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March 01, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-03-01

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See Page 4

Llts ziihan
Latest Deadline in the State

:43 a t t




Wilson Quote
By Hatcher
Presidents Gave
'Counsel' in Case
University President Harlan H
Hatcher yesterday confirmed a
statement of Kenneth L. (Tug)
Wilson, Western Conference Ath-
letic Commissioner, which said lasi
week's probationary action againsi
Michigan State was taken wit
benefit of counsel fromBig Ter
President Hatcher said, however
that the presidents made no rec-
ommendations or decisions regard-
ing the case. Tlae entire Confer-
ence athletic situation was dis-
cussed at the same time, he added
and each school was discussed or
the basis of investigations con-
ducted by Wilson.
MENTION OF the Spartar
Foundation, the group whose fi-
nancial aid to MSC athletics pro-
moted the probation, was made
at that time President Hatche
ie emphasized that the pres-
idents' counsel has no judicial
or legislative power in athletic
cases. "It is the natural concern
of the presidents, however," he
said, "to know what is going on
at their institution and at
Wilson's statement was issued
yesterday to "clean up a numbe
of misconceptions that seem tc
have arisen and persist regarding
the probationary action."
He added that it was made o
a factual, not arbitrary, basis and
faculty representatives from the
Conference schools supported the
action following a MSC appeal,
THE STATEMENT read in part:
"It has been established that
funds were solicited in Lansing for
the assistance of Michigan State
college athletics, and that funds
so obtained were not channeled
through the college as our rules
require, so that any awards of fi-
nancial aid might be on the basis
of academic qualifications as our
rules provide.
"It is established, by the ac-
knowledgment of ticket and other
privileges accorded the donors to
the fund, that it had a notoriety
which the college, with due dili-
gence and attention to the prin-
ciple of the rules, should have de-
The probation imposed upon
state requires it to obtain full dis-
closure of the disbursement of the
Spartan Club's funds. This, the
statement says, is data every Con-
ference school should furnish free-
ly as an obligation of conference
SPA Peace
Panel Urges
Continuation of negotiations by
world powers as a possible means
of achieving peace was advanced
by three faculty members yester-
Speaking on a Society for Peace-
ful Alternatives faculty discus-
sion panel, Prof. Preston Slosson
of the history department, Emeri-

tus Prof. John F. Shepard of the
psychology department and Prof.
Kenneth Boulding of the econom-
ics department all agreed that
negotiations were among the best
ways of gaining peace.
PROF. SLOSSON opened the
-Tdiscussion by pointing out that
three of the main causes of war
were fear, anger and greed. He
said that the aggressor in the
twentieth century will not make
war until he feels that the odds
are for him.
"The only way to gain a last-
ing peace," continued Prof. Slos-
son, "would be to create a super-
national state."
Prof. Boulding emphasized that
national defense leads to an arm-
ament race, which in turn leads
to war. "The problem of dimin-
ishing war," the professor said,
"Is a nroblem of social science."

Bachelors Flee


n Mighty
, Jones Pace
im to Victory








Explode i Iran

--Daily-Don Campbell

* * *


'Get Married or Else,'
Bill Warns Bachelors

It started out as a gag, but just
the thought was sufficient to give
Arkansas males the shudders and
philosophers grounds for argu-
The cause of the furor was a bill'
introduced by Arkansas Rep. Jimj
Bruton to slap a $750 annual taxj
on bachelors in the state. The bill
defined a bachelor as any male, 21
or over, who was single or not!
living with his spouse,
* * *
MADGE COLEMAN of the phil-
osophy department commented
that the topic presented logicians
with a new "paradox" to analyze,
Syngman 1Rhee
Calls on UN
For offensive
By The Associated Press
South Korean president Syng-
man Rhee called on the United
Nations to end "the stalemated
war which helps no one but our
enemies" in a speech in Seoul
An estimated 20,000 South Kor-.
eans jammed around Seoul's burn-
ed-out capitol building and cheer-
ed Rhee's clear call for a UN of-
fensive in Korea. The ailing presi-
dent's speech was read by an aide
over a battery of microphones.
It was the high point of the
celebration observing the 34th an-
niversary of Korea's declaration
of independence from Japan.
* * *
MEANWHILE, on the eve of
another anniversary-the third
year since Generalissimo Chiang
Kai-Shek resumed Presidency of
the Republic of China-the Na-
tionalist leader called for mobili-
zation of Formosa and the rest of
Free China.
He asked for a full mobilization
of Formosan and Chinese man-
power and resources and for speed-
ed united efforts for recovery of
the Chinese Communist mainland
in the near future.
Chiang's 7,000 word statement
was his- first since President Eis-
enhower lifted the ban on opera-
tions by Nationalist military forces
against the Reds.

to wit, Arkansas bachelors who
can't afford to get married can't
afford not to.
Miss Coleman added that
British 'philosopher Bertrand
Russell might be provoked to
write against such legislation on
the grounds that it would induce
men to marry hastily and with-
out due consideration. "The
prospect of being made the butt
of Lord Russell's wit should give
pause to anyone," she 'exclaimed.
Prof. Marvin Felheim of the
English department pointed out
that bachelors are already suffi-
ciently taxed by not being allowed
income tax deductions. Prof. Fel-
heim added, however, that al-
though he is by no means a mis-
ogynist he feels his "mild privi-
leges" are worth paying for.
One student from Arkansas, who
declined to be named, "thought
the whole thing was silly."
* . *
THERE WERE many who didn't
find it silly, however.
Freshman legislator Bruton,
a happily married man with two
sons, suddenly found himself
besieged Oith a deluge of mail,
telegrams, phone calls and harsh
knocks on his hotel room door.
A group of unmarried Little
Rock girls quickly formed the
APASBBHAUW-short for the As-
sociation for the Prevention of
Alarming and Stampeding Bache-
lors Beyond the Hopes of Arkan-
sas' Unmarried Women. The wor-
ried females vigorously protested
passage of the bill in radio inter-
views arid newspaper columns.
Some bachelors thrgatened to
leave the state for positions else-
When letters and telegrams
from all over the United States
began to pile up on Bruton's desk,
he hastily declared the bill was
"all a joke." As the furor mounted,
he withdrew the message and
pleaded, "Let's drop the whole
Mackinac Bridge
long-planned Straits of Macki-
nac bridge moved closer to reality
yesterday as officials disclosed
bridge building contracts have
been let and plans made to offer
a $96,000,080 bond issue for public
sale beginning tomorrow.

Michigan's swimmers wrote a
brilliant conclusion to their per-
fect dual meet season yesterday
afternoon when they outlasted the
powerful Ohio State Buckeyes, 50-
43, in the Intramural Pool.
A packed house of more than a
thousand persons saw Matt Mann's
Wolverines achieve their first vic-
tory over the Scarlet and Gray
since 1949.
THE MEN of Mike Peppe cap-
tured six events, but even a per-
formance of that caliber was not'
enough to offset the vaunted depth
which carried the Maize and Blue
to its eighth and biggest dual meet'
triumph of the campaign.
Brightest of all the Michigan
stars who shone in victory was
Sophomore diver Jimmy Wal-
ters. The lithe lad from Kenil-
worth, Ill., sprung a startling
upset by coming in ahead of
Ohio's great Morley Shapiro in
the fancy diving. Walters placed
second to the Buckeyes' incom-
parable Bob Clotworthy, beating
Shapiro by 1.55 points.
Walters' coming of age as a
diver bodes well for Michigan in
next week's conference meet. Last
year, the Wolverines were com-
pletely shut out as Clotworthy
and Shapiro dove to Big Ten glory
for Ohio State,
DON HILL, with two firsts, in-
cluding a pool record-setting ef-
fort of 22.5 in th e50 yard free-
style, and Burwell "Bumpy" Jones,
with one first and a pair of sec-
onds, were the big point men who
helped the Maize and Blue to vic-1
tory over the power-laden Ohio-'
Hill also anchored the 40
yard freestyle relay quartet
which cinched the triumph in
the last event of the meet. Go.
ing into the relay, an Ohio vic-
tory wduld have made the final
score 47-46 in favor of the Co-
lumbus crew.
After first man Johnny Ries'
kept even with Ohio's Keith Cly-
mer, Tom Benner put the race
and the meet on ice by swimming
away from Jorgen Birkeland on
the second leg of the relay. Given
a substantial lead by Benner, Ron
Gora and Hill lengthened the ad-
vantage and finished twenty yards
in front.
JONES, along with team-mate
Gora and Ohio's sensational dis-
tance star Ford Konno, put on
the outstanding race of the after-
noon from the spectator stand-
point. The three entrants churned
into the final 20 yards of the 220
freestyle almost abreast, but Kon-
no managed to nip Jones by an
eyelash to take the laurels.
See SWIMMERS, Page 3
SL Petitions Due
For Next Election
Although the deadline is set
for Friday, few petitions have been
turned in for 40 posts to be con-
tested in the spring all-campus
electios, Mike McNerney, '53,
election committee member, said
Among the positions open are
22 full term Student Legislature
seats, seven Union vice-president
posts, senior class officers for the
literary college and the college of
Engineering, and nine positions for
next year's J-Hop.
Petitions can be picked up any
time until Friday at the SL Bldg.

~Late McGill
Rally Drops
"M1' Icemen
Paced by forward Pete Con-
stable who tallied both goals, Mc-
Gill's red-clad hockey squad came
from behind late in the third per-
iod to beat the Wolverine puck-
sters 2-1 at the Coliseum yester-
day afternoon.
Michigan held the lead for 56
of the 60 minutes of play but
two last-ditch power plays gave
the Redmen the victory and a
sweep of the two game series.j
Doug Philpott put Michigan in the
lead at 8:39 of the second period'
on an assist from Captain Johnny
THE CONTEST was hard-
fought and tightly played, with
both teams being turned back sev-
eral times by the brilliant goal-
tending of McGill's mammoth
Bob MacLellan and Michigan's
Willard Ikola.
The first period went by with-
out a score, with the Wolverines
fluffing several close shots andI
then turning on a tight defense
to blank McGill-even when two
men short at the end of the
Michigan was still short one
man when the middle frame
opened, and the Redmen nearly
scored as Ikola deflected a shot
and the puck danced across the
goal line before squirting off toI
the side.Then with the Canadian
outfit short one man, Philpott
scored from a melee in front of
the McGill nets.
* *. .
JIM HAAS had just missed a'
close shot and Matchefts tapped'
the rebound to Philpott who
slammed the rubber past the pros-
trate MacLellan.
Michigan's 1-0 lead looked
mighty big going into the wan-
ing minutes of the contest, with
Ikola playing a beautiful game
in the nets. At one point in the
final period the Eveleth, Minne-
sota, junior pulled a muscle and
an urgent call was sent out for
substitute netminder Bill Lucier
to put on his pads and report to
the bench.


-Daily-Chuck Kelsey
MOTT LECTURER-Noted English economist Barbara Ward
Jackson chats with Dean of Students Erich A. Walter after her
arrival here yesterday. Mrs. Jackson will inaugurate the Mott
Foundation lecture series this week. E
* *
Barbara W ard Jackson
Arrives for Visit at 'U'
I .
World-renowned economist Barbara Ward Jackson arrived yes-
terday afternoon in Ann Arbor to begin her week's visit here as the
first Mott Fonudation lecturer.
Mrs. Jackson was met 4t Willow Run airport by Dean of Stu-
dents Erich A. Walter, and, after a brief stop at the League where
she will stay this week, was greeted by University officials and faculty
first Mott Foundation lecturer.

" * *


WHILE ON CAMPUS as the University's guest, the noted eco-
nomic authority will deliver two major addresses on the religious im-
plications of 'the Communistic

UN Repulses'
Red Offensive
SEOUL, Sunday, March 1-({)-
Chinese infantrymen banked into
the UN lines all across the Korean
peninsula in the chill pre-dawn
darkness today but dug-in Allied
troops stood their ground.
The heaviest attack was .a 150-
man Chinese Red force that hit
the main Allied line near Capitol
Hill on the East central front.
The Reds were hurled back in aI
45-minute scrap.
Small probing forces jabbed
Allied positions on the Eastern
and Western fronts, but these,
too, were repulsed.
In other action yesterday, the1
heavy cruiser Los Angeles stepped1
up the pace of the U. S. Navy's'
longest siege in history by shelling
the ruined East Coast port of Won-
san from a position boldly taken'
inside the harbor.
The Navy announced the "heavy
bombardment" while it was in pro-
gress-departing from the usual
policy of reporting actions when
they are 24 hours old.

challenge to the free world, speak
at a number of meetings and
classes and meet students inform-
ally in tours of the campus and
visits to residence groups.
"Are Today's Problems Relig-
ious" will be the topic of Mrs.
Jackson's first formal lecture to
be delivered at 8 p.m. Tuesday
in. Rackham Lecture Hall.
At 8 p.m. Thursday she will
speak on "Moral Order in an Un-
certain World," also at Rackham
Lecture Hall.
': * *
A TIGHTLY packed itinerary
has been planned to introduce Mrs.
Jackson to the University com-
After a lunch at the Nelson
International House today, she
will take an hour-long toui of
the campus followed by a tea.
She will dine with the Rev. Fr.
Frank J. McPhillips and attend
an 8 p.m. meeting of the New-
man Club at St. Mary's Chapel.
Tomorrow she will speak to an
international relations class at 10
a.m., lunch at 12:30 p.m. in the
Union with the student group who
helped plan her visit, meet the
press at 3 p.m. in the student-
faculty lounge of the League and
dine at Stockwell Hall. ;

Aged Leader'
Calls Special
Shah Maintains
Opposition Post
By The Associated dress
Mobs supporting the young
Shah and Iran's powerful old
Moslem religious leader Ayatullah
Kashani, crashed down the gates
of Premier Mohammed Mossa-
degh's home yesterday with a jeep
and forced the aged premier to
flee to Parliament.
His escape was made under cov-
ering gunfire of his residence?
THE MOBS descending upon
Mgssadegh's home had come from
the Shah's palace, where they
forced the young ruler with pa-.
triotic pleas to cancel plans for
leaving the country Saturday.
Mossadegh took refuge first in
the adjoining offices of the U.S.
government's Point Four Pro-
gram, and. then in the usually
inviolate Parliament building.
In rapid order:
Mossadegh held an emergency
cabinet meeting during his flight.
Parliament met in .extraordinary
session with Mossadegh present in
The Shah broadcast to all Iran-
ians his determination to stay in
his country. .
LATER, pro-Mossadegh mobs
appeared on the streets and the
struggle for power between the
aged prime minister and. the
youthful Shah appeare to be a
touch-and-go affair,
(There were reports abroad that
the 33-year-old monarch had in-
tended to abdicate, but Tehran
dispatches did not say so directly.)
The Shah has tried to remain
aloof from politics, in the tra-
dition of modern constitutional'
monarchs, ever since Mossa-
degh's Nationalist bloc came in-
to power and brought on the
issue of oil nationalization.
Demonstrations in Tehran have
been watched closely by officials
in Washington for any evidence
that they might lead to a politi-
cal upheaval, according to Asso-
ciated Press analyst John High-
tower, because any upsurge of
Communist political power there
would threaten the security of the
whole world.
Taylor Lauds
New Uruguay
Uruguay's commission form of
government, one year old today,
has proved itself satisfactory and
capable,. according to Philip -B.
Taylor of the political science de-
Calling the country "the most
effective democracy in the West-
ern hemisphere," Taylor, who
specializes in South American gov-
ernments, explained that the new
system does not differ radically
from the Presidential type.
* * *
"ALL EXECUTIVE power in the
country is now in the hands of a
nine-man council, but the cabi-
net and bicameral legislature func-
tion just as they did before," he
In times of emergencies the
council could not act as' quickly
as a single executive could, he

noted, but "Uruguay will prob-
ably never have to make deci-
sions with the speed that a
major power does."
The new government has the
advantage of representing the
"Blancos," the major minority
power which has not been in power
since the nineteenth century, Tay-
lor said.
Under the new system, this par-
fur. n, n. e - ,a - -c a+c nnt


By The Associated Press
AUGUSTA, Ga.-President Eis-
enhower will get a first hand re-
port on the Korean War at a
Washington conference Tuesday
with Gen. James A. Van Fleet, just
returned to the United States from
command of the Eighth Army in
publican leader Taft indicated
yesterday that he has little
hope of balancing the budget by
July 1, although he said fed-
eral spending now runs about
two billion dollars under former
President Truman's estimates.
NEW YORK-Two men rejected
for posts with the Voice of Amer-
ica for security reasons now hold
"high positions" under the U. S.
High Commissioner to Germany,
a witness said yesterday.
Sen. Joseph McCarthy's Senate
subcommittee investigating pos-
sible subversion and waste in voice
operations heard the testimony on
a nationally televised hearing.
NEW YORK-Oleo heir Minot
(Mickey) Jelke's lawyers conferred
with him in a narrow jail cell yes-
terday and later said they would
appeal his conviction for induc-
ing young women to become pros-

IFCFood-BuyingPlan Hits Snags

Gershwin MuicToBe
resented Tomorrow
_4* **

Three major obstacles stand to
block the Interfraternity Council's
plans for a centralized fraternity
food-buying program, IFC presi-
dent Pete Thorpe, '53, said yes-
The ne'wly encountered snags,
revolve around a dual financial
problem and the creation of a
board of directors for the pro-

ing fraternities, IFC cannot
promise 'this fund without as-
surance that none of the fra-
ternities will drop out of the
plan during the year, Thorpe
He pointed out that many ;of
the fraternities are dubious about
the efficacy of the plan in saving

Seeing no way to overcome
these obstacles in the immediate
future, IFC is now concentrat-
ing on the research and infor-
mation angle of a co-op buying
The plan will probably come
through gradual advancement and
small scale projects," Thorpe said.
Such "small scale" projects now


Fascinating rhythms ofzAmer-
ica's first symphonic jazz com-
poser will be performed by the
Gershwin Concert Orchestra at
8:30 p.m. tomorrow in,.Hill Audi-
Led by talented young conductor
Lorin Maazel, the Orchestra will
play a program of all-George'
Gershwin favorites including "Cu-
ban Overture," "Concerto in F for
Piano and Orchestra," selections
from his folk opera "Porgy and
Bess," "An American in Paris"
and "Rhapsody in Blue."
* * *
ALSO TO BE presented in the
Gershwin Orchestra's first ap-
S -,tfl..tN * Ioflprphl-lfin n r. r f ltm


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