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January 31, 1945 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1945-01-31

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Rumors Indicate Big 3
Parley May Have Started


Statesmen Said Converging as
Leaflets Urge Nazi Surrender
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Jan. 30-Statesmen of cles nobody knew when or where
the United States and Britain ap- President Roosevelt, Prime Minister
parently were converging on an un- Churchill and Premier Marshal Stalin
disclosed spot tonight for prelimi- were to meet, and those who did
nary conferences or even the Big- know were not giving the slightestj
Three meeting itself as British and hint.{
American leaflets raining on enemy Say May Have Started
lines urged the Germans to surrender. German and Swiss broadcasts said
Outside of the closest official cir- the Big-Three meeting already was
- underway or about to begin. The;
best guess in London was that the
parley would be he d in the Soviet
e B egins union or close to its borders. Some
E d quarters, however, thought the meet-
ing might be in Italy.
The Germans said the conference
would occur "somewhere in the near
resent erm ast or the Mediterranean." Nazi
Present Termj ageies"at
aence declared, however, that they
had been unable to check Spanish re-
ports that Mr. Roosevelt had left
Legislature May Washington accompanied by a large
jor 111 March There has been some speculation
that the Big-Three session might pro-.
By The Associated Press duce a joint immediate surrender
LANSING, Jan. 30-The House of call to Germany.
Representatives started a drive today c
for adjournment of the 1945 legislat- Hopkins Leaves Rome
ive session on March 30, with some Harry Hopkins, the President's
pointed comments about delay in personal aide, was in Rome yesterday
receiving Governor Kelly's legislat- and today but has left the Italian
ive program, and little prospect that capital. It was not known whether
it actually would wind up its work he still was in Italy.
that soon. Two other American officials who
Rep. John P. Espie, eagle Republi- might sit in on the conference, Sec-
can chairman of the budget-making retary of State Stettinius and War
Ways and Means Committee and Mobilizer James F. Byrnes, were of-
dean of the legislature, cautioned his ficially announced to have left Wash-
colleagues they should consider qual- ington. Stettinius said Jan. 19 that
ity of work ahead of speed of doing he had accepted the President's invi-1
it. He told them that if there was tation to accompany him to the par-i
any thought of overhauling state and ley.
local tax laws in this session, there-
was no hope of such a short session.
No Major Bill Introduced tiiuiuhW il
R4ep. Elton R. Eaton, Plymouth Re-
publican, complained that "not a Give Programn
single" major administration bill has
been introduced in the legislature yet,l
and declared he was "A little sur- The Ann Arbor Alumnae Club will
prised" that Kelly's tax study com- present its annual program for for-
mittee after a year's work has not yet eign students and friends at 7:30z
submitted its recommendations for p. m. Sunday in the International
tax law change in the form of bills. Center.
Rep. Walter G. Herrick, Hubbards- An address by Dean Alice Lloyd on
ton Republican chairman of the Gen- "National and International Rela-
eral Taxation Committee, said his tions on the University Campus" will
committee was "All set" to work on highlight the program. The yearly
the tax program when it is received. party is sponsored by the Alumnae
Resolution Adopted Club as a means of acquainting for-i
A resolution setting the date finally eign students on campus with the or-7
was adopted by voice vote and sent gapaization and with each other. For-t
to the Senate, where it was expected eign co-eds are especially invited to,
o be amended to provide for a later attend.x

Pan-A merican
Relations To Be
lecture Topic
Prof. Aiton Will Give
Spanish Speech Today
"Relaciones entre Latino-America
y los Estados Unidos" will be the'
topic of Prof. Arthur Aiton, of the
history department, in an addressl
to be delivered at 8 p. m. today in I
Rm. 316, the Union.
Speaking in place of Lt.-Col. Miguel
Burset, who has been called to Wash-
ington, Prof. Aiton will discuss eco-
nomic relations between the two Am-I
ericas. He has traveled extensively
through Latin America, and taught.
American history at the University
of Costa Rica as a State Department
The speech of Lt.-Col. Burset on
"Puerto Rico: Mezcla de Culturas"
will be given on his return to the
University. The lectures, sponsored
by La Sociedad Hispanica and open
to the public, are delivered in Span-
WES To Reach
Upper Michigan
Extension Service To
Enlarge Its Program
The Workers Educational Service
program, sponsored by the University
Extension Service, is being extended
to communities in the Upper Penin-
sula, Arthur Elder, coordinator of the
service said yesterday.
"An active interest is being shown
in developing local programs in Iron
Mountain, Ishpeming, Marquette and
Escanaba, Elder pointed out after
visiting those cities. "Staff members
have been appointed, needs of local
workers organizations are being stu-
died, and the programs should be
under way early in February.
Richter, Alma College
Professor, Disappears
ALMA, Mich., Jan. 30-(P)-State'
and city police have' launched an in-
vestigation in the disappearance of
Hans Richter, 29 years old Alma
College professor, a German who fled
his country when the Nazis came in

Spring Course
Changes Made
For Journalism
Prof. Brumm Reveals
Three Class Revisions
Announcement was made recently
by Prof. J. L. Brumm, chairman of
the Journalism Department, of three
changes in curriculum for the Spring
Journalism 176. an advertising
course, formerly given in two seme-
sters will be offered in one term at
10 a. m. Monday, Wednesday, and
A second change reiers to a course
in critical writing (171), postponed
from the first to the second seme-
ster, which is to be open to seniors
and others who have permission at 11
a. m. Monday, Wednesday, and Fri-
Those students who have completed
prerequisites of reporting 91 and 92,
are qualified for a specialized report-
ing course, (formerly 130) at 1 p. m.
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of
the Spring semester.
'is You Is, Or ..
MEXICO CITY, Jan. 30.- (/P)-
Birth of a daughter named "Diedri
Flynn Eddington" to Nora Eddington
and "Leslie Flynn, movie actor of
Hollywood," was registered in the
Federal District Vital Statistics Jan.
Date of birth was given as Jan. 10
and the place as the British Hospital
in Mexico City.

Michigan's 'Fast
Time' Problem
To Be Decided
Valle Will Represent
Federal Government
At Hearing Thursday
LANSING, Jan. 30.-(A')-The fed-
eral government took a hand today
in Michigan's "fast" time vs. "slow"
time legislative fight, arranging to
send a representative to Michigan to
express federal views on the issue.
Hearing Thursday
Rep. Maurice E. Post, Rockford
Republican, announced he has set
Thursday for a hearing at which
Paul Valle, of Washington, whom he
believes will represent the Interstate
Commerce Commission or the De-
partment of Commerce, will be heard
as a witness in the House State
Affairs Committee on a bill which
would declare "slow" time alone legal
in this state.
Speaker Howard Nugent said he
had received a telephone call from
Washington through theCouncil of
State Governments asking for the
hearing, but was not clear as to
which agency of federal government
Valle would represent.
Senate Passes Bill
"Of course we can have a hearing,"
Post announced. "I will call one for
Thursday. We want to be fair to
everybody on this thing. ' He is
chairman of the committee.
The Senate already has passed the
time bill, to declare Central War
Time valid in an attempt to require
the turning of clocks back an hour in
areas now operating on fast time.

'1 .

RESCUES BROTHER FROM POND-Gary Williams (right) 21 months,
shows his gratitude to his brother, Dickie (left), 4, who held Gary's
head above water and summoned help when the younger boy fell into
a nond at Seattle, Wash.
Hibernating Groundhog TO
Meet Lodge Brothers Friday

QUARRYVILLE, Pa., Jan. 30.-
(/P) - The Slumbering Lodge of
Groundhogs, which feels a "patriotict
duty to do something about the wea-
ther," will march forth Friday to
observe the high priest of its annual
ritual-the Groundhog.
In top hats and long white shirts,
the weather prognosticators will a-;
wait the return of the groundhog to
his rightful position in society.
To See Is To Scurryj
Should the groundhog see his sha-
Bs.Ad. SchoolI
To Give pen
House Friday

Itiiqah Ile), at Idar


Tap and acrobatic dancing and a
short skit will provide the entertain-
ment at an open house for students
and faculty members of the Business
Administration School, from 9 p. m.
to midnight, Friday, Feb. 2, at the
Michigan League.
The skit will be sponsored by Junior
Girls Project, and Beverly Wittan and
Evelyn Horlick will perform the dan-
ces. The purpose of the open house,
according to the committee arrang-
ing the program, is to provide an op-
portunity for the students and facul-
ty to become better acquainted
'WW P R I ,V1SP i

dow and scurry back into the warmth
of his nether dwelling, the ice gnomes
will roam the countryside for six
weeks yet to come.
If he fails to see his shadow-then
take it from Hibernating Governor
Charles Hess-store away your long
woolen underwear.
Cordell Hull, who recently resigned
as Secretary of State, has been elec-
ted an honorary member by the
They Watch Roosevelt
President Roosevelt, because of his
interest in tree growing and preser-
vation of wild life, holds a high place
on the lodge's observation list.,
But each of the two times the
President's name has been submitted
for membership, the Groundhogs
have, turned thumbs down. Mr.
Roosevelt, said the Groundhogs, is
"just a bit too young."
Sundstrom Gives
Vote to GOP's
Majority Now Is Able
To Re-Disti'ict Detroit
LANSING, Jan. 30..-(/P)- Rep,
Charles F. Sundstrom. Michigan
Democrat, aligned himself with the
Republican majority in the House
today on the issue of proposing, a
constitutional amendment to divide
Detroit into representative districts.
Sundstrom said he would give the
Republicans the vote they need to
pass the joint resolution proposing
the amendment. Previously Demo-
cratic House leadership had an-
nounced all Democrats in that cham-
ber would vote against the measure,'
leaving the GOP forces with 66 votes,
one short of the two-thirds margin
needed for adoption.
Republicans are plugging for the
plan, because they say some Detroit
Republican representatives could be
elected from districts, while elections
by the city electorate at large regu-
larly choose solidly Democratic
House delegations.
it's Still Rationed
DETROIT, Jan. 30-0P,-U. S. Cus-
toms officials here disclosed today
that there has been "A tremendous
increase" in the number of United
States citizens who cross into adja-
cent Canada to purchase meat and
other items rationed in this country.

It's a slack-happy world we're
living in these days, so live in
slacks and be happy . . .
Jacobson's have the man-
tailored slacks that fit perfect-
ly . . . plains, plaids, checks
. . . see for your self what
grand wearables they can be!
Ser e and
Strutter ClotI
Plain color slacks with intrig-
uing bits of detailing. In lug-
gage, aqua, black, grape, cerise,
navy, gold, grey, brown and
5.95 and 7.95
By King of Slacks . . . special-
ists in skating togs.
7.95 and 10.95
Plais - All wool
10.95 to 25.00
Browiu or black checks


It's, a Slack-Happy World!*



" I

Editor's Note: Contributions to this col-
umn should be addressed to The Military
Editor, The Michigan Daily, Student
Publications Building, 420 Maynard.
A former member of the psychology
department faculty, SiEWART G.
ARMITAGE, recently graduated as
clinical psychologist from San Anto-
nio Aviation Cadet Center, has been
commissioned a second lieutenant in
the AAF.
Since arriving at the Cadet Cen-
ter on June 22, 1942, following his
basic training at Jefferson Bar-
racks, Mo., Lt. Armitage has serv-
ed in the classification section, rec-
ords department, supply depart-
ment and the statistical office of
the psychological research unit.
A graduate of the class of 1942,
lie holds bachelor and master of sci-
ence degrees from this University.
Michigan grad., ROBERT K.
TRAIN, ball turret gunner in a B-17
Flying Fortress, operating from a
15th Air Force bomber base in Italy,
has been promoted from corporal to
an Ann Arbor resident on leave
from the University faculty, has
been promoted to the rank of cap-
He is a member of the teaching

staff of the School for Personnel
Services of the U. S. Army, located
at Lexington, Va. Capt. Halstead
was recently put in charge of the
Off-Duty Education Section of the
Information and Education Course
at the Lexington school. !
A former associate professor at
Michigan, Capt. Halstead taught
acting, directing, radio and public
speaking from 1925 until his en-
trance into the service in June,
1942. A graduate of Indiana Uni-
versity, he received a Ph. D in
Speech from this University in 1935.
Upon entering the Army as an
enlisted man, Capt. Halstead worked
as a weather observer at Gowan
Field, Boise,hIda., and Pocatelle Army
Air Base. He then went to the
Quartermaster School where he was
commissioned in July, 1943. From
Tinker Field, Okla., his first assign-
ment as a second lieutenant, Capt.
Halstead was transferred to his pres-
ent station as an instructor and has
remained on the staff and faculty
since that time. He was promoted to
first lieutenant in April, 1944.


Brownout Areas
WASHINGTON, Jan. 30.- (P)-~
California, except for San Diego and''
vicinity and Catalina Island, have
been exempted from the nationwide
"brownout." the War Production
Board announced today.
WPB also announced that southern
Louisiana and most of the states of
Arizona and Nevada have been ex-
empted from the order, which .pro-
hibits use of electricity for seven
types of outdoor lighting. A third
exempt area in New Mexico was
added to two previously announced.
Besides the actions on the majorI
area exemptions, the Office of War
Utilities granted the appeals of sixI
electric utilities and denied thoset
of 11 _other companies, including ex-I
emptions granted to the Hillman i
Light & Power Co., Hillman, Mich.,
and the Copper District Power 'Co.,<
Ontonagon, Mich.




i _

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Conncs brave little get-aroundce for
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cilf that takes the knacks . . . sturdy







Tailored blouses to gn with your slacks . ,. or complement
your skirts and suits. Short sleeve white crepe tailored
3.90 and 3.50
Long sleeve tailored crepe blouses, in grey, aqua, and pink.








-. r m



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