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March 09, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 108) • Page Image 3

… and Brown thid year, but surprised Colorado with a 7-4 upset. Last season, the Wolverines faced' the Huskies four times and won three of -the games. Tech edged Michigan, 3-2, in their first encounter…

…, which stands now at 67 points. The Wolverines also have scored more goals this sea- son, 1,82, than ever before in Mich- igan puck history. The Intra-Mural basketball tour- naments draw closer to the…

… confer- ence meet last week, and the two' mile foursome will have regular personnel with the ex- ception of McEwen. Hurdlers Hoover and Van Bruner and Bill Konrad in the dashes are the other Wolverine en…

…- trants. Added incentive was given to the cindermen yesterday with the an- nouncement that the Wolverines will go to Los Angeles April 21 for one of the top triangular meets of the outdoor season. Big Ten…

February 25, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 96) • Page Image 3

…rTH1E MI+CITIAN DAILY Pucksters Outscore Miies , 0/ Wolverine Cagers Battle Northwestern In Try for Initial Conference Road Win By HAROLD TANNER Faced with only a slim chance of finishing at…

… Big Nine foes play the first game of a twin bill that finds Loyola and DePaul meeting in the nightcap. THE WOLVERINES, currently in seventh place in the circuit with a 3-6 record, have yet to win on the…

…- pion in the 200-yard race. He is Jose Balm ores, who at 26 has the speed and experience to make it tough for the Wolverine duo of John Davies and Stew Elliott. Along with Balmores, Peppe can call on…

…, John Davies, and Stew Elliott are avail- able for action, and in the back- stroke Bernie Kahn and Dick Howell will carry the Wolverines' hopes against the strong Buckeye contingent. Divers George Eyster…

… Michigan is slightly fav- ored to take the meet, but not by too much. The Wolverines get the nod over Iowa because the Hawkeyes lost to Minnesota, a team beaten by the Lokenmen. They should also knock off…

January 19, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 84) • Page Image 3

… Sophomore Bob A Heathcott and Ross Smith tied for fourth with nine points a piece. As a team the Wolverines havel ruffled the netting 64 times for a 5.8 average as compared to the opposition's 33 markers and…

…-Wally Barth GIL BURFORD . .goalies' nightmare By BILL CONNOLLY Charlie Fonville, former world's champion shot-putter, and Don McEwen, Wolverine sophomore who now reigns as king of the Big Ten's distance…

… Stayton to run unattached, and it is likely that all Wolverine runners will also be forced to run in plain uniforms due to exam schedules. * * * THE following week, February 4th, will find the Wolverines

… succeeded in professional sports. The newcomer is Bob Harrison, for three years a dominant factor in Western Conference basketball circles as a Wolverine guard until his graduation last June. * * * IN…

… accurate long shots which fell true enough to the mark to make him one of the two top Wolverine point makers. At Minneapolis he is sent out after the opposing team's lead- ing scorer and so far has done a…

… until yesterday. By JERRY BALBUS Michigan wrestlers will face no easy task in trying to extend their three game winning streak during the between-semester per- iod. The Wolverine's 'jinx' team, Illinois…

December 18, 1959 (vol. 70, iss. 72) • Page Image 7

… visiting Wolverines, 19-12. Michigan; missing Dennis Fitz- gerald in the 167-pound class, might have taken the match if Wolverine John Hallenbeck had won a decision victory instead of being pinned, Coach…

… Cliff Keen said. 4 At any rate, the Wolverines showed their strength as they closely battled Penn State to the end. In contrast to this meet, it is interesting to note that Penn State has two previous…

… shut-out victories. These were a 31-0 vic- tory over Army and a 30-0 win over Colgate. The Wolverines opened the night with a draw in the 123- pound match, in which Mike Hoyles almost dumped Penn State…

…, sophomore Ron Pifer, pinned Wolverine grappler John Hallenbeck with 20 seconds to go in the first period. Hallenback showed some class, however, in his first collegiate match as he held the Penn State matman…

…- erns last year, while taking fourth in the NCAA Meet. Tonight the Wolverines move over to Syracuse to face another of the top-ranked teams in the East. However, Michigan team members and coaches are…

April 01, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 128) • Page Image 3

… FUMAY, APRIL 1, 1955 THE MICHIGAN 11bAlT.V FRIAY.APRLlard5 Turl MIflJE1 L£1 ii . IN PAGE THREE 9 Wolverines Span Nat ion as Spring Sports Open Track Squad Travels West; Battles Stanford…

… to 48113. The Wolverines, some 22 strong, Canham's Caravan then rolls on head for the Golden West today, to the Phoenix region, where on where tomorrow afternoon they Saturday night, April 9th, the…

January 09, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 78) • Page Image 3

… the entire of the most surprising upsets of meet the young season yesterday as it Only two matches were decided downed the Boilermakers of Pur- on points, with the Wolverines due, 28-7. . taking both of…

…, 9-8. Wolverines are possibly on the At 167 pounds, Rodriguez pinned road to a Big Ten championship. Tony D'Amico in three minutes, 47 Purdue is the reignin!. Big Ten seconds. champion. Betzig Pleased…

…. Ron Wallingford, Wolverine 2- mile run specialist, is one of the hardest workers on the squad. Two years ago, as a freshman,-he set a mile run mark with a time of 4:48.0 in the Annual Kennedy Re- lays…

… in an unofficial 1:48.2. He was third in the National Championships last June. The Wolverines' best 440-yard run man is Grant Scruggs, a senior1 from Cleveland, O. His best per- formance came in the…

…-yard dash in- side and has a fast time of :09.9 for the 100-yard dash to his cred- it. Little Mark Booth, high jump- er, and Howard Liverance are back for the Wolverines. Booth took a first place in the…

… afternoon at South Bend. It was the first dual meet of the year for the Wolverines, and Coach Newt Loken was well pleased with his team's perform- ance. Adams led the squad with wins in both the High Bar and…

…. Burchfield had placed fifth in that event against Notre Dame last year. The Wolverines took the first three places in four events: Side Horse, High Bar, Parallel Bars, and Trampoline. Evie Hatch of Notre Dame…

April 18, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 135) • Page Image 3

…I SUNDAY, APRM 19, 1954 TRIP MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE SUNDAY, APRIL iS, 1954 THE MICHI~A~ DAILY PAGE THREE a 1Vichigan Golf, Baseball Teams Trip Oppl-ionents Wolverines Register 14…

… yesterday. The Wolverines scored seven runs in a big third inning to ce- ment the victory for starting pitcher, Jack Ritter, who toiled the first six innings and gave up only one run and four hits. * * THRLEE…

…- son yesterday by handing the Uni- versity of Detroit a 23-13 setback at the University Golf Course. Wolverine Captain Jack Stump- fig was the medalist for the 36- hole match with a very fine score of…

Wolverines piled up a 13-5 lead at the end of 18 holes and coasted to their first dual meet victory of the young sea- son. Previously the Maize and Blue squad had dropped two matches, one each to North Car…

…, all that the Titan duo could muster was the two points that Stelter won over McMasters on the afternoon round, when the Wolverine slip- ped to an 80. Michigan's second group of Dick Harrison and Tad…

February 21, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 94) • Page Image 3

…PAGE TARE?5 /, SUNDAY, FMRUARY 21, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wolverine Gym, Tank Squads Sweep Dual Meets I 4- I Cagers Lose To Badgers SMadison…

… 'M' Drops Eighth Conference Tilt (Continued from Page 1) ANOTHER factor, besides the poor shooting by the Wolverines, which kept the Michigan point production low, was the excellent defense thrown up…

… Conference scoring race Loken's Gymnasts Blast Ohio State Team, 64-32 Illinois Defeats Wolverines, 58 %-55/, in Track Meet Close Victory in Mile Relay Clinches Win, As Fessenden Beats Scruggs by Half Step 0…

…' -_________ Swimmers Maul Iowa For 14th Straight,75-18 By PHIL DOUGLIS Michigan's gymnastics squad pulverized Ohio State yesterday, 64-32, as Wolverine captain Mary Johnson put on a sensational one man show by winning…

… half step ahead of Wolverine Grant Scruggs to give the Illini a 581-555% edge in the final score. ILLINOIS ran an all-star quar- tet of Joe Corley, Cirilo McSween, Gene Maynard, and Ralph Fessen- den…

…, sweeping the first three places In the lows and relinquishing only a tie for third to Wolverine Jim Love in the highs. Willard Thompson won the highs in a record :08.5 while Wil- lie Williams took the lows…

May 26, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 165) • Page Image 3

…TUESDAY, MAY 2k,1953 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE PAGE THREE ) Iinsdale Wilts~~r Softball Gown; by Paul Greenberg WAY BACK IN NOVEMBER, when Wolverine baseball coach Ray Fisher began…

… championship to take care of first. The year before, with a green and undermanned club, Fisher had put Michigan right on top of the Big Ten, ending in a percentage deadlock with Illinois. The Wolverines got the…

… found itself in almost the identical position this season-the Wolverines ending up with a 10 won, three lost record and Illinois having an opportunity to tie for the top spot by winning a game played…

… strong after an early double defeat at the hands of the Iowa Hawkeyes and toward the end of the campaign really shaped up as a first-class ball club. Win One at a Time.. . RIGHT NOW HOWEVER, the Wolverines

… Yirkosky put in against Northwestern gave! a pleasant lift. The Wolverines will have to have every strong arm on tap against the potent Ohio club and Fisher figures to start righty Jack Corbett and southpaws…

… Michigan's George Lynch, confer- the distance in 1:54.1. Wolverine Linksters Read To Defend Conference Title By JIM DYGERT them consideration as individual With a Big Ten record marred title possibilities…

May 17, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 158) • Page Image 3

…-0 scoreboard . Dick Lewis Ross, Mead Lead Track Performers (Continued from Page 1) 'M' Linksters Defeat MSC, Purdue, Lose to Ohio State Boilermakers' Benning Wins Honors; Stevens Low Man for Wolverines

…'s decision enabled the Wolverines to garner even a second place over the low sticks. The writers groaned. Big Ten indoor two-mile champion George Lynch suffered a heart-breaking setback in the last 50 yards as…

… broad jump, and the pole vault. Ralph Fessenden turned on a burst of speed to lead teammate Siders across the finish line in the quarter - mile dash. Wolverine Jack Carroll lead most of the way but wound…

…- ner of two other events, was sec- ond place finisher ahead of Mich- igan's Dave Stinson. Dale Foster won the pole vault for the Illini with a vault of 13 feet. Wolverine Roger Maugh and Illini Jim…

… Ten matches but lost the third in a quadrangular meet on the University course yester- day. The Wolverines, previously un- beaten on the Big Ten links, bare- ly edged Purdue. 19-17, and trounced…

… of yester- day's baseball doubleheader be- tween Michigan and Indiana at Bloomington because of rain practically washed away all chances the Wolverines had of retaining their Big Ten Crown. The…

Wolverines, currently in fourth place in the standings, needed victories over Indiana to return them to a contending position. and followed it with a 79 for a 153 total, the best for the Bucks, Although Ohio…

February 21, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 93) • Page Image 3

… the Irish. HARVEY NEWQUIST, Notre Dame dash man, however, sur- prised the Wolverines by taking both the 60-yard high and lov i hurdles. Newquist ran the low hur- dles in :6.9 seconds, one-tenth of a…

…'s Wolverines, after thumping Michigan State and Illinois in their last two out- ings, have established themselves as odds-on favorites in the Big Ten Championships coming up in two weeks. THE SPARTANS and the de…

…'Shaughnessy was regular cen- ter for the Wolverine gridders. Junior Tom Hankins is the only other returning Boilermak- er who placed in the Big Ten Championships, having nailed down the fourth spot at 157 pounds…

…, Swim T~ Michigan Cagers Engage Wisconsin at Field House eams See Home Action * r w Wolverine Tankmen Vie With Iowa State Tonight Still smarting from two close defeats on the road last week, the…

Wolverines entered the Badgers' home court a 12-point underdog. For three periods the two teams battled evenly but near the end of the three-quarter mark Michigan lost their three big men, Paul Groffsky, Milt…

…- tempt by the Wolverines to pmash the freshman record 'in the 300 yard medley relay. Matt Mann will enter the former British olym- pic swimmers Bert and Jack Ward- roll and also Tom Boulte in this event…

… men. All are sopho- mores. The Wolverines will not have long to rest, for following the Iowa State meet, they battle Min- nesota here on Monday at 3:30 in a dual meet. INTRAMURAL BOWLING Sigma Alpha Mu…

….1 average and he also leads the Wolverines in over-all scoring with 226 points. At forward, long Milt Mead draws a starting assignment and will probably be given the job of guarding the big, bespectacled…

… triangular meet compe- tition here last night by downing Michigan, 63-33, and trouncing Northwestern, 77-19. The Wolverines chalked up one win on their record, however, trampling Northwestern, 67-28. This…

March 08, 1952 (vol. 62, iss. 108) • Page Image 3

…UIJ'DAY, MABUB 3, 19ZTHTHE MICHIGAN DAILY U~OSUDo-mincdesBig Tn Swi LOST AND FOUND Eight Wolverines Fight ISC, Michigan TrailB Bcks-Feb29t et.h871.521 N.>m.-- eo Feb. )1, PAGE TMI PERSONAL IF YOU…

… expected the Orange and Blue of Illinois dominated the trials, placing 12 men to second place Michigan's eight. 'Indiana and Michigan State followed with six . qualifiers each. * * * SO FAR the Wolverines

… distance in the time of 8.1, three tenths of a second shy of the conference record. John Vallortigara is the only Wolverine among the 12 quali- fiers. In this event the Illini showed their strength by…

… time of 48.8, almost two seconds better than the 50.1 turned in by Cirilo McStween, his nearest competitor. * * * BILL KONRAD, senior sprinter, was an unexpected qualifigr for the Wolverines. John Ross…

…, Illinois; Taylor, In. diana; Hughes, Purdue. Best Time- :08.1 by Williams. Final MCHL Standings W L GF GA Pts Dil y-Don Campbell NEAR MISS-Sterling defensive effort by Wolverines Alex Mc- Clellan (18) and…

…- ference swimming championships held here in the Jenison Pool yes- terday. The Wolverines of Coach Matt Mann, with 29 points, found themselves in third place as Ohio State's mighty crew swept to a commanding…

…Lachlan beat out Michi- gan's Burwell "Bumpy" Jones for second place, but Wally Jeffries of the Wolverines came In fourth to give Matt Mann's squad three needed points. Following Michigan's pace setting Davies…

… in the 220 yard breast stroke was Bowen Stass- forth of Iowa. Ohio State's Ger- ry Holan came in a close third. Co-Captain Stewart Elliott of the Wolverines wound up in fourth position to give Michigan…

… Coliseum to wreck Michigan Tech, 11-4, and pull into a tie with Den- ver for second in the Midwest League. The Wolverines and Pioneers both have won nine and lost three in the MCHL, leaving the disposi- tion…

February 17, 1952 (vol. 62, iss. 91) • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1952 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1952 PAGE THREE Fight Wolverine Firsts Beat Spartan Swimmers a Free-stylers Star in Dual Meet,_52-41 Jones, Hill…

… marked the Wolverines' fourth dual meet win this season, in addition to first in a triangular meet and an A.A.U. meet. Hill tied both his own pool records for the 50 and 100-yard y free-style races i n…

… it to ten yards at the finish. The visitors made their best < showing in the 200-yard back- stroke, as Harold Shoup and John Quigley finished one-two. This narrowed the Wolverine lead down to 34…

… relay team of backstroker John Chase, Davies, and free-styler Tom Benner got the Wolverines off to a good start 7 in the first event by defeating the Spartan trio. DAVIES BUILT up a yard lead over the…

… medley team of Jack. Carroll, Don McEwen, George Ja- cobi and John Ross ran to an easy win and the world's indoor! record in the Michigan State Re- lays here last night. The Wolverine equartet lapped every…

… Mitchell hustles in to implant an elbow in the dental works of Wolverine center Milt Mead.. Mead lasted long enough to ring up 18 markers in a losing cause, however. * * , Go hers Trip Hawke yes, Ilinos…

February 16, 1952 (vol. 62, iss. 90) • Page Image 3

… RDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1952 THE MICHIGAN, DAILY THE MICHIGAN~ DAILY Colorado College Defeats Puckmen in * s * * # $ * * Hartwell Leads Tigers, Scoring Two Big Goals Tight Game Wolverine Court…

… their chances, and we didn't." Heyliger also praised Ken Kinsley, Colorado goalie, who managed to get in front of 23 Wolverine shots. "He's the best we've faced this season," said Hey- liger. In detail…

…- counter yet for the Wolverines. The Spartans, conquered only by powerful Ohio State this sea- son, will be at full strength while Matt Mann's crew will be minus three crack performers, all ineli- gible for…

… FORWARD EARL KEYES FLEET FOURSOME: Thinelads Out for Record at State Relays Wolverines To Wrestle NU Matmen By ED SMITH EAST LANSING - Coach Don Canham's Wolverine thinclads will try to turn the Spartans…

… watched, the Wolverine distance medley group of Carroll, Jacobi, Ross, and McEwen will be out to break the world's record time of 10:08.9 set at last year's meet by a Michigan quartet. Four other Maize and…

… Michigan's top dash man. His loss for future meets could seriously impair thea Wolverine's chances in the Big Ten Meet in March. Bill Barton, promising sopho- more quarter miler, who ivll re- place him today…

March 03, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 107) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDA] Cagers Club Illini, 101-95 BIG TEN MEET THIS WEEKEND: Wolverine Gymnasts Must Stay at Peak I" in the second half, notched buckets to put Michigan ahead for good, 89…

…-88. Six-Point Burst After trading two-pointers, the Wolverines, cool under pressure, added six consecutive markers to' ice the win. Illinois doggedly rallied one final time after Mannie Jack- son scored on…

… in the Indiana, Purdue, and Northwestern meets, relapsed against Illinois, rebound- ed against Iowa, and looked flat again against Minnesota. Over the last weekend, the Wolverines were sharp, and Coach…

… Cliff Keen hopes they perform just as well at this' coming week- end's Big Ten affair in Iowa City. Title Chances Dissipate That is, what's left of them. The Wolverines' chances of winning the Big Ten…

… four meets, but has lost his last three bouts, two by lopsided scores. fourth, fifth, and sixth spots. However, if Wolverine performers Richard Montpetit, Nino Marion, Al Stall, Wolfgang Dozauer, Jim…

… trampoline and tumbling events. Defending Big Ten champ Ed Cole will lead the Michigan tramp team, while Bill Skinner and Jimmy Brown should give the Wolverines a double threat for a first in tumbling. KEEP…

January 15, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 85) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY RE YOU INSURED?. PURDUE NEXT-FEB. 1: Wolverine Cagers Begin 18-Day Rest Pick Hi udent Health Insurance soon to behaailbl through Student Government Council coverage through…

…. Longest Layoff The Wolverines' lengthy lay- off 'is rivaled only by Wisconsin. The Badgers will rest for 17 days, COLLEGE BASKETBALL Duquesne 74; LaSalle 55 Clemson 81, Wake Forest 72 Maryland 55…

… met, Ohio State on Jan. 27, and will again be in full swing by the time they come to town on "Feb. 1. Game on TV The Boilermaker-Wolverine tilt that Saturday will be at 4:30 p.m.. and. will be the…

… Guild Banquet in the Sheraton Cadi in Detroit on Jan. 23. The Wolverine swim be fairly inactive durin exam break. In its only the beginning of nexi the Wolverines will host Jan. 31. The dual meet, firi…

September 16, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 1) • Page Image 41

…STHE MICHIGAN DAILY I' Gymn astics By AL JONES Hayslett, the Wolverines put on a tain for the 19 ier big year behind, but great showing-one that'had even Cole and Haysle etter one in the future…

… which the Wolverines out- classed the rest of the field. Teams like Iowa and Michigan State, which had defeated the Wolver- ines in dual meets and were fa- vored to finish higher in the Big. Ten, fell by…

… the wayside. MSU scored 68 points for the third-place spot, while Iowa set- tled for fourth with 68. Best Performances The heroes in the Wolverine comeback were Gagnier, Cole and Hayslett in particular…

…'s history, tied for the Big Ten all-around champion- ship and took first in the parallel bars last season. Ie'll be back to lead the Wolverines this year as captain. points in dual meets, and again last year…

… it does.happen this year, the Wolverines might break that for- mer top mark of second in the Big Ten. If not, they will have to play second fiddle to the Illini. Even so, it's becoming an honor to…

… season to help spark the Wolverines to what they hope will be their greatest year ever. The Evanston, IlL., senior was state diving champion in high school, but decided-and profitably so-to turn to…

September 16, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 1) • Page Image 43

… that went seven innings. The Wolverines also dropped the first game of the twin bill to the Illini for their first loss to an. Illinois team in six years. Drop to Third This was the third week of the…

… over Minnesota. The heros were Steve Boros, hard-hitting shortstop, and Girardin, who won won his third game in relief. The next day the Wolverines met league-leading Iowa-,in what was scheduled as a…

May 10, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 158) • Page Image 7

… potential of this year's squad. Moving onto the courts to face the Wolverines, and challenge their 38-match winning streak, will be a strong Notre Dame team. The match will begin at 2 p.m. and spectators will…

… their second and last chance to view the 1957 Wolverine golf team at home tomorrow, when the linkstershost three other top Big Ten squads. The meet will be a 36-hole af- fair, with the first 18 beginning…

… finals are held at Iowa City on May 24 and 25. Ohio State, who along with Pur- due has beaten the Wolverines in two previous outings this year, will be trying to edge Michigan again tomorrow. Headed by…

… means that the Wolverines will be familiar with the fairways and greens should be a factor in helping Michigan gain revenge over Ohio State. Coach Bert Katzenmeyer of the Wolverines states that the main…

Wolverines have won 23 straight dual or triangular meets, figures Illinois will have the first part of their job completed by Saturday afternoon. Two Stars This Illini team, according to Canham and the record…

May 05, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 154) • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, MAY 5,1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE E # I SUNDAY, MAY 5,1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGF~ ~ r " as aw w: .;a u . v. . Diamondmen Sm Hard-Hitting Wolverines Clout Wildcats, Take Lead in…

…-3, 12-5, double vic- tory over Northwestern. The sweep coupled with sec- ond game losses by Minnesota to Illinois and Iowa to Purdue gave the Wolverines undisputed pos- session of first place in the Big…

… Ten. The Wolverine pitching staff added fine relief work by Glenn Girardin and Jim Clark to secure the victory. John Herrnstein started the first game for Michigan master- fully, allowing three hits in…

… seventh allowing one more hit. He retired the side in the' last two innings to give the Wolverines the win. Michigan went ahead 4-0 in the second inning. Steve Boros lead off with a single. After Ralph…

… Vukovich and Ernie Myers fol- lowed with a single scoring Sig- man and Dickey. The Wolverines increased their lead to 6-0 in the fifth when Bruce Fox got to first on an er- ror by the Wildcat shortstop…

… .333 1 2 .333 Special to The Daily CHICAGO-Wolverine Ed Gag- nier, captain-elect of next winter's 'M' gym team, placed sixth in the parallel bar finals of the National AAU Gytnnastics Meet here last…

February 07, 1957 • Page Image 17

… launthing site at Fre, r ISTORY recoids little of note on the Gre Lakes the Wolverine Canada's lukewain senforcement Pennsylvania. The Navy little ex- on the success of her immedi- was able to operate free of…

… the federate raids, thwarting trans- Renamed the Wolverine in 1905 State of Michigan's intimate as- step-by + ep criticism of tuture coming presidential election, Presi- portation of arms from Canada to…

March 05, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 104) • Page Image 3

… cagers drew first blood and roared to a 9-3 lead. Then the Phi Delts, under coach Tom Jorgenson, Wolverine hoop- ster, began to click and scrambled to an 11-10 half time lead. THE WINNERS dumped in two…

… well be decided) with Carroll, Scruggs, Bob Brown, and either Gray or Sutton. A TRIO of Wolverines, headed by Roger Maugh and including John Hilberry and Bob Appleman, will enter the stiff pole vault com…

… Maryland 75, Clemson 59 Furman 84, Davidson 68 Duke 96, Virginia 68 LATE HOCKEY SCORES Boston 1, Montreal I Detroit 3, Toronto 3 I The performances of these 23 Wolverines in tonight's prelimin- aries will…

… meet. The Wolverine captain's toughest competition will no doubt be with Jim Sinandinos of Mich- igan State who has compiled a 7-2 record .this season. A N O T H E R Wolverine, Dick O'Shaughnessy, will…

…. Representing Michigan at 147 pounds will be sophomore Don Haney of Canonsburg, Pennsyl- vania. During the season Haney compiled a 4-0 record at 147 pounds and a 3-1 record at 157 pounds. Other Wolverines who…

February 12, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 87) • Page Image 6


Wolverine squad with an average of 17.5 points per game. The Chicagoan's 262 points also places him among the top ten scorers in the Big Ten. THE SOPHOMORE star, the spark plug of the Maize and Blue quintet…

… the 137-pound ing team'championships at the hands of The Hawkeyes will enter this Pete Compton of Illinois. meet with their best mid-season Coach Cliff Keen's Wolverines mark since 1950 when they posted…

… wrestle because of a leg in- !row will provide the Wolverines Sophomore Kenneth Leuer, a jury. He has wrestled heavy- with some very tough competition. 177-pounder, leads the Hawkeyes weight during the dual…

… Wisconsin's Cap-1 tain Jerry Seeber who was unde- feated for two previous seasons. The Wolverines will field a strong team headed by Norvard "Snip" Nalan who is undefeated in two years of dual meet compe…

September 16, 1953 • Page Image 33

… Four new faces in the Wolverine starting lineup proved valuable faces as Michigan's tennis squad pounded out an 8-3 dual meet .~record and went on to finish fourth in the Conference meet at Evanston…

… Mills captured the number three consolation tournament and an Al Mann-Bob Curhan combina- tion annexed the number two doubles consolation. This helped the Wolverines to a 2012 total, only two…

… first loss of the season in the number four slot by dropping a 6-3, 6-0 match to Dick Roberts. NEDERLANDER had a hand in tallying both of the Wolverines' points. He outclassed Howard Trier, 6-3, 6-4, in…

… was again humbling Trier, 6-4, 6-4, for his seventh consecu- tive win. OTHER THAN this, however, the Wolverines were completely outplayed from the number one match, where Drobac slaughtered Mann, on…

Wolverines were forced to play indoors in their Conference opener due to rain, but managed a 5-4 margin for their third straight win. Returning homq the Murphy- men breezed by Purdue, 8-1, Northwestern, 7…

…-1, at Champaign the next day. The Wolverines swept all the singles matches in their final dual meet. Men's Glee Club Campus Favorites for 93 Years ' f ~ \p Long an outstanding Michigan tradition the…

March 05, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 103) • Page Image 3

… THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1953 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TIMEE. Oore o Take Big Ten Swimming Crown Wolverines t Rated Good U set Threat By IVAN KAYE Ohio State has been installed r as a pre-meet choice…

… points being centered on first place finishes seem to be more certain than Michigan's expectations. The Wolverines will look to Don Hill and Tom Benner in the sprints; Bumpy Jones, Ron Gora - and captain…

…. defeat of his I For the championship meet Keen has moved O'Shaughnessy down to the 177-pound division, where the Wolverine senior plays the role of defending champion. * * * O'SHAUGHNESSY'S current…

… winning, the Wolverines now have a total of 15 points in the MCHL stand- ings which puts them in a third place tie with Denver. the fracas. If the Wolverines can win one of their two games with Michigan…

February 13, 1952 (vol. 62, iss. 87) • Page Image 3

…; Seek Fifth Straight Win MCHL SHOWDOWN: With six of their nine dual meets past history, the Wolverins wres- tling team is making ready for its meet against Northwestern this Saturday. A tidy winning…

… sudden departure from the Wolverine campus of Jerry Musetti, 180-pound halfback from Detroit. Musetti, who was in residence here for several days last week and had been proffered a De- troit Alumni Club…

…. "This is it," say Coach Vic Hey- Four teams-Denver, Michi- liger and his Wolverines, and a gan, North Dakota, Colorado- C h e d d y Thompson's lie adhi oleins ad ar ,mrnilpd i a hot 1,9+ for r......l...L1…

… COLORADO contests count in the MCHL standings and the Wolverines must win them both in order to hold more than a slim chance of finish- ing first or second in the loop. (Michigan's chances of suc- cessfully…

…- feated class as it heads into the Y' toughest part of its schedule. Northwestern and Ohio State fell to the Wolverine gymnasts during the semester lull. The Wild- cats absorbed a 67-28 drubbing while Ohio…

… came up with Michi- gan's sternest competition before bowing 55-41. FRESHMAN Harry Luchs con- tinued to pace the Wolverine at- tacks by picking up 28 points in the two meets. He took a first and a second…

… Henning won the side horse and trampo- U -l line events respectively. The Wolverines swept the remaining firsts with Luchs contributing his three and Erley a tumbling first. Michigan's captain Connie Ettl…

May 17, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 158) • Page Image 3

…TUR SVDAYMAY f 17, 1951 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Michigan Whips DetroitNine, 13-2 Howell, Palmer, Koceski, Dorr Pace Wolverines' 17 Hit Win over Titans Special to The Daily DETROIT-Michigan's baseball…

… two more tallies with a home run. TRIPLES BY Leo Koceski and Palmer, followed by a home runj pitch served up to Dorr, netted the Wolverines three more counters in the fifth inning. A double by Howell…

… first four positions, the winner earning five, while the next three finishers receive three, two and one respectively. Wolverine Net Squad Meets Strong Spartan Team Today this season and is aefending…

… MICHIGAN STATE match shapes up as the toughest of the season for the Wolverines as the Spartans are the class of the Conference and Michigan must beat them if they expect to carry off conference laurels…

… 0 1 0 4 2 1 1 9 1 2 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 E 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 The Wolverines will be rated a heavy favorite against the Boiler- makers and Michigan Normal. I. I…

March 04, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 103) • Page Image 6

… hockey squad turned in a lack-luster per-j formance irn the Coliseum last night, but it was still good enough to whip a weak Michigan State sextet 9-6 and smash two all-time Wolverine season scoring…

… cruised around the Green and White de- fense six minutes later and caught the far corner of the net with a backhand blast to account for the remainder of a five goal Wolverine second period. Individual…

… the Hoosiers handed the Wolverines a 57-42 setback before 5,000 fans in Yost Field House. The smooth-working Hoosiers, paced by the clever ball-handling of Billy Garrett, broke into the lead after eight…

… point margin, and coasted on to its eleventh Conference win. The defeat was Michigan's ninth in 12 Big Ten contests. The Wolverines' attempts at the TYPEWRITERS' Repaired Ar/Rented Sold Bought Fountain…

…. The Hoosiers popped in 14 of 28 floor shots for a tre- mendous fifty per cent average. The Wolverines improved some- what in. the final period, hitting nine of 33 attempts for a still none…

… three wins the best Michigan could hope for would be a tie for last place with Ohio State. A win over Iowa, who knocked off the Wolverines '7-48 earlier in the season, would give the quintet its fourth…

June 01, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 168) • Page Image 3

… Fryling, center field; and Bob Fan- oett, right field. THE THREE other seniors on the squad are pitchers Jack York and Dick Bogard and first base- man Ed Froscheiser. Hicks, a vital factor in the Wolverines

… and Mary contest, in which he pitched the Wolverines to an 8-4 victory. The only Michigan senior to hit over .300 in the Conference, Fan- cett posted a .311 average in Big Ten play. Give .baseball…

… Mueller of Wisconsin, 6-2, 6-1. Then Michigan's Al Hetzeck lost his chances at the number two crown as Bill Landin of the Wildcats played an inspired game and came up on top 6-4, 6-3. Wolverine Dick Lincoln…

… third, Brumm was going for everything in one of the gamest exhibitions at the tour- nament net. But Morsell had too much and Brumm slipped under 4-6, 6-3, 6-4. DORIEN RUSSLER was up for the Wolverines in…

February 17, 1950 (vol. 0, iss. 88) • Page Image 9

… By BOB SANDELLE Vic Heyliger and his Wolverine puck squad can just about clinch an NCAA tournament bid this week-end if they can tame the Colorado College Tigers in a two game setto opening this…

… interested in play- ing :varsity baseball should re- port to the south end of the Feld House from.1:30 to 5:30 to sign up. --Ray Fisher down to the Wolverines, the visit- ing Bengals, and Michigan Tech with…

… the Wolverines will throw at the invaders. Vic was well pleased with a new third line combination in the second Michigan Tech con- test. He shifted defenseman Ed- die May to a wing to combine with Joe…

…, is a brother of Dick, a Wolverine standodt of last year. * By BILL CONNOLLY A history-making mile race, featuring miraculous Don Mc- Ewen, will set the pace for the Michigan-Illinois dual meet sched…

…. Morrill Out Of Illini Tilt Michigan's Wolverines, prepar- ing for Conference champion Illi- nois Saturday, received another blow to their already waning vic- tory hopes yetct'a with the news that Hal…

January 11, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 77) • Page Image 3

…WEDNESDAY JANUARY 11,195 THE MICHIGAN DAILY -- - I ____ ____ __NO Lagers' Wins Earn Big Ten Limelight - - 1 .' Underdog' Wolverines Lead Conference Race -- -- -- V : 4> In the span of 48…

… hours Michi- ghn's basketball team has surged s from the role of an also-ran to a point of major contention in the W e s t e r n Conference's young championship race. The Wolverines' smashing twin…

… kept him out of the lineup recently. Five times he poised himself in midair and fired accurate shots into the netting. In addition he retrieved a giant's share of rebounds. n 4 The two Wolverine

… resounded around the 28-year-old Field House. At halftime, with the Wolverines out in front, 33-25, the thunder of thousands of feet stamping on the bleachers was added to the already deafening roar of the…

… cheering voices. The Wolverines, and fans too, were showing little or no respect for the Hoosiers' spotless record. Indiana came charging back in the second half, however, and made the Field House a…

… away from Yost Field House. The home record so far this year is spotless, as all of Michigan's setbacks have been suffered on foreign floors. This weekend the Wolverines play two games away from home…

February 28, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 105) • Page Image 6

… pressure in the Michigan defensive zone throughout the game and in the first period forced Childs to make an average of one save a minute. Game statistics showed that the Wolverine netminder kicked out an…

…. An aroused Wolverine aggregation came back fighting to knot the count before three minutes had elapsed in the sec- ond frame. Michigan's Dale McDonald bat- ted in a rebound at 1:43 for the first tally…

…, and teammate Bob White scored one minute later with another converted rebound at 2:43. After Anderson had given the Gophers their lead, Steve Bochen TODAY: Tankmen apparently pulled the Wolverines

… score did not count. This decision broke Michigan's back and it did not threaten through the rest of the game. The breaks and the officiating' did their share in ruining up the score as the Wolverines

…. Michi- gan has been only able to manage two wins in eleven meetings with former league competition. Tonight, the. Wolverines will be rested and ready for action as they face the Gophers for the last time…

February 13, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 88) • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1955 THE NINCilk"AA AIAIUV ...Ay IVANa Awm VALIly 11HYLY PAGE THREE R SwimITruck, Wolverine Tank Team Cops Sixth Straight Dual Meet Jones, O'Reilly, Meyers, Gora, Walters…

… yesterday, by overwhelming Northwestern, 68-21, in the Wild- cat pool. Capturing a first in every event, the Wolverines demonstrated that it has the necessary depth and versatility to dethrone Ohio State and…

… favorite in the coming conference meet on M~ rh d (Continued from Page 1) about 15 minutes left, and the Wolverines gradually pulled away. The win gave Michigan a 3-4 conference record, good for sole…

…- marcn 4. Lone winner for the Wolverines' raclsters Blastis was 157 pounder Don Haney, who is now unbeaten in five meets. He u M a x P e a r s o n , M i c h i g a n ' s e n t r y i ntr3p n c s e w h B the…

… 137 pound class drew with Bill Clements 4-4. Except for these two By CORKY SMITH bright spots, Michigan put up a The Wolverine track squad, His time was 4:09.9, breaking dismal showing.i hterinumro find…

March 07, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 106) • Page Image 3

…. set. by. Iowa's Chuck Durling In 1952. All-America Schlundt already held the Big Ten 18-game sea- son record of 459 from last year. Winners Edge Second-Place Wolverines; Spartans Third BUMPY JONES AND…

…, of Iowa, and Bill Kerr, of Indiana. All four men were unexpected finalists and played, a big part in diminishing the Wolverine depth advantage. The meet was the final home contest for Mann, who is…

…, Wolverine Don Haney lost to Bud Weick of Pur- due. Both men wrestled a very clever and tough match for the full nine minutes with the score end- ing in a 1-1 tie. The decision was then in the hands of the…

… of the Iowa Hawkeyes. FORMER Wolverine gridder Bob Hurley gave one of the most im- pressive performances of the en- tire meet when he wrestled to a fourth place finish, losing to Lar- ry Fowler of…

… still in the game as late as mid- way in the final period, when the slick shooting pros slipped through the Wolverine defenses in the last 10 minutes to break open the game. MICHIGAN coach Vic Heyliger…

… ing Rockets gave the Wolverines a real tune-up for the coming NCAA tourney, and won only be- cause their defense was 'slightly more solid. The game was the highest scoring tilt of the year for Mich…

March 09, 1952 (vol. 62, iss. 109) • Page Image 3

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY FM Buckeye Swimmers Easy Winners in Big Ten Meet * * * Michigan Wins Five Firsts; Ross Sets New Mile Record. MSC Edges Wolverines For Second at Lansing Davies Scores…

… teammate Fritz Nilsson, who won easily with a 53 feet 7% inch toss. * * * BUT THE Wolverines lost them right back in the pole vault. Illi- WiDick Coleman and Richard Calisch parlayed their talents to sweep…

…-events senior, accounted for 46 of the winner's scores. He placed first in the tumbling and all-around events. Top man in the Wolverine scoring parade was freshman Harry Luchs. The Latvian-born competitor notched…

… placed fourth for the Wolverines. Minnesota had the flying rings all to itself as Gophers Barltett and Howie O'Connell finished one-two. Bartlett's edge was four points, 249-245. Bob Feldmeier of Michigan…

… Michigan Cause (Continued from Page 1) on Captain Earl Keyes rebound to tie matters. * * * NEAR THE END of the period the Wolverines found themselves in a hole when defenseman Gra- ham Cragg and Alex Mc…

… for the Wolverines, all as third place finishers. Jack Gallon, Wolverine 137 pounder, came up with a 6-2 de- cision over an old nemesis of his, Dick Wilder of Indiana. The Hoos- ier grappler was the…

May 27, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 167) • Page Image 3

Wolverine baseball team which played a twin bill at Columbus against Ohio State. Hardly anyone was happy as results began to trickle in by special wire from five Daily reporters who were at the various scenes…

… carried a team rated third at best into the Big Ten wars, emerging in second place just four points behind the highly favored Spartans of Michigan State, who had routed the Wolverines in a regular season…

… followers of sport had that puzzled look yesterday when the conversation shifted into the realm of golf and track. Wolverine thinclads and golfers entered the Evanston blue-chip carnivals as popular favorites…

… the Ann Arbor school's cinder attack would be spear- headed by Don McEwen in the one and two mile runs, but there was a strong likelihood that the Wolverines would be bidding for points in virtually…

… second was the same outfit which the Wolverines ran into the Ferry Field cinders two weeks ago by an overwhelming 84;/z-471/2 margin, and in the results of that dual meet might lie the solution to the…

March 04, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 103) • Page Image 7

… valiant effort to take the 157 pound toga from the strong shoulders of the Badger great. The Wolverines won one third place and one fourth place in the consolation bouts. In the light heavyweight match, Joe…

…. The Wolverines won the medley by two yards, but backstroker Bernie Kahn was called for a missed turn and Iowa took the event for the record books. * * * FOR MICHIGAN, the breast- stroke - backstroke…

… Friday night. Wolverine Don Hoover and Len Truex, the OSU flash were the other double winners. Hoover won both the low and high hurdles, his times being a excellent :08.7 in the highs and :08.1 in the lows…

… first, two seconds and a third to exempli- fy their all-around power, Only Michigan could approach this display of top placings, and lack of depth and balance cut short any chances the Wolverines had. Two…

…- spectable fifth in a highly com- petitive field, while Bruner was edged out by inches by Thomas in the high hurdles to wind up third. The Wolverines' mile relay team put on its best performance of the year to…

… cinch second place for the Wolverines. Even with a bad baton pass intermingled with the run- ning, the quartet finished a close five yard second to Illinois. Both Al Rankin, who finished his lap with an…

…, 20 1951 Visit England, Belgium, Switzerland and France I Dolan Leads Illinois Gymnasts To 64-3 2 Win over Wolverines HAWAII Study Tour for Girls-$495.00 Departure June 17th An outstanding program…

January 17, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 82) • Page Image 3

…TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1950 THE MiIGAi6N DAILY PAGE THREE Schi1ttker F OSU Onslaught Buries Wolverines In Last Half 'aces Buck Victory VAULTER STRICKEN: Ulvestad, Appendix Out for Season…

… effective on his drive-in shots. Ernie McCoy's Wolverines, forced to shoot from outside, clicked on 21 of 72 field goal attempts and made 16 of 29 charity tosses. LEO VANDERKUY and Captain Mack Suprunowicz…

September 15, 1959 (vol. 0, iss. 36) • Page Image 30

… utdoor plum. Haisley typified the lini sweep as he successfully de- mded his high jump title with ear-record leap of 6'8/2". Seventh in 1958 Always a power in Big Ten track ircles, the Wolverines again be…

…, Tony Seth and Bryan 'ibson, the Wolverines gave some vidence of things to come in the hort indoor season. Even before he season got underway, the sophs had proved their ability by walking away with an…

… Shines Another standout effort came on the part of Wolverine miler Dave ~Iqe 1 41 traditional single- 6" edges - patch w brass buttons. ket can be found seams - hooked le in Cambridge A ; (Continued from…

… doors. i. t BREAKS THE TAPE-Wolverine Dick Cephas breaks the tape in the first heat of the 220 yard low hurdles during the Big Ten track meet held here last May 22-23. Cephas' time was good enough to…

… revamped coaching staff headed by Chalmers (Bump) Elliott, and with a new winged-T offense, the Wolverines are capable of achiev- ing mediocrity or greatness. ILLINOIS-Passers John East- erbrook and Bob…

May 20, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 166) • Page Image 6

…'re Michigan's great half-miler, Tony Seth, and his counterpart at Il- linois, George Kerr. One of the Wolverines' many' "sophomore sensations" this year, Seth is an import from British Guiana. Kerr, too, is…

… man wins. These two plus Wolverines Tom Robin- son (Nassau, Bahamas) and Les Bird (British Antigua) and Illi- nois' Paul Foreman (Kingston, Jamaica) and Erwin . Adderley (Bermuda) will give the Big…

…- posed to a single non-conference defeat. Led by captain Jon Erickson, the Wolverine netmen have pow- ered their way past strong oppo- nents Illinois and Western Michi- gan. Michigan ended the regular…

… season at the top of the Big Ten with a 7-0 record. Lose To Irish Their only defeat this year was a 5-4 heartbreaker to a powerful Notre Dame squad. Last year the Irish broke the Wolverines' 47…

… of Western Michigan. Cook is rated by many authorities as one of the top net- ters in the country. Captain Looks Good The Wolverine captain, playing in the number one singles spot, has looked best in…

… has been victorious in eight matches. Toughest opponents for the Wolverines appear to be defend- ing champion Iowa and last year's runner-up, Illinois. "M" has al- ready beaten the Illini, 6-3, but have…

May 16, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 163) • Page Image 6

Wolverines, along with nine other Conference teams, will all be competing in the Big Ten cham- pionships which will be held next Saturday at East Lansing. Illinois was runnerup to Iowa last year with Michigan…

… falling to third. Meanwhile,'*today the "M" net- ters will be at Bloomington to face ihe Hoosiers. Indiana, 11-11 last year, does not appear to be any threat to the Wolverines, nor do they pose to stop any…

…- pire called the runner at second, who was out by at least 15 feet, safe, because Kucher failed to touch second when the ball was in his possession, the Wolverine bench roared in protest and Lund raced…

Wolverines quickly regained the lead in the second inning when they took advantage .of Arneson's lack of control to score three more runs. Wilbert Franklin drove the first one in with a bases-loaded in- field…

…'s second dispute as the Wol- verines argued vehemently that first baseman Bill Offenbecker had pulled his foot off the bag. Struezewski Steals Struczewski then stole home for the Wolverines' third run of the…

…-run single. Soon after Delveaux arrived on the scene to contain the Wolverine offense and Illinois edged to win. The third and perhaps liveliest rhubarb of the day occurred when Delveaux picked up Rinckey…

… in Michigan's 8-5 loss to Illinois was Gene Struczewski who stole home to give the Wolverines a short-lived lead. Michigan travels to Lafayette, Ind. to meet the Boilermakers of Purdue in a…

… Wiscon- sin, Michigan State, and Detroit1 visit Ann Arbor in the Wolverines'3 regular season windup. The M' squad has proved tough to beat on the University Course, site of next weekend's Big Ten Meet…

March 27, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 128) • Page Image 3

… afternoon preliminary events and one-meter diving. Wolverine Tracksters See Action By BILL ZOLLA As thousands of Michigan stu- dents head homeward for the Spring vacation, the Wolverine track team steps up…

… are sprinter Tom Robinson, dual winner at the Big Ten Finals in the 60 and 300-yd. dashes, and Pete Stanger, Conference titlist in the hurdles. The Wolverines' powerful pole vault duo of Captain Mamon…

…'91/2 this year. From Chicago, the whole team travels to Athens, Ohio where the Wolverines will have a dual meet with Ohio University in their first outdoor showing. Said Canham, "I'm not sending men to the…

…'s baseball team boarded a plane last night headed for Tallahassee, Fla. and its an- nual spring training trip. The Wolverines will take part in the Florida State Invitational Tournament along with several…

… forced the Wolverines into Yost Field House yesterday. They were limited to light drills and received travelling uniforms. Get WILDROOT CREAM-OIL Charlie! Steuart, swimming in the same heat as California…

… Woodin, who won the na- rl 7 You have tried the Rest - Now try the Best -----------------e-e-- - r DIN NER~~ RAY LOVELL .. . Wolverine captain ONE-HALF FRIED CHICKEN .... SIRLOIN STEAK…

… year's Big Ten Meet, would not be open until around April 10. Disregarding when the course will open, the Wolverines will still have a two-week layoff between matches before plunging into the meaty part…

March 06, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 110) • Page Image 7

…, even though not in the best of health should successfully defend his 1958 crowd. Wisconsin's Jim Innis and Minnesota's Jim Reif- steck pose the strongest threats to lolzer; Wolverine Jim Blaker might be…

… a darkhorse here. Upsets 157 - Wolverine Don Corriere may upset NU's Art Kraft. Watch out, though, for Hoosier Bill Gallo or Illini Tom Gabbard. 167 - Indiana's Fred Redeker, even though Michigan 167…

… from the Wolverines; M 49th annual Big Ten indoor track 'if he runs the 300- and/or 440-yd. c championships will just be known dashes, he breaks into Illinois m by the names an numbers in the domination…

… .00 0 " w **the CHAMPIONSHIP BACKDROP-Gymnast Ed Cole poses before a board listing Michigan's past champions. The Wolverines compete today and tomorrow in the Big Ten Conference meet to determine the…

… week aftere neatly disposing of the Illini's streak of 14 consecutive dual meet victories. It's this second one that is par- ticularly galling to the WolverinesI for it has been built up the past' eight…

May 04, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 153) • Page Image 3

… from Page 1) The abbreviated i ightcap -was under the Wolverines' control from the second inning when they poured across four runs. Ralph Hutchings, who made the day's outstanding defensive play by…

… hit one for the circuit, his immediately following Dickey's first one. 47TH CONSECUTIVE TRIUMPH: Wolverine Netmen Trounce OSU, 9-0 OPEN EVENINGS DIAMOND NEEDLES $950 ALL BRANDS double points slightly…

… higher THE SHOP -Daily-Ian MaWNvven HANDS ACROSS THE TAPE - Geert Keilstrup crosses the finish line in winning the gruelling two-mile run yesterday at Ferry Field. This was one of the Wolverines

… quadrangular golf meet. Purdue and the Buckeyes each beat the Wolverines by identical 28-8 scores. Michigan nipped Western 16-14. The Wolverines' Mamon Gibson tied for pole vault honors with Marquette's Ed…

… team in its bid for its 47th con- secutive dual meet win as it causing Michigan to change its style of play. The Wolverines play most matches on clay courts which aren't as fast. Derby Won By…

… game. The only Wolverine to have any trouble in downing his opponent was George Koral, who plays num- ber four singles. It took him three trounced a weak Ohio S ate team, 9-0. The rains, which at one…

…-3, Fulton took his match, 6-3, 6-2 and Vogt won, 6-2, 6-2. In the remaining doubles com- petition Erickson and Harris team- ed up to win, 6-1, 6-1. Tomorrow the Wolverines face their severest test so far this…

April 24, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 144) • Page Image 6

… is so ques- tionable. He can't remember any of his previous Wolverine pitching staffs being plagued with so many sore arms, and he has seen quite a few in his 38 years as Michi- gan's head baseball…

… mentor. Fisher is so unsure about the health of his pitching staff that he doesn't know who will start the Big Ten opener. When asked who would be on the mound for the Wolverines against Mic hig an State…

… seen in last Tuesday's Notre Dame contest in which the , Wolverine swatters blasted Irish starter Chuck Symeon, the fastest pitch- er Michigan has seen this year. Leading Hitters Leading the Wolverine

… Michigan's tennis team enters the Big Ten season next Tuesday as defending Conference champion with 45 consecutive dual meet victories to its credit, the Wolverines cannot be rated as favorites in their…

… quest for afourth straight Big Ten title. According to Michigan Coach Bill Murphy, Iowa, Illinois and Northwestern rank ahead of the Wolverines. Iowa is bolstered by the return of its top two players, Art…

… Michigan track coach will play host to the first, and maybe the first annual, Michi- gan Open Meet. The Wolverines will be host to athletes from Michigan State, Wayne State, Western Michigan, Eastern…

… to the dominating Wolverines. These returning juniors again place Northwestern in a contend- ing position for this year's team championship. Michigan suffered the loss of its top three men from last…

February 22, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 100) • Page Image 3

… race for the Wolverines. possible until disaster struck in the final event. The Wolverines entered the de- ciding contests, the mile relay, trailing 65-61. But a pulled muscle sustained by Milt Robinson…

…-important one. Close Rivalry This was the seventh time in eight years that an Illinois-Mich- igan dual track meet hasn't been decided until the relay. Individually, the Wolverines had much to be proud of, an4 the…

Wolverine defense, feint- ed Childs way out of the cage, skated around him and placed the puck into the nets with sickening ease. And still another goal was scored at 3:09 by Bob Turk, whose shot deflected…

… off Hayton and passed hCilds before he saw it. This made the score, 6-2. But the superbly conditioned Gophers never let up. Again they skated past the Wolverine de- fense. Westby took a pass from Burg…

… an dslid the puck under- neath Childs. One of the few pleasant hap- penings during the evening for the Wolverines was the showing of sophomore Bochen, who scored two goals. White Improving And Bob…

… College, and North Dakota, while Michi- gan remains deep in sixth. Besides being a hard night on the Wolverines, the referees also FIRST PERIOD: Scoring: Minne- sota - 1 - Burg (unassisted) :11; Michigan…

January 07, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 78) • Page Image 3

… Page 1) Michigan moved ahead again 30-23 with two and a half minutes to go but Wisconsin bounced back, holding the Wolverines scoreless, and left the court at half-time with its one-point lead on the…

… defense forced the extremely-cold Wolverines to shoot from outside. Michigan hit only 11 of 40 shots in the half. Accuracy from the foul line kept Michigan near Wisconsin as they hit their first…

March 27, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 128) • Page Image 3

…- ish anywhere near the top in the Big Ten, will be one of the three favorites in the NCAA meet at Chapel Hill, North Carolina this weekend. To win, the Wolverines must beat out two very formidable op…

… holder is ineli- gible to participate in she meet. Although the Buckeyes are not in the same class as the other three, the Wolverines figure to gain heavily from their absence. Michigan's divers were rated…

… med- ley. In a dual meet with Harvard just before the Easterns, he set a new world's record in the 200-yard butterfly with the amazing time of 2:08.7. The Wolverine's top sophomore, Cy Hopkins, had just…

… places, The Spartans' main hope rests on their relay teams. If they can win both relays, they have an ex cellent chance to take the Nation- al crown. The Wolverines are taking elev-~ en swimmers to Chapel…

… attitude and the team's success (four championships in the last five tries) makes "a good chance" sound like "a sure win." However there are several obstacles that bar a Wolverine comeback and the toughest…

… hard to come by. At Columbus the Wolverines could have scored heavily in the odd' events (300-yd., 600-yd., and 1 ,000-yd. runs) and the 880-yd. run, considering the men they had entered. The Wolverines

March 01, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 108) • Page Image 7

… figure to be very close, Indi- ana rules as the experts' favorite. Wolverines Ranked Third Behind the Hoosiers come the host Buckeyes, Michigan, Michigan State and Illinois. With a few breaks, any of these…

… teams might come up with the title. In the Wolverine camp, Coach Don Canham, who has been "cry- ing wolf" for the last two years and then brought his squad up to win the "big ones," seems to have real…

… points. Down at East Lansing last year the Wolverines took four first places and tied for another to gar- ner 24 of their 59-9/10 points. This year four of those five first place men are gone. The remain…

…- ing one is Captain Dave Owen, Michigan's only "sure first." Without these sure points to count on the Wolverines' title chances are considerably dimmed. After the shot put, other Michigan firsts are…

… or both. Wolverines Lack Firsts While Michigan has a seeming lack of "five point" material, the favored Hoosiers, Michigan State and Ohio State are all well stocked. With Greg Bell, Olympic gold…

… with the teams tied at 17 points apiece. The Wolverines, sparked by the goal tending of Lorne Howes, wound up the regular sea- son with their eighth and ninth straight wins as they humbled Tech again, 5…

…-37, but could t have easily added quite a few more! points. 7 Wolverines Seek Revenge A Michigan victory would be the finishing touch to one of the big comebacks in swimming. Last year, the Wolverines won…

February 16, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 97) • Page Image 5

… Michigan's basketball team will be making attempts at a come- back tonight when they play host to Illinois at Yost Fieldhouse at 8 p.m. After their disheartening "lost weekend," the Wolverines need a victory…

… may have had playing Illinois minus been erased with an ankle injury ineligible George BonSalle has to guard Jack Lewis. Bad Sprain The Wolverine playiaker suf- *fered a bad sprain dr.ving in for a lay…

… defense for a complete contest. A spot where Michigan will def- initely have to improve if Illinois, is to be overcome is in field goal] percentage. The Wolverines could do no better than .300 last week…

Wolverine divers will have their first big test in dual meet competition this season, as Iowa has two of th3 better divers in the Conference, Take Quick and Ken Miner: Quick, who wos good last season has…

… sprint races are the Wolverines' weakest point without Hanimly, and Iowa should be able to :' a;t r}.ie on this. With the logs of Lincoln I'Iur- ring, Olympic backstrokes, the Hawkeyes hare been forced to…

… Adamski to a severe test. In addition to looking to pre- serve their unbeaten dual meet record, the Wolverines will be out to avenge a 48-45 loss to the Hawkeyes last season. LARRY MURRAY -... out of…

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