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January 31, 1945 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-01-31

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..ddL I - AOF 40.
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Partly Cloudy and
Continued Cold Today







estern Luzon





* *



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* *

* *

FlyingRed Armies


Yank Forces
Smash into
Siegfried Line
Attack ApproachesE
Full-Offensive Scale
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Wednesday, Jan. 31 -.
More than 100,000 troops of the U. S.
First and Third Armies, fighting in
one of the heaviest snowstorms of
the winter, thrust into a 40-mile sec-
tor of the Siegfried line approaches
today in a still expanding joint as-
The location of the attack-from
the Monschau area below AachenE
to the Third Army's new bridge-
heads across the Our river from
Belgium into Germany-suggested
possible development into a full-
blown offensive.
The attack began three days ago
as a series of local thrusts involving
only two or three divisions. It devel-
oped rapidly yesterday. By last night
gains up to four miles had been
The doughboys overran a number
of Siegfried Line outposts and front-
line correspondents said the Ger-
mans had previously evacuated the
Meanwhile, the French First Army.
incorporating American units, crossed
the Colmar Canal at several points in
southern Alsace.
Fromthe Canadian front in Hol-
land there were reports that the
Germans apparently were with-
drawing troops from the line in
order to transfer them to the east-{
ern front.
American armor and infantry'
swept forward through waist-deep5
snowdrifts and a light snowstorm1
which changed to rain in near-zeroy
temperatures. The First Army drove
ahead in an explosive nine-hour at- I
tack in the rugged f rest region east
of Monschau and Simmerath. :
The action took place in the
same area where two months ago'
the Germans had smashed two U.S.
infantry divisions in some of the
heaviest fighting on the western
front. Today the doughboys en-
countered only reluctant defensive
One Third Army division drove at
quarter of a mile east to a point three
quarters of a mile from Welchen-,
hausen which is 81 miles south of
St. Vith.
Six Chosen for
Speech FM*als
Winner of Contest
To Be Picked Todayj
Pat Owens, Fay Lorden, Jack Hin-
des, Richard Bailhe, Beth Laiken,!
and Carmon Lombard were named
finalists in the semi-annual contest
for beginning speech students, Dr
Donald Hargis of the Speech De-
partment announced yesterday.
Finals for the six winners will be
held today at 4 p. m. in Kellogg
Auditorium whep the contestants who
have been selected from the 11 speech
sections in preliminary contests will
deliver their speeches. Prof. G. E.,
Densmore, Chairman of the Depart-
ment of Speech, Associate Prof. Da-
vid Owen, and Associate Prof. Louis
Eich will act as judges.

0 to0oSWEDE Memnel ' t THNA
North1.i-Kngbg 4i
Sea atrzPRV55IA
QBhaer. _y- Hamburg Seti-SchneidemuhI "/*x
'Bremen j Woldenberg " ' oru
BELI (reesen Czrnkow
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Erfur rOppeln Beuthe ie lc",naao
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I lx.gue n!Page
______ -u *Stutz art rBno Z 1ght ,
* Augsburq 0onube R8i~sw1-av1t
FRANCE Colarlunih' 1 ' Venn

Miles From Berlin
Yanks Suf er No Losses,
Land Without Opposition
Ir Troops Push 11 Miles Inland, Approach
. Sixth Army; Manila Only 30 Miles Away
Clios~eiiJGP By The Associated Press
'1 Jfirector 31-Another American army was thrown into the battle for Luzon Mon-
day morning when elements of Lt. Gen. Robert L. Eichelberger's new
Eighth Army swept to a completely unopposed landing just north of Subic
Peg Kohr Picked as Bay on the west coast. By nightfall they drove 11 miles inland toward a
Assistant Chairman junction with the Sixth Army, which is within 30 miles of Manila.
The Eighth Army Yanks, landing ate-

ALLIES GAIN IN GERMANY ON BOTH FRONTS-The Allies advanced on German soil on both fronts
(heavy lines.) In the west the Americans drove into the Reich south of St. Vith and farther south cap-
tured Sinz, Germany. In the East the Red Army burst into Germany in a new area, capturing Wolden-
berg and Driesen. In East Prussia the Russians neared Koenigsberg. In the south gains were made
beyond Katowice. Near the Czechoslovakian border, Nowy Targ was captured.
White Russians Capture Stolzenberg in
Das h edBalicOtlet

Peg Kohr, Delta Delta Delta. has
been chosen assistant chairman of
Junior Girls' Play, JGP central com-
mittee announced yesterday.
Mardy McKeever, Alpha Phi, will be
the director of the play with Carol
McCormick. Kappa Kappa Gamma,
as her assistant. The position of
secretary treasurer has been given
to Mary Bartley, Alpha Chi Omega.
Co-chairman of the script commit-
tee will be Marian Johnson, Kappa
Kappa Gamma. and Marcia Well-
man, Delta Gamma.
Musical Committee Divided
The music committee has been di-
vided into several divisions. Evey
Horelick, Sigma Delta Tau, will com-
pose the music while Carolyn Brown,
Kappa Alpha Theta, and Betty Kam-
ens, Sigma Delta Tau, will write the
lyrics. The choral group will be di-
rected by Ann Crossley, Alpha Chi
Omega, and Masako Ono, Betsy Bar-
bour. Tady Martz, Kappa Delta,
and Bobbie Hornsby, Gamma Phi
Beta, will be in charge of the instru-
said, --
niles On His 63rd . .
rrr4 r~rxT"rr-kAT ~ * t* 10

By The Associated Press
LONDON, Wednesday, Jan. 31-
The First White Russian Army thrust
within 73 miles of Berlin yesterday
when it captured the Brandenburg
province town of Stolzenberg in a
20-mile dash down the valley of the
Netze river from Driesen.
In Regular Communique!
The capture of Stolzenberg was
announced in the regular nightly
communique broadcast from Moscow,
which made no point of the fact that

it represented the Russians' closest
approach to the Nazi capital.
Early today, the Moscow radio an-
nounced that the Red Army was less
than 50 miles from Stettin, Berlin's
port on the baltic. Stolzenberg is
52 miles southeast of Stettin.
German accounts of fighting on the
east front Tuesday stressed Marshal
Gregory K. Zhukov's gains on his
front farther south in the area west
of Poznan and directly east of Berlin.

In this sector, the Germans s
Zhukov had come within 80 m
of Berlin.
Kustrin Threatened
The Nazi broadcast said that,
trin, an important rail center
miles east of Berlin was threat
by the Soviet frontal drive from
east. With the penetration far
north, Kustrin also is in dange
being outflanked from the northe
The plunge to Stolzenberg
made along the Netze's right b
through comparatively open coup
It seemed clear that Zhukov ai
to cut off Pomerania from the;
of Germany, deprive Berlin of
port facilities of Stettin and th
around the capital from the north
In their advances west of Poz
ITuesday. the Soviets captured r

r of

ed the
use hi
tha Co
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with N
and Lo
as tech:
sel, Alp
I Remain

Annual Music Meet To Feature
Goldman as Guest Conductor

SHINGTON, Jan. 30-QP--
ent Roosevelt tonight thank-
millions of Americans who
s birthday to back the fight
t infantile paralysis and pre-
that this battle, too, will be
music. Jayne Gourley, Mar-
ok, will direct the dancing. I
stage force will be headed by
ne Brundage of Martha Cook
Natalie Maquire, Chi Omega,
is Bassett, Gamma Phi Beta,
nical assistants. Nancy Tres-
pha Gamma Delta, will be in
of scenery.
wing Chairmen Selected
hairmen of the costume com-'
will be Dona Guimaraes, Pi
hi, and Joan Portz, Alpha Phi.
ake-up co-chairmen will be
sher, Betsy Barbour, and Joyce
Martha Cook. Elizabeth
ell, Alpha Phi, will head the
ies committee with Carol
Pi Beta Phi, as her assistant.
Gaffney, Delta Gamma, will
harge of tickets. Publicity will
aged by Betsy Perry, Pi Beta
hile Carol Evans, Collegiate
, will be in charge of programs.
hers committee will be headed
et Rubin, Sigma Delta Tau.

San Narciso and San Antonio to seize
five miles of beachhead 60 air miles
northwest of Manila, took an airfield
at San Marcelino in their quick drive
to seal the fate of the Japanese re-
treating to Bataan and to capture
the vital Subic Bay Naval Base.
Not a man was lost in the amphi-
bious operation, which caught the
Japanese completely by surprise.
Not a Japanese gun nor plane at-
tempted to interfere or even ob-
serve as the 38th and 24th Division
troops hit the Zambales coast
beaches lined with flag-waving,
cheering Filipinos.
The American flag, planted by:Fili-
pinos, was so clearly visible on the
Subic Bay shoreline as-the convoy of
more than 100 vessels approached
that Rear Adm. Arthur Struble call-
ed off the customary pre-landing
bombardment. He was assured there
were no Japanese ashore, and had
not been for a long time.
The Yanks moved swiftly to
within 10 miles of the big Olongapo
Naval Base on Subic Bay.
The airfield was the 24th which
Yank forces have captured on Lu-
zon since the Sixth Army opened
the invasion of Luzon Jan. 9 at
Lingayen Gulf.
The MacArthur move to seal off
Bataan meant a bid to avoid a re-
enactment by Nipponese forces of Lt.
Gen. Tomoyuki Yamashita of the
long fight put up on that same rug-
ged peninsula from January to April,
1942 by Americans and Filipinos. It
came at a time when Japanese ele-
ments which abandoned San Fernan-
do Sunday were reported fleeing
southwest from there into Bataan.
Bombers Strike
Jap .base Againt
QUARTERS, Forward Area, Wed-
nesday, Jan. 31-(IP)-More than
40 tons of bombs were dropped on
oft-hit Iwo Jima in the Volcano
Islands 750 miles south of Tokyo
on Sunday, Adm. Chester W. Nimitz
announced today.
An explosion was observed on an
airstrip and several fires were start-
ed in storage areas.
Marcus Island to the east was an-
other target.

WSSF Group
To Organize
Workers Will Plan
For Drive Friday
Representatives of campus organi-
zations and all others interested in
canvassing funds for the World Stu-
dent Service Fund drive to begin on
campus next week are urged to at-
tend a meeting directed by Miss
Alexandra Feldmahn, Assistant Ex-
ecutive Secretary of the WSSF, at
8 p.m. tomorrow in the basement
auditorium of Lane Hall, George
Herman, chairman of the drive an-
nounced yesterday.
Miss Feldmahn To Speak
"The War Stricken Student" will
be discussed by Miss Feldmahn in an
address introducing the drive to
campus at 8 p.m. Friday at Hill Aud-
itorium. .
The plight of students crowded in
prisonand internment camps and
of students living strange lives in
strange lands as refugees; the suffer-
ing of students starving in occupied
lands whose universities have been
closed, but where they continue to
study behind drawn shades will be
discussed in Miss Feldmahn's address
Friday. The hope that enters the
students' lives in the realization that
they- have not been forgotten, when
they receive help from other lands,
will also be described.
'Something To Do'
She will tell how the hope that
comes with having something to do
saves many of our captured service-
men from insanity.
The University of Michigan has
been asked to contribute $4,000 of
the $500,000 total to come from all
United States colleges and universi-
ties. In 1918, when fewer students
were attending universities, the na-
tionwide quota was $1,500,000.
Miss M avior
To Be Concert
Guest Saturday
Dorothy Maynor, young American
soprano, will be heard in the eighth
Choral Union Concert at 8:30 p.m.
Saturday in Hill Auditorium.
Miss Maynor was born in Norfolk
and was reared in the parsonage of
the Methodist Church where her
father was the minister. She and
her brother, a tenor, sang in the
Congregational choir, while ,her sis-
ter played' the organ.
Enters Hampton
At the age of 14 she entered the
Hampton Institute where she spe-
cialized in home economics, dress
designing, decorating, and training
for the teaching profession.
She became a member of Hamp-
ton's 120 voice choir, and was one of
the 40 members chosen to tour the
United States, and later England,
France, and Germany.
Given Audition
After seven years at Hampton she
went to the Westminster Choir
School at Princeton on a scholarship.

Today Spanish Lecture at 8 p.m.
in Rm. 316, the Union,
Today Coffee Hour for Graduate
Students from 7:30 to
8:30 -p. m. in West Con-
ference Rm., Rackham
Feb. 1 WSSF'meeting for repre-
sentatives at 8 p. in. in
basement of Lane Hall.
Feb. 2 Open House for students
in Bus. Ad. school from
9 p. m. to midnight at


guest conductor
Dea Yoatkum
Sponsors Mixer
Giraduate School Will
Initiate Social Hourj
Under sponsorship of Dean C. S.
Yoakum of the Rackham School of
Graduate Studies, a Coffee Hour and
mixer will be given for graduatej
students from 7:30 p. m. to 8:30 p. m.
today in the West Conference Room
of the Rackham Building.
The purpose of this social program, I
according to Miss Ruth Kelly, House

'. w a , mie .a u u iiv v awxa
Conductor of the famous Goldmanv
than 200 towns. ICo-cl
Band of New York City and composer _mittee
of great marches, Dr. Edwin Franko Beta Ph
Goldman will appear as guest con- oql sh'orta e w The m
ductor with the University Concert Cam Ft
Band for the second time in recent I T Affect
years at the Seventh Annual Band C Siegan,
and Orchestra Clinic to be held here' Campbe
The nationwide shortage of coal propert
Saturday and Sunday. will not affect the heating of Univer- Watt,
Take Part in Discussions sity buildings, Edward C. Pardon Jean
During the two-day session of the ,Superintendant of the Department of be in ch
Clinic, Dr. Goldman will participate Buildings and Grounds, announced be man
in informal and panel discussions on yesterday. . Phi, w
modern bands. In addition, he will "We have enough coal in our stock- , Sorosis,
lead the Concert Band at its annual piles," Pardon stated, "to last through The us]
mid-winter program Sunday in is the winter." by Jan
own Grand March, "University," thewite._ yan
written as a tribute to the 100th
anniversary celebration of the found- TO THE LAST OUNCE:
ing of New York University.
Sponsored by the School of Music 4
and the Michigan School Band and 3
Orchestra As ociati on, the firstit er e
Reading Clinic took place at the
University during the winter of 1938.
At this time the need to hear Band LONDON, Jan. 30-W)-Adolf Hit-<'
and Orchestra Spring Festival liter- ler, his creaking Reich invaded from f
ature before its final adoption was the east and west and teeming with
seen. war-tossed refugees, called upon the
Though Dr. Goldman is best known German people tonight "to fight on
as a band leader and composer, he no matter where and no matter under
began his musical career as a mem- what crcustanes "
ber of the Metropolitan Opera House' try crowns our efforts.'
Orchestra. In 1912 he organized his The Fuehrer, making a radio ad-
own band which has given regular dress to the German nation on the
concerts, as well as frequent broad- 12th anniversary of his ascendancy to
casts, since then. the chancellorshipf, declared "a hor-I
Furthers Band Music rid fate is in progress in the East
In the past few years he has de- today," but asserted this fate "will
voted much of his time to the fur- be mastered in the end-in spite of
therance of the cause of band music all reverses and stern tests."
in the schools and colleges of the 1 "I expect every German to do .
United States. his duty to the last," Hitler cried
Other participants at the Clinic 'at one point in his, broadcast.i
will include the University Symphony "Every fit man must stake his

man people" by National Socialism
and added. "If the spirit of Ver-
sailles still prevailed in Germany
today, Europe would have been
swept away by the Asiatic spring-
tide long ago."
Hitler described himself as "a ruth-
less national socialist and warrior of
my nation" as he defiantly cried that
Germany would never go down "be-
fore the Bolshevists."
Again as in previous dramatic
utterances he declared that his own
life mattered little.
"I do not want to leave any
doubt about another matter on
this day; my present life is being
determined solely by the duties
which lie upon me to work for my

lands Final Effort


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