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December 14, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

… Of r AN VOL. XI. announcement I~Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The same careful attention is given to the styles and finish of every suit, whether to he used for business purposes or for full dress oocasions. G, H. WILD CO., soS E. Washington St. DAINTY XFIAS GIFTS FOR LADIES: Wane Crest Ware, h~and painted with gol triminins that never tarnish...…

December 14, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…D)AIL:...... FIRST YEAR MARTIN HESTON, The Fame mosUalf.Back From Oregon $10S Made as Enviable Record Dur- in1Z His First Year at the Onivlarsity. AlttSIl tl i t t l l it 'st 15>>I' hue ats s I I t aj1 e t th ie sty l r. A t tat kih thel ass of 11.1 i lll iia a ll a -a t listll i- ta yat~ hetititi I ne e'1t ; hr d < lit iea t 1tilsttttitt t ° lt t e l~ s w a , o e i ~l l lt t 1 e isiiIt aM , scll tS lt-l-a at i I the ieuSi eiil oth l~ hn h int...…

December 14, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

…UNI E RSITY OF MICHIGAN._ \ N A.I4)1 4 N41 I IC(II , 1;=[ 451DA 1, (> 1 lI !)2 4M4N4YAu BRILLIANT SUCCESS. --E Well f'D'dtre \1 .I,, ," lip E i. :tom 11 . :ttl, :{tij i , itlt , fir ]: ,, ,jtl t 7 , l , i;l;j,. tit l.. A> t'544 %x, "tl'lu 'Ar o t(" "i 1l lo tInq t444tll" ti t 444444l4l3:4 t''444 II 44443 li'f?4 IM4444444 lii'. in 54''in o 444'.m IY444444444 414):n I4w4444la44414I o 4444444M M in it llil w .i!at11'-;ia u~ng i~tu, 1; th" lan M i...…

December 14, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

….The Michigan Daily 01..XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1.4, 1904. No. O6 IIERRNSTEIN'S RECORD. FINAL ARRANGEMENTS.I "FEDERAL CONSTITUTION."! CONCERT TONIGHT. Former Ilichigan Halfback Has (reaf Keystone Club Has Perfected Its First Lecture of Professor McLaugh. Combined Utiesty-Muacal "Clubs success as Coach at Hiaskell -Hils Plans-Through Special to Pitts.Iin's Series Held Yesterday in Tap. Will Appear at Normal Hall, Ypsl. TemIs U...…

December 14, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dily ANN ARBOR, MJIIGAN, IlI I l) Vt 011 I LIi 1, 195. No 4 Neti.,. XVI. No. 64. VARSITY OUTFIELDER j MAY LEAVE COLLEGE1 " Carrie" Carrothers Likely to Return; H-ome in February-Baseball :v.°DAGASC AR STUD E.NiS ' WE MUST BEAT rot. Gardner S.\ilanSie COLGROVE IS OUT OF OtC aN\ 1I? :x fA 'ln.( lile s ohi i tlewin Water in .Pipes, ___CHICAGO, SAI S RAM1*Y lJr h im iocrao h THE HAMILTON CONTEST W ith the 1(d(,,l)f estalisiigg o...…

December 14, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

… V own- Q r174 C,) T f ' (14 ~ ~ 7' 7 7 : _." 0 -4-- (i .re'_ C, W o (177 ,-. . J -' "' .... j f. J: '+- 1 -' 'r, , , ,- f ~ ~ j !f 'f ..+ s2 :J , f .. r r .. G -- _ - - - 2 - ..2-2-.-2-~ - . - .2-2- - 2 2- 2 2-, 2 - 2 2- - - - 2- .2- 2-2- - 2- - 2- 2- 2 2-~ 22 2- 2 2 2- ,: i i ii t 1 I 1 h-1 ~ 2-2:: 4 W Y O 6 2 1 -. -0 w :2 .- - C --ue 2- 2_ r° y v 3 vo. M. - 2-.2,--4- 2O 52 2.c--a.2k2.. M-. C.,.. "- J v !, r r ~ c tic y r v...…

December 14, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

…The MihiganDat ANARBOR. -MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DE~CEMBER 14, 1907.- VOL. XVIII. REGENTS APPROVE ATHLETIC MEMBERS 46l Personnel of Board in Control of Athletics Is Settled-Rules for Board Are Adopted The membelxrs of xthe x n xew tBoard xli Control of Athlletc, a xialxxetx- mter) by te Rgexxts, ar: PrxfAllxr 13. Lloyd, literary; ol, C. BK deNax- crede, mexical, pharmic, loxxxxxx, ani denal; Prof. Henry M. Rates, lax: Prof. (;orge W. lattersonx...…

December 14, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Voi. XX. ;NNARBORf IINIVERSITY TOCETted H oe iterbaic k. letedNEW AUDITORIUM Mler it ed i k(,rgtwr~this urerback. HarvardFisI hright takie;iMntot, Regent lill Bequeathed Funds futllback; Cortn left hIalfbaick; 1tI' it, E2 MICHIGAN, T*PSH. N. D ?C CMBEIt 14, 11909. No, 5K for Assembly Hall Adequate for Local Needs. The oteonos of providing an audioium111 srhich will seat practica lly all of the students il the Uiiersit)1 ...…

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