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March 25, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…, I NO TEMPERA. ECHANGE B krwaur :43 at IRRPF'Wl' 4; LEASED WIRE S WtESTEIN (ONFI EDITORIAL ASSOC . No. 130 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 1924 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FI y M I 'S ILLNESS' ACTION OFi rY GROUP -ATION 0 E STINSON CASE WILL BE RESUMED AGAIN SOON Sunmumons Sent Out To Morris, Sharp, And Co. For Records On Smith Estate Washington, March 24.-(By AP)-- One section of the congressional mill of ...…

March 25, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 130) • Page Image 2

…IRD EXPECTED- To OgeRN HAS -FOUR CARDINAL6 MICHIGh 4 D 4 t r . n..wir t T" ^T x'!S' ... . ,,gi.,,,.r. °ir. ws r. . w.: ! .w. r r..; '' s n Antonio Aeronautie Association Aillicipates New Mark In Balloon Races INNERS TO REPRESENT V. S. IN INTEIRNATIONAL CONTESTS San Antonio, Texas, March 24.- y AP)--A new American record and new world's record for free balloon ghts are anticipated by members th'e San Antonio Aeronautic As- cati n and by...…

March 25, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 130) • Page Image 3

…PE -MICHIG~AN DAILY - -. li NA_ _,. . ., , - - - e u 1 v 1y m w OMEN SET APRIL 5 ASI19GUI -BN ETIE Dean Jean Hamilton will address ie women of the University at the nnual Women's League banquet hich will be held at 12:30 o'clock on aturday, April 5, at Barbour gymnas.- m. An alumnae representative, hose name is to be announced later, ill also talk. Stunts of various kinds 11 complete the program. The committee for this affair in- udes ...…

March 25, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 130) • Page Image 4

…1L l~~.'Av1 <1 4 A- " 4 a-&.- v CIAL NEWVSPAPFR OF THE 7NIVEJISITY OF MICHIGAN isbed every morning except Mlonday the University year by the Board in it of Stuident Publications. nbers of Western Conference Editorial ation. Associated Press is exlusively en- o the use for republication of all news :hcs credited to it or not othi rwisc, A in this paper and the local news pub- therein. red at the postoffice at Ann Arbor an, as second clatis...…

March 25, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 130) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY zr Takes Exception To Daily Editorial,511iKIFO eReasons For Philippine Independence SLTIKSFO rnflinrnvviri v n I It By 11a rlai C. Iianzar more indig nation to arsthe cuipritst:1,h I''gE3neralMoh1amml1edan re ligiUsr I wwish t aeoatvtake< advantage ofP i thi; w3wethanT1the1i .ilipinontheFa -tEet, thlves.i ,cTh,,t cauelo th vil ikn thewa Fare t t, stindntheo :ir he aco op portunit y to ase the edlitorial', however, thle ...…

March 25, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 130) • Page Image 6

…THE MICH-IGAN DAILY ... ........... ........... wool - !-.90"Mmm-lb /AOORMMN w r 1 ,,,,,,. s... . . ......,, .".."r""".r..... _ aI 'UIIIIlII{IDWD) ,- N-N I-J It , 1jP.r...r . SPractice the only one who is placed above the PlaTs T . A iuadelphia athlete. Mack's veteran Te.pitcher, Rollie Naylor, is in excellent sA Season Approach s shape and promises to have a big sea- , - LAM rDUNRL I son-, Chicago to .Jaunt Soon Now that th...…

March 25, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 130) • Page Image 7

…AE MICHIGAN DAiLY ._ ,. - 4 I4 TI I COLUMN GLOME ATS P.M. I AT 3 ADVERTISING WANTED EXPERIENCED cook wants position in fraternity or sorority house. Has references. Address Box 10. WANTED IIELP T MONEY TO. FJNI$H SWROOL TiTS SPRiNG $50.00 Spring Vacation Call 2334 and We Will Tell You How L. B. ABBOTT R. J. CHICK 336 So. Division THREE WAITERS to work for board. Call 188 and ask for Mr. Walbridge. BE A NEWSPAPER Correspondent with the H...…

March 25, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 130) • Page Image 8

…THE MIICHI1GAN DAILY ICIAL BULLETIN Little Hope Held For J ap Emperor ,., ration in the Blletin 1a Cond~ructive notice to all nwmtinrtr ()f iversity. Copy received b tks~t i~teni v the :"''es'I sxitIl *. m. (11:30 a. mn. Satmrrs. to 4 TUESDOAY, MARCH 2i , 1l Nwol'er 1:111 If thie Colleges of Engineerig an,, Ar(-itf ecture: ere will be a meeting of the FacultY of these C;ollegEs on TueAday, 5, at' 4 p. mi. in Room 411 West Engineering Bu...…

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