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December 14, 1904 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1904-12-14

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.The Michigan Daily
No. O6
Former Ilichigan Halfback Has (reaf Keystone Club Has Perfected Its First Lecture of Professor McLaugh. Combined Utiesty-Muacal "Clubs
success as Coach at Hiaskell -Hils Plans-Through Special to Pitts.Iin's Series Held Yesterday in Tap. Will Appear at Normal Hall, Ypsl.
TemIs Undisputed Champion of burg. pan Hall-Causing Widespread In lanti, for First Outof-town CoiI.
rl'ssouri Valley. terest Among Student Body. ert This Year.,
'Fhr Kestosie cli has perfected its -
MIrcijyasthas turnedist1 om e t ret tplas for 'going hmes in a od asic Proesor Adress- McLaughina de lhe cobied musical clubs will
')stball coacheshabutoear ofthemsihisve fial 'arragesments ssith tise railroad litsie1 the fis 05 asesrs ao se ea sake teir initial appearance of the
5aile aasore brll~hianfedthan pollsc \tpsic> have been mde XAntetire Ilectre'-ii 'Tapan tsHal eserda aftertpreset colege year at Normal Hall,
Jierrtisteilt lalfhack on thetstot tand secilItraihs tenchtartred. lThettnoun.Tt hear ictres ire gie rssir-INtsilati, tis ev'ening. The oragni-
I90a eleves-eu5 Ir istairtlfotr tie paitssttScef the p lns shich t e -lilt- ias foriProfssiir iiVniTi 's ias st's osiis ibsecime tae oject of greater
hell Years hasiaberns roching ther IHas s iii imlni hai l aii' d i has sexc id cost- i ositutiii oal hisstirs, lits m nisntierscest tian e er before.
I ll diasansitheste sasonsistsclosdi arbtle srie i l 5thsis'campsssissisc t her ssiitr a ke aildviantge ofi liii 0111101 Ana extedidlr a c aatiun trip macli
as -teess ' r'ssarahls- sessful sne tis is tefis tm u nives rrsty orga'isls 5 its i' ts isean isomestlig of VUited'larger tasss sissbects uderakens i
S ry"adhi rae. i utio hasitttemtdathsi'snlgso f te i-ts"history fromss Oisiso ui itt n au-1many years hassibieessairaged'b y the
55iittisg ll ths gamses on thsirs kln(] iiihenspec~ i rtiisieivs o rr'si ii tnis Muiihiin tirrs i ils ebythelii manaisgesenlt. 'Pis ias bees'".a liten
Schedule tie lushisisar slthe sisisspis-thei l:'rut bN oe sitd Pmsylait a ii rai- stdensts oin sg 5to te fat Itsit Pro factrin r inhsgigtouts Ishe s es is
TI rlhssuiis of the if issN ssui ley. odsiva iTo sdo, ansssfil ad All- fes'sr Niciagilinss ic f rey con- te sissi seit'sand saccutstfor a large
h fact tuatu Haskell sdefeaisd Nc-- 'slce t 'isu rig. Pxtrs ccessiis'wsil ects's1witshshis i v slsersty. 'Ihere tre sisseeofsfesitesrealt m asifestein ithe
brask'5 iby 5 simor's' decisise'scores'thansis lib e si fromssAlliancesi' ts'Younssgstowss n i isrec lectures ts folluw. Ue willrorganizatison.
-- _- _. an as Mh olsisgsssi. sltbissc l e lie inea'scs say this week andslMlos- 'riscontscert tonsigt is a prelinary
steofilest'sof t'cclb ihseissnda 'sndtu Isesy f sirstxtek,i intetits'esvcationitor atd will e the
pois ed t~I siick t's tosallpoints a sitesstin slitu r'eso sslofTaiii 1 t ll lT h te sonly opt unts sity mantty f te usier-
sothsits sit tsbusrgs sateguil'riudset witill its,'Wednesdays'stis isclosk h eIissrs itsuns wcs ill has-c toIer the clubs
'rte. l diton..sirsty stes c's-t fiday st 3 idtayiitat 5 at5s5usty a'stuntil te warch ifesur"J"[flp'Ma-
l'ttt'lis~~~, il g'itstse minisitsestirouiesigtoiindayst indTueltisdayt'it 3 'agreRlphsitStsepeli has arransged thisi
itsrmesdits uiloin s isave I eists scuedsi Professr 'iiiaIgsisgil talka ti lls' 51enstrtismet' nositmotre for he line-
seial cotasih sill russtoli i lassl tr1 hsise o lt tIwit ite perisdlbetweerest io f te Nirmsasl'stdnts tisaissfor
phia5 frotu he m kyCty 78 id 178,uS oitsthe etitd sof ts Ills aecsitsssssti aiis if- tose rf te
fle peia li1msill bl ieussl siseree t foring and"' plI e-fes cit'i s1of te lts univerrrsiy. A l rgedeleigaiott f Ans
lte itsn srbrst atin.Lt5 1eaving An's' o rsssss's 5tie haseenc esct leAr sr stetss sh se already signified
aAbo si:j nT hIulssdsay esesisgeel ithste l'trtte"ics istutessat XWash-is susie itetintt, of fornig ia party tt
le str its sill itsn sli et Pitsurg igississitces Itslets 'isehiigits an ii'hastesd te cnttert toight VMany nmore
issiith it Iange ha si1 good 51pportiit forirsirgil willudosutdy svail testselves of
- Atir a ; . sr" soss1e ssrs . I''bIe s asst s elubs lia s t amtses restitcsit iis'stslks rssvery illsres's t' the oppo rtnity t ear te cmbsined
it t illonfiethes s' ast-iss' nlsitsttof tirett usg a' s el I stssrcie. m usial cusbs.
- Itsoianrn playinig tso-inteligibles, awas sesal tills t i es saof te dutbt, The sprgrmtstfolls:s
ibl to do, protses thtthie Idins alone tis "ststnts'srimsothisri tetttsy Ilii H I" I)E N RIIRI' IBiIR ARIEIS PART I.
her i igit class aggregationi. vs itsanusi li i ng tsails.it iYoitsngstowifnil,"ss n ellwts'adsillse-- sosg if Miei-
lus the gasmewitih 'exas, Hsle h gi itic rSiarist Oil City or ni diintotebossftege-guese aj ndMnoi
-had soth si t dott-is s l eictionssof N\\ tueats ridinte'redciate pois nss it i iiisese-libay te uits'crets suits I dsugss- lr.aio asi asoi
te oicicasls and was tpen lied 215 1 sitt syla ntusi, ay eccoiti - earmetlirris witlessnk Batjo clutbs
arf ISth esssse f lur cuusess hus tut til tssis ,5 llandutlthirster t-siwith t ead-igiprofesasonal lirr iesa I'istr t tias-totg0ofMihi-
Yats tiehe cuuts l fthe us tescore t sf n)4the trinitosAlianceii"esliacits's os'ian the'wsusyugscore oi}st o in speisiteochesivisroueatownsaniof thrAmerirnsugavesitiee gcluble club
), w'' s l s C rf u e s a t t N iu usu "s is u s d c s u e so u iill 'lit m ediclluc i bur rsy scas started tsn M r . F r red N ew t t - W istler.
seafn crteus'tutun sitosagremtuwastle madtie t hits'abosve snamedrpointst. sf54 b l pporitonof$0.I .Mnsdolns rlub -
deia hr tihanstsisy.Inus Thisstiasitill sopast aysationsiaog nouw ritsitb300. h trGTe ivue' a ouse-Arstt-Mr. Par-
Cs~ Carisisle usllsrro i islinetsw teenT hoedotiad Pitsbutrg sitw'lirary asSstartrdswthuthesuror hr'iufc ai
eod- -u ' tt in t s tuthe a e tutu their vic- ,sesall saccom odations. ins those s-Io aussoiits sof that uetartuaerst hut I
theY was- gy- di is tur nst, agreitoitausail sthemsseles of teslu pjecial. uswesty'yr seait grlsw t aoutssl3,oasu H Tsi .
t s e. 'le iHaskell iteanuwagus it Similararanenittutssae lieis tade stolumeirsadt d a tu co tains 20Ilie0s8rgii I cir" uartete-
- ssoluiiets ' Tssrintal lirary iwiar ep ts h rig.luSw ipertCuuur
lbcripl doidtions, Isving plasydrd thin rtutri Marasrs.fuitsslur"cuKilleenhuruCsmpbeila
thr itsgmessinsri-citdays A pla farnaetiustis romteeealbary d "ring Prer.
as ante co insistro tarrechis cishic ichipr-5tthin'scishoynar f 184-5, iuus-tug 7
uo iuws ashefirtetic firesbirtday, is ser's' volu es o ssuestwi-ill. It nsui o ets- suus - lsslss ss e Ca sit-oig f
St'23-Hfashe1. 47; rionds' Uniii-comustentdtble. ToPresidenutGuttans neasry 2000 voumesuus, andin tcldsr -a hciieusGbcii
vilrcr-siefr 'aiu"-ts neu e a rtry'csmupet i le sof evry' detal ih chg -Ge clb
' crrty, p, - is uete c-edit'fus makingtfndcarhy.
C I- aklio tthjia rag m ns sssrna u bt slishedu. Istreassrecntly' ru- 1 M ndln-lb
6-Haskell, Banjo'sbtusrr g tl tu hand rtitrthi Mlanidyolulincuss f lr itar- clubsV.sus-ougufMcuiai
sakl.3 _telurasse Professcr JonathansussTft. I hu -le iiuoals atlncus
-Hahl,2;K atrea ;Rs, JiIN"Y NVPE:R AT PURDUE- 186-97 thur 50 hiiipiisatvtiic sworks its
15-I askrih, 39; Missouri, 0 (lurmeduacoectierions sere gathered ROSY'G' PROSPECTS FOR CHiICA-
Gov -lHaskell 4; 'exas, . 1 \lsrsl comscsfruits Purdtisun ier-itssa lirry- by tisnesie. 'Ihis Ii G IAK IEM
' 1--Haskell, 14; NWasa,' iythatbursun ufr.surfsnU1lruy'lst'isseier-iureue 5 While Keene Fitsatrik is alying
*e 9-Yhahh,1;NssiisruUu-Michigasithlettite tiill his is''rer tsttliu'ssino cntuins fuis t olaumtes. awrske ights ryig o figure -where
5ly0casrge f this'trckianditedirm1mislt hift trck sars inceccassning from to fill
U 2 4 -HIsel 47-WNashintgtonthelu iitstitutnsitauits from a ll acsounuts FRESh i-IN COLORS AT THE thsIsiC ofHlKeogPry
InP eiy, 0' thu rspcs ress gncoods. Nufer wrsus RuSh IMAN SPREAD. Keller, Miler, Breer ad Hall, Ci-
IS "ete" Hiaser, Hasell hadsl uro- stfsc sfslrPilur osisil hrtasi
l tegratest goasl ickernite s ite eruuohfptsheu e ootsi llgensiiandsu ~sissu ''sssssus cs h ldcag's tracksathees who arsWinosed
" Durnug thur season Hausen'sur sriuusa ecrIiousiuecs-for usc freshmansuu s csi ih te ciii- to havue eft teunis-enity coninar to
kiourtue goasisrIsistthurfeld cutsof sisys ustNiciigansunivesrcsiy- ci'coloisrs atu olrusneof he classesasuoscettteywlrtrnoth
he deorpts1and msade ter ut Nuerblivs tast usPurdues sill hes of this uiersiy. As slur guestsofit ldryasheegmig of the nx
drod lb kicks Plus eouste hl goal stng uihn ~'sit ut s cll alsensillS pa-thus'freshmenssrtie the shun-rtrm adstlbsprospets are . that
Cf d te twoop kicks hit s is iua ooe, n odda fStagg sill hae practically all of last
d droph CNa ntusr nd tus ees 1leansiswIo shoull uear'sunytIamtiback.ilVigorhss gosulsral o
f lisile'gausswrestiteassputued sits'sepuinss unthur lonsg grusts sun- saciewa-sitohihe deotedtoIthe fresh-yei tasihc VcfnRe,'o
'Fe steyut hs hfysit it s' Slu r ing. us rlust ,ut howevr,c ias sit iiurs iwecuu sr o h e tuh hiepnsusat h e os uen esaceipmeet
htic ir verage seight f ts il'ssell hs t isse' s d-'u~ itti i sesortn ouu f thin-hstll aul ectstring hur lriu il vs i acipe
ar i~was u68 touns, sthis hisviesta osstt hr sihanceui(o inintgpits'iissfun isweekst fluhutwaiasthur colonscodtiho, it thuraest to ainonce his
hViitsiu aNe1ii' ilhths hirs g Iump, GoolftdspeedtandIV ussiecls ufint icc oh ~ uesutionofrturninug. Iogrison the
n ih'otlern Idas u hr isere ta hudb ssrn sitwalstihefsne ssedsoInacny' "" - -fsur I ews Istiutae star, who left
fuhuuuo0dso h ea.tcly nlndmebr.ht ei-te uersty oern two osts ago, is
osari1hernstr s a ys thuat awhals hu ear ___________ slssi i ssay' particularuncooisin'iMtoo also coatitusghachIt mut be admitted
h.w l0 uraururss fs ian uhest iicthunusg uu lr sr atsilitHogenosi Rice, Blair and Eck-
uu' rousl hs as s i 5R)F-55)1 SOh" N5'TC AIK . h uiii ssi aiedt sugan ,itsSlltagg has a pely fair bunch
ke 1 e il roabybebckatHs-PRFSSRSCTTWLLTAK tehsonetssi-alt luraidcoruinganWy utjssissam u
A clbCrs~a smoker of thur Soulhs-
beida,-.will he given st .Ni cholslfall
s'lhY CC16, at 8 '-o'clock. All
t 5;rne are' easnestly'rustesdrlto'
#5r Arraugesusctestwill hbe smade
,Sec lcanruonme. McVeanu.
555 metigof the 5' C. A.suanu
.trsI.C.A. at6:45 is insewbrry-tush-
'IeH. Subject : will be "Persnsual
On iiacco yuat of Governor lhaFashicih se'clok intshue aftensoonsthue fneshumanu ether Blair or Ecensall will go into
is-tune st.VUivr sity' I~lli Ihuarsday ecolorsa(I?) funrte fneshmnan spread thur quarter.
ights, thur regular nuetinug'of she Phlu s eust ti s green. For the lallen event, Chicago also
uihutticalsoluiciety will be hseld Fridlay _______ ____- has Tommiuy Taylon who woni the event
evenuing, lye. 6,st 7:30 sharpit room si NEWY HOOKCASE. asithslurinterncollebiate meet Iwo yearn
21, Utniversity lHall. Prouf. F.N.ag'o, anud Gormnt, whlo, whsile at' Yale,
Scult, of thu rhnietoric deparn trsuwsill (Oglt sf thur huts' hookcases which got a recond of 50occonds flat for the
give a puapetuentsitled "This'Setansiont AsssisstantLibrrinisKochexps'~ects to evenst. Wlinhss, thur little pole vaulter
if Unis Rhysthm" place trontd thueuonthiwnall of slur li- fnromu Lewis Instsitute who did such
TIhu ters patn of thue week, Profes- hnuny n-as instalhed necently'. The slidl- phlenomencial wrk as the isnterscholas-
srs e Scotr ill eave for.BonUn uiven- vinug eatendus fromuu the duooortsp as high sic here last M~ay, is also at Chicago.
sity us Uroidencme. K. I., n-here huen-ill as thur thpse of thu rnegisters and gives Fon five years it has -been Staggos
guveth 'sit ap her hbefone hein ser- sigood idea of n-hat she general ef- greath anuhitiosnto wints lr , iptercolleg-
truss I spit. 'e society. of. that usniver-j fees will lie whuesite whole is com- fate ands his chances: never looked so
ally, oil Mosday evening. pleted. good as they do now.

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