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March 01, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 106) • Page Image 2

Wolverines Here Tonight season is also one that Perigo's charges like to remember. The Wolverines completely outclassed the Badgers, 70-49, in one of the victories that gave them their ear- ly Big Ten lead…

… showed at Yost Field House. Walt Holt and Bob Litzow have also averaged in the teens for the season. If the Wolverines are seeking any more victories this season, this will be the weekend to get hot. The…

… victory-minded Ohio State track team into Yost Field House tonight against a victory- hungry Wolverine squad. Field events will begin at 7 p.m. STARTS SUNDAY * NOMINATED FOR 3 { ACADEMY AWARDS A STORM RAGED…

… with a young, inex- perienced Ohio State team. The Ohio State team was easi- ly defeated by the Wolverines last year, 16-11, and the Buckeyes fin- ished last in the 1957 Big Ten Conference Championships…

…, man- againg to score only eight points in the competition. 'M' Works Out Despite' the sudden reversal of the Wolverine grapplers' per- formances, Coach Cliff Keen sent his team through extensive work…

… Buckeye's Dick Macione.- In the 177-1b. and heavyweight divisions, Karl Lutomski and Fred Olm of the Wolverines, respective- ly, are matched with Mark Rob- erts and Bill Sexton of Ohio State. WHAT IS A BOX…

… Collegiate swim championships, past records indicated that ithe outlook for the Canadians is not too bright. The last encounter between the Wolverines and the invaders from the north was last year at the…

March 01, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 106) • Page Image 3

… jumped off to a 1-0 lead midway loped the Wolverines, 6-1, at the in the first stanza on a goal by Coliseum last night. Bobby Watt, but with 30 seconds Captain Neil McDonald received remaining in the…

… times the Michigan Alumni Association, the contingent from Toledo could made the presentation to the capitalize on the Wolverine mis- Wolverine leader. takes. They did it four more times One of the…

… brightest highlights in the second period, and once of the evening was the sparkling again in the final stanza. play of reserve Wolverine goalie For the first time in many a Pete Kelley. Kelley played in the…

… game, the Wolverine defense nets for the Mercuries and made looked very good. Barrie Hayton, a total of 29 saves. The regular Warren Wills, and Watts all spar- Toledo net minder, Al Bennett, kled in…

… one of the few calmness as he made many difi- times this season was Jay Katz, cult saves during the evening. The Wolverine defenseman from Ann southpaw goalie was especially Arbor. Katz nearly had his…

… first .proficient in those saves which goal of the season late in the third require glove stops, period, but a fine kick save by The Wolverines were hard Kelley kept him from it. pressed for manpower all…

… Switzer, Delky Making an appearance for the Dozzi, and McDonald were used on Mercuries was former Wolverine the first line, and the second line Defenseman Bob Schiller, who is was Gary Starr, Don Mc…

March 01, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 100) • Page Image 3

… over Penn State and Ohio State in a triangular meet before an estimated 2900 fans in Yost Fieldhouse yesterday after- noon. The Wolverines garnered 81 points to the Nitanny Lions' 35 and the hapless…

… Buckeyes' 22. 4Michigan took nine firsts to Penn State's two and Ohio State's one. THE MEET'S only double win- ner was the Wolverines' reliable timber topper Van Bruner. He took the highs by more than five…

…, he found new energy and came from behind to win going away. THE FEATURE race of the meet, the quarter-mile, as ex- pected was a duel between Nitanny Lion Ollie Sax and Wolverine Jack Carroll . Sax took…

… the lead from the start and was never headed, though Carroll, coming fast off the final turn, came within a yard of him at the tape. The IC4A' champ's time was a swift 49.6. * * * IN THE MILE Wolverine

… John Ross won going away from team-' mate John Moule in the fine time of 4:13.3. Moule's time of 4:14.9 in taking second was the fastest of his career. Bob Evans and Dave Heintz- man of the Wolverines

March 01, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 99) • Page Image 3

… Big Ten wrestling championships which will begin tomorrow with the pre- liminaries and terminate with Sat- urday's finals. The Wolverines, who suffered two setbacks in conference dual meets, can expect…

… State's diving monopoly. Bates in the lowboard event and Delaney in the-butterfly breaststroke have the best chance of copping first place for the Wolverines. IN HOCKEY-CRAZY TOWN: Tech Pucksters…

…. 75/ points. Wolverine entries cop- ped seven individual titles and placed in point-scoring positions in the, other five events. Present Michigan assistant coach Elner Swanson was one of the heroes of…

… of that war year's meet were rather poor by present-day standards- but Bob Ufer's winning time of :49.3 in the 440-yard dash com- pares favorably with Wolverine efforts thus far this season. Michigan…

…'s other two first places were in the mile relay and in the high jump. How did the Wolverines do it? Their 671 points last year are the closest that any school has ever approached the 1944 record. The mark…

March 01, 1952 (vol. 62, iss. 102) • Page Image 3

…SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1952 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wrestlers, Hoopsters in Action Today Wolverine Matmen Battle Ohio State at Columbus _ By HERB COHEN With two regulars out of the lineup due to illness…

… at 137 pounds. The meet is the final test of the season for the Wolverines who up to now have won five, lost two and-tied one. The Buck- eyes although they have been having their troubles this sea- son…

… fourteen see- onds later. The 22 year old Mullen, a recent father of a baby girl, is the sixth Wolverine to score the "hat trick" this year. His four goals were not tops for one game this season be- cause…

…, finshing fourth and third respectively. The fifth Buckeye veteran is Deno Cangalis, a very capable wrestler who is sure to give Wolverine Jot Atkins a good battle. 123 POUNDS 130 POUNDS 137 POUNDS 147…

… practice is 'You name it, coach'." The Wolverine mentor further adds, "'Bumpy' is concentrating on the individual medley, but he's willing to swim the back stroke or any of the free style events from 50…

… State College pool March 6, 7, and 8. The Wolverines will be rated behind Mike Peppe's Ohio State unit in the quest for the confer- ence crown, but with such "clutch" swimmers as Jones and John Davies the…

… 4 By ED SMITH With an eye on next week's Big Ten Championship at Cham- paign, the Wolverine thinclads will take on the Buckeyes of Ohio State at Yost Fieldhouse tonight. No longer the power that they…

March 01, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 108) • Page Image 7

… figure to be very close, Indi- ana rules as the experts' favorite. Wolverines Ranked Third Behind the Hoosiers come the host Buckeyes, Michigan, Michigan State and Illinois. With a few breaks, any of these…

… teams might come up with the title. In the Wolverine camp, Coach Don Canham, who has been "cry- ing wolf" for the last two years and then brought his squad up to win the "big ones," seems to have real…

… points. Down at East Lansing last year the Wolverines took four first places and tied for another to gar- ner 24 of their 59-9/10 points. This year four of those five first place men are gone. The remain…

…- ing one is Captain Dave Owen, Michigan's only "sure first." Without these sure points to count on the Wolverines' title chances are considerably dimmed. After the shot put, other Michigan firsts are…

… or both. Wolverines Lack Firsts While Michigan has a seeming lack of "five point" material, the favored Hoosiers, Michigan State and Ohio State are all well stocked. With Greg Bell, Olympic gold…

… with the teams tied at 17 points apiece. The Wolverines, sparked by the goal tending of Lorne Howes, wound up the regular sea- son with their eighth and ninth straight wins as they humbled Tech again, 5…

…-37, but could t have easily added quite a few more! points. 7 Wolverines Seek Revenge A Michigan victory would be the finishing touch to one of the big comebacks in swimming. Last year, the Wolverines won…

March 01, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 106) • Page Image 7

… Daily MINNEAPOLIS - Michigan icerss once again rebounded from a first night loss to win the Sat- urday affair, as they outskated Minnesota here last night, 6-3. Friday night the Wolverines fell to the…

… Gophers, 6-2, but redeemed themselves last night with a fast- moving comeback. Earlier in the season Minnesota had taken two contests froni Michigan at Ann Arbor.. All of the Wolverines were up for this…

…- ing with only two lines cannot possibly win." The Wolverines proved other- wise! Wolverine Gym Team Wins Meet Special to The Daily DAYTON, O.-Michigan's gym- nastics team easily handled the field at an…

… open meet here last night, edging the nearest rival- Cleveland Turner Association--73- 54%. The Wolverines depth paid, off, although some 'M' men took first places to pad the point total. Rich Montpetit…

March 01, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 106) • Page Image 6

…- volopment in the distances, ran the fastest mile at Michigan since DICK CEPHAS . . sets record Now 6-6, the Wolverines dropped from third to sixth place. They meet second-place Illinois tomorrow evening at…

… batted down by the lanky OSU trio. The Wolverines' M. C. Burton experienced a dismal first 20 min- utes, missing all of his 10 field goal attempts. He connected on four for four in the second half, and…

March 01, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 99) • Page Image 3

… Conference champions, will be favored to take their third straight championship but Wolverines, along with Ohio State, Illinois and Minnesota could very easily upset the Boilermakers and take the crown in a…

… titleholder, in the Ohio State meet. He will probably have to do it again at Iowa City to take the title. Other potential point getters for the Wolverines in the big meet are Jim Smith and Jack Powers. Powers…

March 01, 1951 (vol. 61, iss. 100) • Page Image 3

…- day at the Big Ten Indoor meet. Both the Wolverine and Buck- PUCKSTERS CHRISTENED: Nicknames Cling to Wolverine Puckmen COACH CLIFF KEEN seeks fifth title * * * if he has fully recovered from in…

… taking seven of the nine events in the dual meet the visitors were able to gar- ner second place in four of these seven. This enabled them to gain a seven point advantage over the Wolverines in each of…

…:44.6. Even Stew Elliot and John Davies, Michi- gan's strong breast strokers, were not able to cope with Ger- ald Holan who took the 200 yard race in 2:17.2. All was not on the dark side for the Wolverines

Wolverine puck team for instance. You'll never find a better Wertz, Evers Reject Final Tiger Offer LAKELAND, Florida - (P) -- There will be two star outfielders on the sidelines as the Detroit Tigers open…

… teammates, a name derived on the recent trip to Colorado, and Har- ry Stuhldreher, Jr. is called "Skip- py" and "Screwdriver" on various occasions. THE WOLVERINE puck team has its own "Count Bassey" in the…

March 01, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

… yesterday afternoon when they outlasted the powerful Ohio State Buckeyes, 50- 43, in the Intramural Pool. A packed house of more than a thousand persons saw Matt Mann's Wolverines achieve their first vic…

…' coming of age as a diver bodes well for Michigan in next week's conference meet. Last year, the Wolverines were com- pletely shut out as Clotworthy and Shapiro dove to Big Ten glory for Ohio State, DON…

… behind late in the third per- iod to beat the Wolverine puck- sters 2-1 at the Coliseum yester- day afternoon. Michigan held the lead for 56 of the 60 minutes of play but two last-ditch power plays gave…

… score, with the Wolverines fluffing several close shots andI then turning on a tight defense to blank McGill-even when two men short at the end of the period. Michigan was still short one man when the…

March 01, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

… financial aid from Red China for the rebel regime. But highly placed sources in the rebel government said an agree- CONFERENCE MEET WARMUP: Wolverines Run over Track Opponents traits as the tension, and…

… next week's Con-' ference championships, almost doubled the score on four hapless opponents last night as it put together a 90% total at Yost Field' House. The Wolverines swept 10 of 12 firsts while…

March 01, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

… Michigan's three trampolinists proved to be the difference as the Wolverines beat Michigan State's gymnastics team 611/2-502 last night. Although Michigan's top trampolinist, Ed Cole, was out because of an…

… await a physical checkup today. strength of the Wolverines and gave Coach Newt Loken a win to celebrate his birthday. Michigan took three firsts and tied for two more, and after win- ning the first two…

March 01, 1952 (vol. 62, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

… period. THIE WOLVERINES grabbed a quick 1-0 lead with only two min- utes gone in the first period. Earl Keyes and John McKennel teamed up for the tally that was finally chalked up by Keyes, on McKen- nel…

…'s rebound. The Spartans got even at 9:37 ;chile Michigan was a man short. With Reggie Shave in the penalty box, Weldon Olsen rap- ped home Gordon Kings' re- bound. The Wolverines went out in front two and one…

March 01, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 108) • Page Image 2

… TRANSPORTATION RENT a clean car Daily, Weekly or Hourly Rates Reservations made anywhere Rent A Car AVI 514 E. Washington St. Phone NO 3-4156 )G30 TRANSPORTATION: MIAMI - Fly round trip! Wolverine Special $79…

March 01, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

… Jorgenson, roared back and took a 30-26 advantage. The Champaign squad whittled away at the Wolverines' lead, and went in front, 37-36 when Judson scored on a set shot. The hosts were never headed from then…

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