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April 01, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…thei MiaDl -iiX.TxX. . \\ F >t.>I< - _ DULS PROTEGEi{S 1iltrer"tht< i Co i a DON SPIKED SHOES i1ti ~rlia c lan . i-t If ict Track Squad Begins Work For ese ol tiii staa t ha Ills it W at isa patcti lnc>>e pi f he it.d Pennsylvania (iamies; Welh ttIic tiittaitaatat tc tiit of Quarter=Mi lers ()ut. anad iindustrialt iiii ncnt ofathiei flay. --Ar. Piact twas the -heto honira I'c il a-it n l tic- fw a it air wo ar t . n the fourtha anna lt anc ...…

April 01, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MTICHIGA-, WEDNESDAY, APRIL z, 1908. No. 13 . ROWE CALLS FOR OUTDOOR RUNNERS Hiaskins Praises Cross Country Course-Wet Grounds Hinder Baseball Practice. The cros contry course is in ex- cellent conitiois for early rtns atd yes- terdays a large nttmtler of rn were ot. Thie recent rain nde te grontd alittle sticky-ottside of tosit so the mnch ae coteitedltlemseles witlthGe curls tracks' on the sie st...…

April 01, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…TheMichigan Dail TN .. VI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SCNDAY. AI'RI. 190)6. \N. 132 g99EGNERoI 01t)ceittt -andftl fthesciae and elh ftesal 99EGNESWNANOTHER ATTRACTION tectteadiceutyo h hl SCHOOLMASTERS' CLUB IN E C A SM E aomd i i iht ttttiencte FReINS RE)SOW New Yok I pponted t i tn cigit INTECLAS MEE nmemnd its ppreciationttoftthe ipe- FRMNTE HWt'i tffaiof ie inuraltee coin nic. MEETING IS ENDEDJ - - ornaitec by a littleteaik-heartedt...…

April 01, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 131) • Page Image 1

…- 77 %, to ri' d r y °.. v -j. , "-° "- r -. 'f. r . .... ,f rf -- ^. .!, t f 1 i' 7 : . _ _ r _ J t } = _ _ -- -- _ 7 - f , _ .. . " r' %: '-s . , s . _ _ _ °' r r t'J t; '-' \ r r w w w . ... rr ..., _ ... _ :r. 'r. r, ..... T, i - J: r: _ _ "" J ^^ , 'J, r- .. '- ,. .-. r: " qpH , i -s r i (. i r .y , ... r- J. -' .- f Ir, J r' _ _ r of :: .- )- .J, ; . Jr; ' -f. ; r- -- __ +.. _ - . y,.. ... -'1 '. ... e ~ /; 1 y .r /, Ja .m °' r 7...…

April 01, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…heMichigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1904 No. 132 ERMS NO CRITERION. BASKETBALL GAME [RE5'IMAN BANQU :T. COMMUNICATION. Of Unhealthfulness of Drinking Water The third basketball game of the Last Evening at Barbour Gym-Eigh- (From the Engineering Faculty.) Address by Dr. Vaughan Before year is to be played Friday afternoon ty Couples Attended-The Largest (The Daily assumes no responsibili- Academy of Science--Pasteur at...…

April 01, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…[ oi: l 1. . oJi. NuT. ANN AR~BOR1, MICH., WEDTNESDA Y, APR IL 1,1lI9003 No. 136 FENCING TOURNAMENT Norhwastern Girls in Ahletics -~ -Mo'eits ha 1itty Nsrtisvssi s't'tt~ AnnualExhibitisn Next Stuida- Ste'sit sseues's iiessis' its'ter i n it TslDecide Champnship of the isis1io itfour evstss only wert' University-Tumbling and runsositriothws'e situ ite ivlrs Gymnastic Events 1kudif e'o '01t t ildsto sut'sinit the stting, of seea creds'itblite Th...…

April 01, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

…D)AIL:EW UNPARALLELED ATTEMPT CountFirallCaInlal B tlooP,10 iY Enj'R'1-"e to Poi,P'J35 it 1 (-iiri ii l l I , I" li ii i I {I i11 .11:11 l b } r r I 1 i I i (I I, ; b t I I i s I : l i! < i' i u i b i' I t I l i+' lu- li I 1Ii 1d:I1I'i i i'li I+" IIiit' 111 i Of : l 1 1 ' ;l i t i i "I i \ i I 1 + :It;Ill ('lll i "l iu I i i ill il i I I i i t "ill h m i~ t ll -1 1 , I . ' I i fIr Hittili it+= :f 3 4;!:ll' Iir i:Ill. i~ Il1 : tl111t1l'rtlii ' ...…

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