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December 11, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-12-11

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TheMichigan ily
AN'NARBOR,\IICHIGAk\,1FRIDAtY, 1) C(1 I 1 rI, t 8


No*. 62.

Scrubs Defeated by One Point in
Fast Contest-Regulars Rein-
force Second Team.
k% fari the nmost intresting and closely
tice gameticht have been plael so far
tis arheldl the hoards at W\ateran
gsmiT hutrsday night. At the end of
tir-ive i nites of fast play the score
ii s >rs for the regars and 20 for the
Itays,ovesle and Dtausis of the se-
ndltans-er reinforced hr Peck and
Is 0of te reglar sqtadit this ronl]
ntots itsarytproiel the rasters sof
1,-tai titat. Rice Rcminigtoi, Co ad
Wilson, ithiwetupltintg ol the first
team.innthmiddle sit the gam, Re-
intgonwoswsis paitnytg center, took a
nasty fall wihjtrreilhimtuptitonsi-
tratt, isut lie tssinutedtin sthe play asd
citstribuitedt sevirisfistttsposnts secured
by te resgilast. Afte is itumbslie,os--
er. iDaviis hi. opponieat ci ete,masns-
ageigeet ltistlistsuptonittl)itseerl
titiss s-itteisesulit ttsets-saitgolss
itrs-escutsititsyte sendtt emssichisil
int ill ptesti iis itstold liots oterwise
litsav e e5 ti-istetcit
iburtii liats sit celstsitayeinitsgods
sim t its itisoiriird sipo s si st issRice
listsas ttad tiltencyytoihldtithsis sisponenct.
Wilsts n curtesf reegislth irwsser isi
tsesoposingsie tlistsmitsgtsasditseeal
lpotii i tstuto the tu iens ssore aissiturn
ictositoeittThuis wis illstsaed,
thou isfasitblsuinsiterdaylii's lrc-
lttitwestiswilthle scoetis ie, Daisi
IouledianiRemingtonstirestte ose
pointiwhishdsidd tsetresl. tIur-
yiisitushowedis iiwiellias5aisaskistltroier.
iihse sismo gsst ectaculariplay igo f te
enig wsts-is icilsirsfsthesiecisondi
cat.'irci ndaan ieg tsayfroit
Csix.Iis gussdi forsgodsssks eits.tsHist
on list l-idp-si-ng wia s cnssistntsand
at s-sire oppotun~sitylite tossi ho tit it
te isasketsssswis therultthat sisvo
w5es-esgisreisbyiimis .ut
A costinuasttionois(f te preiasisnight
isksit isdibintsg sitnds passg wst
evriedsi thtupirastice it shsootisisgibaskes
frm eery sange. A cosisiserale
sssitssssot(f practice is nieeed alsng this
lte. forseerales iifte msessare still
sisissise itotusalecssrae siots for te
ibaskets sitnder te high tresssre of te
gamste,busith iisste seasds- work that
tilluse guvess te sensgreater poicieny
ints linhe wi-ll result.
Chasres Mcleil apatenin itstepsy-
cisspautiicisaisdiifsthesiteCvsersiy hospi-
istil reds s i intesill rce isst insie
tse seasi gte f te ltiss issverty,'Tluss-
dytisufernoossnitr.iMN eiisas isalkisg
out ottheliicetiihtihtlbsisggtoss thn,
isrsske tirsough. list ioy sias ot re-
coe-recdlst ightisbt te race till
ie sdraggedlagusnthlistsmsorig. Thie
unfsortnteansas i aibsout to e di-
ciarged frostste siar, eisg snearly
____ tStDEstsur NoTstt'cTOe-' ennt;Ss.N
it is reportethaist Dr. Nrtrp, pres-
ints of te Usisersity of Misneota
isill resigns it he close of te present
school yer triest le iwill hae con-
iletesi twesty-fve ieas of ere itshis
pres-ent positon.


11 NN) iSA Iit CAYj


All of tse Isndiaitn1ssravs of Mici-
gantia, to tic numnher oatweitssytaiks
tse tratilit psirsitiof tsescottil-tail
arid other hsbg ganse, Saturdlas-mornsing.
The trieaesi Is t he s i-its ii sissi
ithltknisfsasid gults i9:30,-situdisith
tir teusty hosundsswsill chsitehe fleesing,
gamei until sissy (stsisisrsuits).,iver
takent itslhssngerstill pislethisi sramp sin
te fosesitsand feed. Contisn ing issrsugh
the aifterssnoossthey iwi il si nts olt
t H-touses NitisWhitmoe Iakes snd
tisere fitd a prairie cisickess feasti. This
is te first iig lutit of te triieulisti
is sail tht it is to btecoiet an ass.-ssusal


feature lt he ihandedi sosin-sto future
genetiosof st isciigititiss.
S i T \I t FEOR Cist' URE"I
iiTihe s11eseeseatslesits utturfsass
dieat ofssit iseekattse Wihitnsey-thess-
lee, has exsceseei the cessectationis iftse
miansagemtent. It i ssis sstiic iipae h tsh
seasiwsill stlitasicbtest sl ithn
less dasit
\listakssaveitseesns itdieireissitiy-its
ueses urisihsisintg ticketsitnd as a re
stilt mansshuv- l-t-cisciketsfsiteh ier sigss
thassisthey testre liskt ciNit lbis Isis
nesday n igtlii Nit 49Tluistdsit
nighti,No. 5oPeitday sisghtNoit5Sasltsr
dasy sftssrnssnsss nsu.tNit ;- Sturitssit
tight. 'ticksets sisy its exschangedinsi
ec assmstakeis isi etisiwadteits OIni
pserson boussighsitboxtickets firTs husiayi
tight sandsireceivedl NWednsesdasy niti
Tickets isill lie ont sal tie nive-resit
H-all Itsorrowi- sfternoonissfrosts4 toi 6
o'cloackussndiot turdassisy frsoits8a.till.
toi 12, suito ii2 pi. l\lssssis Ities-
sisy satnd edneisdaytiesin may'iiieiseus
surest eacht aftersioon frost 4 to 6 o'slits1
as Wahsst bosstisore. Ottlsteday s o5
the pserformansssces the ticksettstiltlhisat
te theater.

Noted American Tenor in Choral
Union Series-Will Interpret
German Melodies.
ihs-ssgt ii tistlist, 'Nisiriestsi tetilt sings
tosnighs ts intetshiruntesssirt ofths-Chorsasl
Untut. series. Ni r. Il-sstliii's placeis
high intheliii si wossuldi, -situhlssfIsi
esisslssamtonig ntiveis'sitnge-rs. Ii t-iwisld
bei hiardit50sayin whiiscuh brantut iof the
1 sner's ts Isisasienltstis sccessfl.
I11 ortoslits iisssetites asseitinostn
its nd s whui s isits in eita lish isceis
inisipttisy atongsthe hosi ts
Itiin hiisiterprettionituofi IGermanii
song st itn lssAKis NoIais tsines-s
svi-sesterecsosgnlsitn.Ile5 wasthitst al
intouc tshiss siii stof ichardisiStraus
ts lt aiss nty, suit s alin tl rt cr
si ths iiistongs hitssissitnsitaslts repus-
ltst t so. InGrmastnyiesesilt-, is ha
islet is-sts mitt-setcit olitIti has sis-i
ast thiscsutof iii is uandit eforei Ints iiiii
if ssthnoiitysttshisn sis sit1redsy
Germanlicriticstois issolists ts-i r
ANicsstsi tnos.
Nir.I sut iius ss i t e s n ites tig i
variedi sitsramuwhluhhis espiey ich
it te Gsemsogs.T-i htscsissertiwill
Leni itatuSt ar 'coktso ighust in st stssesits
Halsit Thes complsetes- programstsis is fls-

Itov t S ound" si t il-Aa1
hi ss .. .. .. .. ..
Fsbit er sisi i..
Ach itsi ies ch Ns se sc
Nir si itsdInly sti...
'lishf ...i.le...list.i

.. .. . - M)stC iic/s
- -- - Iss llsiii
Ifeicl .Strass
.. . lills

t~l ic tac it11cĀ«liil-.'Il'swilsuggestion Made to Support a
id itl he lwwtolueve ilstheter.lee Permanent Organization-De-
hitwe tht e l.aftlernooniu sau et-eltug uer- jcision [Rests With Regents.
s)ri nxe.Th ,enwllbefieguetsi---
)ftelIi lw ic i l il d ileicitersitng.- Asuanthersit s on suie totthe u uestions,
As- u<.<tlmltln fl s on thus'(- lWist ihis o seomue suf our sand ?" whirlh
'mae ~ fth scod ctofth mtineetas libeuesi disced iitltsunsre or lest
ha ftrw n the s~-e-uu-itis uecare-u tisit I stintusn hts'chuse iftse foothall
ln a Sc~ e ilnthlis 1555t. utitiCso ith ollXitg hittbinsentus:5
li-uitaco s -ave shso m55ie iofthusirI usuarlNlietit~uuti I ily -
sulitiuus 5 ill eg ~l.-otshit Firsomthu ie uptst soattic attnesipts
there sits heino need ftrtuntone to a isnmaetot fiste-t'-he supporst
i11111) ut f las iala up a d h s-tI aunsitsesisity handtus it litte.iss re'-
11cmc t'd I-1-11hak a ahl f is th l stlt(,Ithus ftut Itun. osy thattShun fosit-
I siesis-suss 1x111se-sn liss psasedhasditShu ndulhuts
In uuduhsici r i- tepratsic ld t ags 5 d its no smsha tll rtin arousing suit
II( dm r wills;s t rl o sisaining;uuu thie-fars-famedss i ichigan en-
;(ellr ~ w enwh ha(.mac te la- hutnsas, ths-gs-nueral opiionsisseems ho
a tcesi h -clus plac wheus his y ttu ')e i sisha~ tttll hd ttsiud he tisse us per-
ha e urcde. t1Nil i t ile he I -nto snaiitsei. Thi n sly ohstacee
is-s> nt tw ls t oranc ush this hisses- it shaslilists- n c amsat
Nci-sitses. tAlco eu ition to 'T-e
ril hoo o 1tisc,;Inl oI th frstI lst nsut tusng sugo ssuggestnsi that lihe
wih hech rn.I tusht wllhetutbnd utsr st- u-conutrolansit auport if
her5 .t rI101 tfe ,1 I(W iif-th uliltiu- assoceiatin suidt hins withi
II I Uitt-u--isitu - opssstio sin equieeaech sta-
is'lent t isscolne usasiemtites- tf stue uathletic
555155 stiolull on rsu eegisti o insi tsthe uni-
Cii\ON Ill I iii ?1 51 sit Is Tis seearrangemesnt wsosuldsot
1> I S \ 1;1F Nh CttuTN 1 I[ Ii liS e feasitu sas Sprotuminenrut faetulty uuss
- sis-tit s id -. e t ie ease thins-n rat-st
I herum>r vlnh hs n~rn i qut usewasigrrst tutubter cii etudetsulut
!?t)fha4<_ aey hlt a isuegs nuntis- titu d s i sutiret ero i e tembers 5sf
itt-oits le cnhIthes till h ic ast lstic ass-sueiauftin atheuy sosuld
tres t-e ll lr)it-a - il sse lidah hlll s ntcut nty -tunis rulingt. Nore is it
ip tui--is s it-i iulaen - i151n tithi worha sush shuets hit i this issuilts wu ldtshI
()- c u ukt s -\(1' ", 1 ruisl i atitn t up -s a iquesiut iftshit suit. lii
situl its lutoned T e alrm qesio as ents sit tuesgiuht u s to
is i*~nltlrl r11c e s~r thi, s time 1 whe ther s ssiarrangemtls lcosuld t ttbis
fwlh\- ul11 w l ut s liuly t erfelresit smades usith the slivetsitsy uauthoitiiesito
wih li, trce, ,frie lu 's co i tsng tsiitha tlem es of thus issuitcouul isisve
irsill 111111 y ofth1 lub ii ")t helust uiution reundtuest whtolls-, osunispaunt
eat c~n c rcdthtU h omit ))- 1 () ei is l etlst, orthusi stworits usmsemibers 5sf
he5ep cu--hrei-lull f theills i o u si the, lati.T hlissqustionss umighst sot ise
faclt rligs in rl ar t; tueis ticseptables tsthus iegets, suit ansappeal
s-irtit-u si 11 u tse--public lu i t o he ill set it il hd ut.
- - - lnP f h ~att} pciI tsu- 1 hhisg -hut sit appealutusthinrs-antsis i
dns ,I rei -placd M th - ctgr nvr theist fruitmtthes students. If
as , i - lion proitt--lu Il lut thus they uswsit ustihandl uitd isillsmaukn saute
It n cc f tes -1clu C l i is i u eIustl ls anisitsfuseits susppiort, hnengents
ofcu In~lii etn specia1luste us us hlp thems-i t . ial-suthetuy stay noct.
tess-s lust suit Ndninstati ad .\ se slutits-efuse- sit appeatun o that
befre ~ arici~iut lullntilutiit. ICI hits hsh silt settlethe us tisots. Syracuse
:ardt' llltiiirtnl'I1 ll 'e;ac uso tlst illiu-erstyis conu fronutedl ihis the in use
- - - I - l~ustusitn s s M icigan usint rtuuasd tso sup-
1 tueu voC o - s uaitsa suitotitug theus sisit uy bandlasethn fish-
I~rY is tit lise ai ts'itn~-Shulls-i is-suiott i ts-eter -us D an Eranuk Smuallny
1 In p bli lci it sily wit sil
ril-e s 1x lsi isi Ic:thutsl r suitsweits eits m usuchs distiurbedl
stiuentwi(,,wor isextemey oer h uesttion if suipport for attn
Ittits-i -ututu isu-~ultin iurluation. lisis sudenit tutu usytuuase '-irsatl tropo-
ulan M t e s II in sne tagout s it eiosi s- iits a usben m setir ithue uulusiuis-
h~nisalfl()lith tilveliy. Tlispe - r ~ si b t us yet uunotshig has beets
st imse a e iurrs-sitnlusTs his propssits of a scholarship
the;IIll 1I1atifato 'v ivo-l:11 a inge t tisesehatsibeeni sasis tuttautstatt
Situ it -11",tpriod of ~pr tissiben ra thu '~estsudesi arue'vsery
the:sudni s onttilt 1 proe hullt 111t i-sis stn symuithlts wit thus isandu uand
11-1" o o or;1(-1"n 11 tli esi5. I iei sistVesuepprtlSetholulls t otu einsefit enster-
rkqurc o ev)t llhi i to s t inui t su tsha lst t srt-hv ee ieta itstheir

AR2I .RC 551AN BOOKS (Rh : Hitsnsutsousthus Niht.. (suits fil1-it toni
Ash'D '1O0GE:NERNI IBPRANRN I- suit stilts.I....-.SCtittpbll-iuuti
'Thingetter-l ibhun-y his reenatly it-(tutu the is ls.....- - - -..i..iRtmme
nets-nu a sipmliuent of Russuin book u stiomYorlt1ites----........NSCiCI-
St. Petritsiiurg, pusscihasesd fusethurlis Plsuser Ra ilt----N........sitcidfcr
brany- byhitrN. iesde tuituntg hiss sestheiTamputuoflI- - --e ........'115
thire last stumtmessr. Thue sooks see -- ____
chiefly editions ofRusususanclassicsTol .'ho tlte ttusuttsAIaCONtssTsilsAis
sti, 1 uegesuses-sand usmanysothes uoasilurhe Thtuectush site Cuouunduedsimit l he
hiisltsry of Ruissianslitserauture. Amngtttti ount;ugIN a isitsChrtan ttu sesueit sits
themstaitstwin editiososf I ermiutsos sititsbe sopenusdiatututhusisilt snits ut
andi I Ooosotitpubluttishe y teSlrft.Newbehursy Haltlsuet silt continiuutil
Petsersbursg Anademuy sof Scies.iA5ntasitheiicandsushicsethuthastendositedu
sthter rare set oa busks usthue Anualuhai s beenst ld.iThu this suitseethdsuromuse
of the Russiaun ImtperialiT heatres, cmsui e ill he isidusdbueteta the issitu ns-
poseid of sibout twenruty richlhy-illustr-steed artyswirk tutudttometschats. hetotash
svolumues.Thue set isas presseedso this of uhseirs uthuays shleus-us $-2o

tibrany iby the uminuistersor ti imperial
causes sitthin suggestuios if V. A.Telys-
kofskiduiretor of the imsperialhthseates.
Especialinthes nt us cncuu trutithstwo
uthuer books, duplicate copttes of thinphlty
entuitlsedIThue h-thck Slur-Crows,"lay Vie-
toe Prnotopiov. NIPurotopoves o s tnsof
thin mousthpromnent and succettful of
thte contlemporar y Riussiant dramat~ists.
The play us a scating satire n ass.upeanut
nuenst religious sect us Russtiatushdhue-
rauuse of its popuslarits aud its visvitex-
posture of thin sires of ite secu, theinmsi-
terial dumuus forbsade its prnesentation its
all Ruissiani theaters receis-ing susiduies
iThe Iusgineening societyl -htguneits
anutuual reptions to use faculty toisighat
at 8 airlock, in the New- rwginseering
bauilding, iosen lohos.

(sssssu-Ce t -u s~ing1MI1ss:ulou-V.
Ths Gruteas lub ih wtillihsistaus use-i
tug text llnihsy-unighu t usNuesberey
1-tsall. 'Talste wiill its- gis-n ifs- Nil is
(uuuuutn a utnit iMttu Aliiian
Seat Sale
Friday, 4-6 p. m.

sI~~lli lcoidiglyheisfusrbiddisento
patciae i tsny f slut usuihu activiui-s
deit bedusu in tills ollohingprgah
PS li ascthi vites inld : (0 P r
tiiptonin ay itletic sot st ay-
dbtndaaic ous usilWOuRKiiiuu
(2 S im onw u s' t uuiius 5 sit , (3)
H lc I cs o tut itsi ets uffice, (4)
Iflistc i tulu iaciieto Ni an ft e so-
a-this-si slts huts ull- -sc s s thut
Justniot Ilists his-I lilt lii iqut n
s imar aciitis. l i st is nou su-
tlts"Ito b sit us i sisustius- buit i lls-suhi ou
itubtiss he- charmertst andi s wit -ofIthis

inerest, I bueliess- titsButeorthe muost
hat.sfusar uthus-ushavhu-tautditos-
issu eSimsselhues. I thuinsksthatuswill ise
chanugsed aftueusau-tuletutudutheyisill
oettter esuport."N.
At a smeuetnuug cii thin Quadaingle,
Nenuesdauy es-enuing,Its-salJ. N. Thorn-
as if tuneirhetoric uudser stn essa
su h per onits 'her PeshnuAdvsisory
Board"seutecenutly institustsedin thin literary
dietrtet. Ps-i.Tt'htssutss' sartinle itill
Ihi publuisheduntiitSitthsuDscebrAlsumnsuus.
buteoure e mu-bueseet-mnaukenitlusthe
sonc isyWnesda tight.

WhitneyTheatre TheAdmirable Criobton SASO AEA
II Prices---35-50-75-$1 .00 1

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