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January 07, 1943 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-01-07

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Raid Jap
Grounded Bomber,
Four Anti-Aircraft
Positions Destroyed
in Allied Air Attack
Associated Press Correspondent
AUSTRALIA, Jan: 7. - Medium
bombers and attack planes of the
Southwest Pacific Command yester-
day (Wednesday) swept over the
Japanese airdrome at Lae in New
Guinea, destroying four anti-aircraft
gun positions and a grounded bomber.
Meanwhile, Allied ground forces
pushed preparations for the final as-
sault on the remaining Jap foothold
in northeastern New Guinea-in the
Sanananda area.
Except for an attack onl the Gas-
mata airdrome on New Britain Island
by a Flying Fortress, General Douglas
Mac Arthur's heavy bombers were out
of the operational picture yesterday
while B-25s and fighters carried on
the job of softening enemy positions
along the Sanananda Trail with
bombing and strafing attacks.
The communique reported concern-
ing the raid on Lae, a point often
bombed because of its proximity to
the Papua battlefield:
"Our medium bombers and attack
planes bombed and strafed the air-
drome and supply installations. A
twin-engined bomber caught on the
ground was set afire and four anti-
aircraft positions were destroyed by
direct hits."
Other Allied bombers paid another
visit to the airdrome at Gasmata, on
New Britain Island.

Ruthven, Brandt Clarify
Action Against Profs
Dahlstrom, Wenger Relieved of English I Duties
Because of Refusal to Follow Department Rules

Report Claims
Che of Axis
Head, in, Africa
LONDON, Jan. 7. (Thursday)-(OP
-A roundabout report reached Lon-
don early todty stating that th
German Army commander in Tu-
nisia, Gen. Walther Nehring, has
been replaced.
A Reutersdispatch from Stockhom
quoted the Berlin . correspondent of
the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dag-
bladet as saying that General Von
Arnim had been appointed German
Commander-in-Chief in Tunisia in
place of General Nehring.
The report was without immediate
confirmation elsewhere.
General Von Arnim is relatively
little known outside Germany, al-
though he has figured from time
to time in German reports of the
African campaign.
There have been no recent reports
abroad of General Nehring's being in
disfavor. On the contrary, his forces
have presented formidable opposi-
tion to the advancing Allies in Tu-
The only Von Arnim listed in the
Nazi Who's Who is Dietloff Von Ar-
rim, born in 1876, who served as a
cavalry captain and a battalion com-
mander in the infantry during the
World War, and held the Iron Cross
decoration. This Von Arnim, who
would be 66, also had served in the
German Colonial Ministry, and as a
Berlin police and Brandenburg Pro-
vince official.
New Congress
Opens Session
Rayburn Reelected
Speaker of House
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.- (M)-The
78th Congress-dubbed the "Victory
Congress" from the rostrum of the
House-met today in a mood for sol-
emn united action to win the war and
for sharp insistence upon writing its
own laws on domestic issues, regard-
less of the wishes of the White House.
These two determinations domi-
nated a brief preliminary session of
speech-making and of organization
-for the tragically vital neriod which

President Alexander G. Ruthven
disclosed yesterday that Associate
Profs. Carl E. Dahlstrom and Christ-
ian F. Wenger were relieved from
teaching engineering English I "be-
ause these men refused to teach the
course in the manner that the depart-
ment wanted it taught."
The two men were ordered to leave
their classes at 9:30 a.m., Dec. 30, by
an administrative official of the en-
gineering college who interrupted and
dismissed the classes, informing the
professors that they would no longer
teach English I. Prof. Dahlstrom has
been a member of the department
since Sept. 1920 and Prof. Wenger
since Sept. 1919.
Brandt Statement
Prof. Carl G. Brandt, chairman of
the engineering English department,
said in a prepared statement last
night that .. . the course, as it was
being taught by Profs. Dhlstrom and
Wenger, _contained almost no litera-
ture and did not meet the require-
The complete text of Prof.
Brandt's statement is printed on
page 6.
ments for reading essays, plays and
other forms of literature. Their clas-
ses also did not conform to the com-
position requirements as they had
been established by.the department.
Further, they have failed to use in
their classes the texts prescribed by
the department as a part of the stan-
dard teaching program."
Prof. Brandt stressed that "the men
involved have not been dismissed;
that no change has been made in
their status; and that their teaching
of other-courss s--ot- affctei: ." x
The text referred to by Prof. Brandt
as "part of the standard teaching
program" is "Patterns and Perspec-
tives," a collection of essays for col-
lege use. It was edited by Profs. Carl
Jap Cargo Ship
Is Sunk Near
Aleutian Base
American Bombers
Stop Enemy Attempts
to Strengthen Foothold
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.-()-Indi-
cations that the Japanese are contin-
uing strenuous efforts to strengthen
their base at Kiska in the Aleutian
Islands came today in a Navy report
that American bombers had sunk one
enemy cargo ship and scored a direct
hit on another in those waters.
The ship sunk, a Navy communique
said, was attacked by Mitchell medi-
um bombers yesterday about 110 miles
northeast of Kiska. This would place
it in the Bering Sea and far off the
usual supply routes from Japan to
What the ship was doing there was
a mystery the Navy did not under-
take to explain. There were possibili-
ties that it had been driven off its
course by bad weather or had pur-
posely made a wide circle in an effort
to avoid American air patrols.
A Liberator heavy bomber located
the other Japanese ship 185 miles
southwest of Kiska today. It scored
one direct hit and two near hits on
the vessel.

E. Burklund, William H. Egly and
Ivan H. Walton, and W. Earl Britton.
All are members of the engineering
English department. Students in
Profs. Dahlstrom's and Wenger's
classes say that they were not re-
quired to buy the book.
Ruthven Summary
President Ruthven summarizes the
official explanation of the case in
these words: "The course involved is
one in freshman English, which is
taught on a standard basis through-
out the department. These men re-
fused to teach the course in the man-
Turn to Page 6, Col. 3
200 Wom-en
Needed by
War Plants
Interviewing of women applicants
for 200 vital jobs in local war indus-
tries will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. to-
day at the League by representatives
of the U.S. Employment Agency and
the War Activities Committee for
Urgently needed to do inspection
and assembly work, the women will
be asked to work six days a week.
They will have a choice of two shifts.
They will be able to work either from
4:30 to 8:30 p.m. or from 8:30 p.m. to
12:30 a.m.
According to Dean of Women Alice
Lloyd no special permission will be
reuired by girls wishing to work the
4:30 shift but those wanting to begin
at 8:30 will have to check their scho-
lastic and health records with her
Although the quota of workers
needed was originally set at 100, re-
cent developments have raised the
number to 200.
This move to alleviate the critical
labor-supply situation is being organ-
ized jointly by the Manpower Corps
and the Women's War Activity Com-
This latter group recently revealed
that more than 60 per cent of the jobs
in local war industries are even now
being filled by women.
Details of Morales
Trip to Be Heard
by Chilean Senate
SANTIAGO, Chile, Jan. 6.- ()-
The Ministry of Foreign Relations
announced tonight that Interior Min-
ister Raul Morales had returned from
visits to the United States, Brazil and
Argentina with "decisive" informa-
tion, but it failed to disclose how that
affects Chile's relations with the Axis.
The Foreign Office in its statement
said that President Rios had asked
Foreign Minister Joaquin Fernandez
to report "at his convenience" to the
Senate the details of Morales' con-
versations abroad. The question of
whether Chile is to break diplomatic
relations with the Axis is the leading
issue of the day.
The Foreign Office added that
Morales this morning gave Rios and
Fernandez "a full and detailed ac-
count of the result of his trip to Ar-
gentina, Brazil and the United

won towns were in the Nalchik-Prophladnenski s ector (1) and the
Morozovskaya (3).

capture included the key city of

College Record Will Influence
Militry Cr'eer, Coach Warns

Daily Sports Editor
Fritz Crisler, head'f18tballcoaeh
and Wolverine athletic director,
warned members of his gridiron squad
yesterday that an E grade during the
current semester will probably block
any efforts to return to college for
specialized training or to become a
candidate for Officer Training after
the initial period of indoctrination in
the armed forces.
Crisler's warning, which was sent
Cut Predicted
in Consumers
Products Soon
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.- (P-
America's civilian economy won't go
down to bedrock this year, but there
will be 10 to 15 per cent less goods and
services for stay-at-homes to buy.
This was the prediction today of Jo-
seph L. Weiner, civilian supply direc-
Citing prospects for disappearing
metal gadgets, for normal supply of
baby carriages and for such substi-
tutes as glass frying pans, Weiner
"The civilian standard of living in
this country in 1943 will depend, to
a degree, on the fortunes of war. The
bedrock civilian economy which has
been talked about is not expected to
be reached in 1943 except in respect
to civilian goods made from critical
materials, such as steel and copper.
But how much our civilian economy
will be above bedrock will be deter-
mined largely by the extent and suc-
cess of our military operations in
The cut in civilian supplies, he ex-
plained, runs in inverse ratio to vic-
tory. The faster and farther our mili-
tary forces go, the more supplies they
need, and the less will be left for
On durable goods-electricalappli-
ances, radios, and other big civilian
items-Weiner estimated 1943 pur-
chases at 35 per cent less than 1942,
following a 45 per cent decline from
1941 to 1942.
Fingerprint Drive
Enters Second Day
Fingerprinting of Michigan stu-
dents goes into its second day today
in Alpha Phi Omega's three-day drive
to scure nrints for the civilian iden-

to all those on the team roster, ap-
plies equally well to all male students
on the Michigan campus.
The text of Crisler's letter follows:
"When I was in Washington I was1
informed by high officials in the
Navy and War Departments that the+
academic records of students who are+
now in college would be quite an in-3
fluence in their future progress in
military careers. I write this note to:
you to earnestly urge that you do
your level best in the examinations at
the end of this semester.I
Indoctrination Period
''It is my understanding that most
men 18 and 19 years of age will be
inducted into the armed services
where they will receive from 12 to 15
weeks of indoctrination. (Editor's
Note-this also includes members of
the ERC). By a process of screening,
those who demonstrate ability to do
college work in some of the specialized
fields including math, basic science,
engineering, etc., will be returned to
the universities. If the existing col-
lege records show any E's for the cur-
rent semester, they probably will be
given very little consideration but as-
signed to the armed forces.
"You can see it is rather imperative
if you want to be returned to college
or become a candidate for officer
training that you do not receive any
E's this semester . ..",
Washington Conference
Similar letters have been sent to
other varsity teams and freshman
squads by their respective coaches.
Crisler has just returned from
Washington where he held several
conferences with War Manpower
Head Paul V. McNutt and high Army
and Navy officials last week. His let-
ter does not deviate from the pro-
posals that greater Army and Navy
control be assumed over the nation's
universities, and it supports by impli-
cation the contention that the en-
rollment of the School of L.S.&A. will
be lowered by approximately 50%
next semester.
Chrysler Testers
Return to Work
after Walk-Out
DETROIT, Jan. 6.- (P)- Produc-
tion on two engine assembly lines was
resumed at the Chrysler Corporation's
Jefferson Avenue plant today when
about 60 engine testers in the tank
engine and marine engine testing
rooms returned to work after a 3-hour
It was the second time this week
that the htstrs. who demanded mnre

OPA Bans Joy
Riding, Slashes
Fuel Oil in East
today banned pleasure driving in the
East and slashed the amount of fuel
oil that schools, stores, theatres and
other non-residential establishments
may consume in the 17-state area.
Many such buildings face the pos-
sibility of curtailing their hours or
days of operations under the order.
OPA left it to the school boards, store
operators and others in charge of oil-
consuming buildings to determine
how they will meet the reduced fuel
Amusement places were especially
hard hit. The order forbidding pleas-
ure driving in the East specifically
banned motoring to theatres as well
as race tracks.
With this order certain to cut dowr
amusement centers' patronage and
the fuel oil order threatening to mare
theatres and night clubs cool beyond
comfort, continued operation of some
of the establishments seemed in
Use of fuel oil in non-residential
establishments in the East was cur-
tailed 25 per cent below present ra-
tions, giving them about 45 per cent
of normal requirements.
Under the edict against pleasure
driving, effective at noon tomorrow
any motorist driving to amusement
centers or to "purely social engage-
ments" faces the cancellation of all
or part of his gasoline ration.
OPA called upon state, county and
local law enforcement agencies to
carry out the new regulation in 17
eastern states.
Role of Women
to Be Discussed
Girls to Debate Place
in World of Future
In the first of a series of campus-
wide discussions, the girls of six uni-
versity dormitories will gather Sun-E
day night to talk over the college
women's contribution to the world of
the future.
The meetings will be sponsored by
the Post-War Council which plans to
organize similar forums in all the
fraternities, sororities, cooperatives
and men's dormitories.
Questions with which the women
will deal will be of the following gen-
eral nature:
1 Am T iistified in remaining in

Scene of Renewed Russian Gains in Caucasus Drive
Don ,R
A........ALSK Mnc
KRAS R '%Maaych R , ::
:::?:::i::;::;::;.ARMAVI ..
Newe'st"::.:. Soitofniei.hc.h.Rsin nuc h atr o 1iwsadtomr al
.................a..N A LCH IK O
";;,.. ....... M A K H A C H,
..:..::".:.....O 5 0 5 ,KALA::..
:............... POTI
STATUTE MIL.ES ..... .......
Newest Soviet offensive in which the Russians announce the capture of 21 towns and two more rail-
way stations centers around the middle Don and Caucasus areas. Marinsk, which may be a town 25
miles to the west of Tsimlyansk (2), is said to have fallen along with that city. Many of the newly-

Marinsk, 92 Miles from
Rostov, Listed Taken;
Soviets Indicate Heavy
Price Paid by Germans
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Jan. 7. (Thursday)-
Russia announced the capture of 21
towns and two more railway stations
yesterday in the Middle Don and
Caucasus offensives and said that
hese drives have cost the Nazis more
than 330,150 dead and captured since
Nov. 19.
Two communiques as broadcast by
Moscow and heard by the Soviet
I onitor here listed one town as Mar-
i sk, which may be a town of that
name on the Lower Don about 2
miles west of Tsimlyansk, which the
Russians said fell to their armies ol
Rostov Threatened
Marinsk is about 92 miles fro -
Rostov, Caucasian gateway whose fall
would trap hundreds of thousands o
German troops in the Caucasus.
Another town was listed as Krem
Konstantinovskaya, which the Sovih
Monitor here did not locate. The.
Monitor first announced it incorrectly
as Konstantinovsk. There is a city of
that name 60 miles beyond Tsimly-
ansk and only about 65 miles short
of Rostov-the key Nazi communica-
tion point whose seizure would trap
huge German forces in the Caucasus.
Many of the newly-won points were
in the Nalchik-Prokhladnenskl sector
deep in the Caucasus where the Ger
mans were reported retreating hastily
northwestward toward Rostov lest
they be trapped by the Russian col-
umns striking westward from Stalin-
grad and southward along the Mos-
cow-Rostov railway in the Middle
Don area.
Capture Reported
The capture of these cities was re-
norted in the regular midnight com-
munique. Before it was issued a spe-
cial communique said that 26,500
Germans had been killed from Jan. 1
to Jan. 5 on the Stalingrad front, and
the regular bulletin added approxi-
mately 1,050 more Nazi casualties
during yesterday's operations to that
The Russians admitted the Ger-
mans were counter-attacking heavily
:n the Middle Don and southwest of
Stalingrad, but did not acknowledge
any sustained resistance in the Cau-
casus battle zone some 360 miles
southeast 'of Rostov.
British Drive
Axis Back in
Tunisian Battle
Allies Strike Hard at
Foe's Positions from
All African Fronts
By The Associated Press
NORTH AFRICA, Jan. 6.-Veteran
British First Army troops captured
Jebel. Azzag and nearby points in an
attack launched yesterday to drive
the Axis enemy from high ground
dominating Allied positions along a
road about 15 miles west of Mateur,
the Allied command announced to-
It was the first real fighting in
two weeks in North Tunisia.

"Successful attacks were made on
hills north of the road and we cap-
tured Jebel Azzag and other points
in the vicinity," the Allied command
communique announced.
"Our forces are mopping up iso-
lated machine-gun posts and have
E repulsed a counterattack against one
of our newly-won positions."
In the air, a headquarters spokes-
man said, Fortress bombers scored
hits or near misses on a cruiser leav-
ing the Tunisian harbor of Sfax and
left the Sfax power station in flames.
The British and Americans were
pounding the Axis with relentless en-
ergy from both ends of the Mediter-
ranean, reports showed.
(The Admiralty announced in Lon-
don that British submarines had
destroyed a large enemy troop trans-

Victory Ball to Be Held Feb. 5;
Lottery to Determine Ticket Sale

Application blanks for Victory Ball
tickets will be available to eligible
t juniors and seniors from 2 to 5:30
p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday at the
Union Travel Desk, it was announced
last night by Shirley Altfeld, '43, pub-
licity chairman of the dance.
Contrary to previous announce-
ments, the dance, a combination of
J-Hop and Senior Ball, will be held

no definite announcement of the or-
chestras can be made.
In accordance with a ruling made
some time ago, no house parties will
be allowed in connection with this
Each ticket applicant must appear
in person. No application blanks will
be distributed by proxy. A total of
1,500 tickets will be put on sale and
will h ealntted nrnnnrtinnally he-

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