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March 30, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-03-30

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The Michigan Daily
ANN \RiB(OR.\Ti. 11ff IN 'S- \TI M MRI)\ CI I(H icy, 1907.


N . 1-

Over igti- ientrat' is, representing oll
Special Features will be Chamipion- foutr classs, asure iclose ight for te
ship Class Relay Race and Jap Carrow etnCU3illtits g-irls' itttti itidoor
Fencing Bout. tmee- t i aroutigymnatsittmttthis ater-
( ltoot lttyer thefrsihmenitt olnt
Tongh te rnrta i trlass mtt t Cn it'C1and t ftit oh m rs.Cti t bne i ven
take; plac intt hIto gi, n eas ,- 'Tile CC tts intcludeiC aU sittti it U2$-
gan ths eetha tben if gret it Cter- I ii dsh, NecomC bettt, itid of hill

rrt it v ' (tllet i mi l u ntlal h
gl' l i ii i tii ()C )t C sl ir Ci sickUt liii-
ptcCIu' liar til- tett pa esei an is
trmey ilt ii o lttllg T e tins re i ()
ifAnioter cV 1CI~t 1 tic ular'O ill im
race betw e ii the til- iCt llcic. ifl
te iui lw . Tit s i ll be aC bttleX
he iv It inothe alk I Ied tiiunii <i-
illitti diC erin.iTilt aw i J will b
bar. Int the iii li tIi o ns wilb
I~m t w iners C ilitiass( ) ci v v ceit Ot
iorth ia\\iandii(i f iii - Xmliii it iUym-
ith Niti-iiitii- ii fll-itt: tilt
cre it 1(1i t are.Ken iip tici n
fn tti-r, Itti C tilt C ill r- Clr
k'if'ig , 1'. 101 \iclC re i dgi.i au
Critit - 'ate is lig . ;Iw r
'RFlt) ii )v 'iiF. I,. I N)il fp)'corr'
R to'b tie -irticy Cl rncfiut't id u: tim-s
iThei ii t rSisiirtgasfulrhmu- 111iitlt: i
t ot ptiCC tFi s itt. iittRuytt, tit lipi
tirSusz, '8,;Citttti ati . 'ciii ;' CAr tu.to.~it

Th fi i111 i iat C : r. 1)1 0 ti-i o
Ypia ti ' iS too \5Iit e n dss, itii
iiiicii li it.DJtroit, reereeand tartt.
man, li It11 itoC Ii riCs1 i- itsh a n t eistt,
Coliii-ec girls -in- -iitttitti-ti friei. Visit-
ir nt aUS -N N)' Ni')
I IAtNNi CittiI(CANNOiiTi Uii ii li
liltsdiiii onri uti n~s l lii be11511 11CC,-
eoh s bstructisf ittheHurton iversl,
S-orin'Stoilr. ClauIfitl Iat/Tine
:)eidti othit tltittilX ii t iii-
..O rsisiayoug loga itionI idt
th rofisoi lttt i ghutl'i.andt'tti it em-
'tial olt em . ii i ii ' tii he its 151111titn tit
tielt b ou ldtiC not safe) yunttittg sch~t'
aCC t thait.o kn asg ae
nut itlitsiCCCC ist ii) 1)' . ft itgt
SAYS )R. .70C CItt u NiiiiaWA.GNCR
"Ttheittudyiiofiii e V patitslifniu-it
NItottiititiis ifi'tere iathe s f r thares

Law Professor Talks on the EthicalI
Problems Confronting Law
'Yon'ttg 'itt-i its stould ig l tt rit'ti
as 'lal' in lifiei 's ipossuib 'an ' titi liisati-i1
lice thei socal d ties t hitcrotf's
thlre rillgou'tlthlil htest tere is5ini
a111111' i Th ist'advicei'gilytit
ofthe'Weittiti ut-stiht Cit -
godn rd isn t yet tiolt.
to has tit iiiiit ' forc i foritheiii ii
Ie ho t nt i c ause'ttt i tio'i ' tge'best
poliit'll ibu t I t c itl is'ti t. e h
111t w i it iiclint.iii i iii) iti-si
gain ittwihen yCouI must1 lit doit'
tl o nes iil.t i til ot. iTlt 111.1
II'o til ntil ll thei lte-Itti li itlawyeriti
is in t ncssl y the brii' illi t iman111hol
w i ot-sl 'ti t ae t the11 m1111i who
Cwoiks. "HardiwirktitsitdirCensai to
Sirdtheti-it Pil if saaiyDwensit rt
iglout".tG't iit'a'ro'difi-irtcDtwhere
deski i l liitiallaystbe iledin is ghis ill'i
wr.In thatii i i caaci-t-tyugcnler
lii 15 iin I mo trgthan iuru'iownuul
In irespe t t the elti on ofit titsloca-ni
tion, Profiiess o u ofge imeitiul isco' ur- i
age 10the t titti Iruih totheitaC'. t l
it) Cl" tle igto u sfeelsthal ut' tur avse
ifg 'tto -iake' toldg arif t ti -Ot heuu
the han1111 Iibelieve thaiit iitiitglti mel-it
atoCo.'biig 1fCC Csmall towns."UCI'i~e
A ililustra ied lecture ii'on i"pltrizruedt
light" a eiee yPo.Dyo
C illr, of XiCIN eiSchooiof itptie

Ri(I/'T StF"Iiif SUF'iiitRS
Iisptt c fromItil- Ii Stitiuc .-flt ltha-
1egent t"ilit 1). t, rI- I ' t heut i- l-
c(rritinC;ituutvutto -itiCCIIa,
Ni)sul Si'f blood 'i, N)I itg r
:iii' deiut' it tiutthi Ito i:tlgnteI
111111 ti-ill tit hlo~ra i ' tand it'
gictli-siswolen arm' ''resulte -
A lit-itt tuti i. i I . iii iit utI c l i. ti i'
- - I'll o gh to waratil
stun iouith IpcII ii I gii il conuli 11 li I -
5th itekfomstngt' C0 i- s ih
gallt i l it-I ill iii ti ith h s n s
jokes and u- ti-I i i iito I to hut e11
ig n I'I I inn . tlt-oh ~ntittihiot iuii
Ias beet isi fthei plans Ii I t-..itheii
fIn IIIi t tiii uh silt -i lI ttitilu' tr'
st i'ill tt ft ituit shI ll-I 111 all i
taill and uuu u lot utlc' it- i ~ert'tthetst
enterV tainmet ic iII itutublck are
art1ists iar tito i c w il iil iii C,, %1io 'l
n pe onIi) iiiN ll o ils o
Thos who knowiitutt ii i intuI in it)
gradehurt(lie h effortstofiiiittg tutu'
arill bani ewiandit-t 'itTh
cmitteeslicairmenuna iug re
pot ta .1 'l t e r anw ois 'Ito lke Iarti
thusa m intiisti itwork. i liiIits~u
ick t for Iul btith ev-liI 'i ll gtu oilnnii
''e N.ihtutu)pil :-it \uuuui ai tutuook
biip', gi-tiltst gFeara -if matyi er
disappoin1te11ahut) rsult iof --ottii ingil
earlust 'tsiblt inordettiihhattlt iii liii
fu11 1-itt gI hut I ? (II
TheC I it ouit ConfeXinceiatutuoisnt
le iii iaternoo iltiR oI 3f the ' I taw~i
1111titi -t' tt Ciil iii
SI~ull fistC''('lion ut iosti a

Superintendent of Kialamazoo Col-
lege Spoke Before Schoolmaesters'
and Biological Conference.
'h t ie drank1 hoer it lii i-utu- u.'t-
w tll n tttitg phi cafl111 .1. is Sul u IX ith
way: th till liiion C tt'. I lluSn it
ill, i tmt s -ol f : il ct.' lw .
ith tilt l iii It'ugu. ii C 'hut hi-hi ti'(,f tilt
Nl l; 111 dt..tt tt ii i' clut, eld vet
II } atutu iii to t i l IuIg. '.Ittt ti rc11
r< iii ii -I alut'- Ct tllcgtvi, i'ii itiili i-
Iu-ia hilt lili lii.. lii
\Iii. I Iu-ut Ic cI I -ii ii[in I..It
tsit c rlIi nos,) le s i t utu ii hi iii
,Iu~d. Itt va ti 4 aieto utill
,,[ -, 0 f hs I I Iruntiit ioed I t
rI It-II' i it- i I tIofll lt dtii ai. hui t .. il
thu-u ni i-tou is rolix fee i - i "f
theiItni11;11 It Ic dr till)a
rcgnl:r~y fro fie I f Ii silt t(lii
K llu o I riwi I 1)1. sIV ii- 1,11lilyu
'i,: baduuulr Itvsitieatgh, Iwit lii high o
Iii I co e if iT lt"Il" 1 lii 1 heru-i
ior i o -16e t hehu r il - that( ll
grif allyhI t eachinutu L m"ou cdh
and tuucili};)1111 ,tte111~ ae
I'lpi- \' ;Ilvw tt t e cIi iit whoi
ro tc plnc (ac in 111 ilili ll the tt
g ad , i 'I ii)ol I-I-u' I iilii"i
'Il it \ r1111oer i la i the i",- ii
"h m n IIv il}yilt lIttue li -
-u- it lin(i ~ ntadfh'ill IiI sinI
S* II .la~, pofV'(r IC' he I iuitti iii
l,it il lutu i liii thu-lti ii huh ilt i
lint s lak ir ,i l th Il~ c, S1 t
practicihd tutur NutI(, b u e a lIe
Tis. nhei argot,', C liI a diIi lSuit1.
C-n 'I/Il i/u ilC lt) Nje' nd iI
Ill c~nre C i s ih i tl ull).
tita dI ,,,flt owed ith anl t
lilt onC heII1I, hi C, a iii whc
otiut r his) tutu iii Ii watutu) riiiil iii i in
IrviII' Prthu g il--r ill-~. l' in h .t5 tt liii
tii l iii r : lliIn i Plan t I ii'6
tutu li ht a tnt li. tici til tutu iii
tforiAgtl iirit in hi-liii iiiii I ii y1 '00
p ig; lhti-uhlu-i tou tu-im), o0 li tutu-
Ili n~f S'1i 'uh,, o uIi' i-t

overt urnefd titChii ithei lsti I tilt')
'I esi tciurrein-tt iithi it andu. P i fr..

na liii' Theclassiis givintii'.funit- Thei- Ohiot.1' liiid-l)it, intutu I i'hg
tion iin rnehtidefraty li- theixp Csses f'.of then yearC tusht iglht. 'llstiforCthu
it, athtletictliants.'Thi tichieis Co the i tutus' an'otui hur t' 1)111'niuu ofsii iuu1-
dlances andtuppertarentits75 centis. htucCC r ic~e
WhenuTste'il'Da-ils fins) ut nidereCduthets uttiiitii ttuof an ostuein iii ile
spellhinig, thou SitmpulitidSpelling;uoarduttui i-t-Iashkedifur ilt-ito 'he reply' ofpifts
secrenttary,.-Nit Sctst, .is liriuttul hbelow
.''le art' glttdltohunhwithlat it is plur intenution uito rouce an 11issue:.iiofiT
Dilypin accordnceut-i twiith t'e I oanti's 30-worCdlist.'')The-uxpin t wuuIii)llih
huh ontly inteuriesting, tutu usesful. It itilswh ow r111' easonabC't letiiu hw 1 co nh-ti--
lit-u-' is the: is)t'if 3t0iordttus. A llt'g'-inumberhh of ii e prof(-)tstfn't andr-i 'uuu
of tilt-Universityi- f ich-Iiiiigtanati mntihtg otr iguut' nd.u adheiuirents, anthi ettu
,atetis , indeed~, i trueif aiilt'e gneta iv utsCtico 'tutu(I coliuge,- thuutu thii
thts Ettglisht language, aret-hlilt'rsnongesittluppoti-C. if tilt' uitipile andprac-
ts of simpullified spelling."

estitei.gaztsl, gltoe, unti tutu I I iC heStudent'us' _iLcture Assoc51ition itfun
oet ic, paleougraphyipalezicuzt olit.))P 111 the comuuig ytar wil) IC hld-it) iia iteet-
wsinth, huuslit, kistoswhisky, jail. tug of thts ntsnmbtrs this aterunutonit
O uuo'clock'h inivetunrsiityIHall. It is tsx-
The jutnior ltaws deideidl yeisotienilyIipecutdaltshauut recommenattstttionts uwill
atern~ioonlito hld ) ti huir )ext annu l a-i'be ren~ted fun tiltsrnevisioouuf tecoin-
qiuet iniDntroit on tpili . stittiotn anod by-lawis of the a'sociatuin.

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