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January 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 73) • Page Image 2

… granted leave without salary for the first semester of 1960-61. He will serve as visiting research pro- fessor of applied mathematics at the Digital Computer Laboratory of the University of Illinois. Prof…

… for the first semester of 1960-61 studying in the area of electronic computers and beginning research. Slosson Given Leave Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department was given leave without…

… this when you run out of its and buts 29. I'll pay you later 80. This can't be right 83. This makes things easy 8T. She likes to be called _ing 89. He's not choosy 40. Apple country 41. Bullfight cheer…

…. 18. They approved $350,000 of a $900,000 Ford Foundation grant to be devoted over a period of up to three years to the multi-depart- mental use of computers for en- riching engineering education. Of…

January 05, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 73) • Page Image 5

… skilled in digital computer theory, this theory must be backed up by several yrs. of practical exp. in a top level computer position. The Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich., is seeking Sales Trainees and…

…: Remember mom and dad, and take home U.S. No. one apples from Michigan beautifully, boxed. Get your order in early. Apple Hill Orchard on Willis Road off U.S. 23. J55; FOR RENT FURNISHED University operated…

January 08, 1960 (vol. 0, iss. 76) • Page Image 11

… of work. National Institute of Health, Bethes- da, Md., has openings for qualified Mathematicians who are interested in the application of high speed comput- ers to the field of medical research…

…-696# STUDENTS: Remember mom and da and take home U.S. No. one appl from Michigan beautifully boxe Get your order in early, Apple H F Orchard on Willis .Road off U.S. .. PERSONAL HEY-will you take me there somed…

January 09, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 77) • Page Image 5

… opportunities for Trainees as Digital Computer Programmers and Systems Operators, grades GS-7 to GS- 12. Mt. Holyoke College, S. Hadley, Mass., Director of the News Bureau is seek- ing a young woman about. to…

… East Ann Street Open 'Til 8 P.M. - Also Sundays & Holidays (Opposite court house since 1927) NO 8-6966 J2 STUDENTS: Remember mom and dad, and take home U.S. No. one apples from Michigan beautifully boxed…

…. Get your order in early. Apple Hill Orchard on Willis Road off U.S. 23. J55 PERSONAL WANTED-2 tickets to commencement Jan. 16. Call NO 2-8114. R6 MISS MICHIE CLASSY for today: "Let the ords of my mouth…

February 10, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 84) • Page Image 4

… valued among students and teachers alike, will be of no use to the apple-polishing high school senior who takes the SAT. At last, here is a weapon with which to actually fight the all too common situation…

… Technician (March 16.) Ford Instrument Co., Div. of Sgpe'ry Rand Corp., Long Island City, N. ;I& recruiting Sr. Engineers and Scientists who have at least five years. systems e. perience on Digital Computers

February 12, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 86) • Page Image 3

…- ence and Technology, $3,815,000; mathematics and computing cen- ter, $4,750,000; medical science ff MIE. wbuilding, $400,000 for planning; medical center, $1,170,974. The governor proposed financ- ing of…

…. Sometimes she bites off a phrase clean and crisp as an apple. Sometimes she lets the notes burn low and flicker out. Sometimes she sends her voice spinning-and your heart with it. Listen-as Dinah brings up…

February 17, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 90) • Page Image 2

…. Junior IFC . .. Candidates for office in the Junior Interfraternity Council have been announced. Running for the office of presi- ( 'S . dent willbe David Randall, '83, of Delta Upsilon, and James Apple

… radio equip, ment, complex recording systems, high- speed computers, analytcal machines and special purpose high-speed com- munications devices. You do ttot have to have taken the examination. Pacific…

March 18, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 118) • Page Image 8

…'T_ THE MICHIGAN DAILY r THE MICHIGAN DAILY White Intruder City Board of Education Asks for Tax Increase HARVARD RESEARCHERS: Group Solves Russian Grammar Computer Problem (Continued from Page…

computer, project and learning of the fa- vorable results, Prof. Matejka is very interested in doing more of this type of research. The range of the computer is limited to Russian technical lan- guage and is…

… NO 2-9575 - - - - - - - - - -- - I-. ii . . Why not dine at- tI The GOLDEN APPLES Restaurant 0 SPAGHETTI CHICKEN * STEAK * RAVIOLI CHICKEN * STEAK "Only Italian Spaghetti House in Town…

September 29, 1960 (vol. 71, iss. 9) • Page Image 4

… providing methods of computation and sta- tistical techniques for the sci- ences, philosophy in treating of the methods of reasoning and of leading ideas and values that have played a part in our tradition…

… one government, and they will guard, as they would the apple of their eye, the author- Ity and the dignity and the uni- versality of the United Nations. They will find if they look into it while they…

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