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January 31, 1945 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-01-31

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Secreti-Off-he-Record Talk.

T he Pendulum



WASHINGTON, Jan. 31-Most of the 400 Con-
gressmen who crowded into the Coolidge
Auditorium of the Library of Congress for what
was supposed to be a top-secret off-the-record
talk on the war went away with a feeling that
they had wasted their time. The words of Ad-
miral Ernest King, Chief of Naval Operations,
and Army Chief of Staff General George Mar-
shall might have been of interest to a non-Con-
gressional gathering, but to a Congress which
already follows the war carefully, it was dis-
Congressmen concluded that the hush-hush
meeting was actually arranged to boost Congres-
sional support for work-or-fight legislation.
As for the constant admonitions of Admiral
King that "This must not go beyond this room,"
Congressmen figured this was nothing more
than good theatre.
Secretary of War Stimson and Secretary
of the Navy Forestal opened with brief in-
troductions of Marshall and King. Many
Congressmen, knowing of King's unpopularity
on the Hill, grinned as Forrestal went out
of his way to -build up King as the man the
late Secretary Frank Knox selected as Naval
chief "only after consultation with dozens
of Naval officers who had worked with him
and other outstanding Naval leaders." (For
a long time King and Knox scarcely spoke.)
Forrestal dwelt on King's "strong, silent" qual-
ities, explaining that the Admiral is "not a
good talker or good mixer" but an ace as Naval
chief. Even those who don't know King were
mystified by the introduction.
King then spoke from a prepared script, de-
claring that the United States is today the
great Naval power of the world. In our en-
gagements with the Japanese, he said, we have
suffered more damage than is generally known,
but fortunately the Japs have not known about
our damages in time to capitalize on our tem-
porary weakness.
"You will excuse me if I do not go into more
detail," said the Admiral.
King observed that recent Naval history has
justified our huge production of long-range
submarines and also the several foating repair
docks now attached to the fleet. Many minor
repairs on Naval vessels have recently been ac-
complished at sea with these floating docks,
King said, which formerly would have required
lengthy and expensive trips to land bases.
The only real news King gave the congress-
men was in a movie of new Naval guns and
certain protection devices.
Both Marshall and King emphasized that the
major Jap strength--both on land and sea-is
still to be met,
Marshall liar poons Headlines -
GENERAL.MARSHALL then held the floor for
nearly an hour and a half. He made a good
impression and brought chuckles with his dry
wit as he castigated newspaper headline writ-
ers for "giving the public an over-bright pic-
ture." There is still a lot of war to be fought
in both hemispheres, Marshall said-and a lot
of supplies to be sent out. To emphasize the
magnitude of the supply problem, Marshallsaid
that in two months now we ship as much sup-
plies to France as we shipped in all of World
War 1.
It was lack of supplies which stopped our
drive across France last summer, Marshall said,
although he made it plain it was the Army's
inability to supply enough fuel and munitions,
rather than lack of production at home which
stopped us.
With a nod to Clare Luce, Marshall observed
that morale among our troops in Italy is lower
than on any other front, and he added that
the tone of many letters from home tends to
depress rather than raise morale.
Marshall said the Army has received good sup-
port from the home front and from Congress,
but that this is no time to slacken on the job.
This country has done miracles, he contended,
especially considering the fact that the war was
never brought to our shores. He spoke at some
length of the suffering in London, and showed
charts comparing the destruction in London
with what it would have been in New York had
the Germans blitzed that city.
Marshall on Russia ...

AS FOR the Russian drive in the east, Marshall
said he cannot yet evaluate the progress, but
that the small number of German prisoners re-
ported thus far makes it appear that part of the
German army was intentionally withdrawing be-
fore the Russians in Poland. He said he had
not known in advance when the Russian offen-
sive was to take place, precisely where or in
how great a force. In fact, he said, the Rus-
sians have not notified the British or Americans
in advance of exact details on any of their
offensives. And, he added, "The Russians are
right. We are not security-mindedA."
Marshall did not say whether the Russians
had been notified of our D,)Day plans.
Capital Chaf . . .
WHEN JESSE JONES appeared Wednesday be-
fore the Senate Commerce Committee, chair-
man Josiah Bailey smiled benignly on all demon-
stration for Jones but cracked his gavel sternly
when there was applause for Wallace. . . . Sen-
ator Glen Taylor of Idaho is featured in recent
newsreel shots singing "Give me a Home 'Neath
the Capital Dome." . . The United Rubber
Workers (CIO) will come to Washington next

month to take a crack at the little-steel for-
mula. . . . Mayor La Guardia, who fears the
growing support for New York OPA Admini-
strator Dan Woolley's campaign to be Mayor
of New York, has asked National OPA Head
Chester Bowles to fire Woolley and Max Men-
scher, his publicity man. Woolley, bitter enemy
of Republican La Guardia has lined up both
CIO and Democratic Party support.
House Majority Leader John McCormack
put Representative Walter Brehm, Ohio Re-
pubican, in his place last Tuesday. While
McCormack was answering a question from
Republican leader Joe Martin on the Wallace-
Jones affair, Brehm asked him to yield for
another question. "I'm already yielding to
% better man than you," shot back MeCor-
CIOSedShon ..
'WHEN THIE House Military Affairs Committee
agreed last week to knock the anti-closed
shop amendment out of the Navy bill, it did so
under pressure of a foxy move by Represent-
ative Chet Holifield of California a new member
of the committee. Holifleld had opposed the
anti-closed shop amendment then it was pro-
posed by Representative Ham Andrews, rank-
ing Republican. However, his sudden move to
force it out of the bill caught its supporters flat-
(Copyright, 1945, by the :Be Syndicate Tne.)
dA 1 Ira 4 0e
On Foreign Policy
NEW YORK, Jan. 31-The American nation has
had an unhappy time of it, discussing its
foreign policy these last three months. But the
results have been good. We seem to be movin
on from simple, uncomplicated, primitive concep-
tions, to more mature and rounder ones.
It is not so long since our conception of the
world was that of an unruly playground, full of
rough boys, in which it was our duty (if we had
a duty) to mount a soapbox and read the urchins
a lecture on morality, idealism, and no stealing.
We seem now vaguely to comprehend that
the rest of the world is not exactly a reform
school- that it is peopled with adults, who have
adult problems of economy and military secur-
ity. When we go among them now, we are less
inclined to clap our hands and demand instant
order; we now start our foreign conversations
more in man-to-man style, with some casuel
remark like: "Cold day, isn't it?" And of course
it usually is.
Senator Vandenberg helped us enormously by
his bold proposal for a five-power alliance, con-
sisting of the United States, Britain, Russia,
France and China, to keep Germany and Japan
permanently demilitarized. Until Mr. Vanden-
berg spoke, too many of us had the though that
it was our problem (and specifically our Ameri-
can problem) to keep all the nations of the
world down equally, to sit on Britain with the
same weight as we might apply to Germany, to
take somewhat the same dubious view of Rus-
sia's foreign policy as of Japan's.
After Mr. Vandenberg spoke, it became clearer
that all the nations of the world are not alike;
that some have better records than others, and
can be trusted more, and must be trusted more.
The outer world then ceased to be a dark
space of unmitigated hostility; Mr. Vanden-
berg reminded us that this is actually a war
against Germany and Japan, not against Brit-
ain and Russia, and he added the telling point
that our allies are, or can be, our friends.
These may be siuple conceptions, but too
many of us had foggily forgotten them, and
had over-concentrated on the problem of how
to punish our partners for helping us to defeat
our enemies.
NOW ALONG come the sixteen "freshmen"
Senators, who have written a round-robin
letter to President Roosevelt, proposing that we
adopt both the Dumbarton Oaks plan for a
world organization of all nations, and also the
Vandenburg plan for an immediate, limited
alliance of five powers to curb Germany and
Japan. This is sensational progress, because
it means that now we are actually able to hold
two ideas in our minds at the same time.
Even more, for the new Senators suggest also

that we work with our allies on a day-to-day
basis in solving the problems of the liberated
countries. They propose, in short, that we
should cooperate with our allies on three differ-
ent levels simultaneously, and this is a great
improvement over the time when we so eagerly
yearned for the one master key which would
unlock everything.
So our thinking about our allies is becoming
deeper and richer. A mature relationship with.
them is bound to be a complex one; not only
Dumbarton Oaks, but as many other treaties
covering as many other relationships as pos-
sible; not only a general financial underpinning
of world trade through Bretton Woods, 'but also
specific loans, credits and exchanges; not only
organizational contact with our allies, but also
a kind of social life, around, over and above our
organizational life together.
Those of us who primly tell the world how
our Constitution, a single document, holds our
forty-eight states together, forgot the thou-
sand intricate realities of social and political
intercourse which have really made us one.
(Copyright, 1945, New York Post Syndicate)

WITH THE relaxation of family
bonds, juvenile delinquency be-
gan to flourish in this country as nev-
er before. Mothers could not simul-
taneously tend their children and
work in war plants. So it was that
a correlation arose between the de-
gree of independence women attain-
ed and the incidence of 'teen-age
Reactionaries immediately manned
their guns to blast women out of the
factory and back into the kitchen---
arguing that there they could fulfill
familial obligations and save Amer-
ica from youthful violence, Other
more enlightened members of the
community clamored for municipal
intervention, for state subsidized
parks and playgrounds. The second
view is sound so far as it goes, but'
it does not go far enough.
For anyone who really believes
in equality between the sexes must
also favor practical abolishment of
the family as a social institution.
If women are to maintain econo-
mic independence they cannot be
manacled to their homes. The pres-
ent situation has amply demon-
strated that fact. But, on the oth-
er hand, children neither of whose
parents, is home during the day
ought not to be let loose without
guidance and control. To this
problem there is but one answer:
transference of key functions from
the family to the state. That the
proposal is a radical one I will
not deny, but anything short of it
will only serve to prolong that
anomolous circumstance in which
womankind wants to have its mar-
ital cake and eat it too.
Monday night Ann Arbor theater-
goers witnessed a bleary misinter-
pretation of Ibsen's wonderful play,
"The Doll's House." Despite hercu-
lean effort to the contrary, Francis
Lederer could not altogether obscure
its message, viz., that the family
structure is such as to make inequal-
ity inevitable. Nora, the heroine,
her individuality buried for eight
years, has to leave home and start
life anew. There is pith to the melo-
dramatic statement Nora makes that
she would rather be a human being
than a mother and a wife. There
sometimes occurs a genuine incom-
ptibility between the two.
Some people are of the opinion
that taking an infant from the
bosom of his family would serious-
ly harm him. This fear is based
upon the assumption that an in-
fant is not seriously harmed with-1
Inquiry Deni and
A Republican and a Democrat have
joined forces in the House to demand
a congressional inquiry into the De-
partment of Justice, and this is as
it should be. Congressmen of both
parties, and citizens in general,
should have a keen concern for learn-
ing the full facts about recent char-
ges of outside influence, notably that
of Lobbyist Thomas G. Corcoran, in
the handling of cases of this import-
ant agency of the Government.
What about the documented
charges against Attorney General
Riddle made in recent weeks by
his former aid, Norman Littell? A
good way to find out about them is
for the House to vote the inquiry!
proposed by Representatives Voor-
his (Dem.), California, and Smith
(Rep.), Wisconsin.
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Bly Ray Dixon

HEADLINE in yesterday's Daily
said "U. S. Army Sweeps Across
Our River." For a moment we
thought it might have been the Hu-
Horrible Thought Department:
Looking through the lit school bul-
letin we note that a course called
Roosevelt to Roosevelt is being
given in the history department
next semester. If Dewey had been
elected it would have ruined a good
In January, ever since we can re-
member, there always comes a thaw
-except this year. Evidently the I
OPA has gone one step farther thanI
freezing prices and put a ceiling zero
degrees on Ann Arbor.
A* *
It was so cold yesterday, that
people didn't say goodbye, they said
snow long,

In the bosom of his family. Psy-
chiatry tells us otherwise. It is
understood pretty generally that
the formative years in personality
development are the first five. In-
fantile, even preconscious experi-
ences, some of which may be trau-
matic, leave an inpact upon us
that can never be eradicated. Now,
the first five years are those in
which we are completely depend-
ent upon our mothers. Karl Men-
ninger, the emminent psychoan-
alyst, has pointed out that most of
mankind's woes on a personal level
are thus attributable to misman-
aged rearing of children. Mothers
simply have not raised their off-
spring properly-as the number of
psychotics in and out of American
asylums will testify. The one job
women are supposed to perform
with instinctive perfection they
have consistently botched.
There is another contention, how-
ever, that seems to carry more weight.
It concerns an ostensible loss of
warmth which would follow banish-
ment of the family. Recent experi-
ments along this line do not bear
out what appears to be a just criti-
cism. In Palestine one whole gen-
eration of children has been raised in
state nurseries. Yet there does not
seem to be any marked absence in
that little country, cooperative as it
is, of the virtues Western man most
admires: compassion, courage, fra-
ternity. Nor has Russia been bar-
barized by employment of a simila
system. In Palestine on a miniature
scale and in Russia extensively
(though less so of late) the state has
succeeded in elevating women and
liberating children so that neitherj
would be fettered by familial ties,
Plato envisioned a state in which
the elite would live communally.
Knowing as too few of us know
today that the family constitutes a
powerful brake on progress, Plato
would have done with it for his
aristocracy. There is no sign on
the political horizon to indicate
that we will soon make such a move
ourselves. But one may say with
assurance that it can be done for
the masses in addition to the clas-
ses, and that when it is done we
shall have taken a giant step for-

It seems p lausitble catlfirsit thougzht
that the preparaition and launching
of this war should be defined as a,
crime, and that the top Axis leaders
should be tried on that charge, as the
United Nations War Crimes Com-
mission has'recommended. There is
danger, however, thati such an ap-
proach will provide fruitful opportu-
nities for legalistic hair-splitters, -and
that the result will be a failure like
that after the last war.
In the Versailles Treaty, the Kai-
ser was arraigned on a similar
charge: "a supreme offense against
international morality and the
sanctity of treaties." The Dutch, in
whose country he had taken refuge,
replied that no such crime was list-
ed in their extradition treaties, that
- it was a non-extraditable political
offense in any event, so they would
not surrender their guest. Is it
not likely that the pseudo-neutrals
of this war, such as Argentina and
Spain, will take a similar stand if
the extradition of Hitler & Co. is
asked by the Allies on such a
sweeping charge as is proposed?
This need not mean that the Axis
criminals will be immune if they
manage to flee Germany. They can
be accused of many specific crimes
which the legal sharp-shooters can-
not question: such crimes as mur-
derconspiracy, robbery, arson, tor-
ture, kidnapping. These offenses are
covered in extradition treaties, and
there would be no logical excuse for
denying demands for the criminals'
The Allies should beware of
fancy rhetoric in preparing for the
war guilt trials. "Wanted for Mur-
der" is enough, in common law
and in common sense.
-St. Louis Post-Dispateh
Better Early
' The President's Press secretary may
arrange, while in Europe, for Ameri-
can newspapers to get a better break
on big stories at the forthcoming Big
Three conference. Better early than
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch





WEDNESDAY, JAN. 31, 1945
VOL. LV, No. 72
Publication in the Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to allnmem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the Assistant to the President,
1421 Angell fal, by 3:30 p. n. of the day
preceding publication (11:30 a. m. Sat-
Notice to Men Students: Men stu-
dents living in approved rooming
houses who intend to move to differ-
ent quarters for the Spring Term or
who expect to leave the University at
the end of this Term, must give no-
tice in writing to the Dean of Stu-
dents before 11 a.m. on Saturday,
Feb. 3. Feb. 24 is the official closing
date for the Fall Term.
Members of the University Coun-
eil: There will be no meeting of the
University Council in February.
Louis A. Sopkins, Secretary
The Michiganensian: All Organi-
zations expecting space in the MICH-
IGANENSIAN must return contracts
to the business office of the Student
Publications Bldg. by Friday of this
-Lectures: Public Health Nursing
Day will be celebrated locally in the
School of Public Health Auditorium
at 3 p.m. Thursday, Feb 1. Dr. Otto
K. Engelke, Director, Washtenaw
County Health Department, and Miss
Helene Buker, Director, Bureau of
Public Health Nursing, Michigan De-
partment of Health, Lansing, will
talk on "The Public Health Nurse-
What She Is and What She Does,"
The public is cordially invited.
A cadem ic Notices
Bacteriology 110, lecture course,
and Bacteriology 114, advanced bac-
teriology, will start on March 5 and
will be given on the spring term
schedule for the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts.
Bacteriology 111, laboratory work
for medical students, will start March
19 and will be given on the spring
term schedule for freshmen in the
Medical School.

tial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Bachelor of Music,
at 8:00 this evening, in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. A student
of Professor Gilbert Ross, Miss
Lewis will play compositions by Pug-
nani, Bach, Mozart, -and de Falla.
The public is cordially invited,
Events Today
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet today at 4:15 p.m., in Rm. 319
West Medical Building. "The Rela-
tion of Serum Proteins to Immunity
-Protein Nutrition as a Factor in
Immunity" will be discussed. All
interested are invited.
The Student Religious Association
Music Hour, led by Robert Taylor,
'46E, will present the second half of
J. S. Bach's Mass in B Minor this
evening at 7:30 in the Lane Hall
library. Refreshments will be served
and scores will be provided. Everyone
is invited.
Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal at
7:30 tonight--serenade will follow.
Graduate Students: There will be
a Graduate Coffee Hour tonight from
7:30 to 8:30 in the West Conference
Room of the Rackham Building. All
graduate students interested in get-
ting acquainted with each other are
La Sociedad IHispanica announces
that the second lecture in the annual
series will be presented at 8 p.m. in
the Michigan Union. Because of the
unavoidable absence of Lieut.-Col.
Burset, the lecture originally sched-
uled for Feb. 7 will be given. Pro-
fessor Arthur Aiton will speak on
"Relaciones entre Latino-America y
los Estados Unidos." Tickets for the
series will be on sale at the door.
Coming Events
Tea at the International Center,
every Thursday, 4-5:30 p.m. Faculty
foreign students and their American
friends are cordially invited.
Department of Chemical and Met-
allurgical Engineering: At the regu-
lar Seminar meeting on. Thursday,
Feb. 1, Mr. N. Fatica will speak on
the subject "Electroplating." The
meeting will be held at 4 p.m. in Rm.
3201 of the East Engineering Build-
ing. All persons interested are cor-
dially invited to attend.



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By Crockett Johnson

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