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February 14, 1992 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-02-14

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Dating is a sensitive topic for many people, but
combined with the issue of race relations,
everyone has an opinion. This FridayFOCUS
examines the ups and downs of interracial dating.

Austin, Texas or Ann Arbor, Michigan - Richard
Linklater proves that it doesn't matter which
college town you're in, you'll always find a
Slacker. Wouldn't you like to be a slacker too?

The Michigan icers have two straight home
games with Miami this weekend. The Wolverines
are looking to rebound from last weekend, when
they were swept by Bowling Green.

clouds and sunshine;
High: 40, Low: 30
Chance of rain; High 42, Low 30



:4 444 v -

One hundred and one years of editorial freedom
Copyrigh i992
Vol. CII, No. 77 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, February 14, 1992 The McNgan Daily
Clinton SeC
faces new
perils in gives mixed
camp ai n
by Andrew Levy
Daily Campaign Issues Reporter messages
Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton is
facing new challenges to his by Travis McReynolds average of 10.3 percent per year,
Democratic presidential bid as new ~ Daily City Reporter Gatta said.
allegations about his character are The city will have to find a way "This makes it quite difficult
raised. to do more with less, Mayor Liz for the Councilmembers to make
The allegations, based on a 1969 Brater and City Administrator Al the tough priority choices to adopt a
letter Clinton sent to the head of a Gatta told the Ann Arbor Area budget for next year. I don't have to
reserve officer training program at Chamber of Commerce yesterday get reelected so it is easier for me,
the University of Arkansas (UA), in morning at their annual State of the Gatta said. "This is a very tight,
tandem with recent accusations by City address. tight budget year."
model Gennifer Flowers that he had "We are in challenging times, The budget for the 92-93 year
a 12-year extramarital affair, have but despite the gloom and doom, the will only increase by one half of a
lowered Clinton's standing in the city is in good hands," Brater said.
polls. Gatta's address, however, was S o
The letter, sent by a 23-year-old more pessimistic. "For the next six
Clinton while studying as a Rhodes months, things are going to be down
scholar at Oxford University, makes - flat," he said, and next year's Ann Arbor's revenues have
statements denouncing the draft in budget projections "are not so good fallen $1.8 million short of the
the Vietnam War, and explains how ANTHONY M. CROLUDaiIy either." $61 million expected in this
he joined UA's ROTC program to But Brater said steps have al- year's budget.
avoid actual service in Vietnam. Heart smart ready been taken toward solving
"Because of my opposition to the Jim Pourcho, owner of Ms. Peabody's Cookies, pulls another batch of heart-shaped cookies out of the oven some of the many challenges facing Next year's budget will only
See CLINTON, Page 2 yesterday during the busiest time of the year for his shop. the city. "The 91-92 budget is a increase by .5% over this


Yeltsin: Russia may form army

MOSCOW (AP) - President
Boris Yeltsin may form a Russian
army this week if the former Soviet
states don't accept unified military
control, his aides said yesterday,.
stepping up pressure on the eve of
tl commonwealth's third summit.
Leaders of the 11-member
Commonwealth of Independent
States began gathering in Minsk,
Belarus, for a difficult two-day
meeting that leaders hope will re-
solve the divisive military disputes
threatening the association's future.
Military schisms afflicting the
nine-week-old commonwealth al-
ready have hurt the coordination of
economic reforms in the former
Soviet Union and thrown doubt on
* hopes for a harmonious alliance.
Military officials on Thursday
drew up 13 proposals intended for
discussion at the summit, including
one setting each state's share of a
common defense budget and another
underscoring their right to form
separate armies.
Still another reiterates the
commitment to keeping strategic
forces under united control. One
would commit the republics to a
joint command of all conventional

"I dream about an army that
won't have to think about its daily
bread, won't think about where it
will live, what it will wear and
what it will eat," Yevgeny
Shaposhnikov, the interim com-
monwealth military commander,
said after the meeting.
"If the state needs this army, the
state should take care of this army,"
he said in an interview with Russian

do not accept that Ukraine is enti-
tled to an equivalent share of the
Yeltsin's aides turned up the
heat yesterday, saying the president
was ready to sign a decree sometime
after Friday to create a Russian mil-
itary force.
"Russia stated more than once
that it was not going to form its
armed forces first. But after the
Minsk meeting, that will be the

'If the state needs this army, the state should
take care of this army.
- Yevgeny Shaposhnikov
Interim Commonwealth Military Commander

per Izvestia the force could number
up to one million men under a civil-
ian-led ministry.
Asked in Minsk whether he in-
tended to sign the decree, Yeltsin
said: "I do not intend to do that for
the time being."
Before boarding his presidential
jet in Moscow, Yeltsin said he
thought the summit would "not be
easy" but could still make headway,
Russian media said.
The prime minister of Belarus,
Vyacheslav Kebich, predicted diffi-
cult talks. The president of
Turkmenistan, Sapamurat Niyazov,
said he thought plans for a united
force would finally fail at the
Minsk meeting, the ITAR-Tass
news agency reported.
Moldovian President Mircea
Snegur was even more pessimistic,
saying that the "commonwealth is
not long-lasting."
Moldova, Azerbaijan and
Ukraine have pushed the common-
wealth to let them form separate
militaries out of the former Soviet
forces on their territory. Yeltsin
and Kazakhstan's president,
Nursultan Nazarbayev, are arguing
for a unified force, saying divisions
could become lethal.

money saving budget," she said.
Brater praised many new rev-
enue-increasing items such as the
early retirement program and exec-
utive pay plan, Gatta's reorganiza-
tion and reduction of the city gov-
ernment's department heads by nine,
and his re-negotiations of city
Gatta's address focused mainly
on the problems facing the commu-
nity in the next six months, the end
of the budget year, and a moderate
term outlook for the next 6-18
months - next year's budget.
Gatta gave four reasons as to
why revenues are down for the next
budget year, blaming decreasing tax
revenues first.
"My impression is that the peo-
ple of Ann Arbor want to reduce
the breadth of government wherever
possible ... limited government
equals limited taxes seems to be the
popular theme," Gatta said.
Gatta also blamed a property tax
freeze, the record number of tax as-
sessment appeals, and a list of major
losses to taxable property in Ann
Arbor, including the University and
City Hall.
Ann Arbor's State Equalized
Value (SEV) - a sum total of all
taxable property in the city - will
only increase by one percent in the
92-93 fiscal year. In the last five
years, the SEV has increased at an

year's, compared to a 30%
increase in the past three years.
Mayor Brater has prepared
$75 million worth of public
works projects to submit to
Washington for federal
percent from last year. Compara-
tively, in the last three years, the
budget has increased a total of 30
"The major question is: how are
we going to provide services, when
the money isn't out there?" Gatta
The current year's budget of $61
million falls short by $1.8 million
due to a decrease in expected rev-
enues, Gatta said.
The reason for this, Gatta said, is
that state-shared revenues were pro-
jected approximately $520,000
higher than originally expected.
Also, fines and forfeits are less than
On a more positive note, Brater
expressed her optimism with Chief
of Police Doug Smith's Community
Oriented Policing (COP) program.
"(COP) has been very well re-
ceived, it is a partnership between
the city and the citizens," Brater
Brater also spoke about the ups
See CITY, Page 2

The working group, presided
over by Shaposhnikov, apparently
failed to resolve details about the
size, type and command of joint
forces. And they skipped discussion
entirely of the Black Sea fleet, to
which both Russia and Ukraine lay
Nikolai Mikhalchenko, a
Ukrainian presidential adviser, said:
"The fact that Ukraine contributed
some 30 percent of the military
budget of the former Soviet Union
is not being taken into account. They

moment for us to declare formation
of the Russian army," said former
Soviet Col. Gen. Dmitri
Volkogonov, now Yeltsin's top de-
fense adviser.
In an interview with the news-
paper Nezavisimaya Gazeta (the
Independent Newspaper),
Volkogonov said the force would
include land and naval forces, inte-
rior troops and border guards.
A member of the Russian par-
liament's defense committee,
Vladimir Lopatin, told the newspa-

tune out
Win ter
by Robin Litwin
Daily Staff Reporter
It's that time again. The multi-

New ovarian can cer treat men t
under study in 'U' laboratories


by Gwen Shaffer
Daily Women's Issues Reporter
Women who have been treated
unsuccessfully in the past for ovar-
ian cancer now have new hope, par-
tially due to a University Medical
Center study of a drug derived from
a rare tree found in the western part
of the United States.
The University Cancer Center is
one of 33 cancer centers nationwide
to receive a supply of Taxol for use
in the treatment of advanced ovarian
disease. Fifteen women are cur-
rently undergoing treatment at the
University Medical Center.
"Taxol is a promising cancer
drug that is in short supply," said
Dr. James Roberts, director of the

Gynecologic Oncology Program atc
the University's Cancer Center. "Itc
is available only from the bark of a
slow-growing .tree called a Pacifici
In earlier studies, Taxol proved
to be effective in stopping or slow-
ing the progression of ovarian can-c
cer, without the nausea, vomiting,i
kidney disease and anemia associatedc
with traditional, platinum-basedi
therapy. Taxol is also being consid-t
ered for treatment against cancers ofc
the lung, head and neck.c
"Maybe Taxol can provide some
hope or benefits for patients whoi
have failed a number of other regi-
mens," Roberts said. "Ultimately
we'd like see how this can be used in

conjunction with Cisplatin - the
conventional therapy - to allow
for a much more effective treat-
Ovarian cancer kills 12,400
women each year and 20,500 cases
are diagnosed annually. Only 30 per-
cent of women diagnosed survive af-
ter the first five years. Ovarian can=
cer is difficult to detect because it is
not accompanied by any overt symp-
toms. As a result, about 70 percent
of patients are in the advanced stage
of the disease when diagnosed.
Despite the recently discovered
importance of the Pacific yew, thou-
sands of the trees continue to be de-
stroyed. In an attempt to conserve
See CANCER, Page 2

colored rings and' tie inaming
torches can be seen as countries
send their best athletes to France
in hopes of winning gold medals.
Many students are attempting
to juggle their time so they can get
their studying in and watch the
Olympics, but are finding it diffi-
cult to do so.
"I've been following it as much
as possible," Dave Hamm, an LSA
junior said. "School has gotten in
the way the past couple of days, but
I'm recording it."

South Quad residents watch the Winter Olympics last night.

State looks for revenge at Crisler

"I tend to like the summer
Olympics better," Jenn Goff, an

thy on the fact that it's an amateur

by Jeni Durst
Daily Basketball Writer

5 overall) snuck past the Spartans
(6-4, 15-6), winning by 10 in OT

Chris Webber said. "They've been
talking about playing against us for

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