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March 30, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vot-,,XX. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 30, .1909. . [ 30. BALL AND TRACK MEN GO OUTDOORS Prospects Bright for Southern Baseball Trip; Four-Mile Team Working Hard. Wit.but little tore tatanweek i- tervetinigibefore tie varstty baselclt sutad starts soutit for te insnsial sprng vaicationi trip, te prospects arett t tthe teamis will go into te oeint'g ttte of thte.'seasontiwitht lessottdoosr siokthantit its previosi...…

March 30, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN \RiB(OR.\Ti. 11ff IN 'S- \TI M MRI)\ CI I(H icy, 1907. VOL. XVII. N . 1- LAST INDOOR MEET GtHMu'IANNUALIiND)OOR TAKES PLACE TONIGHT MEiETi (CCUCRS TODAY Over igti- ientrat' is, representing oll Special Features will be Chamipion- foutr classs, asure iclose ight for te ship Class Relay Race and Jap Carrow etnCU3illtits g-irls' itttti itidoor Fencing Bout. tmee- t i aroutigymnatsittmttthis ater- ( ltoot lttyer thefrsih...…

March 30, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…The Mkichigan Daily A\NN :ARBOR, IMICITIIG \N, I"RID XV. M \RCI30, iol frg.XVI.: No. 13('. EDUCATIONAL. MEETINGS PROF. BATES APPOINTED ARO NOW IN PROGRESS ON ATHLETIC BOARD ENTHUSIASTIC RECEPTION FOR SOUSA TIS EVENING Interesting Meetings of Schools master's Club and Academy of Science Today-Opening Ses= sions Yesterday. YesterdayIornin0111g 1alag 1111101 r of professolrs and11schoolmaste01r wee11 hand at1 10thefrt 00es1011 of tie clasic...…

March 30, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOX N LAST TRY-OUT YESTERDAY ANN ARBOR, MICH.. THUIRSDAY, IMARCH 30, 1905 No. 1 29 CROSS COUNTRY CLUB. DEBATERS OFF. DANIEL WEBSTER. Al-Fresh Track Team Practically Bturkey and Pearce Both Oio to Mtad- Senater Champ Clark Delivers Elo- Club Out in Full Force-Novicc Race Decided Upon for Next Satur- ison-Former is Still Unable to quent :address on (ireat States- This Spring-Easy Runs day Night's Met. Speak -Prospects D~ark.,n...…

March 30, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail Vo.. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1904. No. 130 OUTDOORS THIS WEEK PROF. VAN TYNE'S LECTURE. The lecture on "A Trip Down the The Baseball and Track Men Called Tne e n sever e Do by Out-Prospects Good For a Win- Danube," given several weeks ago by ning Team to Philadelphia. Prof. Van Tyne, but was postponed on account of his illness will be given in With the advent of warm weather Sarah Caswell Angell Hall o...…

March 30, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…ANN A () I( £ \~)XMimp Ft IL N. 133 PRESiDENT JAMIES O)f Notit t ii t ,; , r 1: n 1 ii~l~ 01'TDOOR ORK EASTER SERVICE 3TO6 * K >i'ts. ~i'03'i'ii:nsiiixt 1i3~ii'st~zn It 11 k1 l 1ii l r tl j li i i W r 'Ittli t IttAli , in Siri'A ttt11 1 1 i : li ; it lt I11 4 K 1 :1 l r k 1 1 W 1 t itS j ttli ,\l1 111 1ti:I ,i;t I i l h t l' it i iiti .o f ~ it I tilitlt tilt t tlil 'i(ii liis, 1 0i 1l' -lt 1 '1 it 1it i t i t tii i 'tiltl it itt ' iiin :1 '1...…

March 30, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

… Ilk> ' i ., , i (' ' f VTol XI. ANN AtRBORd, MICH.. SATUItI)AY, MAJC I Wl, 1901, ..Orr Special Line of.... W.1., A. A. HOLDS BACK IONEY '083fHeld a Merry 'Smoker' Foreign and Domestic, Which is Doe the 'Big Nine" Colleaes l A B RE'IC' '- Secretary - Treasurer Hrustor n toolie lrwo. 'r'll iiieiiutzHis.1, FI j% n ~Pioil a Shrewd fGame 11111 eio 1:1)_-;llcaredi'11)(int 1 fiat 5ut MayFrid fim- ii 0it iiip m nd:14 w opdi kw FOR SP ING ,in 0 e...…

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