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April 01, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-04-01

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heMichigan Daily
Of Unhealthfulness of Drinking Water The third basketball game of the Last Evening at Barbour Gym-Eigh- (From the Engineering Faculty.)
Address by Dr. Vaughan Before year is to be played Friday afternoon ty Couples Attended-The Largest (The Daily assumes no responsibili-
Academy of Science--Pasteur at 5 o'clock in Barbour gymnasium. Banquet That Has Been Held ty for the sentiments expressed in
Institute Report. This game is to be an open game and for Years. this communication.)
a large crowd is expected. Both The faculty of the engineering de-
At the first session of the Michigan classes have practiced songs and yells, The annual freshman banquet took partment of the University of Michi-
Academy of Science, held yesterday and with the help of the deep voices place last evening at Barbour gymna- gan at the meeting of March 29, did
afternoon, two interesting papers were of the visitors, some good yelling will sium. It was the largest freshman not modify its action in regard to the
read. i probably be done. The sophomore banquet that has been given in years, student who was expelled last week,
Dr. V. C. Vaughan one of the most team is in excellent condition, as has and on account of its size had to be for engaging in "hair-cutting" in the
famous American drinking water ex- been proved by their playing in the transfered from Granger's to the gym- general library. It was generally felt
perts, upset some popular ideas about two previous games. Their team nasium. that while all forms of hazing should
drinking water in an addres entitled, work is especially fine. The tcmrs, The event is the feature of the year be suppressed, it was of particular im-
"The Results of Sixteen Years Work also, have an excellent team. Tb'y for the underclassmen and the ban- portance that any disturbance or dis-
in the Bacteriological Examination of have the advantage of the sophomores quet last evening was one of the so- order in the library or in its neighbor.
Drinking Water." in that their girls are larger, but the cial successes of the season. hood should be punished.
Dr. Vaughan said in substance: sophomores have had the benefit of The guests began to arrive promptly
"Since 1888, I have examined in the practice in the other games, so the at seven-thirty and were escorted from FEsNCING TOURNAMI[NT
Michigan laboratories 180 samples of two teams will probably be very even- their carriages to the door of the gym-
drinking water, not only from Michi- ly matched. nasium by policemen. About eighty Tomorrow Night in Waterman Gymna-
gan but from all over the country. couple were in attendance. sium-List of the Bouts-Other
These samples were not haphazard BEGIN WOR SATURDAY. The banquet began at eight o'clock. Features-Tickets All Given
bottles of water, they were every one I The after dinner speeches which fol- Out.
suspected of containing disease germs. Michigan's Championship Relay Team lowed were presided over by the
"Our experiments have made evi- Will Start Training-Kellogg, Per- freshman toastmaster, Richard Hay- Arrangements have been almost
dent the fact that water from deep ry and Coe Sure of Places- ward Morgan. The toasts whichl had completed for the big fencers' cluo
cold springs, and from our great lakes C. C. C. Race Will be Held. been carefully prepared for the oc- tournament which will be held in the
contains multitudes of germs which casion by the upper classmen fraterni- Waterman gymnasium on Saturday
are harmless when swallowed. The Yesterday afternoon Capt. Kellogg ty brothers of the participants, were evening, April 2. Seats will be pro-
tests have convinced us that a great made a trip out to Ferry Field in ord- delivered amid great applause. vided for all those holding floor tick-
many people drink very filthy water er to investigate the condition of the The following is a list of the speak- ets. Last year, owing to some misun-
year in and year out with no harmless track. He found it in very good con- ers and their subjects: derstanding, the seating capacity was
effects. The presence of germs in dition and if the weather continues Michigan-Rob't Boughton. inadequate and caused much dissatis-
drinking water is no criterion of its favorable, it is likely that the candi- Our Guests--Ralph Crane. faction, but this year ample provision
unhealthfulness. It is merely an in- dates for the four mile relay team will President Angell-Philip A. Zang. has been made.
dication of the amount of filth in the be called out on Saturday. In addi- Boys-Miss Elsa C. Kempf. The program will be an exceptional-
water. The explanation of the fact tion, Hahn, Keeler, Schule, Stewart, '07 Class-Walter Becker. ly good one in every respect. The
that these germs fail to produce dis- Rose and Dvorak, who will probably Faculty-Randall Crawford. competition between the fencers this
ease is that they will not grow in a compete in the special events at the Fraternities-Lloyd E. Johnson. year will be exceedingly close. In the
temperature of more than 35 or 40 Philadelphia relay meet will also be- '07 in Athletics-F. N. Smith. preliminaries, the following men will
degrees. gin outdoor training. Independent-C. ft. Clement. participate:
"The methot used in testing drink- With the exception of the fourth A program of twenty-four dances McLean vs. St. Peter.
ing water, which was first practiced at man, the make-up of the four mile re- succeeded the after dinner speeches. Butler vs. Zoellner.
Michigan, is to inject it srto guinea lay team has practically been decided Evidently the freshmen anticipated Johnson vs. Sowman.
pigs. The germs are taken from the Kellogg and Perry are sure of their Lrouble last evening and prepared for Gradle vs. Schmitz.
Leart's blood of the animals, and cul- places and on the strength of his work contingency by a strong guard. The The winners of bout No. 1 will meet
tres made of them. In this way it indoors, it looks as though Coe would town policemen were on hand and the that of bout No. 3. That of No. 2 will
is possible to determine accuratlly tie the third. There is a wealth of campus janitors were sworn in as dep- meet the winner of No. 4.
what germs are present. gd material from which to select uties. But their presence was not It is thought by many that McLean,
"During the past 16 years more sam- the airth. A race will be held some needed as no sophomores appeared to Gradle, Zoellner and Butler will be
Rles of drinking water have been test- time during the spring vacation and molest the proceedings. winners in the preliminaries. On the
ed at Michigan than at any other lab- the result will decide who will repre- The committee to whom the suc- other hand, some fencing authorities
oratory in the world. sent the Varsity on what it1; hoped cess of the affair was due was as fol- who have seen the mien in practice
Dr. T. B. Cooley gave an interesting will be another championship team. lows: think that Slowman and Johnson will
review of the work of the Pasteur In- A large stove has been installed in General Chairman-R. Perry Shorts. do some surprising work.
stitute, which is now just a year old. the training ii arters at Ferry Field. 'Arrangement committee-Chairman, In the second round the winners of
He stated that during the year, 38 This is a much-needed improvement, L. Clendenning, Wm. Heston, C. W. the preliminaries will meet again and
patients were treated, 37 of these as in the past, the track .oen have McClure, A. G. Olson. here the number of contestants will
were from Michigan. Thirty-six had suffered during cold weather in the Reception committee - Chairman, be diminished to two.
been bitten by dogs, one by a cat and airy dressing room. Win. H. Furst, Frank Nicol, S. J. Cut- These two will cross foils in the
one by a horse. The latter case is an The distauc men who are not cand- ting, L. W. Schuette. semi-finals. The friends of Messrs.
unusual one. Horses, often go mad, idates for the relay team will con- Invitation committee - Chairman, Gradle and McLean are anxiously
but seldom bite. Dr. Cooley experi- hnue cross country running until the Robert Rouse, H. S. Holmes, Miss Ve- awaiting the outcome of this bout as
enced his worst trouble with appli- spring vacation. It is probable that a ra Lay, John H. Devisser. the winner will meet F. T. Nagorski,
cants who were entirely healthy, but novice cross country race will be held Decoration committee - Chairman, present holder of the championshin.
who imagined that the animals by just before vacation, although the Geo. R, Calloway, C. It. Ramsdell, Miss The gym team, juggling of clubs by
which they had been bitten were mad. matter has as yet not been definitely Marjorie t-oward, Ge. L. Earle, Ed- Young and Whittark, and the club
Some of these, when refused admis- decided. ward Small. swinging by Dr. May, will be distribut-
sion here, went to expensive private Capt. Kellogg is still suffering from ed throughout the program, so as to
institutions in the East. Treatment at an attack of tonsilitis, but by the ACADEMY OF SCIENCE. relieve the strain, and lend variety to
Michigan is free. Treatment lasted in time of the Philadelphia meet, lie will the program. The service of the U.
each case from 10 to 21 days, and in doubtless be back in his old-time form. The annual cnvention of the Michi- of M. band has been procured. Events
no case did rabies develop. Without detracting from Schutt's won- gan Academy of Science will continue will begin promptly at eight o'clock.
The most dangerous place to be bit- derful mile Saturday night, it is only here today and tomorroy morning. 1800 tickets have been given out and
ten is the face, the hands next, and fair to the Michigan captain to state Among the interesting papers to be no more will be distributed.
last the trunk. that he was not in the best physical read at the section meetings tomorrow +
One peculiar observation which Mr. condition for a bruising race at the at 9 o'clock, the following are of gen- SCHOOLMASTERS' CLUB.
Cooley made was that in August when Cornell meet, as he was suffering from 'ral importance to the public:
"dog days" are at their height, the tonsilitis all last week, If Cornell's Botanical Section-Dr. Dandeno of The 39th meeting of the Michigan
least number of cases occurred. four mile relay team competes at the the M. A. C. will talk on Physical Schoolmasters' Club was opened yes-
Mr. Cooley described the treatment Philadelphia games, the final mile be- Characteristics of Poisonous Solutions. terday morning at Ypsilanti. The gen-
which consists of inoculating the pat- tween Kellogg and Schutt should be F. -. Liiew will discuss the evolution oral sessions will begin this morning.
lent with a solution made by dissolv- an interesting affair. With the tall of species in the plant kingdom. Yesterday in the forenoon and after-
ing the spinal chords of infected rab- Michigan captain in form and running Geology Section-iProf. Kelsey will moon the Classical conference was
bits. This solution is gradually in- on the same side of the track with tall on Vesuvius before the eruption held, and in the afternoon the confer-
creased in strength. Sehot wore he can use his famus sit 1879, and Prof. M. S. W. Jefferson once of Physics and Chemistry. The
sprint, it is 'not at all unlikely that will describe his explorations in the attendance was very good although
"Kel" will turn the tables on his Yuma River valley. many were kept away by the floods
APRIL FOOL PARTY. rival. Sanitary Science--Drs. Novy and prevailing throughout the state. A
MacNeal will discuss the cultivation great deal of interest was manifested

Accrdngtother nnalcutom P EDA GO GY L ECT U RE. of try phanosames. in the pa; ers and discussions which
the senior laws will give an April Zoology Section-H. L. Clark of Oli- were highly entertaining. Prof. M. L.
Fool dancing party tonight at Grang- Superintendent E. C. Warriner, Sag- vet will talk on the Variability of Com- D'Ooge of Michigan, gave a lecture on
er's Academy. It is customary to inaw. East Side, will lecture before mon Snakes. "Excavations at Delphi," which was il-
have a special variety of "stunts" and the class in pedagogy at 4 o'clock, to- Professor John M. Coulter of Chica- lustrated with stereoptican views.
tonight will prove no exception. A day, in Tappan Hall, on the subject, go will lecture on "A Neglected Natur- Prof. T. A. Sanders of the Latin de-
large attendance is expected and the 'The Function of the School Today." alist" Friday evening at Sarah Cas- partment also spoke. Two addresses
affair promises to be a success in Classes in Thearetical and Latin hed- well Angell hall. he will discuss the which attracted a groat deal of atten-
every way. Those in charge of the agogy will not meet today. 4 checkered career of Rasfne,ue, one tion were those by Prof. Frank E. Ab-
party are taking some pride in the of the foremost of America's early bott of the University of Chicago, on
exclusiveness of the affair, tickets be- Y. C. A. NOTICE scientists. Programs for the conven- the evolution of the letters of the al-
ing sold only to members of the sen- tion may be obtained at Secretary phabet and by Principal Daniel W.
tor law class. A darning bee and not a dancing Wade's office. Lothman of the Cleveland high school
party will be given Saturday after- The following is the program for to- on sight reading of Latin.
NOTICE. noon at the Y. W. C. A. house on E. morrow in detail: Today, beside the general sessions,
University avenue. Friday, 9 a. m. there will be held the Biological,
The annual election of officers for Meetings of sections of Botany, Mathematical, English, Historical, Ger-
the Oratorical association will take GLEE CLUB NOT IC E, Geology, Sanitary Science and Zool- man and French conferences.
place Saturday from 9 to 12:30 in Glee Club meeting in room C, Uni- ogy in same places as on Thursday,
room 17, University Hall. versity Hall, Saturday afternoon, 1:30. except Sanitary Science section in Cambridge won from Oxford in the
32-33 SHABMRG, Pres. PARKER. (Continued on Page Two.) crew race and track meet recently.

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