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March 01, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-03-01

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dlwy-e 43UU
Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom



See Page 4

VOJL. LXVMI, No. 106





lan rA

Mack Considers
FCC Resignation
House Committee Lashes Official;

Grants Postponement of Testimony
WASHINGTON (P)-Richard A. Mack cracked under a torrent of
reproach from House investigators yesterday, and promised he will
most seriously consider resigning from the Federal Communications
Obviously .dazed, Mack was excused from the witness stand after
+ Chairman Oren Harris (b-Ark.) of the House subcommittee on Legis-
lative Oversight pictured him as the tool of a deliberate conspiracy
engineered by Mack's wealthy friend, Thurman A. Whiteside. Mack
listened, motionless, hands cupped before his face, as Rep. Harris


... new sheriff


Ann Arbor's
Student Job
ALevel Drops
}. Part-time ;lobs available to stu-
dents in Ann Arbor off-campu
business have grown 'markedl
* scarcer in the last year, accord
Ing to records of the University
Personnel Office.
The office reports 25 place-
ments in part-time off-campus
jobs-during January 1958, asccom-
pared to 64 placements in Janu-
ary, 1957.
University Personnel Interview-
, er John P. Farrell noted Ann Ar.
br employers "aren't hiring." H
called the present number o
available part time retail job
about ynil.".
Observing there are about the
same number of "meal jobs'
available as last year, Farrell ex-
plained restaurants in the cam-
pus area depend mostly on stu-
dent trade.
He pointed out there is "defi-
nitelyb a deline" in the tota
number of Jobs available, and
that this decline has. been no-
ticed "every month since July.'
Farrell noted that while las
,,year there were "20 or 30" jobs
.open in gas stations, this year
there are none.
In the area of full-time, non-
student personnel, Farrell cited
a rise of almost 50 per cent in
the number of interviews handled
through the Personnel Office. In
January, 1957, there were 243 such
interviews, in January, 1958, there
were 362.
Observing that these figures
may indicate a general lag in em-
ployment, Farrell also pointed out
that "10 or 15" students who
dropped out of school due to lack
of funds had been interviewed for
full-time employment this year,
while few such cases have been
handled in the past.
Discussing the availability of
jobs at the University, Farrell said
student jobs were being filled at
"about the same rate" as last
* year. He noted that in January,
1957, 253 were placed in campus
jobs, compared with 199 in Janu-
ary, 1958,
Thor Missile
Flight Tests
Nose Change
The Air Force hurled a Thor bal-
listic missile spaceward yesterday
to see if its new shiny nose cone
could take the trip back to earth.
But the Air Force would not say
whether the nose cone was a suc-
cess or how far the Thor had
Thor is expected to become a
weapon for European defense
within a year as is the Army's
comparable Jupiter.
Nose Polished
The new nose cone looks whit-
tied down, slightly pointed and
highly polished. The old cone was
rounded like a sharp needle point-
ing upward.
The cone's job is to protect a
warhead against the enormous
heat and stresses caused by the
collision of the missile's tremen-
dous speed and the dense atmos-
phere of earth.
Vanguard Delayed
Faulty connections in the Van-
guard satellite test rocket, discov-

and Rep. John Moss (D-Calif.)
told him the best thing he could
do was quit.
Finally Mack told Rep. Harris:
"I certainly will most seriously
consider your remarks."
Asks Postponement

He then asked, midway in his
testimony, to be excused until
sometime, next week.
The investigating group readily
granted his request, asking him'to
come back next Wednesday. Mack
left the hearing room with an
almost trancelike bearing, an aide
guiding him by one elbow.
Acknowledged Loans
It was a dramatic climax to an
investigation which has resolved
around FCC's 1957 award of
Miami's TV Channel 10 to a Na-
tional Airlines subsidiary in pref-
erence to three other applicants.
Mack voted for National. He has
acknowledged receiving thousands
of dollars in loans from Whiteside
and in advances from business
holdings given him outright by
Besides Rep. Harris and Rep.
Moss, other committee members
called for Mack's departure from
government. Counting those who
expressed their views before, dur-
ing and after Friday's hearing, six
members have said either that he
should quit or be fired. This is a
majority of the 11-man committee.
Asian Trip
Holds Talks

Lillie Gets
Sheriff Post
Robert E. A. Lillie, '57E, was
named Washtenaw, County's sher-
iff yesterday to fill the term of
Erwin L. Klager, who died last
Lillie, who resigned as County
Civil Defense director to assume
his new post, called a meeting of
department command officers
last night as one of his first of-
fiial acts.
He said 'the meeting was called
to discuss standards he will ex-
-pect in performance of duties.
Will Seek Election
After appointment, the 50-year-
old retired marine officer an-
nounced his intention to seek Re-
publican nomination for sheriff
in the primary election this Aug-
ust. If successful, he will run for
election to a two-year term in
Retiring from the Marine Corps
in 1954 after 27 years service,
Lillie resumed the studies at the
University which he had inter-
rupted in 1926. He received a
bachelor's degree in electrical en-
gineering in 1957.
Reports Required
The new sheriff told The Daily,
departmental policy as of "right
now" includes provision for peri-
odic reports onrthe performance
of each deputy. Lillie indicated
these reports would be relied on
to determine raises and promo-
Observing that he does not "an-
ticipate any changes" being made
in the existing departmental staff,
Lillie added that Undersheriff
Charles W. Shaw, who had been
acting sheriff since Klager's
death, has "very kindly agreed"
to remain in the department.
Remarking on the unsettled
problem-of two suspended depu-
ties, the new sheriff said he would
begin action on the cases today.
Lillie noted that the two were
suspended a week before Klager
died so that the matter was "ex-
tended further than it was ever
intended to be." He emphasized
that he doesn't "believe in 'hang-
ing-fire' " and that the question
will be 'settled soon.
Bus Licenses
Get Cut-Rate
Ann Arbor's twelve city buses
are now equipped with 50-cent
license plates.
A revised lease agreement be-
tween the city and Ann Arbor
Transit, Inc., was approved re-
cently by the state attorney gen-
eral's office, making the 50-cent
price possible. Without the lease
agreement, the plates would have
cost more than $200 each.
Ann Arbor City Attorney Jacob
F. Fahrner, Jr. said the approval
would allow city buses to gain ex-
emptions from state vehicle weight
taxes and fuel taxes.

Union Chief
Says Kohler
Committee Hears
Strike Testimony
WASHINGTON (AP)-A regional
director of the United Auto Work-
ers denounced the Kohler Co. yes-
terday as an "arrogant and dicta-
torial" firm that wanted a strike.
Testifying before the Senate
Rackets Committee, Harvey Kitz-
man, UAW's Region 10 chief in
Milwaukee, accused the Wisconsin
plumbing fixtures firm of building
a company arsenal, training anti-
strike troops and making "open
and brazen preparations for in-
dustrial warfare."
Chairman John McClellan (D-
Ark.) advised Kitzman to simmer
McClellan Threatens
"If you're going to use provoca-
tive language, the other side is
going to use provocative language,"
he told the witness. "I can take it
if the rest of you can, but it will
not be a very pretty story to put
before the country."
Sen. McClellan's committee is
inquiring into repeated acts of
violence during the 45 months the
UAW has been on strike against
the Kohler plant at Kohler, Wis.,
a village near Sheboygan.
Kitzman Denies
Committee Counsel Robert F.
Kennedy told Kitzman that "cer-
tainly the first illegal act was
taken by the union, with the start-3
ing of mass picketing on April 5,
Kitzman denied the picketing
was illeg'al and defended it as
necessary to protect the strikers
from company guards. He said the
mass picketing ceased "as soon
as the NLRB issued an injunction."
Kennedy Admonishes,
"Fifty-seven days later, and not
until a court intervened," Ken-
nedy said, his voice rising. "And
you spend 30 minutes telling us
what a terrible thing the company
was doing."
Kitzman told the senators the
strikers "were afraid and they
knew that in numbers there was
at least some safety, since they
figured the company's wouldn'tt
open fire on such a large group oft
unarmed workers." i
The union official charged thatc
Kohler Co. guards killed two per-<
sons and wounded 47 in a 19341


Votes ,

A student's letter to the Michi-
gan State News protesting a re-
cent decision by MSU Dean of
Students Thomas King brought
repriminations to the student and
an attempt by the Dean to place
limits on the school paper.
The letter, written by Gorden
Smith, protested Dean King's re-
versal of a recent Inter-Fraternity
Council judiciary decision.
MSU's I7C had decided three
fifteen-year-old girls who visited,
the Alpha Tau Omega house late
one evening had not participated
in a house function.
Dean Acts
Dean ing then said it was a
house function and placed ATO
on strict probation.
Dead King' ha'd said the "cri-
teria sheet" which defines wheth-
er or not specific actions should
be defined as group actions or
merely actions of the individuals
was incomplete, and should be ex-
panded to meet this type of prob-
Smith's letter said IFC operates
under a complete "lack of free-
dom," because "they are in effect
mouthpieces of the administra-
"It is going to become increas-
ingly difficult to get this type of
mature and intelligent individual
to serve, because he will 'revolt
at being a yes-man."
Retraction Ordered
Dean King, according to reliable
sources, called" Smith in and o -
dered him either to retract the


Wa Would Raise
onLocal Letr



WHO'LL BREAK FIRST:-This was the headline which appeared
with the cartoon in the Michigan State News' front page. There
was no editorial comment with the picture, but it bears a dis-
tinguishable resemblance to Dean of Students Thomas King.
Michigan Gymnasts Down
Michigan State,611 -50
A clean sweep by Michigan's three trampolinists proved to be
the difference as the Wolverines beat Michigan State's gymnastics
team 611/2-502 last night.
Although Michigan's top trampolinist, Ed Cole, was out because
of an injury, the trio of Dick Kimball, Frank Newman and Chuck
Clarkson left little to be desired as the captured the maximum 13
points before a near-capacity crowd of 600 at the Intramural Sports
Also missing from the meet was injured Captain Ed Gagnier, but
spectacular performances by Jim Hayslett, Wolfgang Dozauer, and
Nino Marion demonstrated the

Letter Brings Action by MSU De

Pay Boosts Approved
For Civil Servants;
Ike's Veto Expected
last night voted 732 million dollars
worth of postal rate increases.
It then passed pay raises for
1,500,000 federal workers totaling
more than the new rate revenue.
The rate increases in the Senate
bill included a five-cent stamp for
nonlocal letters in the three years
starting July 1, 1958, a provision
not included when the House
passed the measure last year. The
Senate bill also calls for four cents
on local letters.
Rates Would Standardize -
After the three-year period the
rate on all first class letters would
be set permanently at four cents,
under the Senate measure.
The House voted for a flat four-
cent rate, without any provision
for the temporary five-cent stamp.
Also' in the Senate version are
substantial rate increases for all
other classes of mail including an
eight-cent airmail stamp com-
pared with the present six cents
and boosts for newspapers, maga-
zines and advertising circulars and
Wages Boosted
The Senate wrapped 320 million
dollars worth of postal pay hikes
into the rate bill.
It also quickly passed by voice
vote a separate measure giving the
one million classified Civil Service
workers a pay boost totaling about
417 million dollars.
Thus the two pay raises totaled
five million more than the postal
rate increases.
Veto Expected
Republiayns made it clear they
believe the postal bill will be
vetoed in its present form because
of the pay raises which went far
beyond what President Dwight I.
Eisenhower has asked. Sen. Styles
Bridges (R-N.H.) called the bill a
"mixed up mess
The pay ilkes adopted for the
postal workers would average 121/2
per cent as compared with six per
cent urged by the President in his
budget and 87 per cent offered in
a Republican compromise on the
floor yesterday.
The postal bill will' now go to a
Senate-House conference. The
House has passed a smaller bill
The pay boosts for the classified
employes in the separate bill would
amount-to 71/a per cent' apiece,
except that a few top-grade em-
ployes would get slightly more.
This measure goes to the House
which has not yet passed any pay
legislation this year.

Seminars to prepare potential
delegates for the Southeast Asian
Delegation will be held each Sat-
urday throughout the semester,
according to Michael Barie, '58,
chairman of the delegation steer-
ing committee.
Prof. Arthur Link of the Far
Eastern languages department will
discuss religion in Southeast Asia
at 1 p.m. today at Nelson Interna-
tional House.
First in the series of seminars
was conducted by Prof. R. I. Crane
of the history department who
discussed history of the area.
Prof. Russell Fifield of the polit-
ical science department will dis-
cuss politics of Southeast Asia at
the next seminar and John Gos-
ling of the geography department
will follow with a discussion of
economic geography.
Wide Topics Discussed
Seminars on the influence of
Western thought, economics, so-
ciology and psychology, and other
topics pertinent to the area will
also be held.
Discussions of American social
problems, economibs, politics and
foreign policy are also scheduled
for later in the semester.
"We are aware that the Asian
student is very well informed
about America," Barie said.
"Through these seminars we are
trying to develop enlightened stu-
dents who can meet Asian stu-
dents on equal footing."
Others Interested
Eighteen students still remain
interested in the Asian venture,
according to Barie. However, in-
terest among other observers
brings the total attendance to
about 30 per meeting, he said.
Over 50 students originally ex-
pressed desire to participate in the
Money is still the biggest prob-
lem that the group faces, Barie
said.uThe committee has received
no funds, but is still continuing
to seek new sources.
Ex- Student




By The Associated Press


loaded school bus hit a wrecker
and an auto on a lonely mountain
road yesterday and dropped into a
rain-swollen river, apparently car-
rying 23 children and the driver
to their deaths.
WASHINGTON - A group of
Midwestern Republicans formally
called on Secretary of Agriculture
Ezra T. Benson yesterday to offer
his resignation to President
Dwight D. Eisenhower.
SOUTH BEND, Ind. - Methods
merely called "sharp" when prac-
ticed by a businessman became
"corrupt" when indulged' in by a
labor union official, the head of
the AFL-CIO Ethical Practices
Committee Albert J. Hayes de-
clared yesterday.
WASHINGTON - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower had a tooth
pulled yesterday and then settled
down with a Western magazine at
Walter Reed Army Hospital to
await a physical checkup today.

strength of the Wolverines and
gave Coach Newt Loken a win to
celebrate his birthday.
Michigan took three firsts and
tied for two more, and after win-
ning the first two events never
lost the lead.
Hayslett turned in the first of
his three winning performances in
free-exercise and followed it up
with two first-place ties in the side
horse and tumbling.
Triumph in Side Horse
The side horse triumph was
especially encouraging since it was
generally acknowledged to be
Michigan's weakest event..
Kimball's work on the tram-
poline was exceptional and his 92
points outdistanced his closest
rival, teammate Frank Newman,
'by 31/ points.
Angie Festa was the top man
for the Spartans with a first, sec-
ond and a fifth. Cal Girard fol-
lowed him with two firsts and a
Top all-around man in the meet
was Michigan's Nino Marion, with
422 points while Festa, Dozauer
and Hayslett followed him with
351, 3502 and 349 points respec-
The individual star of the meet
See TRAMPOLINE, page 3

Job holders,
Totals Drop
WASHINGTON ( ) - The gov-
ernment announced last night a
mid-February spurt in unemploy-
ment and said the trend contin-
ued during the week ended Feb.
The Labor Department's Bu-
reau of Employment Security said
joblessness among workers in-
sured for unemployn'ent compen-
sation benefits rose; by 158,500 to
a total of 3,130,000 during the
week ended Feb. 15.
This is the greatest number of
insured workers counted as un-
employed by the bureau since the
compensation system started pay-
ing benefits in 1938. The number
of insured unemployed a year ago
was 1,759,000.
The bureau also reported the
number of newly laid-off insured
workers rose by 33,900 to 459,200
during the week ended Feb. 22.
Moreover, the bureau said 147,000
worker! exhausted benefits in
January, having drawn the maxi-
mum they had coming..

... concerning libel
letter or to appear before the fac-
ulty -committee on student con-
He said the letter was clearly
At one point in the discussion,
Dean King told Smith if his at-
titude did not improve, the uni-
versity had no room for him. Any
action seems to have been
Dean King also requested the
MSU Board of Publications, of
which he is a member, to take
some action against the paper.
Cartoon Printed
Mel Reiter, State News editor,
finally decided to run the cartoon
reproduced above on the News'
front page because King's pres-
sure was becoming onerous.
"Dean King just wanted to put
a certain restriction on the news-
paper and it fell through," Reiter
vIf the State News was nothing
more than a mimeographed sheet,
he'd be satisfied," Reiter added.
"No Fears" Held
Reitter said, however, that he
had "no fears" about printing any
more letters - none have come
in. However, the News has made
no mention of Smith since thej

iime of Desire' Lasts Single Night in Ann Arbor
NOW YOU CAN SEE THE FILM THAT After several weeks of intensive advance publicity, "Time of
SHOCKED THREE CONTINENTS! Desire," a Swedish movie billed as "The Film That Shocked Three
Continents," premiered at the Campus Theatre Thursday night.
It also dlosed Thursday night.
The show was cancelled by a vice-president of Butterfield Theatres,
Inc., (which owns all three campus area moviehouses) after a screen-
ing yesterday morning. It was replaced by "The Last Bridge," with
Maria Schell.
.. >::..... + 'Not Suitable'

Dearborn Vote
To Determine
Future of" JC
Dearborn residents will vot
May 13 on a $4,950,000 bond is
sue which, if approved, will fi
nance the new Henry Ford Com-
munity College next to the lat
auto magnate's estate.
The campus will be adjacent t
the University's Dearborn Center
which is scheduled to open i,
September, 1959.
The Dearborn college is a com-
pletely independent institutior
and is in no way under the Juris
diction of the University. "How
ever, it is hoped that the two wil
combine their facilities to provid
a continuous four years' colleg
education for the young peopl
of the community," Harold N
Dorr, University dean of state
wide education, said.
Dorr has been working closely
with Superintendent Onenlande

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