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May 27, 1945 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-05-27

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Theater Group Plans New Play

Grad Pianist To Give Recital;
Woodwind Ensemble To Play

girlsdand "Dottie's" mother (Leona
Landy) waiting for him. Conflict and
comedy arise.
Appeared in First Production
Miss Es ig appeared in the first
production of Laboratory Theatre
this semester, a series of one-act
plays, and Momeyer, a freshman,
participated in dramatics at Detroit's
Denby High School.
Connie Schwartz, Harriet Rohr,
Era Kousseralis and others portray
the sorority girls. Glenna Baratta
appears as the irate housemother,
and Annette Grieden employs a na-

tural southern accent in her part
as the laconic cook.
Chosen by Committee
Chosen by a committee headed by
prof. Roy Cowden, the play was writ-
ten in Prof. Kenneth T. Rowe's stu-
dent playwriting class.
Directing "Girl's Best Friend" will
be Cooke, who was formerly the di-
rector of the Port Huron Little The-
atre and is now a special student in
the English department.
Presented under the joint sponsor-
ship of the English and speech de-
partments, the play is open to the

Selma Smith Neumann, graduate
pianist, will be heard in a recital,
featuring selections by Handel,
Franck, Mozart, Rachmaninoff and
Scriabine, at 8:30 p. m. EWT (7:30
p. m. CWT) Tuesday in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Opening her program with the
Handel "Suite in G minor," Mrs.
Neumann will play the famed Mo-
zart "Sonata K. 310," two Rachman-
inoff preludes, etudes by Scriabine
and "Prelude, Chorale and Fugue"
by Cesar Franck.
Prior to entering the University,
she studied in Boonville, N. Y. Form-
erly a pupil of Mary Fishburne and
Ava Comin Case in the School of
Music, Mrs. Neumann is now study-
ing under Prof. Joseph Brinkman.
This recital is presented in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
the Master's degree in music and is
open to the public.

The annual woodwind recital, fea-
turing ensemble, quintet and solo
numbers by Hindemith, Bloch, Bee-
thoven Haydn and Teleman, will be
presented by nine School of Music
students at 8:30 p. m. EWT (7:30
p. m. CWT) tomorrow in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
A Haydn concerto will be perform-
ed by Nathan Anderson, cornet; the
Teleman "Suite in A minor" will be
played by Barbara Litchfield, flutist;
Anthony Desiderio will offer a clar-
inet solo by Messager, while Donita
Crossle, flutist, and Dwight Dailey,
clarinetist, will be heard in the Karg-
Elert "Sonata in F-sharp minor" and
Block's "Danneriana," respectively.
"Visions de Corse, Op. 54" by
Lauber will be performed by a wood-
wind quartet, and a quintet, com-
posed of flute, oboe, clarinet, French
horn and bassoon will play the Hind-
emith "Quintet, Op. 24, No. 2."







And AlI


Foreign Films
To Be Shown
This Summer
Four prominent foreign-produced
movies will be presented by the Art
Cinema League during the Summer
Session, it was announced yesterday
by Herbert Otto, recently appointed
manager of the Cinema group..
"L'Orage", a French production
starring Charles Boyer and Michele
Morgan will be shown July 6 and 7.
All films, which will have English
subtitles, will be shown in the Rack-
ham Auditorium.
Russian Film To Be Shown .
A Russian picture, "Gypsies", will
be presented July 13 and 14. The
story concerns the conflict between c
young gypsy girl and her father, who
wants her to continue the nomadic
life of his tribe. In the end the girl,
going her own way, decides to work
on a collective farm. The film will be
brought here under the auspices of
the Russian department.
Mexican and French Movies
"Noche de las Mayas", prize-win-
ning Mexican production, will be
shown here July 20 and .21, The
fourth film will be the French "Ulti-
matum", scheduled for Aug. 10 and
11, starring Eric von Stoheim. The
story involves the events leading up
to the first World War.
Before his appointment, Otto acted
as manager ex-officio for the Art
Cinema League. He was appointed
manager by the directing board of
faculty members of the departments
of English and foreign languages.
German Club
To Hold Picnic
Folk songs, folk dances, baseball
and other games will highlight the
Deutscher Verein picnic scheduled
for Saturday afternoon in Huron-
Clinton park.
Weiners, cokes and potato salad
will be on the menu. There is a pos-
sibility that a German band will be
added to the day's entertainment.
Members of the Verein should
make arrangements for the picnic in
the German Departmental office in
'U' Hall before Friday. Students will
be transported to and from the park
by trucks leaving 'U' Hall at 4 and
4:30 p. m. EWT Saturday.

Over Sophs*..
(Continued from Page 1)
an unusual twist to the rules of the
The sophomores scored their only
points in the leapfrog event, beating
two freshman teams in this meet by
a quick break-away to the goal. The
sophs missed winning in the shuttle
relays, horse and rider technique,
by a fraction of a step.
With all the freshmen on one end
against the few sopiomores on the
other, the frosh easily won the Tug
of War contest, two out of three,
even though the soph end man had
tied the heavy rope around himself
for added weight. Needless to say,
he was dragged.
A dozen quietly cheering spectators
sat on the sidelines, moving only
when the yelling teams forgot about
the out-of-bounds markers. Dr. War-
ren Forsythe was on hand, but his
professional services were not uti-
Director of the games, Dick Mixer
of the Union, spent an enjoyable
afternoon watching goal lines and
shooting basketballs. The Daily re-
porter, urging fair play some of the
time, was not loved by anybody.
U' Grad..,
(Continued from Page 1)
to scale the cliff to surrender to ad-
vancing Marines, they were shot
down by other Jap soldiers.
Although many Japanese feared
death less than surrender, the reason
for their reluctance to choose the
.-.lxec was given by one civilian sev-
eral days after Lt. Graham's group
had broadcast their appeal. The
Japanese could not understand why
the Marines went to such trouble to
rescue their enemies. They could not
understand the humanitarian atti-
tude of the Americans, which, accor-
ding to Lt. Graham, was the chief
reason for saving Japanese lives. An-
other, he writes, was the danger of
leaving a few thousand potential
Japanese snipers still on the loose
in one section of the island.
A native of Flint, Lt. Graham
graduated the College of Architec-
ture and Design in 1942. He was a
member of the University Band
and the art staff of the Michigan-
ensian. After completing the Navy's
language training course at Colo-
rado University, he was commis-
sioned a lieutenant in the Marine
Corps. At present he is preparing
another article on the operation at
Iwo Jima, in which he took part.


(Continued from Page 4)

..from -.




their own lunch and bicycle and meet
in the Outing Room at 1:30 p.m.
The Lutheran Student Association
will have an outdoor meeting this
afternoon at 3 (CWT). The group
will meet at Zion Lutheran Par-
ish Hall and those attending are
requested to be prompt.
Both Zion and Trinity Lutheran
Churches will hold Communion Ser-
vices this Sunday morning at their
regular 10:30 service hour. Students
and Servicemen are welcome.
Soumynom,: If you are an under-
graduate independent woman not
living in a dorm, league house, co-
operative, sorority, or the Michigan
League, and if you are interested in
social and recreational contacts with
others of the same standing, you will
be interested in Suomynona. Our
next meeting will be at 3 p.m.
(CWT). Meet in front of the Wom-
en's Athletic Building and wear sport
At 4:00 p.m. (CWT) the Congrega-
tional-Disciples Guild will meet at
the Guild House, 438 Maynard Street,
and go in a group to Riverside Park
for the first out-door meeting of the
year. In case of rain the group will
meet as usual in the Congregational
Church at 4 p.m. (CWT). Reserva-
tions must be made at the Guild
House (5838) before Saturday after-
There will be a demonstrated pro-
gram on Nature Study and Camp-
craft at the Y.M.C.A., 6:30 p.m. CWT,
today sponsored by the Ann Arbor
Council of Social Agencies and open
to the public. Students interested in
these subjects, and those who will
be having camp or recreation jobs
this summer should find it interest-
Grace Bile Fellowship, Masonic
Temple, 327 South Fourth Ave., Har-
old J. DeVries, pastor.
10 a.m. University Bible class. Ted
Groesbeck, leader.
11 a.m., Gideon rally.
7:30 p.m., Evening service. Ser-
mon: "Sure Signs of Life."
9:15 p.m., Singspiration.
Coming Events

neer of. Radio Station WPAG, will
address the local student branch of
the American Institute of Electrical
Engineers on Monday, May 28 at 6:30
(CWT) in room 302 at the Michigan
Union. The topic of his discussion
will be "The Formation and Opera-
tion of Radio Station WPAG."
All members and others interested
are urged to attend. Election of offi-
cers for the Summer Term will be
The Romance Language Journal
Club will meet on Tuesday afternoon,
May 29 at 3:15 (CWT) in the East
Conference Room of the Rackham
Professor Nelson W. Eddy will read
a paper entitled "Fernan Caballero:
Portent or Episode?"
Graduate students and all inter-
ested are cordially invited.
The University of Michigan Wom-
en's Glee Club, assisted by the Navy
Choir, will be heard at 7:00 p.m.
(CWT), Thursday, May 31, in Hill
Auditorium. The first half of the
program will consist of songs by the
Glee Club, while the balance will be
an informal arrangement of popular
songs and light opera selections.
The general public is invited.


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j, 1-tSioRcrs
T#' Si ur-ls

. . . YOU on Decoration Day in your
fun clothes from Collins . . . Sun back
dresses in which to court the sun, with a
brief bolero to wear between exposures
. , . Two- and three-piece play suits that
roam the Avenue as brightly as they
comb the beach . .. Swim suits, bright
and bare, made to topple any masculine
heart . . . Slack suits of soft fabric that
smoothes over your figure with marvel-
ous control. White or irridescent colors.
Junior, Misses', and Women's sizes.

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for the girl graduate...
for a smart summer costume accent

Dainty, dazzling white pique
dresses . . . all over eyelet em-
broideries . . . You'll love their
sweet freshness.
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. SUNDAY, MAY 27, U45

leave of absence as vice-
governor and secretary of
public instruction in the
Philippine Islands. Prior
to this he had been an ex-
change professor at the
University of the Philip-
pines. His death due to
cerebral hemorrhage came
in Walter Reed hospital in
Washington, where he
was on a business trip.EHis
knowledge of the Far East
made him widely known as
a lecturer and political
writer. He held the posi-
tion of special correspond-
ent in the Far East for the
Christian Science Monitor.
post of Secretary of Agri-
culture and war food ad-
ministrator, Clinton P.
Anderson is a former Mich-
igan student, having at-
tended the University in
1915-16. Anderson, a Dem-
ocratic representative from
New Mexico since 1941, en-
tered as a pre-law student
after two years at the
Dakota Wesleyan College.
He was a member of The
Daily staff and participat-
ed in oratorical contests
and class football games.

quished its Big Ten track
title losing to Illinois by a
score of 65% to 54 1/6. The
Illini had a real field day,
taking 7 first places out of
14 events. Walker was the
individual star taking the
high and low hurdles and
the 100 hundred yard dash.
His teammate Bob Kelley
was the only other per-
former to win more than
one event as he won the
440 and the half mile.
Michigan's famed Hume
twins, Ross and Bob, fin-
ished in a dead heat in the
mile event. Their time was
4:26.3. The only other
Maize and Blue triumph
came when Charles Birds-
all won the two mile run
with a time of 9:05.2. Bob
Hume came in second in
this event. Following Kel-
ley in the half mile were
Walt Fairservis, Archie
Parsons, and Bob Hume,
all of the Wolverines. Thus
the Illini gained revenge
for the one point defeat
suffered at the hands of
Michigan in the Confer-
ence Indoor Meet a few
months ago. The Illinois
team balance proved too
much for Coach Ken Doh-

Indiana, Chicago, Iowa, ed their averages as they
and Northwestern. pounded two pitchers for
* * 14 hits. Weisenburger,
Gregor, and Lund each had
MICHIGAN'S BASEBALL' three hits. The first had
TEAM climbed a few steps one double and Lund got
nearer the Western Con- his second triple of the day.
ference Championship by
soundly trouncing Wiscon-
sin in a double header 11-1 COACH LeROY WEIR'S
and 8-1. The double defeat tennis charges just about
dashed the Badger hopes of sewed up their second
gaining the crown and al- straight Big Ten Cham-
most assured the Wolver- pionship at Evanston.
ines of first place. In the Darkness put off the semi-
first tilt Red Louthen con- final competition in the
tinued to mow down all op- doubles matches, but re-
position, giving up five gardless of the results of
hits. It was his sixth these events the Wolver-
straight triumph of the ines have the meet in the
season and his third in bag. Their thirteen points
Conference competition. provide too big a margin
Red has yet to lose a game. for the second place Ohio
Michigan's 11 runs result- State team to overcome.
ed from 14 hits while Wis- The Buckeyes have 7%,
consin had 1 run, 5 hits points. Four Michigan
and made 5 errors. The stalwarts advanced to the
winners commited no mis- singles finals. Jinx John-
cues in the field. Gene Ja- son, Dave Post, Gordon
roch, Badger hurler, was Naugle, and Jack Hirsch
driven from the mound in each gained double victo-
the third inning by a five ries. In the only two
run barrage, after allow- singles matches in which
ing single tallies in the first Michigan men were beaten,
two frames. Captain Don 17 year old Bill Rogers of
Lund had three for five as Wisconsin defeated Cap-
he banked out two doubles tain Roger Lewis 3-6, 6-4,
and a triple. Tomasi, sec- 6-2 and Cornell of Minne-

A.A.U.P. Annual Meeting: At the
Michigan Union Monday, May 28,
6:15 p.m. Election of officers and
consideration of resolutions present-
ed at the last meeting. Join the Un-
ion Cafeteria line at 6:15 and take
trays to the lunch roomm of the Fac-
ulty Club. Women members go dir-
ectly to the Faculty Club lunch room
through the Union Cafeteria; where
arrangements will be made for their

sue ..
y" " +


Plastic Jewelry in white and
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New white purses in plastic Kadar
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Buy Bonds!

Approach the new adventures
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Secretaries, accountants, a n d
other trained office workers will be
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An intensive course of business
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Free Placement Service.
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COAT . h . Chesterfields, toppers, and boy
coats; pastels and darker colors.
SUITS . , . mostly pastel wools. Sizes 9-40.

Wool Skirts ...Slacks,.. Slack Suits.. .

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