V!' Cinder Express Rolls Over Notre Dame,
Thinclads Set Two Records;
Team Sweeps Four Events
Special to The Daily
SOUTH BEND - Michigan'
track team raised the curtain on a
rilliant? display of speed and pow-
er last night to overwhelm an
outclass Notre Dame's squad, 78-
26, at the Notre Dame field house
Taking the first three places ir
four events, the 60-yard dash, the
440-yard run, and 880-yard run
and the two-mile rn, Michigar
piled up an early lead to complet-
ely smother the Irish.
Dame dash man, however, sur-
prised the Wolverines by taking
both the 60-yard high and lov
i hurdles. Newquist ran the low hur-
dles in :6.9 seconds, one-tenth of
a second off the world record.
Bob Cutting came up with an-
other surprise for Michigan in
the 880-yard run. He and team-
mate Geoff Dooley were lead-
ing all the way, but at the fin-
ish Cutting took Dooley in the
time of 1:56.5. Michigander Roy
Christensen had been running
'fourth most of the way, but came
in third at the end.
Several Michigan-Notre Dame
indoor dual meet records were set
here. Newquist set one in the high
hurdles, and again in the low
hurdles. The mile relay team ran
their fastest time of the year,
and Jim Harrington jumped 14
feet and % inch for the Irish in
the pole vault to count for two
other meet records.
* * *
ANOTHER RECORD for the in-
door meet was set by "Fritz" Nil-
sson in his specialty, the shot put.
Matmen Set
-For Purdue
Michigan wrestlers, with five
straight victories over Big Ten op-
position under their belts, move
to Lafayette this afternoon where
they will try their luck against the
Boilermakers of Purdue.
Coach ;ClUff Keen's Wolverines,
after thumping Michigan State
and Illinois in their last two out-
ings, have established themselves
as odds-on favorites in the Big
Ten Championships coming up in
two weeks.
THE SPARTANS and the de-
fending titlist were rated, along
with Michigan, as the conference's
toughest. Both were dealt their
only Big Ten setback by the Maize
and Blue.
Today's opponent, however,
hasn't fared quite so well. The
Boilermakers boast a single win
in Western Conference meets,
a 20-6 drubbing of Ohio State,
while they have been whipped
by Illinois, Michigan State, and
In a four-way meet Coach
SClaude Reeck's grapplers placed
second to Minnesota, finishing well
ahead of Northwestern and the
Buckeyes. -
REECK HAS built his team
around a trio of matmen who
scored in last year's Big Ten meet.
In 123-pound Al Vega he has
a man who can hold his own
against the best of them. The
slight junior, who took third in
the title affair, has suffered de-
feat only once in nine starts this
season, although he was kept
out of the last couple of meets
with an injury.
Captain Walt Viellieu, another
third place winner in the Big Ten
meet, has also been a consistent
point-getter for the Boilermakers.
heavyweight Dick O'Shaughnessy
on the mats it won't be the first
time the two have faced each oth-
er this year, for Viellieu starred at
tackle for Purdue's conference
co-champions last fall, while
O'Shaughnessy was regular cen-
ter for the Wolverine gridders.
Junior Tom Hankins is the
only other returning Boilermak-
er who placed in the Big Ten
Championships, having nailed
down the fourth spot at 157
Keen will probably stick with the
same lineup that has seen most
of the work in annexing the
Maize and Blue successes.
Joe Atkins will go at 123 pounds,
Captain Snip Nalan at 130, Andy
Kaul at 137, Joe Scandura at 147,
Miles Lee at 157, Bronson Rumsey
at 167, Harold Holt at 177, and
O'Shaughnessy in the heavyweight
In the one-mile run, John Ross
of Michigan took an early lead
with George Lynch right behind
him. In the stretch, Ross slowed
up and came in touching hands
with Lynch, as he and Don Mc-
Ewen used to do last year.
Lynch, Bob Hall, and John
Moule did the same thing in the
two-mile run, the three of them
taking a long lead right from the
In the Maize and Blue's weak-
est spot, the pole vault, Irishman
Harrington copped first place
early in the competition, and then
officials raised the bar for him to
vault alone.
The mile relay team, composed
of Grant Scruggs, Bill Barton, Dan
Hickman, and Jack Carroll had
an easy time of it, as one of the
Notre Dame men was lapped near
the end of the run.
60-YARD DASH-i. Vallortigara (M);
2. Stinson (M); 3. Coates (M).
Time: :06.4
quist (ND); 2. Bruner (M); 3. Pow-
ell (ND). Time: :07.5
quist (ND); 2. Bruner (M); 3.
Love. (M). Time: :06.9
440-YARD RUN-1. Carroll (M); 2.
Scruggs (M); 3. LaRue (M). Time
880-YARD RUN-1. Cutting (M); 2-
Dooley (M); 3. Christiansen. Time:
1-MILE RUN - 1. Ross (M) and
Lynch (M) tied; 3. Alexander (ND)
Time: 4:19.8
2-MILE RUN - 1. Lynch (M) and
Hall (M) and Moule (M) tied for
first. Time: 9:24.4
POLE VAULT-1. Harrington (ND);
2. Springer (ND); 3 Maugh (M)
Height: 14 feet, Y inch
HIGH JUMP-1. Evans (M); 2. Koh-
anowich (ND) and Heinzman (M)
tied. Height: 6 feet, 3 inches
BROAD JUMP-1. Stielstra (M); 2.
Genovese (ND); 3. Michaels (M).
Distance; 22 feet, 23/ inches
SHOT PUT-i. Nilsson (M); 2. Pella
(M); 3. Cunningham (ND). Dis-
tance: 52 feet, % inches.
MILERELAY-i. Michigan (Scruggs,
Barton, Hickman, Carroll). Time:
Court, Swim T~
Michigan Cagers Engage
Wisconsin at Field House
eams See Home Action
* r w
Wolverine Tankmen Vie
With Iowa State Tonight
Still smarting from two close
defeats on the road last week, the
Michigan basketball team is pre-
pared to try and avenge one of
those losses tonight as it engages
the University of Wisconsin at
Yost Field House.
Game time is set for 8 p.m.
EXACTLY seven days ago the
Wolverines entered the Badgers'
home court a 12-point underdog.
For three periods the two teams
battled evenly but near the end of
the three-quarter mark Michigan
lost their three big men, Paul
Groffsky, Milt Mead, and John
Codwell. After this the Wolver-
ines fought desperately but to no
avail as the Wisconsin squad con-
trolled the boards and won going
away, 75-63.
Leading the Badger attack to-
night will be the conference's
10th top scorer, 6-7 center Paul
Morrow. Morrow, who netted 25
points against Michigan and who
scored 30 points last Monday
against Indiana, is currently
averaging 14.6 points per game
in 13 Big Ten tilts.
-Morrow is sided by Dick Cable,
a 6-1 forward, who ranks 14th in
the conference scoring race with
an average of 13.8. At the other
forward post, Coach Harold E.
(Bud) Foster will probably start
6-2 Tony Stracka, who after olay-
ing a reserve role last season has
developed into a top scoring threat
this year with an 11-point aver-
Taking a break from conference
activity, Michigan's swimming
team takes on the Cy'lones of Io-
wa State tonight at 8:00 in the IM
building pool.
Iowa State coach Jack McQuire
brings a young squad to Ann Ar-
bor, boasting only three seniors.
Twelve sophomores round out the
Cyclone team, for years the rank-
ing swimming power of the Big
Seven Conference.
* * *
MICHIGAN, now rglling along
on a five meet winning streak, will
use this affair as a tune up for the
coming meet with Minnesota, and
. . . captains natators
Gymnastics Squad Splits Even
With Minnesota, Northwestern
the big clash with Ohio State on
February 28th.
As an added feature of
tonight's contest, Michigans'
freshman swimming team will
engage the University of Iowa's
freshman team in a telegraphic
This telegraphic affair will be-
,gin at 7:30 and will feature an at-
tempt by the Wolverines to pmash
the freshman record 'in the 300
yard medley relay. Matt Mann
will enter the former British olym-
pic swimmers Bert and Jack Ward-
roll and also Tom Boulte in this
event. The record stands at 2:54.8.
In the actual meet with Iowa
State, the Cyclones will rely on
their three senior lettermen for
heavy duty. They are Lee An-
derson a backstroker, Freestyl-
er Larry Johnson, and distance
man Russ Thomas.
Other lettermen for the Cardi-
nal and Gold include breastrokers
Mile LeMair and Bill Thornberg,
freestyler Jack Krusp, and Dale
Lucas and Bill Patterson, both
medley relay men. All are sopho-
The Wolverines will not have
long to rest, for following the
Iowa State meet, they battle Min-
nesota here on Monday at 3:30
in a dual meet.
Sigma Alpha Mu 2262, DKE 2129
Michigan House 2087, Hinsdale 1769
Anderson defeated Chicago (forfeit)
Central Michigan 71, Michigan Nor-
mal 66
Rio Grande 100, Wilberforce 51
Colgate 62, Penn State 60
Wabash 84, Washington (Mo.) 66
AT THE GUARD positions Fos-
ter has three capable p'formers
to choose from. Seniors Chuck
Siefert and Tom Ward, 6-1 and
6-0 respectively, draw the starting
assignments with 5-8 sophomorel
Ron Weisner alternating with
these two lettermen. Siefert ranks
just one-tenth of a point behind
Stracka in the scoring column with
a 10.9 average.
Coach Bill Perigo is expected
to start the same quintet that he
used against Wisconsin last Sat-
urday. At the pivot post will be
6-4 sophomore Paul Groffsky.
Groffsky is currently 15th in
Big Ten scoring with a respect-
able 13.1 average and he also
leads the Wolverines in over-all
scoring with 226 points.
At forward, long Milt Mead
draws a starting assignment and
will probably be given the job of
guarding the big, bespectacled
Morrow, as both men are an even
6-7. At the other forward slot will
be junior John Codwell who is
scoring at a 10.8 clip in confer-
ence play.
Guard positions will go to Cap-
tain Doug Lawrence and sopho-
more Don Eaddy. Both these men
turned in stellar performances on
the past trip.
Harvey Williams, the 6-8 lad
from Kentucky who made his
varsity debut by tipping in eight
points against Illinois, will miss
tonight's game because of a touch
of the flu.
Michigan State 77%, Michigan Normal
Special To The Daily
EVANSTON-A powerful Min-
nesota gymnastics team came out
on top in triangular meet compe-
tition here last night by downing
Michigan, 63-33, and trouncing
Northwestern, 77-19.
The Wolverines chalked up one
win on their record, however,
trampling Northwestern, 67-28.
This brings their season history
to 4-2.
* * ,*
MINNESOTA star Kenn Bart-
lett dominated the meet, piling up
three firsts, a second, and a third
in the Michigan-Minnesota por-
tion. He registered wins on the
side horse, parallel bars, and fly-
ing rings.
Don Hurst wove magic on the
trampoline as he edged out
Verne Evans for Michigan's only
first place against Minnesota.
The highly-vaunted Evans had
been previously undefeated this
season, and Hurst's upset vic-
tory came as a surprise.
Besides this win Hurst picked
up wins in both trampoline and
tumbling competing against the
Wildcats and a tie for third on
the tumbling mats with Minneso-
ta's Evans.
* * *
THE MAIZE and Blue callected
all the first places in defeating
Sensational'sophomore Jim
Barbero showed promise of fu-
ture brilliance as he captured
side horse honors and finished
second behind veteran teammate
Marv Johnson on the parallel
Dick Bergmann was impressive
in his specialty the flying rings,
taking first from the Wildcats
and finishing behind Bartlett for
a second place in the Minnesota
ALTHOUGH trampoline and
tumbling are usually Frank Ad-
ams' top,events he came through
on the horizontal bar last night
for a Michigan first against North-
Dependable Johnson was the
leading Wolverine scorer for the
* * * * *
-Daily-Larry Wilk
len S S S S . . * * *o
Mulen,_hipott Sprk SeXtet toVctory
0 .
(Continued from Page 1)
they battle for their first
the NCAA's.
FIRST PERIOD: 1 - North Dakota,
Shannon (Purpur, Huot) 8:48; 2-
Michigan, Mullen (Chin) 11:32; 3-
Michigan, Matchefts (unassisted)
17:32. Penalties: Michigan - Haas
hooking). North Dakota - Duns-
worth (tripping).
ber two Sioux scorer made it 4-3
at 12:51 of the third frame when
he smacked in a screen shot on a
set-up from Swede Lund. Johann-
son was sent to the sidelines late
in the period with a broken nose,
after colliding with the boards in-
side the Michigan blue line.
The Sioux jumped off to an
early lead at 8:48 when Wilf
Shannon knocked in a rebound
past Ikola at point blank range
after a melee in front of the
Wolverine's nets.
Michigan came right back to
tie on Mullen's score from in front
of the cage on a perfect pass from,
high right wing, George Chin. Di-
minutive Matcherts put the Wol-
verines out in front when his
long shot was deflected off a de-
fenseman's stick and rolled past
netminder Al Finkelstein who
couldn't recover in time.
* * *
THE TEAMS took the ice for
the second period with the score
2-1, and at 9:34 a Wolverine pow-
er play flashed the red light for
the only score in the middle per-
iod. Matchefts brought the puck
in and passed, off to Philpott who
swept in from the left boards to
score a beauty.
Michigan stayed on defense
throughout the major part of
Any freshmen out for track
should report to Yost Field
House at 2 p.m. this afternoon.
-Elmer Swanson
SECOND PERIOD: 4-Michigan, Phil-
pott (Matchefts) 9:34. Penalties:
Michigan-Shave (cross-checking).
North Dakota-none.
THIRD PERIOD: 5-North Dakota,
Cherski (Dunsworth) 4:39; 6-Mich-
igan, Philpott (Matchefts, Mullen)
7:24; 7-North Dakota, Johannson
(Lund) 12:51; 8-Michigan, Mullen
(Chin) 16:39. Penalties: Michigan-
Mullen (hooking), Cooney (unnec-
essary roughness), Paolatto (trip-
ping). North Dakota-none.
* * *
the second period, but the Da-
kotans couldn't get the puck in
the nets, a good part of the
credit going to goalie Ikola,
whose netminding helped the
Wolverines to leave the ice with
a 3-1 bulge.
Cherski opened up the third
period scoring when he flipped in
a neat backhander at 4:32 on a
pass from Bob Dunsworth. The
Matchefts - Philpott combination
pushed Michigan out to a two
goal lead once again when the
smooth-skating Maize and Blue
captain centered neatly from the
right boards to Philpott who blast-
ed the puck into the right corner
:f the nets from 25 feet out.
Mullen, newly installed center
in the second line ended the
game's scoring with his second
goal at 16:39 when he and Chin
combined in converting an errant
North Dakota pass into Michi-
gan's fifth goal.
The new lines that Heyliger
patched together for the Nodak
series worked out very well, with
the number one and number two
units seeing most of the action
and doing all of the scoring.
Michigan State 6, Michigan Tech 5
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