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January 17, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 78) • Page Image 6

…THE m i r i GA ~AT, MW. 1.7, i94~ Wolverine Cagers Bow to Badgers, 55-34 ~o isconsin Five Regains Old Form To Avenge Wolverines' Upset Win AND NOW FOR THE BUCKEYES: Natators Perform…

… game. Working set plays off their rapid- moving weave, the Badgers continu- ally broke men free under the bas- kets for layup shots. And when the Wolverines pulled their defense in to combat this…

… little more than seal the Wolverines' fate. For Wisconsin on and, be- fore the Maize and Blue .could get another basket, the scoreboard read 11-5 against them. Wolverines Drag at Half The…

Wolverines managed to pick up four more double-deckers during the initial half, but between these Wisconsin showered markers in to roll up a 34-13 halftime margin. From then on, it was just a. matter of how…

… game Wisconsin showed amazing accuracy in shoot- ing. Altogether they sent 56 shots at the Wolverine hoop, sinking 22 for a 39 per cent mark. ' * h * The box score: By JOE McHALE' "You look pretty good…

January 16, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 77) • Page Image 3

…it --- . - r .y ." r-,i fit-' - y /,, I * .i , .,y .. . ., , - . i. J. -= .6- 1Xl- -. .'. i .. . L '-L V r s y , . .. w . ~ _ .r h1 u- .L vru+0i Wolverines Upset Badgers, 38-34, For First Big…

… accurately- placed shots coipleted the job of, mastery by the Wolverines. So closely fought was the battle that the lead changed hands 16 times and the par- tisan crowd yelled' itself hoarse. Bob Sullivan…

January 13, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 74) • Page Image 3

… express purpose of fattening their Conference record at the expense of the Wolverines. The Badgers were dumped rather unceremoniously Monday night by Illinois' title-bound Whiz Kids and that isn't going to…

… make them a bit easier for the Maize and Blue. But Michigan, too, is finding that Con- ference opposition is quite a little stiffer than non-Conference. Hit Thorny Trail The Wolverines had blasted their…

…. Mat Squad Points for Spartans With one victory already safely pounds was the quickest match of the tucked away under its belt, the meet, the Wolverine captain needing Varsity wrestling team today began…

… but two minutes and one second to preparing for Monday's meet with dsoeo id Michigan State, which the Wolverines dispose of Ried. expect to be quite a bit tougher than Speek, on the other hand, had con…

… presents PLAY PRODUCTION i ~ i Comedy Hit by Geo. S. Kaufman and Edna Ferber FOUR PERFORMANCES ONLY Toniaght thr Sat., & 30 P.M. Tickets 83c - 55c - 39c (ine. Fed. Tax) MEL COMIN the veteran Wolverine for…

… stock and at the same time give the visitors' title hopes a severe setback. If the Wolverines could, by chance, cop both tussles, they would virtually eliminate Wisconsin from the race and at the same…

…'s hockey team will board the 5:22 p.m. train today bound for Min- neapolis and its opening Big Ten con- test with the Golden Gophers to- morrow night. The Wolverines are definitely on the upgrade, having…

January 10, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 72) • Page Image 6

…, but found Illinois' halftime 32-6 margin a little too much for them as they succumbed to the defending Big- Ten champs to- night, 47.-34. The Wolverines scored just three baskets through the entire…

… began to consider the games with Illinois as breath- ers. But in the fall of 1939 Illinois en- gaged Vic Heyliger, who starred on the ice for the Wolverines from 1935 to 1939, as its nev puck mentor. Im…

… victory over Chicago's hapless Maroons. The Wolverine cagers wind up their current trip by playing Northwestern tomorrow night at Evanston. r , to shoot .rom a distance. The Illini gathered in…

…-6, the Wolverines began to serve notice that this would be no complete rout. They took more than their share of the re- bounds and couldn't miss at any angle, while Illinois play was listless and shoddy…

January 05, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 67) • Page Image 3

…Tt7IYAV, 3JA, 5; 1943- F4JIP RGA* D a.*lt ;, _ Wolverines Shade Spartans For Fifth Straight Win, 29-26 16 Ill Luck Dogs Mat Squad When it comes to tough luck, it's beginning to look as if…

… Michigan's 1943 wrestling team has a corner on the market. First Old Dame Fortune deprived the Wolverine matmen of three of their mainstays, Captain Bill Court- right, Al Wistert, and Tom Coffield. To top…

… foes. State Innovates Relay Meet An innovation in 'Midwest track programs, the Michigan State Relays will provide the first big test for the Wolverine crew Feb. 13 at East Lan- sing. Notre Dame has…

… of the schedule to include two East-West trips rather than the three which are now in the schedule. Since 1936 the teams- have been making four East-West trips. Wolverines Hold Lead Throughout in Slow…

… tonight. It was the Wolverines' second win this season over the luckless Spartans and their fifth consecutive triumph of the year. The initial fracas had been all State right up to an exciting finish when…

… 'the 'Wolverines had to come from behind to knot the score and finally win' in overtime, 36-31. Tonight, however, the Maize and Blue warriors were in no mood to risk their spotless record. They jumped…

… into the lead at the outset and retained it throughout the slow moving contest. Wolverines Capitalize on Fouls Each team connected for 10 field goals but the difference in the score was made up at the…

January 09, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 71) • Page Image 3

… Quintet in Big Ten Tilt; LOCAL BOYS VS. STATE CHAMPS: Wrestlers Face Detroit YMCA Even the Wolverine swimmers can- not drown the affects of wartime transportation difficulties. For they have, for the…

… receive the usual dampening admin- istered by the Maize and Blue mer- men. The shortage of space on the rails just makes it that much easier for squads to escape inundation by the Wolverines. After the…

… season's opener next Sat- urday, the Michigan A.A.U. meet, the dual meet season will start for Matt Mann's proteges. The first of two bit- ter struggles with Ohio State, the only other threat to Wolverine

… while the Wolverines aim to make it mighty tough for their opponents and at the same time climb a few rungs nearer the top of the ladder themselves. Thus far both teams have busied themselves pushing…

…'s chief vic- tims have been Selfridge Field and Michigan State but neither can be classed in the same category with Stanford and Great Lakes. In the matter of rivalry between the two teams the Wolverines

… trying for its first victory of the season, Michigan's hockey team will play host to a Port Dover sextet at 8 o'clock tonight at the Coliseum. The Wolverines will, go into the game as the underdog just as…

… the players have had ex- perience in senior leagues and in Al- len Cup competition. The Wolverines }will have one change from the team that started against Point Edward last week. Ed Reichert will start…

…- sota at Minneapolis next Thursday and Saturday, but will graduate be- fore the Wolverines again play in the Coliseum. In practices Coach Eddie Lowrey has concentrated on improving the Michigan defense…

…. Notably weak in the first two games, it has multiplied the pressure on Goalie Hank Loud, who has nevertheless turned in good performances. If it has improved, the Wolverines might possibly 'pull an upset…

January 21, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 81) • Page Image 3

…%/2 game margin over the second place Red Wings, but has played three more games. 345th Fliers to Bring Fast, Short Squad Wolverines Trying for Third Straight Victory over Service Teams By CLARK BAKER The…

… Army gets another crack at Michigan's cagers tonight at 7:30 when the 345th Army Air Base Squa- dron five will attempt to break the Wolverines' jinx over service teams at Yost Field House. To date the…

…. Michigan's lineup will be the same which opened last week against Wis- consin. Big Jim Mandler, Wolverine captain and scoringleader with 81 tallies for nine games, will again be at his familiar pivot spot…

…. Jim's six feet-four should be a big factor for the Maize and Blue tonight. Doyle, Strack at Guards leeo Doyle, who has been hitting the strings pretty regularly in Conference games for the Wolverines

… work under the baskets has been a bright spot in the Wolverine offense, and Mel Comin, who carved a niche in the hearts of Maize and Blue fans with his fighting play against Wisconsin last week. For…

January 12, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 73) • Page Image 3

… during this thirty minute period. The Wolverine lines did just about everything in the books in an effort to score, but Reid just wouldn't be beaten. Twice, Bob Kemp had goals called back on him. Kemp, who…

… best swimmers in the state will be here. Team's Secdnd Showing Michigan fans will jump at the chance to see their own Wolverines in action for the first time against outside compeitition. This will be…

… 17 Points for Northwestern I Wolverines Fade in Second Half ; Doyle Leads Scorers at 8I By DES HOWARTH EVANSTON, Ill., Jan. 11.-North- western, turning on a barrage of bas- kets in the second half…

…, added another on a dog- shot, and it looked as though the Wolverines would have a good eve- ning. Graham, high-point gainer in the fray with 17 points, bucleted his first three points on a foul toss and a…

… neat pivot shot. Then, after the Var- sity had gone ahead again, Otto add- ed another three points. The game at this point became especially rough with the Wolverines on the losing end and as a result…

… the Evanston lads stepped into the lead for keeps via free throws. Wolverines Fade From a Michigan standpoint the second half -was just a bad dream,. While Northwestern was playing steady, aggressive…

…, and clever ball, the Wolverines were clowning their way through this second stanza, help- ing the Purple cause no end. Doyle -paced the Maize and Blue point-getters with "eight counters. Strack added…

…, Mich-' igan's Varsity wrestling squad over- whelmed a Detroit YMCA team, 34-0, in its opening meet of the season at the Sports Building last night. The Wolverine matmen, completely outclassing the…

January 06, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 68) • Page Image 3

…- -7,71 Man ley Johnson Chosen o Captain Wolverine ' .. Physical Education Department to Conduct Clnic Tomorrow 4: By DON SWANINGER Aided and abetted by the Univer- sity's Department of…

…- prised, therefore, when in March Johnson sailed right through the qualifying rounds of the Big Ten championship meet to clinch the Wolverines' only Conference crown. Goes to Finals Big things were expected…

… finals to a former high school teammate of his, Buddy Arndt of Oklahoma A&M.l In commendation of this record, the Wolverine matmen held a specialI meeting last night to name Johnson to the captaincy of the…

… made the cross coun- try junket four times. played here on Monday, Jan. 18, has been moved back to the 15th, so that the Badgers and Wolverines will col- lide here on successive nights, Jan. 15th and 16…

…, for next on the Wolverine slate is a mighty tough Illinois team to be met Saturday night at Cham- paign. The Illini will unveil exactly the same starting five that was good enough to win the Conference…

January 24, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 84) • Page Image 3

…- SUNDAY, JAN. 24, -143 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAG.MTT E Swimmers Overpower Buckeyes 0 in Thrill-Packed Meet vY Track Quartet to Compete in Millrose Meet I I Wolverines Capture Six…

… Square Garden. A sophomore, Hume completes the quartet of Wolverine runners headed by Captain Dave Matthews, including "Hose Nose" Bob Ufer and JohnRox- borough. Hune Wins Easily Varsity Coach Ken Doherty…

…, Matt ann's Wolverines last night com- etely submerged any claims of Ohio ate supremacy in.the water for this ar with a smashing total of 52 ints to the Buckeyes' 32. From the moment the opening gun rked…

… upset of the evening, Captain Johnny Patten of the Wolverines outdistanced the All- American Hawaiian, Keo Nakama, in the 224-yard freestyle. Johnny was out in front by nearly five yards at the 50-yard…

… Conference record. Wolverine Walt Stewart staged a thrilling duel with Big Ten 400-yard titlist Jack Ryan over the third spot, finally touching out the Buckeye. His time was a very good one, 2:15.8: Holiday…

January 22, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 82) • Page Image 3

…* FflThA'Y, ~TAI~. ~2,1D43 THE MICHIGAN DAILY lA 2 T $ E ,_;u U -- .-'-- -. ..-_- . ... a aa . . a _.. - -r- i rr w i i . Rio rri Wolverines Down Romulus Fliers, 51-21 BENCHCOMBEB v By BUD…

… Tops with 13 Points Oosterbaan Empties Bench; Winners Lead by 27-7 at Half-Time By CLARK BAKER Michigan's Wolverines and the Romulus Fliers put on their own ver- sion of Hellzapoppin last night before…

… and Jack Ryan, Big Ten win- ner last year. Walt Stewart and .Johnny McCarthy are the Wolverine entrants. Freestyle Relay: With Ohio having a dearth of freestyle sprinters, Michi- gan appears the…

… push-over for the Wolverines. Davy Jones, 136- pounder, and Keith Wolfe at 145 are the only two returning lettermen who saw action against Michigan last year. Jones, in fact, was one of the two Ohio…

… victors, scoring the only pin for this squad as the Varsity cleaned up on the Columbus lads, 22-8. Wolfe fared not so well, dropping a decision to Captain Manley Johnson of the Wolverines. A rematch is in…

… sight this Saturday for Johnny has recov- ered from his recent illness and is ready to return to mat wars. Johnson Returns Good tidings - which seemingly have been rationed for the Wolverine squad what…

January 07, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 69) • Page Image 3

… be the Admiral of the whole Wolverine fleet. When Johnny was elected captain of the team last spring, everyone was in agreement. They nodded their heads and said, "I told you so!" when just a week…

… of last year found Johnny plugging away again for more points for the Wolverines. Four times he unofficially broke the Conference 220-yard record of 2:13.8, his best time for the event being a 2…

… turn in aremarkable 51.6 effort to aid the Wolverines in re- versing the count on the Eli's. Michi- gan fell one-tenth of a second short of tieing the still-wet mark of 3:27.7. Small wonder it is that…

January 19, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 79) • Page Image 4

… laboratory produc- tion, designed to give these students actual basic trainitq. The public is invited. Wolverines Bunny Crawford, '44, president of the Wolverines, announced yester4ay that a group picture will…

January 05, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 67) • Page Image 4

… draft deferment will be extended to some of those engaged, Selective Service reported toady. ________________ ll Girls Needed to Replace War-Torn Men The Michigan Wolverine, 209 South State, is replac…

…T ing its war-torn manpower by university girls. Those women interested in working 15 hours or less for their board and cash should contact Tudor Thomas at the Michigan Wolverine or call 2-1124 at once…

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