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December 14, 1905 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1905-12-14

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The Michigan Dily
ANN ARBOR, MJIIGAN, IlI I l) Vt 011 I LIi 1, 195. No 4

Neti.,. XVI.

No. 64.

" Carrie" Carrothers Likely to Return;
H-ome in February-Baseball

OtC aN\ 1I? :x fA 'ln.( lile s ohi i tlewin Water in .Pipes,
W ith the 1(d(,,l)f estalisiigg out - - i-i-ii 15-lars-meinilist ight. Prof.
irlssiiiiai Is idet flW rmack Outlook Much Brighter Than 1t illiinsits old if several intereist ing cx - Michigan's Orator Ranked Fifth in
unv rsitiromthe is laiiilof 4 adagas- Last Year- Director Fitz pat= iriis ess ishe-haid miad e ilDetroit a TogtadCmoiinPo

Prospects Bright. ca. i- du sar Clbihasiseei foriiicil rick Conservative. ' w vc-Wao
Ii so atih 5ags ie ie ll ttu ciised \\t, lia[.[ h et Clicaso tiei nsti hemarige f Charles A. IDenisonssi,
S tee. csstoidin ol the right grdensi nisis n a rdy l be ll toi il i ntiii i nat leis.iisursol al i i ss ie i I s i issa ti
as, t tic ityai s ebccall len.t mayislease erNiircans.s ite sfina 11siss I tle coerencesis h;;sil it )I i silassI tueisdary at entftifs sm~te. te en c aca flo " ue ncixisad C p i ssir.clR u- ob ccre ls ued>l
Iio, father w o i i nlisnTs Iers lieni "Deacon's Pali ," uSi ck- ci lass igh-lt. llss-eehr d s ort olss\I.uidslsen isn il make l
Carrir"festa i al- i ed ml>. Itns oeic D w iilau vtr ciicc islwis liess
s-s asIsit home. ie ias not ses idct e fi tishi'slis uhls a , sitC ish ising, "toti s Ic1 h - m ctelol ldta
eI si t heis lt o is , fities e aC s NI \auciis Isouids 1 etris til 44 waso ward55b5i mii
aIoiitit gos it sill mtake i Iaicigshole in "Whtes"sih, I lisle I lirise I n ~ op~fllo it Sisiggaloo itiiiBE PREE HAS VERY
lie finsesipa oftte wscItiissia ,tais ttgsk nmiiaserv, "Plisologie alit v e tiesaise eta ire much bei ter tsans SUCCESSFUL SEASON
u\ tei shiIel prausices I iss iste Stsvler s ts Is tsue lssss~ yc r as ing n h I(Iicag i ll 1
rase ehsses~ usses iel~isesJesia ras il ltr as"assstitthe rn s- Former Varsity First Baseman Turnsl
willhav allbutthre orep sibl for -Out Winner at Tenesee-May t
ifls sspi aslROSE'S FRIENDS OFFER lidseta
seints.ChajassusiNlillh 'itsueshiele essgooesReturn to Michigan
tush cesnersfielder; TedCii (Aea tusshitd A TRUE EXPLANATION ta,,bti s h:rnushilitu amst m tts t 5lSilsttustuswuisses
IasemsanS 'assgcr, ipicer;ee Kella - sec- oe ie \cl n ;oe e so l
and taseiss iii iaft, cashesr; 1Martisi R lph uitsirs It b sussash mussthie iv sis as--
still Was on His Way to Las Vegas hiaill uasums assI Isis thslaa55n5tcisgslssi
eft fikereeasnd posslyh Careuties on a Mission of Love-Met the bl emadfrtesm egho
ights ieltie, iwill arespond ts te frst Giein Stmoui sit intenduis attauii-iiiehhtthetut ctalelslfort
till. (Oie oihe Ni msis ho asissetis not0 ea____-ry (praitesrighet a terlt lte hrist a
savailabale lastyearsilsum bhaseligible. "Nils" Rlph sRou ~s h s-sni iail ed "h. Thus aato ..ao talus erir hnt s uit was iniAnnlists r esat sedayi t c
Nagle,-thas lta southslpaiw taho its vid-sedi1sarresisof lthebig soti-puter as a ag. ' s sg-- lush 1 h is iiay 5fron tKn it lt sll s--nn., ts Iis
he twiring isosr uswithi Nensiell itsrai-stit ulie associaing uih tramsslsu ns Althouglit is sil1e, su t vn o eits ls Hollatusd lMih.li ei-ialssbIeens
1904 isill sake somss e isahusrry"rile at souterns Cashitori ats b1eisis sisfac e als h ew a tiuapresent cacint i (-is v isesist of einnessee
si ut iTens ter e i ed DieNeffe, trih llpl c duhsist. Tike 5Captainsi Sliti-is iai tlititsti itlisprit hto -s atlaig-ta m tiit hn ft bal ti- eam thissfallath snd tned ut.sal
anthtie ssutpawspiter h oiaritmsasdecausiof N''ale iRoses ahletisuprwess s lst sprnat ny o cnfrne uwnigeeen n hc ipsdo
easiahn t esow itg last srig sespie twostshiss5the at tasciteiosn sof beutiful piil w iner, Iicia feNclere t hi tsu in is cleas
the fat it ws shis irst year u tsi . Kauiff- womssen, ansitws nst usue ether stiasnithe i h 11d a d s'n n te I% - Hiss t isu sfferedi thuse defet s dutri-
ninon siler lasitt isisthe varsity gisthCiuid, worinug troghsthe stely _m___the____e_____________sing___to____ c~ ugi'ss
the puer pat of ast seson, ill b persn oI Dloreslirtssli tahibsoght lahstussissrn. sslbama n s ae itee
this-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sussais llausns _ l e ass~tfIttis hti luatrasitIi heros hutosat usgaesheig
uigliue as ithstt hIis hittig ailty osaf i nto musts assl hiusehshtaveul ig is-sn
sho ldnnkchoo. ch lt, te ar it hoo n ouher C liorea.reeviicae Isio es si all thiseciof theses
;aaedtw ous lasitu"Red"s i isihfer asnsAis lehtte ussuse oi f R st t s An rb r he ests eevlutswsegheth I e se
teI ul ereetd nvrste eclansschami ons hipesstusfor the psihis frendits hIs idlstbass thuesw stle scret Isii ts tut ssai uitsersuhues misuh
1v ar es a go sitlheliosn le st assfoistasshimit s e iihis cnedutlss hiss tffa irs -Irer tuits eIessesit n( ts ths siler
t ssndsh eslit- nidinsi -isaul he aiii is,-oflthesshisast smiththhis arensil l t huheas-Sssi leiitm ale
ssgte-ssopposing suit Isu intsiessesilorsilts.liis detar- timMislerlitmus tl' ellis-lsumtheustNe
ntuisioui. galas mumn t assse0 -u tithis ulcso uhI urut its hhsuaTaeIhi sihs soe fo
a - - theusesasusits was uitae against-iarliu stasm
Nit gaosaws n haet ui tti s spa~rug imso s u I iota stat uwhileot iIls wayulitr uttuoIa i 04u.o Ihisssa
promsuinselcits as and tinquetio mofthisoeo ls aai, a ie ttrshan a 0 ooTi a
a tacstoip is c sau sig nsit tlt asorry, mmis. mto titm etiof seetiultis sregrd- 1 thus-siytuh isis- I'rs-I r ottegseptassedh
:i m usas iiexpectd tousel a ft st 5 55s g tiscsumseasosathiss plighlt I has eenss h etrysoig m r.
Thele mittnacinsithist frute sltaae ma- ecmsaaidthatslum s ea te aterng mt-7hus rausordl siatilt us ePse is m is
tthiittingsois 19ots engineeu ndLoersu i , ei-al str a bosok.l Ihum s.a osseven. iul i-c il tma- tsirem rales ha i is
a freshmaniisfrosnt I sals Isa Jons, aiateimestbp fritsnids wus is o witt asd the remsembstersdut sht hi uh onltabit sil240
iresissasm frosni i lusts a Ness Noras i; auise oaflhisswandsmith s iisis uuthoitmfrn is t ic ta .
Saidih ts hlea afast sutfileuir sd a goo! ivsali tauedto ihve beIn it phulspect5 ivetogih oa rlmn n te
hitr as. lie 5plaeel oss this I hsiana visit s tail mthist alusecitaof hiss ffetins s utse m m s lt i alitmust -iusht lutis
chn hat i ±smih aon te hispas haolss os omis a a gs, eIssn l dch Stu dets absatest Ih a t f lth ma
champssiiossp of Nesw Yamks1 t- is- i liit 1Aego,1 in Suthetrnt Calitio tlrnii ia.ac t Nnslitills aswtiraas theuniveruasiy
tie a sumtipaw is arer uloo tiedlgod hlas I- thulii i a Mexa n, u eicsas s u amssita Iheusum ii i
last eas.an asy t u be teseoisedibylas i Issue asawsathtul anchlser owning5 hi itsitt hu u
Cotacth is oAlista r its a hrst-alas sta rda cristututhe nit disrt ofistvocit hs t it is um Te hurusblg
atriss, ands elkntuiap, shotssit sass the souheriin aif( ni a.rs noratas olo re~ IAts )allis oasitthi sesassn ails arl iI ilthis
ese ri-i s t e Nian athewus- a irst Sassthe is- u a lsuiornianmsex-wio-ads-hI i-lsa assist fall hetore tha l hiy5e l hhs eomse
shortstops fromtAms lbionsa oletge, st-io ut-s- ihamionpus awits thu asemsghts t thus -ha___rden-eds , i and mutisthmst tereguasr pay-p
ini schoeoltlast yerte ieigssu ibsluta asu i (lat ic agames at 'St.i ima ssine scurm isle. h~x-apasio v act n t i ue s llar patalls valuils ltu ac5ott
plete tha lst mat 5i hisi at loot inscans ass las tlose amu tem Troughsi mas s cisos s .ia d se,0 suitotu hh - stsl 1 01injuies 5a ftram e it st tw alor three
imboses. know muoslm hios the smts ia bushe s eai itsittsr5 woal poits inaaty as o - a e. b fr ilm firthe sa ndaseiti
A bras ief sum ary wimlb shas t hbas It [a a cse o t utst g t.us 5 titlep titspin pon fo r ntsithes-entre ackhi lel mmws aiti ap
Coach Nc li uhtet his tie fosinmasg Ass rtil uigto mCaliforni a a, R se poitSainsith,- o 5frcic,-takasing secoitu I Shillshs tu as a d iti t e
menssithtiisi hasm o isstash the sa sn : mae knownas to his pauselts hiss is fatn ima su t h uhih h ls andsut hird iltm he t "1at1 st this Coummiodoreiis.
Catchersa Taft I smutellNWhitittington: itis fosr tun (Isisan girl lisa f ia r ls um rdmmii thu blrtis at poisibilutit at IThies tthlia managem entl has smade
picersCap~tan n eiulb Sanger. e- I oA e wi t h i isfavails assithe msath adsihe is lla 11 til-nts hesle ot d i stat ms ass-u butts Is I Ia illoffeItem cha hs lmthis-baseall
Neffe N agle'Msrtilt, I WhilSih 'tuaste cysvsn sent ss far as to reuae Ralph this iaslatSprobtil . Stnetnumnd tam th mmnig srng am s s alarya
lerss ibassesmanill Iaft; s eosusi basa11111tliiifuns tos askssie his poised ve i ~5~ sit t iei.tetoi tushuileIsthis asumssm thusavhsie s-ver pi
Kelle horstopusBlkamup Mattitess usto5this homemaof his affiancsd. aNothingm Thietlrits sponishomsa eenha Fitz I buefhie. muIhlu avtealsh atutesspitedito
third iasesit is '(Ai ent eft fil, liar- sidaunmedclps~hiset mat ot lashisourney uPatrsick musllh avhit isa ldmlhit o( m ack engage hititoai n coch t h ie footall
tims 5centr hedi Capusmtai n IWenel and toi as Vegals aus as "knmightt of this road" tam55a515 -rs- (Cata isis f sut Ihslt-aler; b eam s n xthe-ai 55 assat a att1551ncresasea in
Kautisass pi t lcdsh ( us rls andanssi ris suballmacussnst srreal as a "vag Kue Iser tush Isis, pit; o ml aay n sits sitthi sutissslie aul
mases. at Nestamasesesms ts h vbuselrougtmsi a rcl ,di sciaus ansitd aslo hurtsdlls: )ilt hmu It sism arh weea nd s ithus ailnest si-
-iromaceitoaai rupt and 1 na a pp nd.lls apii 1 hsom-s u t; Row, twhail tsselsh, si tetsu n I shim uthass lDeiree maysu decinms
FOTALfLiBA-NQUET --hum tra ii GoodwiI quarter iimits.h btmlt tltffer s rtuhmire in Febaaarury
fU~A1111 iiI SaIPP(AINThiAROK1(IY NIKATNT II-Ra Sewar.uswhutls titu <:1- a a lto compltes thisscsuitseanits this esgneer-
iTl lNIi ifNQA( I iT assl sh-a-rrrc d , ~ty1} eartmment.mH left fuss lotanlast
lie foilonwing is tie list f comniat 1 mufrth ag ) rls, tak il lght asm ith lusesitd~seisuonuihisaCourse-
tens fussthemisslgfoothsallbiussm t itse Saturdlamnillgt wlsa eeabou tltseasny- ills "A sil paan oollsia u-r 1I. betweensi owa nd u a n suas a I ha essif
gil-elm to i t enalm bus tie oali susies usav usmen frosssm te uehoc tymaust tilt[munsm It umswho a desthemlifIu-mil' hume ssh uh hthlelturn t A ihan h w ul
musn-sm-atis muarhs mumo the a nqaseue hiall a ea em to yars S us ~l~~be ichie fr ateics s. , he isno
(Geletal chairau nDit .Rosinal 'S.C ope- he (CastleIHousetke f shismmsssornbe-s h a i n Il iat i ..alta ir onlysub usa s o essu at 5coa sih but uPsayd
lan sec aretaryS 'etwalldiiCrIaes; iati- nros Iag liei gustn s srustulouslo ilahs i an 1 s si lng lisa ac:a-011tutu ofstsioalm I saseballist1 smm~er
shil, l (imser MiiM artis; hfsnassce ons- litth walsshalosetisueblg feet missies tse us stillkI:e 1 1-; silts iso J mi"ma ea sieinmmhissdeisionu
sumie Misa iel J Fitzems lslim s J ailes antibeanusrosndinsg psthis":gush" Kansms aC s mith lbausimuas pole tol rehum mrnm suut bu sosms siller mtivesa
Bfooth, Sithnes IN. (larkson; arange F real ieNeffe has buesn sleted s iasslberfronuts tbhrti n llcgs -ll tIsasste ibi nssacia hemet ashis auwo ul
soems Jsuge I1IN sert NesskirklaJohns toasnma s. Otser s ho are tbuspaeakh ecr o st ee, sumincuetma Its musubt. NAltoughai le id tu sal oemsmsit
KochiDr JoitsIAINWessiger;tinia-sre Pes. usres C. Moore.HIrlertehle sureitsteree - I godhimsels t ismmemads-a tht sslhe ias biin
oss Pm ass lb Sol Iit. Junis hf. IW . Cark r iI11.Cosne . . .T1arm e, w ris stt s lte wee1 !15t . --ail sume uswit llthe ssae imalady whichi ai-
ieal (suy C tHennsing:as programss. SirsiRalpis Kaufifman siantdiFredI Straits (points. IDuth lusnd I cia mumes-luli -, ari stsaflitsi talso o ler coaies
IW. N-luad ~ll m iI iasu W. Ilneneee, aealubcisss to rdeared dsistinctiea ostsanetriu fRails po ml ar I tusknoasiso ?lietigauss meac0Yostsnd aIl-
Frederickl G Shlieier;l subsscriptiona big whiate Statsonsis titi a n sarrsoaw Itubesr adSh Stass ul ss r cSr-all t lt i s eIn usa-elie returnass sutis, lit
consmitee Coi.iRoss Granger Gseorgeliatutier hasdPlaneyawill ppear ini these smsellsho lay- bussic h ubarstys lat n--wilbfishsulhsis eginering wsat Tes in-
I Apfei, JamsRs.KBach for sitefdeal time as ihelanlasques deelMiichigansusiard ci oisis. l sse

test of Marshall Overruled.
tutu bus assisill nmoiitusave as rereenta-
:ivr aimongi thur foumrsorators of aestens
Isholslaardedlrthi ie ihonosur of contesting
maor fush e tHamilstonmsclsibsuf Ciciago,
Jaluarh l it.Th-aie cammsitein stheirre-
mut annunuusca- lhe suceesfl conest-
unsi as follows:
"A Istisuatil of iHamiilton," Jaoh
atlitUn Tiersiy osal Alioiss "Hamil-
tilth FiiIederaist"IK.S?..iiegardner
CUniersity fIniaa; u"Hamtilton anal
stse Na Individaismn" IredtlCunning-
tamt -Usiesitasy oIfosta Hailsitons
must the Consmttton," IEigese Marshasl,
Untiversity usfNWisonsaiin; alenae
"Itassmibtmmssansdthe Amnercan Repubaulc,
A. . Colgrov e Univsersty mof Mihigan.
Ortuioniasleasubmittdi Isathe Com-
muitee fruitsichmisganChietagoNrt-
wseirisnImascmain im us N snnsoaIowana
nimInitamas-sivrsiti ases and Knox
NViallis tersmedh by Prof Tiuehloods
tim he ashoawaof "gllinmg sgrtitude
is the fsct, thatuariNlsallabthanWiscnsinus
muanmauos silhthibs a mistsrat i ibis
Norn trunesrtoric alh:assocationhu oniormss
fume Nliihiig usaahlinneaplissai mo
His oatunttion is pulse ll the ibihiegan
Books ofts ohr issr(atssbuusas lisanet
yearafter recevingua dshesea satIT I"
te dessiredl toientilrsthusiHamislitcss
test fIsleiNhigpass humu s dnus h
CelmeChi-san I tlS Ara a aati-an d
incausiliac uasatieaieved athat his a-trA
nasusilasbetssfai tm hr u n iv erselmss.
M~arshall isadi Insuintatall hitstubd in
perfectisng tiasrtiounihaulm5prtillssar
at li t ils unesty.Tlissysus Iseaestesed
the Umsversityso ass conauassinasdisus-us
inag use s e orautsta nhisuS m hsutsn-
ors at NIMihigan. NIMtisall is thie of
the ist coloredu sr aur s slan t st
Hfisloteian inma tim it.as
Miechiganstprotesedlagainstsithie u-usry
f N-itshaiall huesust hetie ustsa sdegree
stan, andlhthis sir illftill aontestwauss
tihalus ltitnl a-sssshsuudnte5sbold tcasn test.
lie lHasmaiion clibs ofhcias rutsred the
lratesthtma INiatthiilhluSit uwasusdeciet
thsaltimeemuolatesdmsurtr is eligible. The
chumbihaowever, ibiwimdiytheir cositi-
nli mtSC551as huh shut oil altiharen sine
NF I ils Rs YSO
easwitesry society staied a fen
dasila goiformualbsyorgniedlahsi even-
ing. staneiting aas heist at Newerr
alusasd was atensdesby aouit wenty-
ins agiris all iteresited isa thi new pro-
et N"iss Jennies emarils atedhas
chsaiman1111pro55tellS iald itoalscharge of
Sesateisditie suitse1o5 the organ-
szationinsitaysng lbsat thineed of sa lit-
erary- socetey lir thus asmessns of the ani-
aesi au losmg eems felt. liy nedl
practilca inipariamaestaysrill adisipus-
ie steaing suithSler avse Ibeeifeat
opportistsiestftseredi for tis srill Col-
lege womtiesn alle cnstatsly ales uon
tspek suisoftens sxciiioranseasuslyos
vasrietd tsuatsaned if hiybaead nut
drillinuscstllsge their attempspasre apt
isa hut smsrablemil uitseslThe ngish
antd rhetousiusseparmnsihave55signiafiedi
1their wilingssi teasuppi~~or this-trojet.
t sThe owisa offscetraawere eniced:
a PrsidetuiiMiss Jsnnisse Ilasaeti oi8
it; ice-55resiesst,(isa Annsas Joseph
t -. . secetrnisy N-hsEthel r, 'o
lit;chimanaoitf aiSiationsm ittatie
N-~i suida sllinsa
scThe iextmetng winsbhe held he
tist Saturdlas after Chrismasaation
uS mu chisels, usNewbhery al.
An rganizationsussknownussas te Neat
a lasslanth kColege Professors f Educa--
sioulwas fussmeilatHarardiunisersty
onlDncember v

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