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January 31, 1945 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-01-31

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JJNEA-si si;1945




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Ba gers

#tk the ,und$
Daily Sports Editor


Six Tracksters
To Compete in
I Jill rose -Races
Wolverines To Defend
TwoMile Relay Title

w .

By BILL LA~lBERT -garnst tron g utfts ..
Editor's Note: This column was written by Bill Lambert, sports night editor. The Wolverine track squad will of-
AST YEAR, WHEN Michigan teams won eight out of a possible ten ficially swing into action Saturday ,
Conference championships, they undoubtedly turned in the greatest rec- night, when six members travel to
ord ever made by any Big Ten school. New York's Madison Square Gardens'
This feat has been widely applauded by many people, here in the to compete in the Millrose Games.
midwest and throughout the country, but it has also been criticized on The two-mile relay squad compos-
the grounds that it indicated an over-emphasis on athletics and winning ed of Archie Parsons, who ran for
in particular. N.Y.U. last year; George Vetter, mem-,
However, the latter critics have failed to realize that Michigan's I ber of last season's championship'
record during the last 25 years, has been.outstanding because of put- team; captain Ross Hume; and bro-
ting winning setondary to participation. A school cannot establish a then Bob Hume, running in that
competitive tradition without first sacrificing winning temporarily for order; will be defending the title KESSLER TO MEET MUtNDRO AG
the sake of concentrating on development of the individual. which Michigan has won four times breaststroke champion, will be out to
ini the last five years. Bluejacket Ray Mtundro in the meet Sa
ANY POLICY WHICH places winning as primary objective is a short- ela otito Tough
sided policy. It emphasizes a few stars and usually concentrates in one
sport, in an effort to gain immediate publicity or financial returns. The two-mile foursome, can ex- NAVY DOWN THE DRAIN?
In contrast, Michigan has insisted on as many sports as possible. in pect to find its toughest competition
fact the Wolverines have won more championships in more fields than anyg comg o s the WethoganndAm
other Conference school. Besides this, they consistently maintain a versa- Iarltsth outfits, according to the -g'W I
resltsofeastern performances. The
tile coaching staff, encourage large squads in all sports, and try to build up Army thinclads displayed an abund- t a
the competitive tradition so that competing for Michigan really means ance of power i an early seasonraK
something. meet. and the Dartmouth aggrega-
A. good example of numbers in varsity athletics and a trait which tion has some hold-overs from last On Saturday, Feb. 3. the Maize andP
has been characteristic of' Michigan track teams for the last 15 years, year':; squad. Blue mermen will journey to Great
showed up in the 1935 outdoor Confereice meet which took place here In 1944 Dartmuth ed t Lakes Naval Training Station to!th
In 19#4,rr FDeartmckouthnosedout a cmee iha+oefu ljce
on the Ferry Fieldtrack. ? fast-moving Maize and Blue two- squad, the only team that has beaten ra
OHIO STATE'S acclaimed squad came to Ann Arbor with a few out- mile quartet i the National A. A. the Wolverines more than twice in a N
standing performers, and were slated to take first place in a walk. U. meet, and the Wolverines will be row in the past six seasons. on
Jesse Owens who that day . id break threeworld -pcord,-nrd fig a fmirth- seeking to avenge this defeat. Last;

Wisconsin Plays Initial
Game with Wolverines
Patterson Expected To Spark Badgers' Attack:
Maize and Blue Faces Iowa Again Saturday
Michigan's basketball team, after finding its way back into the victory
column last Saturday at Bloomington by beating Indiana for the second
time this season, will make its first home appearance in two weeks Fri-
day night when it entertains the University of Wisconsin five at Yost Field
Also on the weekend docket for the cagers is a trip to Iowa City
for a return engagement with the University of Iowa. The Wolverines
t were edged out by the Iowans here two weeks ago, 29-27, after one of
the most bitter battles ever seen in Yost Field House.
The Wisconsin tilt will be the first{' - - - -
of the campaign between the -two gers still have a chance for Con-
- -~a -;schools, and the fourth Big Ten con- ference honors, despite the loss of
GAIN-Heinie Kessler, Big Ten test of the winter for the Badgers, two early games.
avenge his previous defeat .b who have won one and lost two in Although Wisconsin is some-
iturday night. three games played. Wisconsin beat thing of an unknown factor to the
the Wolverines twice last year. Wolverines, the same cannot be
Coach HaroldhFoster's squad has said for Iowa. When Michigan and
split a pair wvith Northwestern, los-I Iowa clashed the first time, the
Face ing the first while playing without underdog Wolverines came within
im ers To F ae their ace, Ray Patterson, and com- minutes of upsetting the undefeated
ing back to win the second with Pat- Hawks, .but were nosed out at the
terson in the lineup. Monday night, last moment after leading most of
K01srr : the Badgers found the going hard at the way.
---rdy-Lafayette and lost to Purdue. 45-34. In that game Michigan combined a
In non-Conference play, however, controlled-ball offense with a liberal
ulakos and Andy Pylkas defeated in Wisconsin has fared somewhat better, dash of spirit and fight to bring the
e 220 freestyle, has since that date winning seven straight games, includ- Iowa fast break almost to a stand-
Nice bested the time record for the ing a tilt with Great Lakes. With Pat- still. But the Hawkeyes are still a
ce, once by four seconds against terson back in top condition the Bad- dangerous scoring machine with Dick
orthwestern, and once by two sec- ---Ives, leading Big Ten scorer las;
ads against Pu:.due. year, and the two Wilkinson broth-
Iv itiAA -.3-- 1 aLt Z)T F d#


O~u WL, ; Th+XU U'I lV~ 1IMWllc UVk6 LL 1 lu ,ie " ^ai'l-zors, who swame Mat ntel!li
M el W k oter c m n g r n440-yard event also, th e £ TIrf EI l t 1 )! J u ers, CIf
Mel Walker, one time world champion high jumper; and Charles Beethan, ced in 7:53.4v seconds bove ta Mann's 'charges' twice last season, future seems brighter for Michigan, Mea
National Collegiate half-mile title holder, were the mainstays of the Buck- 19-year old record for the distance. edged. out the Wolverines, 44-40, in as Gordn Pulford, rejuvenated eS
eye squad a keenly contested meet on Jan. 7 backstroker, has also gone under e 1ascramb
However, when the final points were chalked-up on the board, a Bob Hume To Run Half Mile and have also scored wins against Pulakos' mark two times, once Y . s since 1
Howevrawenitesfinlopontsweretealkebyp notheboarca f C m e ii
game Maize and Blue team took the Conference crown by placing 15 The half-mile will find Bob Hume, Northwestern and Purdue since that against Northwestern by four see- tory o
different men in 19 places, and amassing a total of 48 points as compared last year's track captain and co- time. fonds, and the other time against have n
to 431/2 for the Ohio State crew. The latter only placed 7 men. in 10 Towgnir of the Big Tei mile crownors'at-s sow
spots, with Owens garnering 20 of his team's points total. competing in a star-studded field. tack against Michigan was Achilles The diving event is expected to go rappers o pete in alone
Another similar performance was turned in in the 1943 Outdoor Joe Hall, last year's winner; BobPulakos, former Wolverine ace of almost uncontested to the Great 11tr-Squal Tourney to a'
KelIlnosNtoa Cleitlad i eao, InoacoppeddfTosrne
Conference meet, when Michigan won the title with 53 points without Kelly, Illinois Nation Collegiate and a year ago, who copped first place Lakes duo of performers from the surpr
scjaspointsed 1h6 m National A A. U. titlist, and Charles honors in the 220 and 440 freestyle i high board, Ned Diefendorf and Carl With the toughest part of their l ino
scoring a single first place. The Wolverine thinclads placed 1 men Beetham, former Ohio State star, all events, beating Mert Church and Quaintance. When these two men schedule coming up this weekend, won f
in 19 positions, while second-place Illinois had only 9 men getting points are slated to be on hand to vie for Jack Zimmerman, respectivey. competed against Michigan, they Michigan's wrestling team is again, in thi
in 14 money spots. honors. completely out-classed the field, and engaging in intra-squad tournament recor
HIS TYPE OF athletics has often been accused of detracting all the Dick Barnard, veteran lialf-miler ture rethe lecketplace cap- though the young Ecuadorean, Ulys- Acompetition. inengerywtosucci M
color from sports, especially from the spectator's outlook, but this who was a possible starter on the were garnered by the efforts of Carl g lopez, has been steadily improv- Any challenger who succeeds in Michig
argument can be tossed out, when one remembers that the primary pur- quartet, is not making the trip be- Quaintance, performer of the spring- ing all season, he cannot yet be con- defeating the other aspirants in his end p
pose of sports is competition for the participants. cause of a week-long illness. He also Quatd, erforey, ksring- sidered as the same calibre as these particular weight division will be per- North
p1bard, Everett Turley, backstroker, frmr xeine e,.mte oegg h o a na
Michigan athleics have always been typified by Fielding H. Yost's was slated to run in the open half-; and Ray Mondro, the Detroit breast- agains
famous slogan, "Athletics for All, and yet the resuls as far as titles go mile run.i stroke sensation who efeated Heini Great Lakes will face Michigan, attempt to win a starting berth on of his
cannot be denied. Forrestel Entered in 600 Kessler, in the upset the evening. boasting of two powerful and de- the squad. him m
canotevnig.pendable backstrokers, in the per- Likely challenge matches coming !who a
Fritz Crisler, athletic director, has shown on numerous occasions Dick Forrestel, letterwinner from However, to quote Coach Matt sonages of Doug Robinson of Iowa!up thispreek are Jn Kirk vs. Art i now ha
that he intends to carry on this program, and he emphasized this fact last year, will be entered in the 600- Mann, "A lot, of wat.r has flowed St and Everett Turley of Law- Sachsel in the 121-pound bracket nDon
when he stated, "More men in more sports, will be an essential part yard open run, and will be running under the bridge since then, and we rence. Turledefeate Munson of acobGittins e vs. Nw S rikiDomn
of our post-war athletic policy." against such eastern notables as El- expect things to be different come Michigan by about five yards three the 136-pound class, and Stu Sny- scorin
morHari, Ntional , Collegiate 440Saturdweeks ago, and it is a very big ques- der vs. George Darrow in the 155- over t
c }jhampion, Jim Herbert, perennial 1____over______th__
title-holder, Herb McKenley, Boston ion as to whether or not Munson has pound division, the ben
andhoderHrbsseBob Uffer last Iimproved sufficiently to cope with This Friday night Ohio State will game
runner who pressed , C ' CUb 4fl asU JL't 'EED i the Bluejacket's last lap kick, invade the Field House in an attempt was a
-- -year and BobMcie , C olgaites i Ju i 'm A.mw V
cha n --- to annex their first dual meet victory
SERVICE LEAGUE Won Lost PROFESSIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost I. C. A. A. quarter-n'iile il flIUIEC T OR Y .against Big Ten opposition. The'
BattalionI. ..............3 1 Nu Sigma N . ..In the 60-yard dash, Michigan willPe Buckeyes' record thus far this season
N aval Supply ................. N S3 1ima u... .. .. 0 be represented by Julian W itherspoon, h.-- B ees seo rt hb usfa thi e as
NavalaSuply ,Delta...33has been spotty because the draft!
Rangers ..................3 1 'a --who placed second in the Conference ---* * . has cut heavily into its roster.
4th Lloyd........... .3 1 Xi Psi Phi .. . .......... 2 1 last year. Other entries in this event LOST A"ND FOUND npslzeu 111 In their first meet they beat Wheat. Iowa
Company "C"...........1 2 Phi Chi ............ . .. ...2 2 list Ed Conwell, veteran dash-man in --_on College, but in their next outing 'Ohio
Sigma Chii............ 1 3 Delta Sigma Delta........2 2 Eastern circles, and Hrb Thompson, LOST--Cocker Spaniel, lost two Hocke Dl they went down before a strong di ilinoi
RONAGS .................1 3 Alpha Kappa kappa ...,. .. 2 2 running for the New York A. C. weeks ago, vicinity of Hill street. ,jana aggregation, which meets Michi- Wis&
Sangeneers ......... . ....0 3 Phi Rho Sigma .....,. ....0 3 Squad Working in Earnest White feet. Reward. Phone 2-1729. 'gan here Saturday afternoon. Ohio Purdu
GENERAL LEAGUE Won Lost Sigma Alpha Epsilon ......0 4 The whole squad has worked out LO : G wathfos ~Throughout the week Coach Vic State met Michigan State's grapplers MIC
Sigma Chi................4 0 igaEphaT EAGUE 0 4 in earnest, in preparation for the, long with topaz attached. Lost in Heyliger will stress power plays and next and again succumbed. India
Gaffers .................1 0 NDEPENDEN LE E Won Lost.home opening Feb. 10, when the first o near Rackham on Washington poke-checking in preparation for the The Buckeyes boast two out- North
Delta Kappa Epsilon . . . . . .3 1 Rebels . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....h4 0 running of the Michigan Relays will namik on Wahiloomn hockey tilt with the Minnesota sextet standing men in George Bolas, a Minn
Phi Sigma Delta.........1 Golden Beas .. ....2 1 be held. This carnival wil play host Substantial reard this Saturday 320 pound heavyweight who is call-
Alpha Tau Omega ........1 3 Hi-Temps . . .... . . .....2 2 to Western Michigan, Michigan State,)ISubstakialIrewrheithisSaturday f ed ' dheavyweht" whis
___ ____ IIn chalking up their second win of i ed the Grecian strongman' byF
Lambda Chi Alpha ........0 3 Robert Owen............1 3 Notre Dame, Purdue, and Ohio State. LOST: Plain gold cross on black rib- the season last Saturday, the Wolver-j teamates, and Seymour Wei, a
Zeta Beta Tau ..... ......0 4 Foresters...............0 3 Two freshman records have been' bon-in Union swimming locker ine pucksters showed a great amount veteran 155-pounder who came in
shattered in the past two days as a room. Sentimental value. Tele- of improvement in handling the puck fourth in ,the Big Ten Conference
result of the intensive practice ses- phone 2-2914 or 4483 evenings. and played their best game so far this meet last year.
sions Ross Willard set a new rec- ------ ---- ----- season. The next day Indiana will provide
ord of 12:39.7 for the 2V-mile run. LOST: Gold and onyz Marine Corps As was definitely demonstrated in theopposition for the Wolverine mat- WA
Formerly the mark was 12:49.8, set in ring. Union lounge, Saturday. Re-' Jan. 13 tilt, the Gophers are men in a meet that will have consid- C
11 41 by E nidLo ari. Call 2-1583 after six, h a . 1 it, t e G p es a e
1941 by Ernie Leonardi. much stronger than Michigan in re- erable bearing on the Western Con-
Bob Thomason, who barely missed LOST: Alpha Delta Phi fraternity serves and are a very fast breaking ference race. The Hoosiers will have
winning a slot on the Millose two-, pin. Smith Peninsular on back. aggregation. Nevertheless, when the no advantage in freshness when they
mile squad, broke a 5-year old mark Phone Chuck Ness 7758. Reward. Wolverines face Minnesota this Sat- meet the Wolverines because they
of 3:13:5 for the 3-4 mile run, and: -- - -- - ---- I urday, the lineup will be different have a meet with Michigan State Fri-
was timed in 3:13.1. LOST: String of pearls Monday be- from the one the Maize and Blue put day,
---- -- - tween Romance Language, Mosher on the ice for the first encounter.--
Hall. Reward. Contact Betty Ab Carl Sulentich will be at center in-
bott, Mosher. stead of Fred Lounsberry. Capt. Ted
I k I4 Ei 3 --YHELP WANTED Greer, Michigan's high scorer, and
John Jenswold will be the wingmen
Ending Today HELP WANTED: Drug clerk and and Bob Henderson and Herb Upton
fountain. Excellent hours. Better will be in the defense positions with
Spay. Witham Drug Co. 601 . sDick Mixer tending the net.
a Forest. Changes May Help
A Hhs
i ( warmrri-t ~trP a t~vt.. f!Whether these changes and the im- ..

ayton and Herb, in the lineup.
nwhile, Michigan currently
sixth place in the Conference
>le, having jumped two notches
ast week by virtue of the vic-
ver Indiana. The-Wolverines
ow won three and lost four.
a, after holding the lead all
for several weeks, dropped in-
tie with Ohio State after a
ise defeat at the hands of
is last week. Each team has
four and lost one. Illinois is
rd place with a three and one
the individual scoring race,
an's Bob Geahan clung to see-
lace behind Max Morris o£
western. Geahan's 15 points
t Indiana kept him well ahead
pursuers, but did not gain
uch in the chase after Morris,
dded 14 to his total. Morris
Ls 106 points to 77 for Geahan.
Lund, veteran Wolverine cen
ho was also right up in the
race, fell from third to tenth
e weekend. Lund was kept on
ach during most of the Indiana
)ecause of an injured'ankle and
le to bag only three points.
gig Ten StandingsI
G W L Pct.
5 4 1 .800
State 5 4 1 .804)
s 4 3 1 '750
nsin 4 2 2 .500
me 9 4 4 .500
IGAN '7 3 4 .429
na . 2 3 A0
western 6 2 4 .333
esota 6 1 5 .167
Last Day
"Bowery To
ontinuous from 1 P .M.
Starts Thursday
. a. -C



'I uek--iiv Shit

vv uqi i_-.iose eper, iamny of
three, laundry out, no children. provement will result in a Michigan
Call 2-1592. victory or will just make the contest
less one-sided is a question that will
WANTED: Assistant cook, experience have to await a solution until Sat-
not necessary if capable and will-urday night.
ing to learn. Meals furnished-6 If the Maize and Blue sextet de-
day week. Vacation with pay. Ap- i feats the Minnesota aggregation, aft-
ply Miss Tomlinson, University er taking a 10-0 drubbing earlier in
Health Service. 2-4531. the season, it will be the greatest
comeback that any team, Michigan
WANTED_ or otherwise. has made.
REFINED SINGLE MAN, inactive 'Since the inauguration of competi-
Army officer, former graduate stu- $ tion between the two sextets in 1922,
dent U.. of M., now employed on Michigan has lost 53 games, won only
technical staff of local war plant, 18, and tied 6.
wishes a simply furnished room or-
apartment in or outside Ann Ar-
bor in attractive homelike sur-
roundings. Faculty references. Has
car. Box 10 Mich. Daily.
{ df



Smooth-as-cream topping for suit,

- ~ '~ I

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