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January 05, 1943 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-01-05

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T1IHf11-,M ICI A b I ALY,

Pastors to Hold
Annual State
Meeting Her~e
co-nfe ence to Be H ld
Jan. 18-20 by Council
of Churches, Extension
Three hundred pastors are expected
to attend the Fourth Annual Michi-
gan Pastors' Conference to be held
here on Jan. 18-20.
Under the joint auspices of the
Michigan Council of Churches and
Christian Education and the Exten-
sion Service of the University of
Michigan, the conference will con-
sider as its theme "Religion for a
Period of Transition."
Dr. Roswell P. Barnes, General Sec-
retary of the Federal Council of
Churches of Christ in America, will
give the opening address. Included on
the program is a new feature-a sym-
posium on "Christian-Jewish Issues
in Post-War Reconstruction."
Among the speakers for the three-
day session will be Dr. Thoburu T.
Brumbaugh, secretary of the Detroit
Council of Churches,Prof. Albert Hy-
ma of the history department, Prof.
Howard Y. McClusky of the School
of Education, and Dr. Nels F. S. Ferre
of Andover-Newton Seminary, New-
ton Centre, Massachusetts.
Members of the committee plan-
Ving the conference include Rev.
. If. Marbach, minister of the First
sbyterian Church, Pontiac, Rev.
ester H. Loucks, Mr. J. Burt Bouw-
'an, Executive Secretary, Michigan
huncil of Churches and Christian
ducation, and Dr. Edward W. Blake-
*han, religious counselor.
Ex-British Labor
Minister to Speak
on Beveridge Plan
The Right Honorable Margaret G.
Bondfield< fiery British So<alist La-
bor speaker, will analyze the "Bev-
eridge Report on Social Security for
Britain" Sunday afternoon in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
The former minister of labor in the
_ritish government will discuss "The
British Cooperative Movement" at 8
p.m. the same day at the Michigan
Under the Ramsey McDonald gov-
ernment, Miss Bondfield became the
first woman cabinet minister in the
history of England.
Since her retirement as a national
labor officer, she has devoted herself
to lecturing and writingfor the So-
cialist Labor movement.
Recently elected into Delta Sigma
Rho, honorary speech society, are:
William J. Halliday, Jr., '43, Thomas
Johnson, '43, Paul Lim-Yuen, '43,
John Muehl, '43, Charles Murphy,
'44L, Joe Schroeder, '43BAd., and
iorothy Wineland, '43.

Admittance of Best High School
Students to College Is Attacked

Willamette River Floods Oregon Mill

TRanlding the plan to admit seniors
in high school to college as untimely
and narrowly considered, an article
by Dr. George E. Carrothers, Bureau
in Cooperation with Other Institu-
tions, will be published in the Secon-
dary School Principals' Bulletin.
The article was originally a letter
to Alexander J. Stoddard, chairman
of the Educational Policies Commis-
sion, who originated the plan. It
chargessthat colleges are angling for
the most capable students, who are
needed to give leadership to the senior
year in high school.
Dr. Carrothers stated that the sec-
ondary schools are making more pro-
visions than colleges to meet the
emergency needs of the students.
"Colleges have demanded better pre-
pared students from the high schools.
Now these colleges, some of them, are
suddenly changing their statements
concerning the kind of material need-
ed in the freshman year."
"High school teachers are much
Talks can, food
Handli ngWill
Begin Today
Wartime food sanitation will be
discussed in a series of four lectures
on food handling beginning at 8 p.m.
today' in the W. K. Kellogg Auditor-
The lectures will be given weekly,
each Tuesday, for the next three
weeks, on Jan. 12, 19 and 27, under
sponsorship of the Ann Arbor Health
Department and the Health Service.
Food handling in wartime assumes
great importance as the spread of
epidemicdiseases must be prevented,
Melbourne Murphy, Health Service
sanitarian, said yesterday. Murphy
emphasized the imperative need to
keep war workers and soldiers on the
job by preventing epidemics.
Today's lecture, "Public Enemies,"
will concern the importance of bac-
teria and communicable disease
spread through food handling. Pro-
tection will be discussed on Tuesday
and the problem of restaurant sani-
tation will be analyzed on Jan. 19.
The concluding lecture on Jan. 27
will be on personal sanitation.
Transportation Club to
See.Movies of Railroad
Mr. C. F. Graves, of the Michigan
Central Railroads, will show railroad
photos to the Transportation Club at
7:45 p.m. tomorrow in the Transpor-
tation Library, East Engineering
Building. .
Photos of the recent Roundhouse
fire in Detroit involving damage to
all locomotives are included in
Graves' collection.

better able to help them adjust their
lives to the emergency problems than
are college professors. The strain on
immature youth away from home in
this emergency would be disastrous in
altogether too many instances."
Dr. Carrothers criticized the Edu-
cational Policies Commission saying
that fine influence built up by the
commission seems about to be used by
what must be a special group for indi-
vidual, propagandistic purposes.
Jap Plan to
Abduct FDR
Is Revealed
(Continued from Page 1)
As presented in chronological fash-
ion by the White Book, which cov-
ered ten years of American diplomacy
preceding Pearl Harbor, here is how
the matter developed:
As early as January 27, 1941, this
government had been warned specif-
ically by Ambassador Joseph C. Grew
at Tokyo that the Japanese had plans
for a surprise mass attack on Pearl
Harbor in case of "trouble" with the
United States,
Through, the ensuing months, Ja-
pan kept cables and. diplomats busy
talking and quibbling about preserva-
tion of peace in the Pacific-while
more and more evidence accumulated
that she secretly was putting her mil-
itary and naval machine in gear'for
all-out war.
On August 8 Japanese Ambassador
Kichisabura Nomura inquired of Sec-
retary Hull whether it might be pos-
sible to arrange a meeting of Presi-
dent Roosevelt and Premier Prince
Konoye to discuss means of adjust-
ing relations between the two coun-
tries. A few days later the ambassa-
dor was advised that before there was
a meeting of the two heads of govern-
ment it would be helpful if the Japa-
nese government furnished a clearer
statement of its attitude and plans.
The ambassador, while in confer-
ence with Hull, handed him a formal
document setting forth the views of
the government and making further
references to the proposed meeting
between the President and Prince
Prof s Review
Math Courses
(Continued from Page 1)
At this time faculty members desir-
ing to review elementary physics
courses that will be pertinent to the
prg-meteorology program will hear
the tentative plans for the course.
The "refresher" courses in physics
will be given concurrently with the
regular elementary physics program
and will be designed to help equip
the faculty members, who are ex-
pected to come from other fields of
work, for later teaching of physics.

Local Debate
Tryouts to Be
Next Tuesday
,_e deots to Speak
About Capitalism
in Post-War World
The local eliminations for the na-'
tional intercollegiate debate contest
sponsored by the American Economic
Foundation will be held at 1 p.m. next
Tuesday in Room 4203 Angell Hall.
Each student participating will pre-
sent a five to seven minute speech on
either the affirmative or negative side
of the question, "Should American
youth support the re-establishment
after the war of competitive enter-
prise as our dominant economic sys-
Reister This Week
Prof. K. G. Hance of the speech de-
partment announced yesterday that
Dorothy Wineland, '43, John Meuh',
'43, John Steward, '43, David McCal-
mont, '43, Esther Walter, '43, and
Eugene Gomberg, '44, had registered
to take part in the contest. Anyone
else interested in participating should
register either with Prof. Hance or
in the speech department office on
of before Friday.
First prize in the national contest
includes a $1,000 war bond and $250
in cash, and second prize is a $500
war bond and $125 in cash.
Two Will Be Chosen
The two contestants chosen by the
judges, one best presenting the af-
firmative Side of the question, the
other the negative, will represent the
University in the national contest.
These two students must file their
arguments in outline form with the
Foundation before. January 25. From
the outlines submitted the judges will
select the thirty-two best and the
writers ofrthese will participate in a
series of radio debates.
On Sunday, April 18, the final de-
bate will take place on the "Wake Up,
America!" program.
Ann Arbor grade and high schools
opened for business yesterday after
a nine-day Christmas vacation.

I'ill Be Made

of -Students


Flood waters of the Willamette River deluge a paper mill at Oregon
City, Ore., as the flood crest approached Portland, 12 miles away. Simi-
lar floods cover the eastern countryside as heavy rains turn brooks
into torrents.
January Blood Bank Quota of 200
Pints Will Be Taken Next Week

Drive Will Begin on
Campus Tomorrow
Michigan students will have the
opportunity of having their finger-
prints taken on campus tomorrow and
placed on file in the civil identifica-
tion files in Washington, when Alpha
Phi Omega, national service frater-
nity, in cooperation with the FBI and
Ann Arbor Police, begins its second
all-campus fingerprinting drive.
Fingerprints will be taken by APO
members from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and
from 1 to 4 p.m. tomorrow, Thursday,
and Friday, in special booths on the
first floor of University Hall and in
the West Engineering Building to the
left of the arch.
The prints will be placed in the civil
identification files and will be en-
tirely separate from criminal files,
according to Bill Ager, '43, chairman
of the drive.
Every year thousands of persons in-
jured in fires, traii wrecks or other
disasters are identified through these
files. Recently several victims of the
Coconut Grove fire in Boston were
identified by their fingerprints.',
Two years ago the fraternity car-
ried on a similar campaign and fin-
gerprinted almost 5,000 students.
Albaladejo to Speak
in Spanish Series v
Professor J. M. Albaladejo of the
Department of Romance Languages
will give the second in a series of lee-
tures of La Sociedad Hispanica at
4:15 p.m. Thursday in Room D,
Alumni Memorial Hall.
The subject of the lecture is"dosas
Vividas y Aprendidas"; that is,
"Things Lived and Learned". Prof.
Albaladejo will trace the spirit and
the psychology of the Spanish people,
basing his remarks on personal ex-
periences during travel in Soutleast-
ern, Central and Northern Spain.

Heartened by last month's record1
breaking blood donation of 250 pints,l
the campus blood committee an-
nounced yesterday the January quota
of 200 pints to be taken next Tuesday
and Wednesday, according to Warner
Jennings '45 of the blood committee.
All persons desirous of giving blood
may register from 12 to 5 p.m. any
day this week in the lobby of the Un-
Registration is open to all persons
in good health. Registrants under 21
must obtain a parent's consent slip in
accordance with Red Cross regula-
During December's record drive, the
East Quadrangle provided half of the
total donors needed to fill -the 250
pint quota. Tyler House, through the
efforts of its president, Aaron Fried-
man, '43E, enlisted 28 men for the
drive. This is believed to be a record
for Residence Halls'on campus..
The American Red Cross is proud
of the University record of coopera-
tion in blood drives and expects suc-
cess of this current campaign, accord-
ing to Jennings.
All blood is directed to American
armed forces for emergency use all
over the world. The Red Cross reports
Water Glass Brigade
Puts Out Jordan Fire
Jordan Hall had a fire Sunday, but
don't get excited.
Maybe the fact that it was ex-
tinguished by a female brigade that
passed water glasses along a line from
the drinking fountain gives you an
idea of the proportions.
Unsurprisingly enough, women
screamed and somebody called the
fire department. The fire laddies had
trouble with the elevator and arrived
Oh yes, some moulding was burned.

that thousands of men have already
been benefitted by civilian donation
of blood.
Appointment schedules will be
made out to allow a convenient time
of taking for each donor and to insure
uninterrupted operations on the days
of taking.
Donors may indicate time preferen-
ces at the time of registration.
Freshman Group to
Hear Rev. Piekerill
Members of the freshman class will
hear the Rev. H. L. Pickerill, director
of the Disciples Guild, in a discussion
of "The Meaning and Importance of
Individuality on Campus" in the sec-
ond of a series of Freshmen Re-orien-
tation Lectures sponsored by the Stu-
dent Religious Association, at 8 p.m.
Thursday at Lane Hall.
Ann MacMillan, '44, will assist in
leading the discussion. Emphasis will
be placed on the need for rational
determination of the standards which
an individual accepts, with considera-
tion to the regimentation which is
taking place today under war condi-
Dean E. A. Walter spoke in the first
of the series, which was designed to
give freshmen an opportunity to dis-
cuss problems which they have met
since entering college.
Deferments Extended
to Technical Services
WASHINGTON, Jan. 4.- (P) -
Technical, scientific and manage-
ment services have been added to the
list of 34 essential activities so that
eligibility for draft deferment will be
extended to some of those engaged,
Selective Service reported toady.

________________ ll

Girls Needed

to Replace War-Torn Men
The Michigan Wolverine, 209 South State, is replacT
ing its war-torn manpower by university girls. Those
women interested in working 15 hours or less for
their board and cash should contact Tudor Thomas
at the Michigan Wolverine or call 2-1124 at once.


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