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April 01, 1906 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1906-04-01

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TheMichigan Dail
g99EGNERoI 01t)ceittt -andftl ollppeare.ad fthesciae and elh ftesal 99EGNESWNANOTHER ATTRACTION tectteadiceutyo h hl SCHOOLMASTERS' CLUB
IN E C A SM E aomd i i iht ttttiencte FReINS RE)SOW New Yok I pponted t i tn cigit
INTECLAS MEE nmemnd its ppreciationttoftthe ipe- FRMNTE HWt'i tffaiof ie inuraltee coin nic. MEETING IS ENDEDJ
- - ornaitec by a littleteaik-heartedtl hantd- pplatlrly knownt astithe "Armstrtong i-
First Year Men Win Easy Victory clttingtt Noted Hindoo Juggler Secured For etigatitg comimitte. citt give att a- Most Successful Affair in History of
With 38 Points-Soph Engineers Te tnmtarttesc Union Minstrels--Other Attract- des in 1Tppan 1hatl PiTeday evenlitl Club--Officers Elected For the
Take Second Place. Stit pu11tiCoe, 9015 is t lttttt ions Soon to be Announced. April i t 81 o'tlock.lEnsung Yer
"0t8ct e -t tl I til s4 econd the-rbsi ol, llthirdneiDiittaitcttt--itIl isuettl i ittliteit"Thecrt Nkenork111anvil i_
idtI'l tttot tr e l i tndoo t a eo- f whitht fortttiatre iii:ttim i-fIalthe04s.- 1 tilt to eIi huh iiiIa i laIt ittltt itgp o- Co m itee T ist tii Ihit ll Itt til l ii t tttt i i 1 te et I i n duati on l wo k
1 l t tt ofiitt t te gn o mi , frs : C to , s n:tiittlt sog apdl a d 6 yt i i tin- ts p ot unit Ili ttity to h ar fi sihnd f o itn erin t eu o a th v ri u c l
s a niiii li n i tig rie ime : cd ytetliti n tii fth .11elibrttoo tliii- tlt- l idisa u 1crep rtam l i gg mlitc du ig te lstlu e,-rv. O e h e
it iii liiis itt al-11INnliiiotce eciidttrd frnttee f
ni tt itrktt c ttrtitttttuxii tt di ial tu-leg uisl ti ili-c i t0-roectottti itilt- rrcll of i i lre t it I l irenttle r
______lint;_lak.______secontieCoetntCitlithaii iti Itiu itiflIneia
"o c hr . Iip i:. -5. feti 111 ieuttltt r liii l lt i n iii Iii tt i 1 i , siiir1111 titti I Ir.tDat. on is el k o n to l Illi wich tiil he f re-i~
hal-Io tthe tutul feoints1111 Titit - iitttt
cmi i-c c huthl tt slatint il(ttit Iu ~ ni tt-- l o, lo~ lrCiitu I uti tel ut; woldthe ithuutle Iis at o fhI itctut ry' liith shrdettiii 1of isua iniu th e ii i IIhite- uthituu'Ibs ietrg ss Ii t I t
c i Cult iiintie inuiihSfaw, Btel lutrteyti i to - ht ttu h ull i i s tttm.ting icit inot onlyutchutgth i htis ict- tbee thIe ch Nofits CiIde ed b
%Nt011 i li iiI_ 1)11tteyeinttttgi.N tuth tlt7on tl-hicte- tlttit ii hi li - I t titIlasttitu ll tc.ear, utttl ttthtetcx, ittit:uunc
t i ii utidc utll.Ntttuuue titt- t;ia Post. 1- tte tilt, t C ttthid. ten illt he it i l ot I hutitho e f d l i ltred t lthe ulsses in il s tutu t aiti heigSituae i ntit c I t heo I t ir Suit
Th ee o r npon f t0 a c 1i c, :;a.; het il il tittig Lo do -ttrac iltn tes t Hd ieur i tch titla t nt ear,.iti a it ttuut aci. NNititit tutuuuuu
Cult tiltormanceltfelc l ell-huuith. 11811146 Nt l attlNS'aIS et;NICIit L k-l f h; ca, a i tn s -nh ,cn e td t tp D e afw \Ite1am s eso eira'tr
tttticttitg iii ic neilit ti-it ii ~- _______t iid vrc-itto tavilto cei t reli li tottta het uno t le itituit t I this wt lito Mli nte ll t 170 ttlat ew culeoft-e y.lCKw, latdcl tu
tio hte o t te cn e ct u tutuIf s u tilta- i me, ut :56. ittuu t e i Nittevie o f ari tututiveefo heto - t ke t ctiharlet ofth i nestie gautlion. of-utu ifeu til utio twalapt e 1er-Ct e tti tie
ut-le Sitoill lic i i tt it y v rttftsasi ia ro p-- in h, 06C 1111 hlo - u t he i ee -w it-u- t ii ii t e a l tl t nit ii Ic tutu1 t ics ig bi nesinticil l iN ti th c O luivte f u ill(-- cieh -it e
i l u c Seoml e it nonchai l t I - -h ut--itt ilisec i-d vuito jce if. 1huthitutu olecu mhe ______________ that he_ it tetut i ii tt h tutarr titd atn Suttetr the.it rFi u b i l l h c o p ,, d ftilt utu c irIto
1'~etrtee tw steo l n hc eg t, e t I fin hes . llsittrtiltedtto ;ecetoiti- II - earlyNi 1 5 1 1-o951e l)eg11 isttla itt-c hu -ut title C htee arCiouueuconfuIr-nce n h
,[rcl i u oht i eic th tet-. l i PI o le au 1 lou 9ti er 'o lt uucit I t c hlt asthi arutuh hI r lcs a - dr s itl 1l-utopenuut th te l h it 1111 eitt n ttte- e -ce -ee hilt, hcila c <t
('ie ti huledihe , ot 4lieet qtincis. iss , se o d . tuu , it tu t h icrd. cciii ed t Ieni-l itt o t 1t u ii h i ttheiii tutu toturotaley perI itic I utu the cu T e n w y a optetid
ttliuuetonliyihut-huenoh esiii ith tier t ofthe111 e iht If e lii e ht t i ftuu o rI tltgtis ei rd aii ndtmi ica t r il 5 utu i u tutu ct t hue S t cci.aDeiit i- -tlues ta ti-th u rpostue- iot
varitt ie oorxe el ord.ii Cte hanuth et ofet 11H ie 'leu iii I first5 1111befhut i ngtutt tlt h ut-c ahitd utie ucuou tt t itquutt u uteen.to c-i t e Cl iii a tu i tti i it il thIe til
5 lx et it littrou tsiditislt ves itfrottt the tidgelutttcise9ondtlututut tutu ituSthid A l f eP riuuu et jueg tl ii 111 tuuI uu lteer,,tuitheul utu on ice 11 ofN t he so l.C uuuiI I tt le I
tuturgy aIdtavbuttesnt eftt1 -tee1im . >o .i o t r o wtu nhetd tiii ue ettti ilte w rd o h s. t htandie -e u uttuIl-utee uu tocut itttlt r~ I y of til tauc- l u-it-ttit
llue u itm f rt h a (ttl i ttt~ t it 0 u--AV St i otlo tulsot:uPe lpsch tta'ooctia oyyN u t he'4 i tltcI aitt "t theuttu b e r - ute edut itil I ththe iutltclsicale crticsuuutel hI f w t C tutuf itNrs uwere uele ct -i-fo
t h h ~ i i ~ o l i i e i o i u h hi n t . w iti}ihir dii -u ul o tt g t c c l ii '0e v e u t h i h h tudi.c l i u u't ilS i e u ilee , i iho l i n g huthh ei t t u it t h et i i t u tle sa e tt t I t t
N ei tle tut ete ii h ll tu hi t huleeciit idttohohc tIueultIuclut as 5 wiii lt-ieiiiu- t y te rs c3 t it ly inhue h , i awl dcueo i-e, ciuu lr i --1111101 o t I cKrAehutulCe talk h sho l
i teut liiia it tile i iloutu 99noe ithe ha i hut I ota tt-uine to Situc liti e S tug id d t uiits ttu tiro tlon e eo idt hetc - h iti ____________Do ur C nt al Cv r.
N\ueeeec-ttc-toittn ii utl vic atitt R meitai)dee atod tilit utuuuuouutuu hiltbeencueununete dl 15 Nf.KNC utu rtuoftu he oul iituturututee alutil iii dol , hO C C 1115 [,ftsi Nll I ly
1111he f to ieriue -ltteluyardudash I hu ttit ifbtoketSe ilofihiil aru Iht-iii tiiii n utcticiii 11110To lease it, con-' i11
ape at balet i i-ee ch ae ad ofuuu utu l rkiiii tuteer ttu-u-ull tlluc t Rnwctuh liii or e fforS i i seN icce thui, tattathiuo. Thut) tutu iAtbtrI tigthccoolt:tuttatilterlt 11p11
il ;.tutuCot it ili uui titt ii tt i i t 111 i- -ttton deetetatik ccdn er i ithect h utl it fori Sth ibc el i uut tsutu ti n antyh it(ohi:tis tak fr P 1. rst tAl(.iemuiit en et ut i
htil wiito arr tiltg111ve t il00hu in- ngnerste: oo lts 7 108meiu.tadugealy teth-iteeseo teier'hde a dicsiitn m ay hodtirnl Cltitititftil cubwee' Clssc u
tookiivtiaint liii lit Imeniwt I-Soushilte mutilegure istsolit
ilt itt ti - S>llotut ti itueulow h rlsaetln om k pca ffr piat om l 'ai~r ia
hilt i i iuton and to cell ititk egt pintscO). v tee- tutuS T NIG Tue-ge itt ttuu-uuufo.itttec tugt-uIhaitat,(le3.t\ iliam , tee-utvo
doorti h;ittitoiscliiiuchuptformanceseth teutliiifor e ars;ahecis tulle days' cllege- 111111ryccI, uiC' uK u-liltki tuAuuu
high il l I. c- e ooduo de t andti Sirlt h w tI tite w n eriismtipo uar ad-os
gh if.ot itltl Amtiertitia.iAhi it-thew-crtito u fe ro. Ih sc--ian , i. rtic pirhu
l'th p lire, I)uW llastfihe s oudue eciedin a e d ys'99h u h thilta ll ittu(lp we icN-mihOlvt.coleetscrta yD
tuthS heoutuhtttit o t quarutuerut ilDavey 11t Forrest tR a t cciguth idtool
lut astenlull tutu i ihalithitill1 hilt hiI-INSHAII cciVIt's iulg. t tartu-hotrein t edutteitt tIat tine itiicl--iiiiriat R. it- itt, N tt
was notpushedand wo bandsdrnvitin at 6;0. Re.eAlr.titelltmtthatunusil potntoftdisriminaicn whie eheiartia
poyver i speakig to stdents o ac- "Atile" tim.tthegreatesgsti-itt sttie- ofu"Stinuanuitripesttucevep
wiith Tie exep tu hit tioc tu claru tunitl oftohiti hits hisin w n nhs eae ti atrn o f
ste dy nt ical ie , ut t oa t w n ed Ch irman,- u p itutu.tItI. i a tu-I- inrtiacg
fe tt iuc i t e ite iihigh eetjump. Ile - iaiu rte Bs op -ilam n a Ne ok r m ter esil ies o ro s' aas-rwh s o ma d oe

tutle catiwichitwett tthe 1 uthu us thiuu andtut-t athroutcept
ouslyiowiicthte~tith9tuo ofet t uces.e C ittt t til lta hr
anhtandtu tiuGraIhmather tt iutulcue four hittino t enoffeedut havehanytiume.ccti-
F~vn he in-lp rla btilt il rte lontg ututd eiuconstidteratiou
haltf-mtiltersandtithttltetstaildto arouse1cndthtueyt feethathu es ie thotuldt huee-
tilt extpectedutersttt II cept ccwilhthelie tittlii tilthtat cpirit
f.onttstaets hutmtelhotthehietealizeittflu
the piie itt utditnetrtui--cdihnthe tie- ++--Ihreia=wa eert( ttl
tutack lithigittite tofcc thbt. tne-tiapi 1lliteronGmnsl.Petsient iAldemant ofitthe-Uivuesitc-y
iteutinthie uersitcy cewonfrti othlie Withilast nigt t'sitercastimeet the gnmanttto htPeeey fiel. STe bausealthde solue tie. N itth letmt ciii autoutble tfVirginiaueieredeethe tddrehecss. Word
abtoutayardthle mciddlecutthe uceek tnduthel c attui- tofhal-ilephiato ltcopiete in the seiteluof $10,000 Pp the cwidowu ittJuduge i13tuth
"ian"ctSehutlteuad Iisu ttn notsy11hotltthlescenue itt athteticeatoivities (lhttex lutethe Pennscy ftuur-mie relay ets. AtogetherFery fieldt withlhe oeteeotrutittictotoo oala uieditg
tetls, Kiagoatid Geentim-de their ctwile tranisferredh from Waterman eamt cilh cart otdoor traiing aout i tty plaee before te week is ededIto le cahed Booltt Hll.

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