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May 27, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

…f 4v an 4aiItd: WEATHER Mostly Cloudy No Temperature Change VOL. LV., No. 158 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 27, 1945 Dancers Will Vote On Favorite.Songs; Frosh Beat Sophs 'U' Concert Band Will Give Annual Program Today at Hill Auditorium * * * * * Ellington To Play Campus Choices Senior Ball, an all-campus formal dance featuring Duke Ellington and his orchestra, will be given in honor of graduating seniors Friday in the I-M Bu...…

May 27, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 158) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY House Moves To Reduce Reciprocal'Trade Iegislation Would Slash Duties Far Below Level of Hawley-Smoot Act 7 By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, May 26-Responding to an emphatic appeal by Presi- dent Truman, House Democrats rode roughshod over Republicans today to vote the executive broad new authority to cut tariffs in reciprocal trading with other nations. The-count on passage was 239 to 153 as Mr. Truman ma...…

May 27, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 158) • Page Image 3

…UNAk, MAX WTHE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE FEATURE PAGE FORMER DEAN ACTIVE: Mrs. Myra Jordan Provided Coeds' Campus Activities By PAT CAMERON The proverbial "fifth-out-of-five" Michigan coed can thank 82-year-old Mrs. Myra B. Jordan for providing many of the activities by which she is converted in four years, or less, into a B.W.O.C. JGP, League Houses,. Senior So- ciety, Wyvern, Orientation, and Mor- tar Board are the more important contrib...…

May 27, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 158) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, C 4irftyfhgan aily Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Red Diplomatic Tactics Good PROF. FRANKENA RECOMMENDS: 'Puritanism and Democracy' by Perry f. " ! / k r I Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Evelyn Phillips Margaret Farmer Ray Dixon . Paul Sislin Hank Mantho Dave Loewenberg Mavis Kennedy...…

May 27, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 158) • Page Image 5

…eUJA A THE MICHIGAN DAILY Women's Glee Club, Navy Choir To Give Spring Concert Tuesday at Hilli A spring concert featuring the Navy Choir as guest artists will be present- ed by the University Women's Glee Club at 8 p. m. EWT (7 p. m. CWT) Thursday in Hill Auditorium. A short formal concert by the Glee Club, will open the program. This wil include a group of old classics: "Ave Verum Corpus" by Mozart, "The Silver Swan" by Gib- bons, and "Com...…

May 27, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 158) • Page Image 6

…s TlE MilCHIGAN DAILY sUNDA,' SIX SUNDAY, Lnksmen Lose; NettersFavoredo Retain Title Ohio State Wins Big Ten Conference Golf Crown Michigan Linksmen Take Third Place Behind Northwestern; Bucks Win Individual Honors Itaking the tu I 44 By HANK MANTHO Daily Sports Editor (Continued from Page 1) By RUTH ELCONIN Marcellus 156, Jenswold, defending champ, 157, Ernst 164, and O'Hara 165. Barclay, commenting on the re- sults of the contest,...…

May 27, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 158) • Page Image 7

…THE IP MiCiG (ZN IAIIV PAGE SEVEN n.. _. ............° ...._... ... ...... ., 1 111/, 1 11.U mx jlT L3 11 L I;}. AP .. i dMl.XL OF4v L'1l1 Illinois T r cl ut ointw41N Maize and Blue Lose Title' erines, 65-54 Ball Team Defeats isconsin 1-, 8 To Move Near Title Louthen, Bowman, Victorious; Team Gets Twelve, Fourteen Hlits in Contests BIG TEN TRACK SUMMARIES *. * * * * * By MARY LU HEATH Michigan's baseball squad moved a notch ...…

May 27, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 158) • Page Image 8

…UH THE MICIGAN DAILY Theater Group Plans New Play Grad Pianist To Give Recital; Woodwind Ensemble To Play girlsdand "Dottie's" mother (Leona Landy) waiting for him. Conflict and comedy arise. Appeared in First Production Miss Es ig appeared in the first production of Laboratory Theatre this semester, a series of one-act plays, and Momeyer, a freshman, participated in dramatics at Detroit's Denby High School. Connie Schwartz, Harriet Rohr, ...…

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