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February 14, 1997 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-02-14

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One hundred siA years rf editolaifreedom

February 14, 1997


0 Minimum wage raise
to $5.15 will not
affect most stufdents
B effrey Kosseff
Daily Staff Reporter
Many University students said bills
passed Wednesday in the state House
and Senate proposing to raise the state
minimum wage to $5.15 an hour will
not affect them.
In Ann Arbor's- competitive job mar-
ket, many said a minimum wage of
$5.15 would not boost their income.
make more than that," said LSA

........... ..................

junior Buffy Beattie. "Most students I
know make at least $6 an hour."
The House and Senate bills are simi-
lar in the overall minimum wage, with a
few minor differences. The Senate bill,
proposed by Sen. Loren Bennett (R-
Canton) allows a training wage of $4.25
for workers under 20 during the first 90
days of employment.
The House bill, proposed by Rep.
Bob Emerson (D-Flint) would raise the
minimum hourly wage for tipped
employees from $2.52 to $3.87. Some
University students who work in restau-
rants said they hope their minimum
wage will increase to give them a more

ioost wages

steady flow of income.
"There are many times you don't
get a lot of tips when it is a slow
night," said Christy Cowden, an LSA
senior who waits tables in Touchdown
But some legislators said an increase
in tipped employees' wages could result
in lost jobs for many waiters and wait-
"It will just cost the business money"
said Sen. Joanne Emmons (R-Big
Rapids). "Servers could lose their jobs
easily because these are very marginal
jobs "
However, some local restaurant own-

ers said an increase in servers' wages
would not result in lay-offs.
"Here we would not decrease our
workforce," said Eileen Carroll, the
manager of Red Hawk Bar and Grill.
Bennett said he is confident the
House and Senate will come to a com-
promise as soon as Tuesday.
"There is not a great deal of differ-
ence between the two bills," Bennett
Bennett said he admits his bill, which
passed in the state Senate 37-1, will not
affect many people in the state because
the federal minimum wage of $5.15
See WAGES, Page 2


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Lisa Dubrine, an LSA junior by day but a waitress at Good Time Charley's by night,
says she makes $2.50 an per-hour plus tips, a normal wage for area wait staffers.
Clinton: Syria
must negotiate

By Karen Molla
For the Daily
As cupid's arrow kicks off anoth-
er Valentine's Day, many students
are reminded of how much friends
and loved ones care when they
receive the traditional cards, candy,
and flowers.'
However, February 14 marks
another holiday, but one sponsored
y the American Social Health
Association -- National Condom
National Condom Day was
founded in 1992 to remind couples
to make love responsibly by protect-
ing their sexual health.
But due to theAIDS Awareness
Week festivities on campus that
ended just five days ago, nothing
Was planned at the University for
Condom Week, which continues
until February 21.
Polly Paulson, health education
coordinator at University Health
Services, said there were no activi-
ties plannned because of the AIDS
NAMES Project Memorial Quilt's
display on campus last week.
LSA first-year student Andy
Linquiest said most people are
lready well-informed about safe
ex issues.
"I didn't know that there was a
need for National Condom Day or
Week since there has been more
than enough education about sexu-
ally transmitted diseases," Linquiest
said. "Everyone has to know the
danger of not using a condom by
now, but there are always those who
See DAY, Page 2

* Clinton discusses
Mideast peace situa-
tion with Netanyahu
WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Clinton said yesterday the recent
Israeli-Palestinian agreement had creat-
ed "a renewed sense of promise in the
Middle East" but chances for compre-
hensive peace rested on Syria resuming
negotiations with Israel.
C I i n t o n,
standing along-
side Israeli
Prime Minister I do fe
B e n j a m i n
Netanyahu, encouraz
said they had
engaged in d $s uss$
"extensive dis- h v
cussions" about h e had
Syria and the -Pr
peace process.
But Clinton
declined to reveal any details when
asked if they had discussed any new
Israeli proposals for land concessions
in the Golan Heights.
Clinton said talking publicly of any
such proposals would set back negoti-
ations. But he added: "I do feel
encouraged by the discussions we
have had that there are things worth
working on."
Netanyahu, for his part, said Syria
could show its good faith by exerting
its influence in Lebanon to reduce
the military capacity of Hezbollah
Until then, he said Israel would not
withdraw its troops from southern
Lebanon because "if we simply walked
away ... Hezbollah and other terrorists
would simply come to the (border) and
attack our towns and villages."
It was Clinton's first meeting with
Netanyahu since the Israeli leader and
Palestinian Chief Yasser Arafat ended a
dangerous impasse last month by
agreeing to, then implementing, Israel's
long-delayed pullout from Hebron and
parts of the West Bank.


Referring to the Hebron agreement,
Clinton said: "There is a renewed sense
of promise in the Middle East."
Netanyahu said Israel already has
acted and the next moves should come
from others. "I think we've taken bold
steps for peace," the Israeli leader said.
"It's time that we see such steps from
our partners as well," the prime minis-
ter said."And if we have this mutuality,
we will have, I think, a great future, a
different future and hope for our chil-
dren and our
Netanyahu was
the first of four
ythe Middle East lead-
d b ers scheduled to
meet Clinton in
Is we coming weeks.
If The president
also will see
sident Clinton Arafat, Egyptian
President Hosmi.
Mubarak and
Jordan's King Hussein.
In talks with Netanyahu, Clinton
explored possible steps toward resum-
ing peace talks with Syria. Those dis-
cussions were broken off a year ago
after Islamic militants carried out sui-
cide bombings in Israel.
Syria is insisting that Israel surrender
the Golan Heights, a strategic plateau
along their border, as its price for peace.
Israel captured the Golan in the 1967
Six-Day War.
Netanyahu was said to have brought
to Washington a territorial compromise
on the Golan. The United States
believes Syrian President Hafez Assad
will not sign a peace agreement without
getting back all of the plateau.
In the Hebron agreement, Netanyahu
accepted the principle of pulling Israeli
troops back from land claimed by the
Arabs. Previous Israeli governments
had supported the land-for-peace for-
mula favored by the Arabs and the
United States, and were said even to
have promised Syria to leave the Golan,
but Netanyahu had been a holdout until
last month's agreement.

Martin Folk, a chef at Stockwell residence hail, saws his way through a piece of ice for a St. Valentine's Day sculpture out-
side the residence hall. Ice sculptures are on display in front of Stockwell every winter.

Annual Kiss-In on D

By Ericka M. Smith
Daily Staff Reporter
Heterosexual hearts are not the only
ones hoping to receive chocolates and
flowers today.
The Queer Unity Project is celebrat-
ing St. Valentine's Day by sponsoring a
Kiss-In event at noon on the Diag.
At least 100 students, faculty, staff and
community members are expected to
gather to hear poetry and listen to
speeches in support of the gay, lesbian

and bisexual communities today.
Queer Unity Project President Ryan
Moody-LaLonde, an Art senior, said
protesting on the Diag "just seems like
the most logical place for the rally."
"The Diag has way too long been a
place where opposite sex couples hang-
out," LaLonde said. "We're just going
to try and claim it for one day."
During the demonstration, same-sex
couples will be encouraged to kiss and
be affectionate in public.

Ronni Sanlo, director of the Lesbian,
Gay and Bisexual Programs Office, said
the significance of this event extends not
only to the gay community, but to the
entire University community as well.
"It's important to have an event like
this to foster the visibility of lesbian,
gay, bisexual and transgender stu-
dents" Sanlo said. "It's a symbolic
showing of what heterosexual students
take for granted everyday but gay stu-
dents have to hide."



; _

Lead spe
absent fr
ricka M. Smith
Da Staff Reporter
After the announcement that keynote
speaker Nadine Strossen, president of
the American Civil Liberties Union,
could not attend last night's Diversity
Days event, the crowd of more than 200
people quickly diminished to about
The audience
t - was told that
l , Strossen was
suddenly called
away to protest
a proposal by
1 14 Alabama's gov-
ernor to imple-
-. - na .-

om event

acclaimed diversity expert Greer
Dawson Wilson, the director of
Newcomb Hall and University Union at
the University of Virginia.
Just before the announcement of
Strossen's absence, the audience was
welcomed to the Power Center event by
58 Greene, a 12-student a capella
singing group.
Wilson greeted the audience with
"good evening." When there was no
response, she repeated herself and audi-
ence members answered.
The focus of Wilson's speech cen-
tered around what she called "making a
human connection."
"People with power have got to share
nnt mnl p zitmfnnt iffrenctanti

House OKs
aid to family
The Washington Post
WASHINGTON - The House narrowly approved
President Clinton's request to release foreign aid for family-
planning programs yesterday in the first congressional test of
the divisive abortion issue since last fall's elections narrowed
the Republican House majority.
The administration mounted a major lobbying effort,
including last-minute calls to lawmakers from Clinton, Vice
President Al Gore, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and
Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala, to get
a victory in the president's first showdown with the new
"It's a setback for the pro-life movement," Rep. Henry
Hyde (R-Ill.) told reporters. "But I don't think it's a devastat-
ing blow."
The 220-to-209 vote also marked the second day in a row

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