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December 11, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…TheMichigan ily AN'NARBOR,\IICHIGAk\,1FRIDAtY, 1) C(1 I 1 rI, t 8 VOL. XIX. No*. 62. CLOSE GAME GOES TO REGULAR TEAM Scrubs Defeated by One Point in Fast Contest-Regulars Rein- force Second Team. k% fari the nmost intresting and closely tice gameticht have been plael so far tis arheldl the hoards at W\ateran gsmiT hutrsday night. At the end of tir-ive i nites of fast play the score ii s >rs for the regars and 20 for the ' Itay...…

November 11, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 38) • Page Image 1

…g ,nANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. WEDN SDAY, - OVE RR i f, i.N . 38. VOT. XIX. SCRUBS DOUBLE VARSITY'S SCORE Penn's Formations Sprung Yes- terday; Coaches Are Anything But Discouraged. Ft was dark aiid glomiiy)i Ferry Meld1-last night wheiithe hiusiy scrubs had inihsted with hr shifted lineiup of lthe varsity. tn thi coolserof sixt mn-n ales thehieefy tineligihies hail olled p nol ess tha-n furtone'uIch oins thr legtiate 1an(1 roetreslt of a flke l...…

October 11, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan-al ANN ARBOR, IIC[-fWk\LlAN, CU i, C i, Nc . l'nr k T VARSITY OUTPLAYED IN 0 TO 0 CONTEST M. A. C. Demolishes Wolverine Line in Terrific Struggle-Al- lerdice's Boot Saves Michigan. Lans ti icil ot ladwrwo -as the tir tion of Mich itiga ~ig ttday, for not only lit NI iciigait sotter te huilniation of bcing hittld t scoreless ganme, bitt it lut - istb fakiync(teediithat it'iiigai was ouitplalyedt at every stage of tite game byn ...…

March 11, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 119) • Page Image 1

…The Mi higanDil Voi ,. XVIHL A T- ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH i, 1908. Net. 1 19. WA-JEFF. ASKS FOOTBALL DATE Pennsylvania College Is Latest Possibility for Eighth Game- Syracuse Wants Dual Meet. Manager Bairud arrives in town yester- day morning and is already busily en- gaged conpluetng the schedules for the years athletics. The tproluem of the eighth footal gaue is occupyig a large part of his attention. Mr. Baird uwill leae Ilhe c...…

February 11, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail VOL. XVIII. ANN AR BOP, IMICHIGAN, P TDAY, t-RUARY fi, 10 NO. 94. ... -.-- - - r _._. ._..._.. _ - . ...___.W_._. BA&BAL WORK IN CAGE BEGINS TODAY Coach McAllister Is in Town to Start Practice-- New Games Arz Scheduled. Preliminary practice for the baseal season will start in the gymasiam this ternoot. Coach McAllister will e F present to direct the opeitg work. En tsiasut among thetplayrs has sdeel- ped with the close ...…

January 11, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…The Michign Dil ANN ARBOLR. ?MICIIGA'N, SA IliZl).1Y, JA N J : I:Y rar. aqoh<. o7 Vo'. XVIII. NO. 75. "MICHIGAN'S PLACE IS IN THE WEST" Senior Student Argues AgainstE Secession from Conference- Sees No Future in East. 1ditor IDaiy. Permit ata uy e.or ao say a fett words aitent le Conference-sitati.} Iae been here long tenglhto realie that I liver n mama a- to say. aatil sentiorsarteBayilg, tat I willlhe rte et year atdI till ntathae to bea...…

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