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February 14, 1994 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1994-02-14

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One hundred three years of editorial freedom
Court orders 'U' to disclose records in '88 presidential search

Thanks to a court order issued
Friday by a local judge, the public
Way soon know who James Duder-
stadt beat out in his quest to become
University president.
Washtenaw County Circuit Court
Judge Patrick Conlin ordered the
University to release unedited min-
utes, list of candidates, rating sheets
and notes used in the process to evalu-
ate candidates in the 1988 presiden-
tial search.
Walter Harrison, vice president
for University relations, said, "Some

documents have to be released such
as notes, minutes and summaries of
the candidates."
Conlin's order stems from last
September's ruling by the Michigan
Supreme Court that found the Uni-
versity Board of Regents in violation
of the state's Open Records and Open
Meetings acts during its search for a
new president. The state Supreme
Court ruled that the process of select-
ing University presidents could not
be conducted behind closed doors.
Under Friday's ruling, the Uni-
versity, however, does not have to
release the applications and resumes

of the candidates, Harrison said.
The Board of Regents will discuss
whether to appeal this latest court
decision later this week during its
February meeting:
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Ar-
bor) said an appeal would have to be
approved by the regents.
Harrison added, "(The regents)
will probably have an executive ses-
sion to decide whether to appeal the
An executive session is a closed
meeting to discuss personnel evalua-
tions and matters of litigation.
Baker defended the action of the

regents in their presidential search.
"It was the opinion of the regents
and the legal counsel that the process
was undertaken within the scope of
the Open Meetings Act. We had no
intention of violating the law."
Harrison cited privacy for the can-
didates as the primary reason for clos-
ing the meetings.
"The judge's ruling did not ad-
dress privacy. But the court felt the
board was in violation of the open
meetings act," Harrison said.
The latest decision is the culmina-
tion of a five-year-old lawsuit filed
against the Board of Regents by The

Ann Arbor News and the Detroit Free
Press. The lawsuit questioned the le-
gitimacy of the presidential selection
The suit, however, did not seek to
overturn the selection of Duderstadt
as head of the University.
In ruling against the University,
the state Supreme Court ordered the
University to pay the newspapers'
more than $234,000 in legal fees.
The Open Meetings Act allows
public bodies to hold closed meetings
for negotiation sessions and to dis-
cuss property transfers, personnel mat-
ters and pending litigation.

Greenberg will not
seek another term


Unfortunately for most Univer-
sity students, the hearts, the candy
and the flowers of Valentine's Day
*create a colorful backdrop to an omi-
nous midterm exam.
"I have an exam so we're not do-
ing anything special. We're celebrat-
ing Thursday," Chris Irvine, a Kine-
siology junior, said of his romantic
plans with his significant other.
"I don't have time for Valentine's
Day right now," said Andrew Freese,
an LSA sophomore.
0 Switching Feb. 14 to a more con-
venient date seems to be the positive
alternative for romantics with a busy
schedule and for students with long-
distance lovers.
"He just visited. We pretended
that was Valentine's Day," said Ann
Marie Kappil, an LSA first-year stu-
Of course most students agree that
t's not just another Monday during a
ectic academic semester. It's also

Craig Greenberg will not seek re-
election as Michigan Student Assem-
bly president.
After the Michigan Party announced
that LSA Rep. Julie Neenan will be the
party's candidate for president of MSA
and LSA Rep. Jacob Stern will be its
candidate for vice president, Greenberg
said he will not seek a second term as
Following this announcement by
the Michigan Party, the Students' Party
announced that Business Rep. Devon
Bodoh will be its candidate for presi-
dent and Michigan Collegiate Coali-
tion (MCC) Governor Conan Smith
will be its candidate for vice president.
The elections for MSA president,
vice president and representatives will
be March 22 and 23.
The slates currently face little chal-
lenge from the other MSA parties.
The Keg Party and the Beavis n'
Butt-Head party said they will not run
candidates for the positions. Six Keg
Party and eight Beavis n' Butt-Head
candidates ran in the fall elections.

"I think the Keg Party's just about
cashed," said LSA Rep. David Pava,
who founded the party last winter. "I
think we've just about had it with the
student government business."
EngineeringRep. BrentHouse,from
the Beavis n' Butt-Head party, said,
"We didn't do as well as we thought we
Engineering sophomore Mark
Biersack, the head of the Conservative
Coalition, said the party does not have
candidates for the positions at this time
and did not know if the party will run a
slate in the election. The Conservative
Coalition ran five candidates in the last
MSA election.
Amongthe most divisive issues that
separate the Michigan Party and the
Students' Party include funding of the
Ann Arbor Tenants' Union (AATU)
and support for MCC.
MCC serves as a lobbying coalition
for student issues and the AATU is a
pro-tenant advocacy organization.
Bodoh supports the assembly's in-
volvement in the AATU and MCC.
MSA representatives from The Michi-
gan Party have been more critical of the



AATU and of involvement in MCC.
Stern was one of three MSA membgrs
who AATU refused to seat on its board.
Greenberg explainedhis reasons not
to run.
As a junior, he had the opportunity
to run again. But, he said the time
commitment served as a major factor in
his decision not to seek re-election.
"It takes up nearly my entire life,"
he said. "I want to have a social life and
I haven't had a social life for the past
In an interview lastweek, Vice Presi-
dent for Student Affairs Maureen Hart-
ford said she met often with Greenberg
while he was president.
See MSA, Page 2

The staff at Normandie Flowers frantically prepares for the Valentine's Day


Suspended in $15,000 theft, student
now faces criminal prosecution

A University student suspended
for stealing more than $15,000 of
computing equipment from the Angell
Hall Computing Center and contract-
ing equipment stored in the Chemis-
try Building, is sitting this term out as
he now faces legal charges.
Jonathan Morris was suspended
on Dec. 23 under the Statement of
Stud'ent Rights and Responsibilities,
the code of non-academic conduct.
This sanction was reduced from ex-
pulsion to a one-term suspension af-

Jonathan Morris is the second student to be
suspended under the Statement of Student
Rights and Responsibilities.

ter an appeal.
Morris chose to have his case heard
by an administrator. Associate Vice
President for Student Affairs Virginia
Nordby, who is now retired, made the
decision to expel Morris in April.
Under the code, an accused stu-
dent can choose to have his or her case
decided by a University administra-

tor, a panel of six students and a non-
voting faculty member, or heard by a
The expunged code files were re-
leased last week.
Morris was aided in the theft by
Justin Denhard. Denhard was sanc-
tioned to community service, class
See CODE, Page 2

'U' pitches for more state aid

University administrators pre-
sented a glowing review of the
University's research portfolio in their
efforts to increase state aid for re-
search universities.
A state Senate subcommittee meet-
ing heard the appeals of University

. The University was represented
by Provost and Vice President Gilbert
Whitaker, Vice President for Research
Homer Neal and University Hospi-
tals Director John Forsythe who
lauded the importance of University
Whitaker praised the role of re-

"The University of Michigan is an
intellectual Disneyland in the best
sense of the phrase," Schwarz said
while questioning about undergradu-
ate access to faculty.
Beyond that, Neal said University
research brings concrete economic
rewards to southeastern Michigan.
The National Science Foundation

Students queue in the Union Friday to buy Pearl Jam tickets. Tickets for the concert sold out in seven minutes.
Diplomats leave as talks faIlI in Bosnia

SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herze-
can nI A DX-Dncna n .n e h

Thi R nR-n . nrm. nhi'm ~d

over 13 heavy weapons yesterday,
briniinp the total to 36 guns: 26

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