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February 14, 1991 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-02-14

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ruined the 'Mats.
Page 9.


Windy, colder, flurries;
High: 30, Low: 13.
Really cold, flurries;
High: 20, Low: 8.

Since 1890
Vol. Cl, No.96 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, February 14, 1991 Copyright 199
The Michigan aiy

" -
in probe
DETROIT (AP) - Mayor
Coleman Young replaced his in-
dicted police chief yesterday, as
he accused federal prosecutors of
waging a vendetta against black
officials, particularly Young him-
"This, in my opinion, is a polit-
ical trial," said Young. "The chief
was indicted because he got
caught in a trap that was set for
Chief William Hart and former
civilian Deputy Chief Kenneth
Weiner, an ex-business partner of
the mayor's, were charged Monday
with embezzling $2.6 million from
a secret police fund used to pay in-
formants and make drug buys.
They face arraignment Friday.
Young appointed Stanley Knox
as police chief, and he suspended
Uart with pay, pending reassign-
ment to other duties. Knox is a 25-
year veteran of the department and
had been commander of the 10th
Precinct since 1986.
"I believe in getting things
done," Knox said before his wife,
police Cmdr. Dorothy Knox,
pinned the chief's badge on him.
"I'm going to work as hard as I can
to make officers proud of this de-
The police fund investigation
began 18 months ago based on in-
formation Weiner supplied the FBI
and Internal Revenue Service
about what he claimed was
money-laundering and bribe-taking
by Young.,
U.S. Attorney Stephen Mark-
man said the probe failed to un-
cover evidence that the mayor
broke the law.
Asked if he thought the investi-
gation was racially motivated,
Young said, "I certainly do." He
said it was part of a pattern of fed-
,ral attacks on black leaders going
,back to former FBI Director J.
tdgar Hoover's prosecution of
black nationalist leader Marcus
, Garvey in the 1920s.
Markman said yesterday he
'would comment later in the day.

Iraq: Allied
forces bombed
civilian shelter

Associated Press
Allied warplanes, in a pinpoint
bombing that sent shock waves far
beyond Iraq, destroyed an under-
ground shelter in Baghdad yester-
day, and officials there said 500
civilians were killed. The United
States called it a military com-
mand center, not a bomb shelter.
By nightfall, 14 hours after the
pre-dawn attack, crews were still
pulling charred bodies, some of
them children, from the demol-
ished structure, an Associated
Press correspondent reported from
Iraq's health minister, Abdel-
Salam Mohammed Saeed, de-
scribed the precision bombing as
"a well-planned crime."
But the U.S. command in Saudi
Arabia, and later the White House,
said the subterranean concrete fa-
cility had been positively identi-
fied as an Iraqi military command-
and-control center.
"We don't know why civilians
were at that location," said Marlin
Fitzwater, President Bush's
spokesperson. American officials
blamed Iraq's leadership for the

tragedy, saying it had put civilians
"in harm's way."
At the daily news briefing in
Riyadh, an emphatic Brig. Gen.
Richard Neal, speaking for the
U.S. command, told reporters: "I'm
here to tell you that it was a mili-
tary bunker. It was a command-
and-control facility."
Late yesterday, Foreign Minis-
ter Tariq Aziz called on the United
Nations to condemn what he
called a deliberate attack on civil-
ians. Aziz' report said 400 died in
the shelter bombing, but it wasn't
clear when his letter was sent.
"The Iraqi people hold all the
parties involved in these crimes
fully responsible," Aziz said in a
message addressed to U.N. Secre-
tary-General Javier Perez de Cuel-
The AP correspondent, Dilip
Ganguly, inspected the ruins with
other journalists and said he saw
no obvious sign of a military pres-
ence, and Iraqi authorities denied
that any military personnel had
been using the facility.
The night's raids on Baghdad,
See GULF, Page 2

For me?
Shelley Dobbs prepares a bouquet for Valentine's Day at Chelsea Flower Shop where approximately 2,000 roses
were sold yesterday.

Expulsion sparks free speech debate

by Shalini Patel
Daily Staff Reporter
The recent expulsion of a
Brown University student who
made racist, anti-semitic, and anti-
gay slurs will fuel an already
heated debate about free speech
raging here and on college cam-
puses around the country.
Douglas Hann was found guilty
of violating Brown's non-discrimi-
nation policy and expelled. Hann
had previously been reprimanded
under the policy for making racist
"I think it's great," said Emery
Smith, board member of the Ella
Baker-Nelson Mandela Center for
Anti-Racist Education. "It shows
the university is not going to toler-
ate that kind of behavior."

According to sources, a wit-
ness, who spoke on the condition
of anonymity, said that Harm
yelled a racist remark incorporat-
ing the word "nigger" in a dormi-
tory courtyard. According to the
witness, Hann did not direct the
comment at any individual.
Second-year law student Steve
Pearlman, a member of the Ann
Arbor chapter of the American
Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) said
Hann should not be punished for
comments he made generally
without reference to a specific per-
When a student in the dormi-
tory told Hann to quiet down, Hann
responded with shouts using the
words "faggot" and "Jew."
"No one's really going to argue

that provocation and personal
threats can be protected under the
First Amendment, but you have to
be very careful about violent
speech," Pearlman added. "You
don't want to get into a situation
where you're interfering with a
student's right to speech."
A Federal court struck down the
University discriminatory harass-
ment policy in 1989, saying it was
too vague to be enforced. Univer-
sity President James Duderstadt
has since instituted an "interim
policy," using the powers granted
to him under regental bylaw 2.01.
The University's "Interim pol-
icy on discriminatory conduct"
states, "Physical acts of threats or
verbal slurs... referring to an indi-
vidual's race, ethnicity, religion,

sex, sexual orientation, creed, na-
tional origin, ancestry, age, or
handicap made with the purpose of
injuring the person to whom the
words or actions are directed and_
that are not made as a part of a
discussion or exchange of an idea,
ideology or philosophy are prohib-
The University policy includes
expulsion as one of the sanctions
which can be imposed on a student
violating the code, although that
course of action has never been
The University's policy is one
of 125 codes imposed by colleges
to punish "violent" or "hate"
speech. Until Monday, however,
no student in the country had been
expelled under the code.

The proponents of these codes
argue that racist and anti-gay
speech creates a threatening envi-
ronment for students and may
cause violence.
"Speech that incites violence
against lesbians and people of
color is not free speech," said
graduate student Tracye Matthews,
a member of People of Color
Against War and Racism. "Speech
is a form of action, and certain
forms of action are not legally pro-
Critics allege that not only do
discriminatory conduct policies in-
fringe on First Amendment rights,
they do nothing to alter the cli-
mate in which racist, sexist, and
homophobic remarks are made.

Student activist

by Gwen Shaffer
Daily Staff Reporter
Disruptions, verbal harassment,
and intimidation are just some of
the tactics campus organization
leaders claim the Revolutionary
Workers League (RWL) has used
after infiltrating their groups.
From the United Coalition
Against Racism (UCAR) to Stu-
dents Against U.S. Intervention in
the Middle East (SAUSI), the
RWL been embroiled in a string of
conflicts with University activists.
"We're a Trotskyist group,"

said RWL supporter John Payne.
"We still feel that socialism is
possible and needs to be built...
We work in all the progressive
movements we can," he added.
Student Rights Commission
member Mark Buchan said, "The
RWL has a history of infiltrating
groups and disrupting them."
UCAR member Tracye Matt-
hews added, "I think they realize
that they can't organize and build
a base on their own, so they take
over others."
Payne explained, "We're a

small group. We can't do actio
by ourselves."
Buchan said problems with th
RWL go beyond differing politic
"Not only have they spoken o
of line, they have physically an
verbally harassed men and womc
until the point that they did n
feel safe at our meetings," Buch
This sentiment was echoed 1
several other organizationso
campus who said they felt th
RWL attempted to monopoli

, RWLc
ns them, causing strife. RWL mem-
bers and supporters were eventu-
he ally asked to leave various campus
al organizations.
"There were a few RWL mem-
ut bers who were also members of
nd LaGROC (Lesbian and Gay Rights
en Organizing Committee). The prob-
ot lem was that they would crowd the
an agenda with things they wanted to
do," said LaGROC member Pat
by Bach. "If members rejected their
on suggestions, they were very quick
he to label people racist or sexist,"
ze she added.

lash repeatedly
AIDS Coalition to Unleash ship is small, they seem to have
Power (ACT-UP) member David substantial influence, said Student
Rosenberg agreed. "RWL is very Rights Commission (SRC) Chair
hierarchical and didactic - very Corey Dolgon.
patronizing," he said. "Their atti- "Even though they are a small
tude was, 'We know what the right number of people, they try to dom-
agenda is.' RWL jams their ideol- inate discussions and strategies,"
ogy down people's throats." Dolgon said. The RWL attempts to
Payne said the RWL is a fair manipulate the collective energy
organization that follows demo- and excitement of a group toward
cratic policies. "All we would do their own plan of "direct and often
is make proposals. All we were try- violent" tactics, he said.
ing to do is sway the people in the Dolgon cited the student take
middle towards our ideas." over of the Fleming Building dur-
Although local RWL member- See RWL, Page 2

Prof. denounces Harvard
Law School's hiring policy

by Marc Ciagne

by Larl Barager
Daily Staff Reporter
Derrick Bell, a Harvard Law
School professor, teaches "real
history, the real lesson of slavery
and racial subordination," and
challenges African American stu-
dents to "extract solutions from our
survival even as we suffer from
what is often bottomless despair,"
said one of his students.
Bell, who spoke last night be-
S rar ne ...,-nnitu auience in

real diversity would add persons of
truly divergent ideologies to the
staff - not those who "look like a
black man and think like a white
The audience applauded Bell's
call for white men and women to
be hired on the basis of their past
performance and accomplishments
rather than their grades while in
T. f .. __ . .7 - - - .._ _ -

Blacks have different ideas about
style, polities and the whole basis
of the culture of Black Americans
is different."
Bell said he thinks whites are
resisting integration because they
are afraid of letting people whom
they perceive as having a different
and inferior culture into their sys-
"Virtually anyone who feels it

Making a statement through si-
lence, about 100 people met on
the Diag last night to mourn the
loss of Iraqi lives in the Allied
bombing of an underground shelter

,. v.

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