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May 27, 1945 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-05-27

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C 4irftyfhgan aily
Fifty-Fifth Year

Red Diplomatic Tactics Good

'Puritanism and Democracy' by Perry

f. " !


r I

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff

Evelyn Phillips
Margaret Farmer
Ray Dixon .
Paul Sislin
Hank Mantho
Dave Loewenberg
Mavis Kennedy
Ann Schutz

. . . . Managing Editor
. . Editorial Director
.* . . . . . City Editor
Associate Editor
* . .Sports Editor
. . *Associate Sports Editor
. . . . . Women's Editor
. . Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
S. Business Manager
. . . Associate Business Mgr.
. . . Associate Business Mgr.

W ASHINGTON-The Russians may be new at
the game, but they are no slouches when it
comes to diplomacy. A secret copy of Foreign
Wiinister Molotov's instructions after he left San
Francisco is most revealing. It shows that the
Russians know how to yield on little things and
not budge on big things. Some U.S. diplomats
don't seem to have learned this.
For instance when Molotov left, he instructed
Russian Ambassador Gromyko to agree to any
insignificant amendments which might help
Senator Vandenberg of Michigan or his "political
popularity." During the San Francisco confer-
ence, Vandenberg at first leaked out anti-
Russian gossip to newsmen. Later, although the
Michigan senator continued to be vigorous in
his opposition to many Russian policies, he and
Molotov each learned to speak about three words
of the other's language and became personal
So when Molotov departed, he instructed Sov-
iet delegates as follows:
(1) Don't worry about seating the Lublin
government and the non-recognition of other
puppet governments. Original Russian insist-
ence on this was chiefly window dressing, bar-
gaining points and for internal consumption.
(2) The real concern of the Soviet govern-
ment is not to permit any amendment to the
Dumbarton Oaks plan which would weaken
the authority of the Security Council or abol-
ish the veto power. This is essential.
(3) The Soviet delegation on the other hand
may agree to insignificant amendments or
statements of ideals which may be regarded
as necessary by such men as Vandenberg or
others for their political popularity, but which
do not alter the predominance of the big
powers in the security organization.
Note - The right to veto any moves to check
an aggressor nation is the main point made by
the Russians from the very start of the security
talks last summer.

to cite Deutsch for contempt, Rankin meekly
suggested that committee members meet with
him privately after their public hearing to con-
sider the Deutsch matter.
Then behind closed doors and before anyone
could offer the expected move to reconsider the
Deutsch vote, Rankin declared:
"I want you to know I have no intention of
doing anything more on this matter without first
consulting with the entire committee."
"You mean the Deutsch matter?" asked Rep.
Edith Norse Rogers of Massachusetts, who has-
consistently helped the veterans.
Rankin said he did; so a motion was made
that the committee vote that there be no further
action without prior consideration by the entire
But Rep. Low Rayfiel, Brooklyn Democrat,
suggested that no motion was needed. "The
chairman has assured us we will be consulted,"
urged Rayfiel, "and certainly his word is as good
as a vote."
Mrs. Rogers then asked if Deutsch would" be
brought back for further testimony.
"Oh, let him sit around and wait a few days,"
replied the gentlemen from Mississippi. "Let
him keep his feet under the table till we decide
what to do."
At this point the session broke up, with no one
quite willing to take a direct slap at Rankin
by calling for a new vote. Mrs. Rogers later
said she still hopes to see a new vote taken.
(Copyright, 1945, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

Dick Strickland
Martha Schmitt
Kay McFee

by Ralph Barton Perry. New York,
The Vanguard Press, 1944. 688
pages. $5.00
T HIS rather long and philosophical
book cannot be reviewed as one
which has been or will be read by
many of us; in this respect it is cer-
tainly less fortunate than the books
which have been previously discussed
in this column. If I am not mistaken,
however, it deserves at least to be
presented as a book which should be
read by most of us.
Professor Perry has been one of
the foremost philosophers to stand
in the breach of our intellectual de-
fenses. In this work, as in his other
more occasional books of recent date
(Shall Not Perish From the Earth,
On All Fronts, Our Side Is Right),
he is concerned to present Americans
with, and reason them into accept-
ing, an essentially Christian and
democratic creed or ideology. The
reasoned reaffirmation of such a
creed, after the doubt and disillusion-
ment of the last three decades, he
rightly regards as the primary intel-
lectual need of our nation. This
creed, Perry thinks, should not and
need not be something entirely new
and discontinuous with our past. On
the contrary, it may and ought to be
arrived at by a study of our spiritual
heritage, by a critical appraisal of
what we find there.
"The chief source of spiritual
nourishment for any nation must
be its own past, perpetually re-
discovered and renewed. A nation
which negates its tradition loses
its historic identity and wantonly
destroys its chief source of spiritual
vitality; a nation which merely re-
affirms its tradition grows stag-
nant and corrupt. . But it is not
necessary to choose between revo-
lution. and reaction. There is a
third way--the way, namely, of
discriminating and forward-look-
ing fidelity."

PERRY, therefore, embarks upon a9
study, at once historical and re-
flective, of the main intellectual ele-
ments in American tradition. These
he believes to be puritanism and
democracy. Hence the book con-1
sists of an exposition and appraisal1
of the ideals of these two movements.1
After an introductory chapter,
Perry first discusses the nature and
power of ideals, and the problems of
expounding and evaluating historical
systems of ideals. These chapters
will probably seem rather dull to
most readers; they include, however,
an important section in which Perry
states and defends the moral stand-
ard by which he means to evaluate
puritanism and democracy. Then
Perry goes on to give a much more
interesting historical exposition of
puritanism. and of the democratic
philosophy of the eighteenth century,
concluding with an indication of the
way in which the former partly fused
with and partly was replaced by the
The bulk of the -book, as one
might expect of a philosopher and
especially of one with Perry's pur-
pose, is occupied with the apprais-
al of puritanism and democracy,
although even here there is a good
deal of intellectual history lending
body to and increasing the interest
in the argument. . Many excellent
analyses and discussions are to be
found in these two parts, for ex-
ample, the chapters or sections on
puritanism . and . capitalism, . tol-
erance, equality and international-
ism. It is, of course, impossible
here to outline or summarize Per-
ry's attempt to determine what is
true and what is false in puritan-
ism and in democracy. I can only
give examples.
HUS, Perry contends that puritan-
ism rightly held that morality
requires "the forging of a will which
is stronger than any natural appe-
tites"; on the other hand, it showed
"a narrow preoccupation with mor-
ality, to the exclusion of the grac-

iousness and the beauty of life."
Again, democracy rightly "conceives
the values of life in terms of the de-
sires and the felt satisfactions of
concrete individuals, and concedes
to these individuals the right to be
both the exponents and the guaran-
tors of their own interests;" but his-
torically "it has failed to probe the
depths of human interdependence
and solidarity, and has confused
public good with self-interest." In
sozie measure "puritanism and dem-
ocracy reinforce one another's truths
and aggravate one another's errors";
they both respect the dignity of the
human individual as such, but they
also both exaggerate his self-suf-
ficiency. In a measure, too, they
"serve to correct and complement one
another's limitations": "Puritanism
sees that life must be curtailed, to
which democracy adds 'in order that
it may abound'."
The creed, then, for which Perry
argues is a synthesis of what is true
in puritanism with what is true in
democracy. There is no novelty in
the articles of the creed, but only in
the manner of their formulation,
justification, and synthesis through
a systematic and resolute study and
appraisal of the religious and the
political philosophies of our ances-
I know of few books from which
more can be learned than from
this one, or in which more food for
thought can be found (Reviewers
often say this; sometimes, as in
this case, it is true). There is
more and better intellectual his-
tory in it than in most books con-
cerned with appraising either pur-
itanism or democracy, and more
and' better appraisal than in most.
books concerned with their history.
It is book which should be read by
all who wish to understand and
evaluate our intellectual heritage,
or to work out a moral and polit-
ical philosophy appropriate to
America and to the present time.
-William Frankena

Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or
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Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
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Food for Ger many
WHETHER the United States and other Allied
'"nations should agree to feed the German
civilian population is a question that raises much
discussion and creates a wide range of opinion.
To analyze the subject two principal questions
must be considered and answered. First, what
is our general aim of post-war treatment of
Germany? Second, what effect will feeding or
not feeding the children, adults and returned
soldiers of Germany have upon Germany and
upon the whole world?
If the policy of elimination of all Germans
and Germany is to prevail the question is
solved immediately. Do not feed Germany
However, few people believe such a policy fea-
sible or necessary to properly subjugate and
control Germany. Consequently, we must look
to the second point, the effect a healthy and
well-fed German population will have upon
the world.
Starvation of civilian populations is one of the
greatest problems facing planners of a re-con-
structed Europe. Nutrition experts tell us that
lack of proper foods results in such diseases as
beri-beri and pellegra and that the consequences
of these diseases can be cured in adults by proper
diet and care, but cannot be cured completely in
children because the nerves and organs affected
were in the development process at the time of
Deterioration of the physical being can re-
sult in degenerate future generations. Some
writers claim that the "Nazified" youth of to-
day is a result of the physical degeneration
of these individuals during the last war when
there was starvation among German children.
Whether or not this is wholly true or even
partly true, it still is a point that should be
considered in analyzing the problem. Perhaps
feeding Germany would be the small "ounce of
prevention" which would eliminate or at least
diminish probability of future wars.
All reconstruction plans that have been for-
mulated call for a keen, alive, and conscious
people. Germans, on the whole, have the men-
'tality and desire for improvement that is needed
to rebuild their ruined country, if they are
healthy and well fed. This is true, not just of
Germans, but of any group of people.
Post-war planners and educators will be at-
tempting to open new channels of thought for
the "Nazi-minded" Germans as a substitute for
their "framework" designed and forced upon
them by Hitler and Goebbels. The "framework,"
or pattern of belief, that Hitler was omnipotent,
that Germany was all-powerful, and that Ger-
mans were a super-race can only be eliminated
if we can offer a substitute "framework." Then
it will be up to the individuals to fill in this
rough "framework" by observations and facts of
the world about them that have been hidden for
so many years by the Nazis. A mentally keen
and alert German population is a prerequisite
for the success of this policy and a mentally
keen and alert German population can only be
had by rebuilding the health of the population
through proper nutrition.
Even if we disregard the reasons just discussed

we should want to feed Germany and other
ruined lands because it is human thing to do.
No' one or two nations can exist alone in the
world as it is today, observing suffering and star-

oiniie Says

Forrestal on Press

AFTER SECRETARY of the Navy Forrestal
left Iwo Jima on his recent Pacific trip, he
staged a press conference on Guam where he
promised to do something to improve news cov-
erage under the Navy. One correspondent piped
up, "How About Radio?" What are you going
to do for them'?"
"Oh, radio doesn't amount to a hill of beans,"
replied the Secretary of the Navy. "It goes in one
ear and out the other."
What Forrestal didn't realize was that cor-
respondents for the major networks were lis-
tening to him. All reported his remarks to
their home offices. Now Forrestal, who has
political ambitions, is maneuvering desperately
to get off the spot.
Forrestal himself was frankly critical of his
own Navy public relations.
"If we want to have no Navy after the war,"
said Forrestal, "we're certainly going about it in
exactly the right way by pushing the press
One of the things Forrestal discovered on his
Pacific inspection trip is that the Navy has
started charging correspondents travel fare to
move from San Francisco around the battle.
zone, despite the fact that war correspondents
have the highest per capita casualty rate of
any group involved in front line action.
When some correspondents protested this lat-
est Navy scheme to public relations officer Lieut.
Comm. Paul Scheetz, he replied:
"You fellows are doing the Navy no favor by
coming out here."
Rankin in Reverse. .
RANTING JOHN RANKIN of Mississippi had
a hard time squirming out of his rampage
to jail PM's Albert Deutsch for refusing to iden-
tify the source of his information about misman-
agement in the Veterans' Administration.
Rankin's attempt to jail Deutsch caused con-
gressmen to be deluged with out of the heaviest
mails in years protesting Rankin's press-bating
campaign. Also the rabid Mississipian found
himself faced with open revolt within his own
World War I veterans committee, which he
would like to rule with iron hand.
Finally, four days after he had bamboozled
a slow-witted committee majority into voting
By Ray Dixon
THE TOKYO KO by bombs continues, the
Yankee airmen evidently trying to change
the spelling of empire to empyre.
* * *
Bet Hirohito is all burned up about this.
* * *
Two palaces were reported destroyed yesterday
which should emphasize the significance of that
old American song, "There's No Palace Like
* *
What we're trying to do is drive the Imp
out of the Imperial Palace.
* * *
Blasting Tokyo is one form of capitol punish-

THE SIMPLEST and most apparent item when
stated by a person often proves to be the most
profound of all observations. Tech. Sgt. David
M. Killoran of Hartford, Connecticut, according
to Associated Press, May 22, 1945, suggested:
"They have basic training for us when we go
into the Army; I think they ought to have basic
training before we become citizens again." This
would create a chance for each voting precinct
of the nation to mobilize its civic-minded citizens
and prepare sotie of them in advance to per-
form three important services: (1) Make the
veterans welcome in a meaningful and personal
way; (2) orient all of the veterans rather than
only those who may need hospital or medical
aid; (3) bring all of the citizens, particularly
the youth, abreast with citizenship, and from
month to month familiarize the entire popula-
tion with reconversion of citizens instead of re-
conversion of trade.
We American democrats are falsely modest
about the work of being a good citizen. Most of
us need to be prodded by parties, or leagues, or
candidates, or broads or special pressure groups
before we even vote. Some of us delegate the
rationing menace to wives, children or servants.
Not all of us in a spirit of sportsmanship get
our license plates early, pay taxes when the
warning arrives, make certain that we are regis-
tered, vote on school matters, learn about the
proposed amendments, keep informed about our
own professions, pay our bills when the goods are
delivered, or put out the tins or paper when
the truck is about to call for them. Theoretically,
we Americans live in the woods with Daniel
Boone and when reminded by the very officer
whom we elected to keep the enterprise afloat,
we grumble a bit and, where the blessings avail-
able are concerned, we act as though the city
should not only deliver them but put them in
our pockets for us.
In fact, it might be possible to make a good
case to prove that the government in power,
instead of being busy correcting ills which that
indifference causes, is ingenious at causing
trouble by over-administration. The opposi-
tion party today is even worse. It insists that
the least government is the best. It claims
that the ways of co-operative industry and
trade, which respond chiefly to the profit mo-
tive, are more reasonable and virtuous than
the ways of government which can always be
reviewed and recalled by the electorate. They
forget that in a year we could revert to sav-
agery with highways given to brigands, in five
years swamps could be found infested with
disease and in two years legislation could be
turned against the very persons it was created
to protect and within a dozen years we could
be back to the tooth and claw stage if our
obstinate reformers should fall asleep.
It is at this point that revolutionaries accuse
the religionists of gradualism. By that they
mean to convey that education has no value, in
fact it dulls the imagination, slows down prog-
ress and registers egoism. The revolutionists
insists that the State tends to commit suicide,
that capitalism is its own executioner, that the
New Deal is an old way of protecting capital,
that regulation misses the point and finally, in-
stead of moving toward the goal selected, moves
directly away from that goal.
Between the extremes of unrestrained profit
seeking at the right and fanatical revolution-
ary Utopia at the left are the slow-moving
researches of education and the prayers of the
religious. We are in favor of some formal basic
training for both veterans and civilians.
-Edward W. Blakeman
Counselor in Religious Education



Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1021 Angell Hall, by 2:30 p. m. of the day
preceding publication (10:30 a. m. Sat-
SUNDAY, MAY 27, 1945
VOL. LV, No. 158
School of Education Faculty: Ihe
May meeting of the faculty will be
held on Monday, May 28, in the
University Elementary School Li-
brary. The meeting will convene at
3:15 p.m.
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeting of the Fac-
ulty on Monday, May 28, at 3:15
p.m., in Rm. 348, West Engineering
Notice to Men Students and House-
holders of Approved Houses for Men:
The closing date for the Spring Term
will be June 23 and rent shall be
computed to include this date.
Householders may charge for a room
between June 23 and 28 providing
the, student keeps his possessions in
the room or occupies it himself. As
per the terms of the contracts, stu-
dents are expected to pay the full
amount of the contract three weeks
before the end of the term.
Registration for the Summer Term
begins June 28 and classes begin
July 2.
If either the householder or stu-
dent wishes to terminate their pres-
ent agreement, notice must be given
to the office of the Dean of Students
on or before June 2, at noon. Stu-
dents may secure forms for this pur-
pose in Rm. 2, University Hall.
C. T. Olmsted
Assistant Dean of Students
Undergraduate women intending
to register for summer term and
summer session should complete ar-
rangements for housing immediately
through the Office of the Dean of
Women. Special permission to live
outside the regular dormitories,
league houses, cooperatives and sor-
orities will not be given except in
extraordinary circumstances which
should be reported immediately to
the Office of the Dean of Women.
Geology students intending to go to
Camp Davis should call for their reg-

istration and enrollment' forms at
Room 3054, Natural Science Building,
Monday at 10:00 a.m. CWT, Tuesday
at 12:30-2:30 p.m.
Orientation Advisers: Women's or-
ientation advisers are wanted for the
summer term. Volunteers should turn
in their names at the office of the
Social Director, Michigan League.
The Federal Government needs
Junior Professional Assistants, par-
ticularly in these fields: Business
Analysis, Economics, Editing, Fiscal
Analysis, Information, Personnel Ad-
ministration, Public Administration,
Statistics, and Technical Agriculture.
Also in the field of Architecture,
Astronomy, Chemistry, Engineering,
Geology, Library Science, Mathemat-
ics, Metallurgy, Meterology, Physics,
and Social Work. The written tests
are being held approximately every
two weeks, and the next one will be
given on June 9. It may be possible
for applicants to enter the examina-
tion on this date if you file your
applications at once. Application
blanks and further information can
be obtained at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 201 Mason Hall.
RCA, Camden, New Jersey: H. R.
Clark, Victor Division, will be in our
office on Thursday, May 21, to inter-
view Electrical, Mechanical, Chemi-
cal, and Metallurgical Engineers. For
appointment call the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, University Ext. 371.
Naval Research Laboratory, Wash-
ington, D.C.:. Mr. T. D. Hanscome,
and Lt. D.C W Atchley will be in our
office on Thursday, May 31st, to in-
terview Electrical, Mechanical and
Radio engineers, and Physicists.
Those interested in seeing them
should call the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, University Ext. 371, for ap-
State of Michigan Civil Service an-
nouncement for Automatic Traffic
Recorder Inspector Al, salary $160 to
$180 per month, has been received in
our office. For further information
stop in at 201 Mason Hall, Bureau
of Appointments.
The Edward Wren Store, Spring-
field, Ohio, needs girls who live with-
in a 40-mile radius of Springfield for
their college board this summer. Stu-
dents who are interested should apply
at the Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall.
The Seventh United States Civil
Service Region, Branch Regional Of-
fice, Detroit, Michigan, are in need
of a Loan Guarantee Officer, for the
Veterans Administration Facility, in
Dearborn, Michigan. Salary, $6228
per annum. Further information can
be obtained at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 201 Mason Hall.
City of Detroit announcement for

further information stop in at 201
Mason Hall, Bureau of Appointments.
Band Concert: The University of
Michigan Concert Band under the
direction of William D. Revelli, Con-
ductor, will be heard in its 32nd An-
nual Spring Concert at 3:15 p.m.,
CWT, today in Hill Auditorium. The
program will include compositions by
Rimsky-Korsakov, Berlioz, Moussorg-
sky, and Bach, and ,will be open to
the general public without charge.
Student Recital: Virginia Zapf,
soprano, will present a recital in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Bachelor of Music
in Music Education, at 7:30 p.m.
CWT, this evening, in Lydia Men-
delssohn Theater. A student of
Hardin Van Deursen, Miss Zapf will
sing compositions by Donaudy, De-
bussy, Schubert, Schumann, Brahms,
Wolf, and Carpenter. The general
public is invited.
Wind Instrument Recital: Twenty
School of Music students will present
a program of compositions for wind
instruments at 7:30 CWT, Monday
evening, May 28, in Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theater. Directed by William D.
Revelli, Conductor of the University
Bands, it will include works by Bee-
thoven, Biccialdi, Haydn, Williams,
and Hindemith.
The general public is cordially in-
Student Recital: Selma Smith Neu-
mann, pianist, will be heard in a re-
cital at 7:30 p.m. CWT, Tuesday,
May 29, in Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
ter. The program will include com-
positions by Handel, Franck, Mozart,
Rachmaninoff, and Scriabine, and
will be open to the general public.
She is a pupil of Joseph Brinkman.
Sixteenth Annual Exhibition of
Sculpture of the Institute of Fine
Arts: In the Concourse of the Michi-
;an League Building. Display will be
on view daily until Commencement.
"Krinshna Dancing with the Milk-
maids" an original Rajput brush
drawing with studies of the hands in
crayon. Also examples of Indian fab-
rics. Auspices, the Institute of Fine
Arts, through May 26; Monday-Fri-
day, 1-4; Saturday, '9-11, CWT.
Alumni Memorial Hall, Rm. B.
Exhibition under auspices of Col-
lege of Architecture and Design:
Architectural work of William W.
Wurster, Dean of School ofa Archi-
tecture and Planning, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, and former
prominent architect of San Fran-
cisco. Mezzanine Exhibition Rooms
of the Rackham Building. Open daily



By Crockett Johnson

Barnaby, you don't really
expect your dad and I to
believe these fairy tales,
do you? These pixies- ,

It's your little friend, Jane]
Can Barn aby



He's gone over to Jane's house.
She has another horror "comic"
book, I suppose. But if it will
take his attention off pixies-

I's a different kind
of book, Barnaby.
It« AIDVl re I




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