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January 31, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

…FIGHT INFANTILE PARALYSIS :J ..ddL I - AOF 40. tr4 gan Diaitj WEATHER Partly Cloudy and Continued Cold Today VOL. LV, No.72 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, JAN. 31, 1945 PRICE FIVE CENTS Eighth Army Forces Hit estern Luzon * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FlyingRed Armies 73 Yank Forces Smash into Siegfried Line Attack ApproachesE Full-Offensive Scale By The Associated Press PARIS, Wednesday, Jan. 31 -. More than 100,000 troo...…

January 31, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 72) • Page Image 2

…'I'tt E IVI i C H fG A IN Dk i IN 1yd l. l 1 {_Y 111 iI !IS 1. ll ! 1. 1J1 . I WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Secreti-Off-he-Record Talk. T he Pendulum [I I By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON, Jan. 31-Most of the 400 Con- gressmen who crowded into the Coolidge Auditorium of the Library of Congress for what was supposed to be a top-secret off-the-record talk on the war went away with a feeling that they had wasted their time. The words of Ad- mir...…

January 31, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 72) • Page Image 3

…JJNEA-si si;1945 T HtEm MH IiGAX - AILY icthigan r T 0 Ba gers #tk the ,und$ By HANK MANTHO Daily Sports Editor A Six Tracksters To Compete in I Jill rose -Races Wolverines To Defend TwoMile Relay Title w . By BILL LA~lBERT -garnst tron g utfts .. Editor's Note: This column was written by Bill Lambert, sports night editor. The Wolverine track squad will of- AST YEAR, WHEN Michigan teams won eight out of a possible ten ficially ...…

January 31, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 72) • Page Image 4

…TTT~ Mi4Ii:A~1 ti IV D SDAY. 'J . iii 194:'" zs ...,. 1vs t .e li S La d-A to 3s Ya A ie S 4F a:A.vAf i:la;7.i/L'Adg UZ36Lla. OJLI MUMJ Rumors Indicate Big 3 Parley May Have Started ;I Statesmen Said Converging as Leaflets Urge Nazi Surrender By The Associated Press LONDON, Jan. 30-Statesmen of cles nobody knew when or where the United States and Britain ap- President Roosevelt, Prime Minister parently were converging on an un- Churchill...…

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