; e- '" ,., <,<.. , . * ' w+ -r,4 "9 * C' ., :'^# r, t." nr' f a r yl;:. + ' t 1 ,+r1 :a .. Ky {a . :.:. s .' a. y....…

February 14, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…2~ItI n "ItI Weather Tonight: Cloudy, periods of snow, high 30%. Tomorrow: Sleet and freezing rain, high 40'. One hundred four years of editorial freedom Tuesday February 14, 1995 faL CV* (0. 76 . I Pass/fail proposal meets opposition at special forum By Cathy Boguslaski Daily Staff Reporter ~A proposal to eliminate the pass/fail op- tion for fourth-term foreign language classes drew fire last night at an open meeting de- signed to so...…

February 14, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…Jr *d rti One hundred three years of editorial freedom Court orders 'U' to disclose records in '88 presidential search By JAMES R. CHO DAILY STAFF REPORTER Thanks to a court order issued Friday by a local judge, the public Way soon know who James Duder- stadt beat out in his quest to become University president. Washtenaw County Circuit Court Judge Patrick Conlin ordered the University to release unedited min- utes, list of candidates, rat...…

February 14, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…Dating is a sensitive topic for many people, but combined with the issue of race relations, everyone has an opinion. This FridayFOCUS examines the ups and downs of interracial dating. Austin, Texas or Ann Arbor, Michigan - Richard Linklater proves that it doesn't matter which college town you're in, you'll always find a Slacker. Wouldn't you like to be a slacker too? The Michigan icers have two straight home games with Miami this weekend. Th...…

February 14, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

…WIND.. Republicanism ruined the 'Mats. See ARTS Page 9. 41v EAH TODAY Windy, colder, flurries; High: 30, Low: 13. TOMORROW Really cold, flurries; High: 20, Low: 8. Since 1890 Vol. Cl, No.96 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, February 14, 1991 Copyright 199 The Michigan aiy Young *alleges " - racism in probe DETROIT (AP) - Mayor Coleman Young replaced his in- dicted police chief yesterday, as he accused federal prosecutors of waging a vendetta...…

February 14, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…V.;".,.N 'r :ti::,::i :^.}i^^^i'{:i}:::v: }+.}:,::::::.V.:................... :.:: v::::::; N......... .:::::.::.... ., , M OPINION 4 ARTS 7 SPORTS Mark Ouimet leads the Wolverines 9 Minority enrollment deserves more attention }y }:+~* ~ .""iv t{::.}.,vy i.t~i'i~i}it+^:: ^:.: Tinsley Ellis comes to Ann Arbor k..'+' '' .k' ;:;t7'k,\;v' : ' . r'' '' .'' .."v"v'' 5,' ,''.".,'t 5t' :\'' .\4 .,'v £:.4 . : k. :38z y:+" '+' '^Y:::' a.',\'i,...…

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