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February 26, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

… associated with the At- lantic Union movement. -Daily-Dick Gaskill NORTH DAKOTA GOALIE JERRY SCHULTZ BLOCKS BILL MacFARLAND'S SHOT BUT WOLVERINES POUND OUT 7-0 WIN TO NEAR NCAA PLAYOFF BERTH. Wolverine Icers…

…-out of the year. Wolverines will take on the No- daks again tonight in the Coli- seum at 8:00, and will attempt to run their victory streak to six straight games. Heyligers' sextet has now copped nine out…

… of their last 11 games, putting on another brilliant stretch run in the race to the Broadmoor and the NCAA Ice finals. Work Smoothly For the first time this season, two Wolverine lines functioned…

… North Dakota offense never got going. Only Ben Cherski resem- bled his press clippings, but even he was obscure in the face of the Wolverine onslaught. Garner Two Points The game, worth two big points in…

February 20, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

… his opponent, Arthur T. Iverson, to concede defeat. Feikens' ability to pull votes out of the big areas such as Oak- lal~d, Kent, and Wayne districts proved the deciding factor in his Wolverines

… slot, and giv- ing away 10 inches and many pounds, the sophomore still man- aged to flip 25 points through the nets. But Kramer couldn't do it all by himself and Minnesota had too much for the Wolverines

… the game still to play. M' Gets Break At the 11:58 mark, the Maize and Blue received a break. Groffs- ky blocked a Garmaker shot, and in the ensuing scramble, Garmaker grabbed the Wolverine forward and…

… the opening half, the Wolverines led '13-3. -. ~ But this was not to last. When Simonovich hit on a lay-up with 6:04 still to play in the initial 20 minutes, the Gophers moved into a 24-23 advantage, a…

… Gopher sextet, 3-1, last night in jam-packed Wil- liams Arena. The win coupled with Fri- day night's victory considerably strengthens the Wolverines chanc- es of gaining a berth to the NCAA championships…

…,000,000 WA TCHERS: Television, Fans, Singers Invade Yost By MURRY FRYMER CBS was there, and so were 8,500 closely packed rooters, the Men's Glee Club, Batoners Bill Modlin and Champ Patton, and the Wolverine

February 27, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

… arch, Un- ion and Women's Athletic Build-1 irig. Geiger emphasized that there! would be no extension of the $6.501 price beyond Thursday.z Wolverines Top Nodaks; Tech Loses Michigan Darns Trip After 7…

…' goalie Lorne Howes, especially. in the hectic third period, made} the difference. Rendall Scores First Rendall got the Wolverines off to another flying start at 4:18 of the first period, when with Mac…

… MacFARLAND, Page 3 Daily-Dick Gaskil, WOLVERINE SHOT--Michigan wing Dick Dunnigan fires the puck toward the North Dakota goal in Michigan's 7-2 rout of the Nodaks. North Dakota ace Ben Chersky looks on…

… when the churning water had settled in Michigan's Varsity Pool th } Wolverines had edged a national champion Ohio State squad by th narrowest of margins. 47-46, to finish the dual meet season unbeat…

…'s best collegiate coaches, Mike Peppe. Capacity Crowd Most of the 1,400 screaming fans who packed the bleacher sensed a Wolverine victory when the host squad opened the mee surprisingly strong, capturing…

February 12, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

… is to be so strong that none will dare to attack us., "If we have learned but one les- CA.e - . . TOM RANDALL JOHN O'REILLY ... return sparks victory ... comes through in century Wolverine Hat Tricks…

…'s lobbies seemed dissapat- Michian Exlode g somewhat yesterday. After two-and-one-half periods Parliamentary observers gave;of listless hockey, the Wolverines 5' e 46-year-old lawyer from Stras- tallied three…

…. A slap shot from close in on the See WOLVERINES, Page 3 EAST LANSING - Michigan's' powerful swimming machine gained momentum yesterday, slip- ping into high gear for the ap- proaching Big Ten meet…

… time of 2:12.1. Probably the most encouraging sign of the evening lay in the per- formances of Wolverine junior John O'Reilly, who won the 220 yard free-style and. took. second to Ron Gora in the 100…

… free. Wolverine captain Bumpy Jones chalked up another win in the in- dividual medley, and set a pool and dual meet record in the pro- cess. Jones covered the 150 yard distance in 1:29.8 for the marks…

February 08, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…:15 p.m. today or 4:15 p.m. Thursday at the Student ing school enrollment jumped in Publications Bldg., 420 Maynard, a year from 1.761 to 2,064. -Daily-John Hirtzel TENSE MOMENT-Wolverines Jerry Stern…

… straight in Big Ten play. The Wolverines now possess a 2-4 record in Western Confer- ence action and an overall mark of eight wins and six losses. Paul Judson, who saw action at both forward and guard, led…

February 19, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…- overtimes before losing in the sixth, 59-56. Gerald Lindsley (6-0) G Club and band music supplied by the Wolverine band will feature pher co-captain along wit ly averaging 14.5 points a game. The Wolverines

… sellout crowd of 6,090 was on hand to watch the Gophers crura- ble before a spirited Wolverine sextet that is trying desperately to remain in the running for a playoff berth in the Western In- ter…

…-Collegiate Hockey League. The two'teams square off again tonightj in an equally, important game. 1 Team Effort It was a team effort with five different Wolverines taking a part in the scoring. Defenseman Bob Schiller…

February 22, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

… upset the Wolverines, 72-68, last night at the Fairgrounds Coli- seum. Led by Ron Kramer, who scored 24 points, 16 in the second half, the Maize and Blue overcame a 14 point deficit and took a 65-63 lead…

… with 2 minutes to play. However,: the efforts of John Miller and Don Kelley, who scored 29 and 20 points respectively, prov'ed to be too much for Michigan, and the Wolverines went down to defeat for the…

… led the Wolverine scorers with 10. In the opening minutes of the second half, Michigan,\ led by See KRAMER, Page 7 Commenting on the s stipulation, Mary Jo Park first vice-president, said" has been…

February 13, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

… to close in on the Michigan nets in the second period of last night's game. The Wolverines eked out a. 3 victory. 'M' Puck, Hoop Squads Score Wins Sextet Rallies To Overcome world News Cagers Score…

… island. -+ 1 1 { PROF. WIT COMMENTS: Mendes-France May Regain Position, State Leads Early However, for a long time it ap- peared that Michigan State had finally found a way of defeating the Wolverines

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