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January 30, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

… complete health. non-discriminatory; it may affect any A computer virus, which destroys disk unlocked disk that fits into any Apple files and renders them irretrievable, is Macintosh computer. continuing to…

… Union. Pesky computer virus plagues campus disks by Laura Masini Not Nyquil, Vitamin C or even chicken difficulty purging it because unknowing stu- soup can cure students of a virus plaguing dents have…

… same easily and quickly, said Senior Computer way, have been detected at campus sites. Systems Specialist Jim Sullivan. Like a Computer center monitors recommend all biological virus, it spreads by…

February 07, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

… determining the definition of sub- stantial on a case by case basis. If passed, the revised bill could affect the University of Michigan's sales of Apple computers and acces- sories. The University holds a…

… contract with Apple Computer Inc. which al- lows it to purchase computers wholesale and sell them to students, faculty and staff for the purchase price plus a handling charge. Such a contract allows the Uni…

… "unfair" competition from universities which sell goods such as computers, eye- glasses, hearing aids or make-up. The bill would create a governor- appointed commission -composed of state commerce…

…'Conner said. "If I wanted to get a computer, I could get one," she said. The revised bill defines specific areas in which universities can sell goods. Such areas include: housing food service, goods with…

March 12, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

… - Tuesday, March 12, 1991 TheMichigan Dail hiaLal ITD may enege on ResComp payment by Andrew Lev Iraq bombs rebels, destroys holy sites * Residence hall computing ser- vices could be jeopardized next…

computing centers could become even more crowded if proposed ITD cuts affect residence hall computer center clusters. Associated Press Saddam Hussein's troops shelled Shiite Muslim. rebels in mosques in the…

…. "If ResComp's budget was significantly reduced, RA's, ResComp coordinators, ResComp trainers, and RD's might lose ac- cess to the computer loan fund," said Havlicek. The computer loan fund pro- vides…

computers free of charge to residence hall staff and many ResComp employees during the school year. "Users might see a cutback in open hours for each ResComp cluster. ResComp services such as learning…

… workshops, computer usage workshops, and consulting hours might seriously drop. Basi- cally, everything that is ResComp would be a possible source of cuts," added Havlicek. LSA first-year student Scott Beal…

… myself but I've got a couple thou- sand dollars in it," he quipped. Westen received $2,000 dollars along with his Golden Apple trophy. ,'m going to miss Michigan a lot' - Drew Westen professor of…

…'s first Golden Apple Award. Executive Director for Univer- "That $2,000 about doubles I 1- ~ j …

September 24, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

… engineering, computer science, and physics. Another issue that will be decided by vote at the same time is the authority of GEO's leadership to call a strike if the contract is rejected. "We need to make sure…

…, Page 2 An apple a day... An Ann Arbor resident picked apples at Wizard's Apple Orchard in Ypsilanti yesterday. Ecology center sues foam by Jami Blaauw Daily Environment Reporter The Ecology Center of…

March 14, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

…itW ig n One hundred three years of editorial freedom Untti Vol. IV, Na 94 Arm Arhorr Michigan - Monday, March 14, C) 1994 The Michigan Daily NewApple computer *debuts this morning By SCOT WOODS…

… DAILY STAFF REPORTER The much-awaited Power PC mi- croprocessor will make its campus debut this morning. * Apple will present the long- awaited next generation of personal computers at a 10 a.m. unveiling…

… at the Campus Computer Showcase on the ground floor of the Union. The unveiling will be via satellite from Apple's California headquarters. Known as the Power Macintosh line of computers, the new…

Computing (CISC) chips, which include virtually all chips used in current personal computers. The Power PC microprocessor is the result of a three-year collabora- tion between Apple, IBM and Motorola. In a…

… machines can run Macintosh, Windows and *DOS applications at the same time. Apple claims the new processor can run Windows and DOS programs at a speed comparable to an Intel 486 chip. Jonathan Freeman, one…

… of three Apple student representatives on cam- pus, said, "It's going to be an amazing show." Food will be served while visitors examine three models featur- ing the Power PC processor. The new…

computers fall into the *medium-high price range, beginning at about $1,600 for the Power Macintosh 8100. One strong selling point of the Power Macintosh computers is that the basic operating system is System…

… 7.2, providing a familiar environment for old Macintosh users. The Power PC screen looks like any Macintosh. When Windows or DOS is in use, a new window opens on the System 7.2 desktop. Apple claims…

… its new computers outperform Macintosh computers emulating an IBM-compatible be- cause the Power PC chip is based on Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC) technology. "The technology is simple, and…

January 31, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

computers. Wolverine Access is built around software written by Cornell Univer- sity and Apple Computer that was made available to a consortium of universities. Kemp bows out of1996 GOP race- Drug found to…

… Staff Reporter Just as CRISP made its transition from Angell Hall to the phones, stu- dent information is making its way from the registrar's office to the Cam- pus Computing Sites. Wolverine Access, a…

… Wrobleski, a sys- tem developer. He added that although ITD has not publicized Wolverine Access much outside of the comput- ing sites, it is very popular. More than 175,000 accesses have been logged since the…

… f~ , F r z~ Wolverine Access allows students to obtain records and information. Richardson said. The Computer Aided Engineer- ing Network is also looking to make Wolverine Access available on its…

April 15, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…, Director led the institution's Department of Electrical and Computer Engi- neering and was a professor there since 1977. Director said he now looks forward to working at a larger, more research…

… Arslanovski, was able to Ommunicate Friday with her class- mates in Grand Rapids via the, Internet and a quickcam camera. "Personal computers can be a valu- able tool," Arslanovski said. "We can Bone…

… on their way to southern Lebanon and that they will strike Israel abroad as well. First woman to deliver Golden Apple lecture By Patience Atkin Daily Staff Reporter For any student who ever wondered…

… what the "f' word means, tonight's Golden Apple Award lecture may shed some light on the subject. Carol Boyd, this year's recipient of the Golden Apple Award, will deliver her ideal last lecture, titled…

… of Nursing, said she assumes that the "f' word refers to "feminism." "At least, that's what she said," Hinshaw said. Previous Golden Apple recipients in- clude English Prof. Ralph Williams, his- tory…

… Prof. Sidney Fine, chemistry Prof. Brian Cnnol n h~is torv Prof Tomn polls University students to select a Golden Apple winner. "It's a campuswide selection pro- cess," Kraut said. He said that this…

April 15, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

… administration," said Provost J. Bernard Machen. "She took on the toughest jobs and was able to solve prob- lems other people couldn't. Mann gives 'Apple' lecture Biology lecturer gets to 'the point' "We never…

… absent from his ideal last lecture. Mann, the recipient of the seventh annual Golden Apple Award for excellence in under- graduate teaching, mixed humor and serious- ness last night to move a crowd of…

… literature about the upcom- ing change to the public. "The new phone books will also list the prefixes that will be affected," Woodward said.' In the Ann Arbor community, num- increase in fax, computer and…

August 13, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 14) • Page Image 1

…, an investment by Microsoft of $150 million in non-voting Apple stock. In terms of how this consortium will affect the University, which uses both IBM and Macintosh computers, Jill Arnold, director of…

… ailing Apple [E By Christine M. Palk Daily Staff Reporter rvival of the fittest? rwin may have believed that only the fittest would succeed, but this may not be the case for Microsoft Corp. and Apple

Computer, Inc.. For the two major companies, which announced one of the biggest alliances in computer history last week, it is more of a symbiotic relationship. The agreement between the two compa- nies will…

… include a broad patent cross- licensing agreement, various versions of so are and applications for both the M ntosh and IBM-compatible computers, collaborations on Internet software and most significantly…

… working on so that we can use them for our benefit," she said. The arch-rivals reached the deal at 2 a.m. last Wednesday. Hours later, Apple director and co-founder Steve Jobs and Microsoft chair and CEO…

Apple to a much smaller market. Likewise, many loyal Mac users are con- fused, disappointed and wonder why Apple stooped to "begging" Microsoft for money. *terms: N MIcrosoft will invest…

… -....,.".."." $150 million in Apple. 8 Versions of software and applications for both Macs and IBM. Appl I Collaborations on Intemet software. So what are the benefits for both compa- nies? John Pinette, a Microsoft…

…- sidering our eight million customers who use the Mac platform," Pinette said. "We see our backing of Apple as necessary." In reality, the two companies have always been co-dependent behind the scenes - to…

January 21, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

… honors one University faculty member for teaching excellence with the Golden Apple Award. The recipient of the award, which is sponsored by Hillel and Apple Computers, then delivers a campuswide lecture…

…'s ludi- crous." Rep. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) made a point of spending an extended period of time with the press after the presentation. See PRESS, Page 7A Statistics prof. wins Golden Apple award…

…, reading the letter aloud to the class. "It is with great pleasure that SHOUT, Students Honoring Outstanding University Teaching, selects you as the 1999 recipi- ent of the Golden Apple Award." As the impact…

…. The Golden Apple Award recognizes University faculty "who go above and beyond the call of duty," said SHOUT adviser Sarah Musher of Hillel. See GUNDERSON, Page 5A DHANI JONES/Daily Statistics Prof…

…. Brenda Gunderson looks at the apple at the end of her teaching pointer er office in Mason Hall yesterday. Students Honoring Outstanding University WachIng selected Gunderson as this year's Golden Apple

February 26, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

… said. The remaining 1,400 computers will go to var- ious faculty departments and schools. The University purchased all the computers under deals made with four vendors - IBM, Dell, Apple and Compaq. The…

…I It C411V bUn Weather Today Partly Cloudy. High Tomorrow: Rain. High 50. 40. Low 24. One hundred eigfht year of editorzlifredom Friday February 26, 1999 ITD buys computers Students will…

… see more than $2 million in new and upgraded computer equipment after break By Kelly O'Connor Daily Staff Reporter When students return from spring break, they will find all new computers in the Angell…

… Hall Computing Site. The efforts are a part of the University's plan to upgrade its campus comput- ing resources - a project totaling more than $2 million. Provost Nancy Cantor has allocated money from…

computer labs on cam- pus, Griffiths said she was eager to extend the bargain prices to faculty and other University staff members. A similar initiative under discus- sion would allow students and other…

… members of the University community to purchase laptops at a discounted rate, Griffiths said. Dino Anastasia, manager of Information Technology Division Campus Computing Sites, said $1.4 million will go…

… directly to campus com- puting sites. Students will see benefits from the project, he said. "The $1.4 million allowed us to purchase over 600 new computers to be employed in sites around campus," Anastasia…

… University has an existing agreement with IBM called a strategic alliance program. Teaming up benefits both the University and IBM, See COMPUTERS, Page 2 Jeremy Menchik /D LSA senior Caroline Walker uses the…

computing site at Shapiro Undergraduate 13ry yesterday. iTD plans to upgrade more than $2 million in computers during the Spring Break this week. GEO Marching to the beat of a different drummer presents…

March 09, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

… drives. "However, it should be noted that Apple Computers no longer makes a computer with a floppy disk drive in it," Anastasia said. Nathalie Welch, a products spokesperson for the California-based Apple

… friends as her younger sister Maddie watches. The two were working In the Angell Hall Computing Site yesterday. Some studelt unhappy Wticomp,-uter upgrades~ By Nick Bunkley Daily Staff Reporter Information…

… Technology Division staff members spent Spring Break installing all new computers in the Angell Hall Computing Site, but not all students said they are happy with the changes. The site's new Macintosh…

computers do not have floppy disk drives - meaning students must find alternate methods to save and transfer their files. "Disk drives are an issue, in that there isn't one," said Karin Mayer, an Engineering…

… senior who was using one of the new Macintosh computers yesterday. Dino Anastasia, manager of ITD Campus Computing Sites, said he is aware that some students have com- plained about the lack of disk…

Computers, said the company decided to nix floppy disk drives in its newest line of Macintosh computers for several reasons. "The three main things that the flop- py disk drive was invented for are no longer…

…-mail provides a reli- able way to send files between sever- al computers, eliminating the need for a floppy disk. Another option for University stu- dents is storage space on the Institutional File System network…

…, which allots each student a private file directory accessible from any computer. The problem with IFS, said LSA senior Tibor Tuske, is that it is unreli- able and many students are unfamiliar with its use…

…. While writing a paper in the Angell Hall Computing Site yes- terday afternoon, Tuske said the com- puter he was using would not let him save to IFS. Anastasia said ITD is "in the See COMPUTERS, Page 7…

December 03, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

… Thanksgiving break, the computer system shut down for just under five hours, upgrading the e-mail for the University. Students, faculty and staff can now store twice the amount of e-mail in their accounts. The…

… is an added benefit at no additional cost," Griffiths said. ResComp also plans to help pro- tect their computers by turning them off before the millennium's dawn to lessen the electrical load in case…

… Callen, a salesperson at the Safe Sex Store on South University Avenue, said that college students don't seem embarrassed when buying methods of pro- Chem. lecturer wins Golden Apple By Lindsey Alpert…

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