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February 07, 1990 - Image 1

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Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom


1 Vo. C, No. 88

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, February 7, 1990

Copyrighto 1990
The Michigan Daily


Parties criticize


for cha
MOSCOW (AP) - Mikhail
Gorbachev's daring plan for ending
the party's monopoly on power
came under fire yesterday by
reformers who said it was not radical
enough and hard-liners who
denounced its repudiation of the past.
Gorbachev on Monday opened a
political session of the Central
Committee by proposing the party
be forced to compete with other
parties for the right to lead the
At yesterday's session, a majority
of members appeared opposed to
ending the party's constitutionally
guaranteed dominance, a participant
"The majority of members
believe that no laws and no changes
in the constitution should shut off
the authority of the party," said Ivan
Shinkevich, one of the participants.
But other participants and
observers said it appeared that a
majority of delegates to the 249-

nges in
member committee would indeed
approve Gorbachev's proposal to
change the constitution to eliminate
the party's leading role in society.
U.S. Analysts say this proposal
was made by Gorbachev in an effort
to keep ahead of a political avalanche
that was threatening to bury him.
Changing the Soviet constitution as
proposed by Gorbachev would ratify
but not unite opposition groups
scattered among the 15 Soviet
republics, the analysts predicted.
In the West, where Gorbachev's
popularity is high, "his proposal
will be interpreted as a show of great
skill, to enable him to prevail," said
Adam Ulam of Harvard University.
"But he is really trying to keep up
with a bolting horse."
"Of course he has to survive, in
the lack of any alternative. The right
does not want to take a chance at
cataclysm, by removing him," Ulam
said. "If they announced tomorrow
that Gorbachev was out, you would

have demonstrations in every
Russian city" and that would force
an unwanted test for the Red Army
and KBG security forces.
A crowd estimated at 200,000
marched through Red Square last
weekend demanding more democracy,
an indication of the growing pressure
on Kremlin leaders to hand over
more power to the people.
Some speakers at yesterday's
meeting criticized the platform as
too tame, saying it was "based on
old dogmas," said Alexander Fomin,
a coal miner who was at the
meeting. Coal miners have staged
strikes and have been among the
most vocal critics of the
"There were not enough radical
proposals to solve the party's
problems," Fomin said,
summarizing yesterday's debate
among the most vocal critics of the

Nursing sophomore Lisa Badalamenti pounds down a "Guzzler" soft drink while chilling out at Regents' Plaza.
MSA forms committee to

by Daniel Poux
Daily MSA Reporter
The Michigan Student Assembly
voted last night to establish a special
committee to mobilize student sup-
port against the administration's
proposed code of non-academic con-
The committee will be a subset
of MSA's Student Rights-Commis-
Many MSA representatives con-
sider University President James
Duderstadt's commitment to estab-
lishing a code, with or without stu-

dent input, a threat to student rights
on campus.
University officials have been at-
tempting to establish a code to con-
trol students' non-academic conduct
since 1973, but continued opposi-
tion from campus groups has stalled
their efforts.
Members of MSA and the dis-
solved University Council, a stu-
dent-advisory board to the adminis-
tration, met with Duderstadt last
Thursday to discuss the code. Duder-
stadt told the students if they did not
provide him with input on the code,

he would develop and implement a
conduct policy on his own.
"Basically, Duderstadt said we're
going to have a code, a comprehen-
sive code, and students can either
have some input or no input," said
Corey Dolgon, MSA Rackham rep-
resentative and former co-chair of tl1
LSA Junior Charles Dudley, new
chair of the Student Rights Com-
mission, said he has already begun
work on the newly formed commit-
tee and will be contacting various
student group leaders for their sup-

ight adn
port in the coming weeks.
"We're going to talk to other stu-
dent groups, and get a strong com-
mittee set up, and then take our fight
to the students," Dudley said.
Dudley plans to conduct forums
with student groups and canvas cam-
pus locations to solicit student sup-
port for the fight against the code.
Many MSA members praised
Dudley's efforts and pledged their
support for the new committee.
LSA Junior Susan Langnas, chair t-f
the Campus Governance Committee,
said she would volunteer for the new

inistration's code

body and stressed the importance of
student involvement in the formula-
tion of the code.
"The only way that the adminis-
tration isn't going to implement the
code is if the students speak out with
a very loud voice," she said.
Langnas said MSA needs to get
all students involved because of the
wide-ranging effects of the code.
"There are so many organizations
on campus that would be affected by
this code," she said. "Even the fra-
ternities and sororities. They drink
alcohol at their parties, and that is

only one student activity that could
be prohibited by the code."
But not all MSA representatives
were behind the new committee.
Engineering Senior Jeff Johnson said
he did not think it was wise to fight
the administration at this stage of
the game.
"As much as the left-wing would
like to fight the administration every
step of the way, I think it is impor-
tant that we are present there (at the
code consultations)," he said.

Baker supports the
inclusion of unified

Bill aims to curb
universities' sales

* Germany1
PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia (AP)
- Secretary of State James Baker,
trying to guide the drive to German
reunification, registered his support
yesterday for a plan that would keep
the country in NATO but bar West-
ern troops from moving into what is
now East Germany.
The proposal, advanced by West
German Foreign Minister Hans-Diet-
rich Genscher last week, also would
allow Soviet troops to remain in the
eastern region - at least at the out-
A senior U.S. official said the
drive to reunification has accelerated
to the point that the two Germanies
are likely to begin a process of eco-
nomic, political and legal integration
after East Germany holds national
elections March 18.
"The process of unification is
taking place on the ground right

now, and will continue to take place
at a quick pace," said the senior offi-
cial, traveling aboard Baker's plane
and commenting only on condition
he not be named.
Baker has lent support to the
general idea of unification without
publicly committing himself to any
specific approach. He has stressed
only that the country be in the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization and that
it evolve in a peaceful, step-by-step
His support for the Genscher
plan, therefore, could be significant.-
Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard
Shevardnadze, with whom Baker will
open four days of talks in Moscow
tonight, has called for an interna-
tional referendum, while expressing
concern over "the revival of sinister
shadows of the past.."
See GERMANY, page 2

by Noelle Vance
Daily Administration Reporter
Business people who feel univer-
sities are selling commercial goods
and services at unfairly low prices
are lobbying for a bill that would set
up a state commission to handle such
The bill, a revision of House Bill
4546 proposed by State Representa-
tive Margaret O'Conner (R-Ann Ar-
bor), aims to eliminate "unfair"
competition from universities which
sell goods such as computers, eye-
glasses, hearing aids or make-up.
The bill would create a governor-
appointed commission -composed
of state commerce department offi-
cials, university leaders, and busi-
ness people - to hear charges made
against universities. Either nine or
eleven people would sit on the
The original bill mandated uni-
versities not sell goods at a
"substantially lower price than the
market price," but gave no indication
of how much lower was
Under the revised bill the com-
mission would provide a means for
determining the definition of sub-
stantial on a case by case basis.
If passed, the revised bill could
affect the University of Michigan's
sales of Apple computers and acces-

The University holds a contract
with Apple Computer Inc. which al-
lows it to purchase computers
wholesale and sell them to students,
faculty and staff for the purchase
price plus a handling charge.
Such a contract allows the Uni-
versity to bypass local retailers and
has received criticism from retailers
who feel their business is hurt by the
University officials say the com-
puter sales give students a chance to
buy an "educational tool" they may
not be able to afford otherwise.
But sponsors of the bill say the
University isn't just selling com-
puters to students.
"Anyone can get one... you're
aunt, uncle or anyone," O'Conner
said. "If I wanted to get a computer,
I could get one," she said.
The revised bill defines specific
areas in which universities can sell
goods. Such areas include: housing
food service, goods with university
insignias, and "anything directly re-
lated to a teaching or researching ac-
The revision of the bill should be
finalized this week, O'Conner said.
The bill will be presented to the
Subcommittee on Colleges and Uni.
versities for a hearing.

Senate to vote on
abortion consent bill

Lansing (AP) - The stage is set
for another vote in the Senate on a
bill requiring minors to obtain
parental consent for an abortion after
a panel yesterday dropped a provision
to allow exceptions if suicide is
The Senate Human Resources and
Senior Citizens Committee approved
the measure on a 4-1 vote with little
discussion. Sen. Fred Dillingham
(R-Fowlerville) said the full Senate

measure, but Dilingham said even
though the Senate would vote to
override, it likely will never get to
that point because an override in the
House is improbable.
"I would say we're close,"
Dillingham said.
The measure, which passes both
the House and the Senate earlier in
different forms, would require a girl
17 or under to have a parent's con-
sent for abortion.

Winterfest is comingS
Ann Arbor Heights youth pack columns of snow that will be used to cre-
ate ice sculptures. As a part of Ann Arbor's annual Winterfest, the ice
sculptures will be erected all over town.

Bush encourages troops to remain on the defensive

FORT IRWIN, Calif. (AP) -
President Bush told U.S. troops tak-
ing part in war games yesterday that
political proposals by Soviet Presi-
dent Mikhail S. Gorbachev are en-

Democrats, contend that Bush's mil-
itary budget ignores the dismantling
of the Communist empire.
Bush told the soldiers the U.S.
Army "the premier land force in the

"We've never stopped a battle be-
fore to listen to the president on the
radio," joked Army Col. Michael
Ryan, chief of plans and operation.
Bush, in his first remarks on

of smoke emerging from tank
columns, saw bursts of artillery
shells and saw planes sweeping low
to provide air cover over the dessert
valley floor.

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