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October 11, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-10-11

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The Mlichigan-al
ANN ARBOR, IIC[-fWk\LlAN, CU i, C i,

Nc .

l'nr k T

M. A. C. Demolishes Wolverine
Line in Terrific Struggle-Al-
lerdice's Boot Saves Michigan.
Lans ti icil ot ladwrwo -as the tir tion of
Mich itiga ~ig ttday, for not only
lit NI iciigait sotter te huilniation of
bcing hittld t scoreless ganme, bitt it
lut - istb fakiync(teediithat it'iiigai
was ouitplalyedt at every stage of tite
game byn the Aggies. Wiitit a defense
witeatk that it madie te efforts of the
ittkfiedalbtlfuttite. it icis nlmaro-
vlus iht \i. .C. liid tot wintte
The itroublctarictgote aot itttic heii
(-m-riltinethcttetialltihteytail gooil t
the tick-mff. \l A. Cs qttarterimime-
dite il foundiil tie wieakntesns of tic tar-
'it, lond ti i-ft stig litetbigefalltacki
irng the let ibtweenitakle:
Iiad itiii- t loiwn, and madet <I < stritke fir
o 111rom1 eld

hisi man itueteas site of tite few stats
ill ttte little.
1Nhiehigaoi suffered heavily friiim petit-
tics itnflicteit. Fote tilts tile varsity
isals peied e fifteeni yatrds lfor holdinig,
aiii twinice five uarts fur off-sile-a total
ofi seveiityYsltstist, lagitti 0tent yacd1,
penaltties fur iiff-sile,aitici fteent yarils
fur illegal taclinitgmitftDougtas, stiffe ri-i
byNi A. C.
No doublt tioday's dlisaister to NAinii
ott w eakcnessen-snthentinsyswereleaiot
atpt to provue costly, hut the thirty fanis
ichtuiaccompaliilniI the eleceni foundtl a
miost gloomyiiustpectacle.
Ia Mi ichiigainiscoiredi caric there is
tot a dlouttbut f1. A. C. outldl tate
lust. Coach ibreesidhlsoi.Thenpla-
erssoald so. hut the gliicryiiottantitl-
duea clauss if foistbllseldlsom1iriidiucedi
ini a ttinoir collee . Coaichtlieneonly
askedl hits lmento toutldtnescorneidownt.
Intiseadlthey son in ii eerytintg1b11
cing.i- oie
\Vatkint \\i..Ltt~t.....1Veeler
Jeffries......NC 1ior
Prma I.. ,.,r g..... Campbtiell
It-tebok... .It...Capt. Shuedid
Crecti iii e .,. Cutight

MVILLER EMULATES andoII(18hi1r sse
SIR HENRY IRVING hy, It11 .Pol, f h ln
Actor-l'lanager to Present Free Thethe tie rthe prdcio
Performance of "The Servant hut yit 1 ccli nselect. ' tic
in the House" in Ann Arbor;: iof tie-iitiiiiis all thatiillthrI
- - hentic ileireli, sii c r. t1ther Ira
Chalrles Rattttleuntnily'sCTe See- the iii Ir~ Ciag)ath
vast1 ini tie IMuoose'stiltltie presentedlin Nwl
a compilimeni ttlr e rfiomn ce:, talien i ii Itis1 1thill nha uhcil iii
citizensoaniiistiudetis if butt .ketumu e, o il > fee o the not ii a
cerosite if I-litrey 41Milet. lime mrigitiol cn-~ ii i t ta} n t ttxc
compt~any, heaed by it Walmter ii i nti t eem li ents. 1 uc- Ipay1mutt1 of th
11ow1ers' theauter ii in letiagl, solw i lllie iuptil ti ckt:whchi 1i1 nttl1
liAto Ann tiror at. Ni r. Nitlies expnea srkd ctuo peett
Ill this play Jatites OfiDtlnitTic ien iin wd n-tets eofr
tl, dramticie critic if the Chiao ntlilai zr>c W aRcr-lrlsi: "t is oetha pn th liglg {t te pro
aeuiplac 1, 101 it is a ara et tiie geaIt-
est Eitglisht allegory situce thte insptiredt
tittibeof ileidfiird IgavePilgrim'us Prii- lii bill RT 'SN 1 S 10110
gyress itio the -orldl - aw r o h 1si-AN'ieR NCc

liii thits p illt lto thei eiiiof thei- itlglas - lit.1h rl,... iii - \ emiui
g thei Har- mer;c-- asstumdthtie liggres
Allerilice.. - t. ih - bh. ici l ie
ioic id tlic iitiiiti etntdanerit theiL an - lRefereetu- liSn - ltxellucgan
li (a b ttey list the bill liniIa iUmptire--Jamtiesn P turidun).- tFit
ii NI bby ~c 1111111 a1takle-ondi ___
11111 i ii ri ilc iii im c liia . I I ti li I il -i i- i- so- ~tc iuu t te )11 1 I t[ad i ii
ly11iii A li 01-il lit lii 11llintici'sibiot andithit ilillitehalies-i5ittt its
tless ' cif lthetill A. liepunte usttedint 41 N I p ici tct
llc i;n cIn th addd1 stgm1111 d -01ot11 1 'i sn't"-111it irci 'T he oil 1 111
a ldintoi11111equ iiin ti beiii i tre 11110 ii liworth iacsnap , it iiuter.t
ino theimidlelic oftt e \ l d . Frankhitly. tlleri Is0111s11pun 1tin-I ll' and lthei
-os e ingteags i tictii foritelil lidi -o 'itci eld'bci lrttyitwtlle but te
perunitll NcctitItniiltrNike o ol r m te t idn'itt ile tiIt c ore1111-inst11us.
fil. cttilm. ie ico.u tli en lst.k S\ytc ottgls ltAl.teAs is.itt atedplte.
forthigme wa on gan it shitiioat erec i-tme donC'.titYouicknow.
and10t i pn t i lo t -itt d iinier." yih ndi beeiit wh yic, the eigh atitist
11111 gls i x dffre-i--tut l and 11111 tii t e am adI wehavea porVi emi sntt mu .
every advanage. itl thir favgra nit1e15'thror i", yemid' hoete ich
hiote, iisi ecgtitnoricem Ni cu ld ii 'bsiigo 11111Ohiscourse titetwee gldtc
miii1 mcI tittit 111 h i thA i clenguto t tilo l itdoh iiiti-owe mnm' h iiietthld ht rt
scoreiglild tll Eml im e it-u-nA. C. mughfullak \igi ns wa n s silh rln .
it not fuls ed hatftu nmutt Ich.ultie waslt Ansbig s fmmh~h i.Nigbal st u tu( l-
111o11 formmi tm 111 aggt a)r el i h~d am ot lelil-liies11ml i t e\i-timi C.t t l et icu sso-r
till iieue ws entftrcie o, ae ini to un whmsOisc h in-a, en left t bily
tu-ll lii't a ii their nts hasi tllutaDfmiug a tn-.ttittt jci etm ith otimuttu." os o
tunes Diougl-,s-t iiitiuihy oumt et tl- lasi hue s trts 11 by ioneit ofl thti
cm,'fumuiml iunios sttre d " i fu n th, fnggi.s a.d hs C. t h gon
linewa ut tter mcost 11111t 100 i . tuutc ld rt o bns wee boebth
everywhergin deenitsle his pragge. cTied tto goitoRN dctrtohaetsttNe
lthervarsithy-lien tied illd bckil.Lnig sfotalm ad. tNhdreAT
'hiys fuand-iemt ans aain the fe lpat e thrncunl riswr
lmiutuers u ndmi ntie i netferenceton-midis in orsN a h ew- nc as-ceot theituturo.
the mil therrn.o n il.D u last tightjoitedthe hishtouseinihintcon-
NIrticualy's entscotusacllectbotb ldiftumn ne o tIhillsothet ate stroeets. tbtit
em-cnt o inutiuerfuereantdrwascc o unt-lled cuyfv oc er enro. Pu
right 111111 iniemw-ere hBiscprgreosstcuter- it-itt iRotighotsr e eN n
mille font unitd pais imned t me e nd tiwK ytn abt-l ti frto
culls. n-se i cksh restl uofltdstto n isdis ok e sew lutrerPstgt veyhsnti tniormat
aserul si-t lteyhumciiieovirtuy bth nki- ismonere towelces,13 th ist-yae senh
teen-le. llas ospayu setg tnotSig ta t iphclubhopsen hue, last
g imulue.sehuiehndsn-ur c aledio i-olile tightof killandg t tge strs.sn-cc oMe
rctrlemitsetfgrtifi uarterboot o rt-field C enty-ivelatttcinswerespreenCieerci
Green twtaus mun-tm-aniinhtsuyspostheoofli-riitqatrof thin louthtae tr.t

Iniuhtslf tslilniciie anti mi 111111 d
thinIe tic lhftul 1that1 it putsb tloodl t1n1
msill itotu -in'ts ih-eart t." i fhem
hun-g lesays,"It ws illt iin--11-m-oiiim-
revuerentl.exltedn, nm-Iinhtiuig."
It wa11 oig'illytplanedmutommplesemt
th layi a111~s a tiitn-n uponitheii-S. 1I.. N.
por m, itutt rtuintly, owlinig to
coulti mieusltChmicaon ogm 11 hshtmmi, mul(
thei inistet CaI 1111 ronmii lihe liltiimis
mm nrlnnin mit Iuglaniti, no n ight limt
Stlmldi I csoemuld hue- -tonutomukimi bet mmm.
Fori mciious cutasionsmtim retedui the
till university, mandhso tit lutist tillw be
01011 l ind ependen tty.41IT. 41111cc n-toke
ohuei i mtlerumu NI I. lenntettlbeforel tis
depatiue fiirIimEng l, in-foltowsm:
"This 1, 1 ihinguinemit ltiillsyihat.
is toi nd tleitlii ht ht ll-,its 1itnt i-cIi-
ing- icalls from0 everyid tropolemuuis; ])mit inn
fe dini tight drama111at thi nivesi dnth
and11 ofi11he kiivitionmtmus extendedi-me u
mmnt ilydiicompainy, . Ishouiildmionsidernt
a1 cmiitiiititict to 111till bietiperumittemdtoli
hag.Itsi-is tis sholl olthuin, rsllug
11ved lto doi liir Oxsfordi, lll I osuuit to
Toii Nit- lintl I, 01hoiitils flivh
htsuetmiihre it-mind ii-who hastubeen tlii
unuiersity, butt1kit miii-wmsstis uoptor-
Wiulilyto sec n "lhml Sec-mit inii le'i
I Imue.' Nt i m-u entil I s cmlt'
charmg oflthum- tesutschmiuuuioin lime 111
'lirce it time-,ttmot umutmilm mt pamstors-
ilrii butt bor wt ilitliilethurSlumat-
evninigtprodutiontoftmi "Thie Servait thu
he I:-luuse" thinit- full sancitioni1111a n il
atultuuiutce eit hum the-it congre-gationits. T'le
lie b -Mr.C. Pattonu, oflthum-FirstCetiugre-
n-ltiuuuuot chutrich,still gin-I-aumlecturueo
the plaiy frmt hilt pultit thlis devdeniln
Corner State and Huronts.
10:30 a.no, Service with sermon on
"The Guest of Truth"
12 no. Students' Class cnduuctedl ty
Mr. Foote "Problems of Idelief
and Conduct"
1:30 p. m. -oung Peoples' 1R1eligions
Union. Address by Mr. CantlC
Parry on "Religion unit Expe-
Aut studlensitteresteinifrhi--u, uratat inti
u-esvercii situdyoit eittgioordiatly t iniite.

hk~ ill I , t h -, m -mm
al les ngh(. Ifev C.
air iIi tcilmmtaiii >
It i mi-in, 1C11110 mii,
it -t1.Sh lcr c
Atumi~itt mmittN .1 N siti
hin- i of i ill ill 1I

iir tm i t 1
mum tl atl
l :1 11'J1"b
itC ,Nh
,1 i-tim.
, lutc cr
Katlc h il,

1 ile
it ias Early Activities Incense Faculty
iins -Conditions of Contest Unfair
ay and houst Be Changed.
k mmiii Toroiugliy disgustedl by thin hideous
pirfomanm mc s mit the pst wek, fcly
,ii ist memmmlandutpercldassmueno alike jro-
11 stil- estd }esrumy agauist thin lenent sy-
of iletmof cyig oniithin rushtatd the
of If- horbuiltht hincusomute tmplay It tout
,e ub i mmral hril itthe fresh-soph ativi-
jve a ie. S icnsedutarungny faculty men
him t tha: n-illusme radmical chatge is ef-
it th tifected tic-t ytee lhre to grave dange
no cun t not iI ol- tie prelimuiaryworok-
edl fume slilt ias occasionedi all of thin bitter-
c muted ess-limt ble poli- rush itself, owill be
mmmacc blegisted aatist
'Te conensus of opnonot, as gathered
bly Tbm' iaily, showsc that out this qes-
mii faculty andul students ae of oe
IltS uml. lTe rush itself, as an institu-
tionmuaid a trouitioo which would doubt-
u-i~rgc aru i tttle antagonism, but the
mitfcilbhat mm recetnt years and especiall
sicke 1 mimicyearc mudecases have begun their
actitiem almiot befoenthe freshmen
poly- mm limithad achance to uaticlate and
cutmiinudtthem wisthimonotonous regu-
humrity untui the nigt of the csh proper,
csiuet, has ti miiiatedt tiler-nerfeeling that smnly
elorcml eurailca cage ath msun'.
chtgh;l reidekgel acotse1m-aolition
ofi mhecruh, anm itctlebodmlt-s titer
' cvieweus id otlmmIicommmit u-mun-ies as
,pine cfaoiig ai cl-mtepciiit was ei
A muchum- mumentummfromthopnns scurued thatu--
hicda eslessthecincuitaltrtouhnes atd row-
Itwhitini cnlbe011 iminated, mthumb bushditself
mmiiclho n itey itoucoume matmiter of history.
Presimutkmmmel cmi: "I should be
Ver gld t berilout thinwhole thing
It sarterewtemhiing licepronifessional
- ,t I' students to glintomm it ml ll I tm p
posed toit heause mit teusehtus, the
{ris pcit itolfaic-mmiib, and 111disrderly
1o til huj ts which1ringbu muhe1m uumesity ino
111 n- usret ditsrepuite.I mmmsact-e of the
1< humir it 11111 mit tfmaboliig suhi a tintg unt
int he lessupublicmopinionmumfmtheiiigem-ttoty ot
ri ;odof stuen smithldcomeuctmuseeccthat sus a
Iashthn miit tuu ouli hie accmpilitsthd lTis is
r i catIii1hope may111e15lne.iicI omitsure
a tisatmites ofmithletuiesity see io
cmifrommoimic oocusfumersuch a dcustomutor
l at the mum beneft.llTble disdvatatgs are very
mi ils Te felu-ugcutte authcrities
he lir-moppomsed to hutie ush is very strong at
muma andt Prof.iEIfinmge I 'wsn'sut there last
mum Imittdiighbt I thtinkcthey bas-cgoue too
far hus yer. limitnt oupposed to the
mumnbe rmliu sht s mum instthution if properly a-
e trak raged.I dontutlhke this preliminary
llwaushintmmu n-budsichmakesinight hideous and
ear adMamitulkes tie classwrk hod for freshmeu
mittsophhoimos The rush shotild be
1hlubmumtie dytime, wshich would be
mret manly.uhy'ie night covers a lot of
hdmis1111kN W nusdto bas-cthe erushm
mi-iinmutheatienooni Tbc juniors pitched in
dl lit-hiumlpe mte sophomoes."
prof. Henrye M. Batesy "'The lw
.1th essness itha hrceie the entire
ohdobeek'.preceditg 'Black Friday,' so-called,
isubarbarous atdbis extetned to pro-
litms thot cannot he approved or
cumn tletheid tbyoiny fair-mtinded citi-
zents-uctihes by trintds of the un-
lot esrolly Nt ouly lie the men involvel
arseoh rem imevented bfrotm giving the necesry at-
"Sri-rtuii uul toum thir oni rsk, bitt life is made
by-D" iimserchbtetime those teoputle who wish
it Ial thohumtthendmto hiteic oswnbusies. 'IThe
ittu(( titdom taue 2)


mm1r 1 11

tu wit]

l - l bruit
- _1 tl -r
Liii tl,:
ift ii 7lii

hip a

1is I <t 1 rc itIih m
c- 1 1w (1IO t~Clii I
hi11 i 1111m -u list:nvi
-a N hoard.

OPERAll miiiNO'
The comit tee ht
Oft hulls, cug, mutl
eve it ndi,. ill si t
Nit, ShawmPcol , t 0
mitt- it this so mmii
tuteeat ttmitgiltc
mm-hlt - niiitlutu-it m
dieinI-hiigiutl, \
Ntmummul t lttu 10 ml

cl l ul il I
mti let 1
1 m it r b t imt' it iHal
k';>i Ofthe coat
*11 he i('I

To=night 6:30 Monday Night
Dean-augha Washington Gladden D.D.
of Medical Department of Columbus, Ohio

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