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January 13, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daly FRME PITZPATRICK ISXHORTS HIS PROTEGES ~TelsThemto Shut "Their Teeth Wnand Go in and Win"- -Talks by Rebstock, Norcross and Manager Baird. gar I'ithir ir l ad ap O lt Re Ittetthk iait day. e orir Oiv I inU sir ooe11119. Ne r br i n h hs ofJ01 \ lire Nlrerrrrrg Solaka 1*W~ e1 rrsrri rr thertint Ir tlri f thie wt, tire pl(irrri rrrrr bc~ fes tog Peelle if ' riicr-n-or-oi sscd tihe IIWII lnif'r t~rit hr, ol r rO. r hre rc rrii10...…

January 13, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 73) • Page Image 2

…C ,) Mz d" C L 2y __ "9t - I : ca o.. a/!! " * z- w a Col) * +NW rn Q C~ 0 i Dili c ro c.. ., " Z a c i . r h .- y r (a ..r. Q "-ty r t"f Ct i n tD 3 tG "x { { i t ,g -3 U :rz o n =i i r Q r =a =WI dr 0a I 4 if JI I r Z F. t r r !mt f!H' t V+ 3 C-4r -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - t.j twn~- r.' _ 1 mn Z 1-Irte; "-- 1 0 ! iY .,"1 ° °R , a. . ,+. , r' F. .."I w .; -. v. .ea s :, ,r .-. 0 ! 77m .5,,, **, * ** J* 0* 4 10 * . uU 41 r1 f w1 l ...…

January 13, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 73) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~:I I*11 - - - - , 441*+*.41+*4'+ * A. - A-H'q+ .. a JBurch field's Fine Tailoring Trade Guarantees... ,~ Yon the o t o s~kxilful Itad t ,>behd n hre. en. W a e th a xxrt 1 fo' L;, e ,_t 11s l' ton Shit's. Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade, 106 Lt.Huron "ICSetf oliIi' l lii lill I thes a'xn to te ti d 4 x bodet l io inP01yo hae l a lasaunt acaion. Our fBx i ix un '' ni'W left iaidlmore 10 ill li I oil)) xxi 1001 itlaniseits....…

January 13, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 73) • Page Image 4

…THE MIGHIlOAN DAILY or " 3, u.;, jF I , " CHRSTMAS 19404 NEW YEARSS 1905 10~~~~i; !lghtr anu ary lagher Sale® ,+ iaj~~e\j~ ry :BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGjAINS! f: Missouri Pact ifisy -- ungryIn Men's, Boys' and Children's Winter Clothing and Underwear ; Iron Thuntain Roulte PET R'S' IJN' S+'I CHOCOLA 14TE CUTTING, REYE & CO., 21L;, >iin11"r. r i o . r I. 09= 11I1 E. Washington St. ANN ARBOR * Cztit i > Nushnutnn 'MR,. RENTSCHL.ER ANNOVNCES H. D....…

March 13, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 115) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR. MICH., 'TUESDAY, MARCH14t. 1905 No. 11 LAUDS PRESIDENT ANGELL FITZ WAS PLEASEDJ. PRIZES FOR ESSAYS. Coach Satisfied Nitto Re suits of Pur= Students of Economics Offered Big due Mit --All=[ reshi Try- Sums for Studies on outs This Week1. ious Topics ANNIVERSARY EXERCISES Professor Coe C Forty=Sevient; of the 1100 lo 0011 u C n 0. 'si 1l)0 i r2?i1 "Quo0 t t 1 thof 1 Fi 1 it r ; r 1 iilt c Iil C )S1 t. t'ti i; t...…

March 13, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 115) • Page Image 2

…e i, Spring *Talain * *e THE NEW SP~RING :WOOLENS ARE READY ' 11%'11N, D 11,y THE1'I1HI AN IAILY NlAA N AA AA BA. SLEY . } !~O1I~ AR OVELS at ;1r4s;tt c was, S1'cty,,>s A nNI. I r' Al1 r ' "' 1' E. . 'NMe 12:30N to 1:30 and b:(1301 to 7:30I IAnd the Styles are: unusually Handsonme. He. B. WILD CO., 311 S. State St. * . ~E AII'A ' 11 X.-: t .: ' I)} .tt(t;I"t N, E sOine'AA " iJ4+ 14+i~ 1 f{i+ it +14{ a{ff f{1 {i. *i{1{ +Y8 { Ed SCollege Text= B...…

March 13, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 115) • Page Image 3

…T HE IC H& IGAN r)AIL.Y. LIArI, SCAFFNLBR &MARX Troer 1fo srig of 1905 nIt 1WE ready fo r cour itl to tu . . LUTZ The Clothier, 217 So. Meiri S4. :. .4.UIM lt 1 I'1 . 4 AL p'evi' blk 11 1104.t a tt l.5 4 Ar~q4. *1Fary W 'JIIDITOiRL UMBRELLAS *For Ilen and W on-en} y The Lart'g ILine of Newt Ideas 1 for this1110Seasto' * IPrices 75c up to .5.00 MACK & CO. )thing uif'as0tiS0 ThE Cl2Fd 5CE T G .t00000ItPEA1100-&Co.- Most Men's CGb it 1 1 1 it ? ,...…

March 13, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 115) • Page Image 4

…CITTGAN AL)\ll RAN P HOTO S OS I (oil Y i" 3,r hr I XFeO Kiciol V tor Study with aGo ih THE W ELSI3ACH 13IINiLAN ALL. 515 1.1 Al At I Sl. The Ann Arbor Oja,; nipt , A. G. Sfoal ding& Bras. ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTUS BASE BALL BASKET BALL GOLF BOXING GLOVES STRIKING BAGS [ GYMNASIUM GOODS, A. (i. SPALI)INU & B(O. 5N5EW ~ lt I tS PERFECT BALANCE P II I IEth NtTt (iOWNS MaetoOdr n Rne C~ll. I ~Ii~L~A~GQ LOW RATE FAST- TIME WALK-OVRSl 111 . Mat il S. NI...…

April 13, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…W6 z .. J (.1) Z ~Zy '- 1, % -'" vr, e :r , ; , .._, , r . . .. "' J f. «r .-. j.. y ^777 :.1 , _ :=: , :.. =r .J ..... f: .J J ( r r rt. "f. f II + J. J . yy y i f cn Now" 0 v+ O td 0 * - * - an 000 r 0 fi{"; H l'~ r..a .1 ..r H M Yid /W V H l c/+ W py W J/ W y -i ,,y R, V 0. JO N - t c00 SL V ,,, r. s'. i _ J ..+ ".J . .- .i ; *.w .-+ ... .../ fj a '° f ~ ^ _-- ..--.-. _ f . .._._. .._._.___ .__.._____... _____ ..__.__.._ ®-.. J ' ' .. r .= ...…

April 13, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 141) • Page Image 2

…: THlE NEWXSRI 1s IWOOLENS \kl IAnd the Stv les wC unusually Hal ne A1l S. tdtI St ~College ~Text= ooks 1i Newx and i: ntl Vm . + .M atenwest picels O a~aigntruins' BRW'4RU.TR TFNNS o RACKETS $20 tx c 3.0f) n7.t $7.0(0 ~N XX nI1 §71)1 25ct, up The iiil~t Coi petc tedsInd Xostfeld e 11i7s n l sae Iitet e , ~ Lx thl x iie h X ha. r THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA rN.atI( l 1 11 Ld . I7. IBates, tmasr~rper, S808 I 1 , :I~II S a, II e. P z.,ss hell a _slAV...…

April 13, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 141) • Page Image 3

…, f zz THE MICHIGAN DAILY. x V ~&MARX 77AC CS.TA OO + 4r E)I". ofI ) 111'+ F VeClothier, TaN I'ht dLuwa Pln + 217So.Madi s. E.yhn xstCa n o L _a.. _ .:. + MOil b .( y Loaned,.. ~i + + + 4. )URIM. 4. 4. 4, + 4. 4. 4. 4, 5+4.~-4 4.4.4.+4.4.4.+4.+ DILTLI~1Ji7 I I) UYOCI~ S PRING OPENING ,Kr f U:'r Cc,1 lvi he'o a, outt'~ ix 11ttlt P t ily n s ral rtrt~ . 1 1 tl l m I aiti i (I-d 1 . !jci . l STABER,&WUETHJ W tt~c, fb .LC~t \\i ti k 1 -, i , 'L. t...…

April 13, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 141) • Page Image 4

…MICHIGAN DAILY. A. G.Sllig&b ALOLLE 1 ) BASFMASIvi6 A. t6. SPAt 1)150iSILis Sp 4SHZ (jo Light L~.?G YBMASHALL, BATTLE CREEK, LJadPoints East antd West BYua BATTLE CREEK t~l ATESFAST TIM5 Tan and Black, Broad or Nar- row] Te, all sizes AA to I, 1The iag I tnts or i i t( ciea ine WALK-OVER SHOP 111 S. mgr. St. N[W tm Slus r I o.; Alitslre Hls and curlI the ~~~ .Y!II 1POS1L C AI ALBSUIS.. ,,,.. 50 (~ets t 3.00 IAMore than 40liikInds of llit<l at ...…

May 13, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 159) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL,. xv. 9ADGERS AGAIN VICTIMS. McAllster's Mlen Win lwelfth Con= Eecutive Victory- -ichigan, 4; Wisconsin, 3. h lic to the <I:III vv( i f , r ~ u :1 itlici l~ui rv1~~ 1:tt h( iil \\<i ' lt ( o wtl c l(cc tll' hits, ta-' ( ii ~ (11 r !! l1 f ill an( 1,1,(11 (1 \\ :11( th c(i ;t c \1 i ch tl itir l liii h~ r t\} cit l~itililill luin I lii \clsatr~.n tWO Co li,,in n i iII il ti t1 i iW llS :i care Iii ii itti :11.(h \ntill1 2...…

May 13, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 159) • Page Image 2

…I1 31a: -ITCiiiGAN iikiiQ '"inrnrManaging ditor, J. STANE AEY BuinesMaagr, CAUDI-A. TiiOIPSON. Ailn' A Cciii1. * le ............ Ida V. (~n iii' TH NE*PRN HV i)ii i~. 'liaXi iile : H E PIG:Al M. iCrr arry Ii. Andrew. : WOOLENS ARE A (CIAiltI' READY , 1;.Orlip lrHarod (. it St le * CIS:,..I'.istead JtuioniliWeadoo iAnd the cStyles are A Ban(, *larnceE. lid: BUSINESSli.X TAF Unusually Handsome. wIt. IiIaris E..N. lacy J.. E. Fetzr A. 11,.Iius * ...…

May 13, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 159) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. +. ..4 .. . . 4"l + 3dii4.'Yf 4 ' 7Tri T7i'tli T +t44., 6 o P D P P o yi a IL HALr, SCIIA iNR&MAI'X~.M C +'tits Ratinots. 1liup Coalts all( 4. o Ijouer for spring f r < <> Summer Shoes for Ladies reay oryor itliiltiiatil. ...,DOROTHY DODDWSt LU Z The Clothier 4HANSM1LE' 4H+ 4 + +++ + il+4+ +++++++ +*++** ++ 4. - --........--.. ... . + H44.4.4.+i.++4.4..4.4.+4. .k...4' I...Money Loaned,. On Wattches i> tamnds. Jewelryat...…

May 13, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 159) • Page Image 4

…TiHE MICHIGAN DAILY. WA WA RNDALL I PHO TO G RA P HER I I / '' oool!k Study with a Good Light Threis no better light thano THE WELSBACH RIEADIN ALL STYLES AT ALL PR~ICES. The Ann Arbor Gas Conr ;G LAMP L o pany.{ A. G. SPalding & Bros. . 5 tManiatuorsi (h W orotfic ilAtihleic'Supiplies ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTS BASE BALL BASKET BALL GOLF BOXING GLOVES STRIKING BAGS GYAINASIUM GOODS A. 0. SPALDING & BROS.. The Faculty of Comfort is10 isteofthe goodu...…

October 13, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 16) • Page Image 1

…The MihinDily VOL. XVI. ANN-ARB-OR, MICHIGAN, VIDA, OCTO BER 13, 1905. Noj 16. STRENUOUS PRACTICE IN' PREPARING FOR VANDERBILjT The Two Germans, Schulte and Schulz, in the Game-Yost Works Men Until Dark-New Men Are Showing Up Well The varsity prceice last inight was one of the hest and lngest yet pated off. Coach Yost started tie pefosm- ansce by ssteieng Rtrioey, Magoffi. start, "Oty"aotGillrels hose soie- ceive tile hiallt id iget quic...…

October 13, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 16) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY G. H. Wild Co. Leading MERCHANT TAILORS The largest stock in the City of exclusive styles in Woolens for Gentlemen wear. Of high-class fabrics and special style for stu- dents. G. li. Wild Co. 511 S. ytate St. Fountain Pen? Yes Sir! Try this Sheehan's Leader It writes smoothly ,.Feeds evenly Has a solid gold pen Looks good---works good Its the best pen that can be sold at the price $1.00 You'l find it at Sheeban & Go.- Mone...…

October 13, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 16) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY [or Art and Skill in Tailoringj MONEY [OAN[D 59c "The Whole Daumu Failly"59 Call on~~~~ On Wathet ici astwi anCallil onlasChttlMr UB Dami, Mrs T.B Dammti Lzie Damm, ,the 1 and eml tital si. Uity Damim Sport The Dammi Kid, Thie Dammn Baby, The S M B RC IEL 0 & CowJLORM amCaYheDam hnrp. w. j. E 10 4h ve O iewurtM aY.E4Ct.IleCDauaAPhoouise '44loors suth f neThle "Damm" Pillow Top 59 cts. CityI0EHOURS;ns to 11:0 1 to d:0 And a S...…

October 13, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 16) • Page Image 4


December 13, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

….The Michiga"nDal AN NARBOR, ITCHIGAN, 'C t)\ I 'i)N1).1 NI)I:C'I t3 t)Oc . VOL. XVI. No. 63. FOOTBALL BANQUET TO BE ELABORATE AFFAIR Business Men Hold Meeting to Ar= range Football Banquet-Will Occur After Holidays. The busneiiss 1trnof Aniiiirblor meOi 11I~a ontoiiglht to irrnigefor thr an- mm] alontinio be girro Michigan's fotalheioe's. Owng ito theapri11oach Of Christmaisian01theruish of busiiness inietlto thei holiday Seas0onol c aoti...…

December 13, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 63) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY G. THiE MICHIGAN DAILY. G .HcW l cinerda iecnd case atc c it thei5Ann C o. uis:.ddaly (Micndayscepcted) tra t he cellege yer,at 117 liast \V5 ino Leadin aaing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW Business Manager. WALTER R. IhANS M~ERCHANT TAILORS EDITORS. 4 551 cc ........Caece E. Eridee Nie............ LouisD. Stckney l xrco ncs ........les Frc . iVici ed l iexc ........... \i~fi. OAr:eeter Wlen ..........ffi. Armstrn EDlITiORIIAL STAFF....…

December 13, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 63) • Page Image 3

…SPALDING'S * ~ ALMANAC FOR 1906 Edited by JAMES.SU111IA (RICE 10 CENTS A,.rs. SPALIDING t. lapROS. \, for k Chicano)3 3,r I'lli) depia I~enre : yrause ;rit n~olR Wit. oris uil'a ) t1ioinllr STATE S"AVINGS0BANK W. J. Booth I.3oo.\r'Sheehanr Jas. It. 3Wade33J3 1 . 3331, - N. J. Kyer .JohnIlaarr Frn '. 33azier Chrstian 3)13) - GEORUE BISC IO F FLORIST Choice Cuat Flrlearl~d t,, Chtapin St betwret en urn ad IMiller Ave Phoe t804 QUARRY'S Ros...…

December 13, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 63) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ... Hocking Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICEI You will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleecpng Cars on Night Trains Union Depots in Toledo and Cs- lumbuso S. E. CLARK, 32 QCampus Martius Detroit, Mich. I II / Magnets that attract -N -' , PATRONAGE ARE -4Quality and Price The quality of our Suits anid Overcoats is, we think, well enough known to require no comment, ...…

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