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April 15, 1997 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-04-15

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One hundred six years ofeditorialfreedom

April 15, 1997

provost dies
BKatie Wang
)aly Staff Reporter
The University lost one of its most prized administrators
Sunday night to a five-year battle with lymphomic cancer.
Susan Lipschutz, associate provost for academic affairs,
died Sunday at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital in Ann Arbor.
Lipschutz, 53, fought a courageous battle against the ill-
ness, which required her to receive a bone marrow trans-
plant two years ago.
"Susan was one of the most important people in the
1ersity administration," said Provost J. Bernard Machen.
"She took on the toughest jobs and was able to solve prob-
lems other people couldn't.

Mann gives
'Apple' lecture
Biology lecturer gets to 'the point'

"We never thought of her as ill,"
Machen added. "She never, ever com-
plained about her personal problems."
As an administrator, Lipschutz's
impact extended beyond the confines
of the Fleming Administration
Building, serving as a mentor to
female administrators, faculty and
graduate students.
, In October 1994, Lipschutz and Vice
Provost for Health Affairs' Rhetaugh
Dumas formed a group called the Senior
Women Administrators - a network
aqd support group for senior female

By Janet Adamy
Daily Staff Reporter
Although biology lecturer Eric Mann is usu-
ally consumed with his subject matter, proteins
and nucleotides were absent from his ideal last
Mann, the recipient of the seventh annual
Golden Apple Award for excellence in under-
graduate teaching, mixed humor and serious-
ness last night to move a crowd of
nearly 400 to their feet for a standing
In his lecture, titled "The Point,"
Mann reminded students to step
back from their lives inside the class-
room and keep in mind what really
matters in life.«
"Most of you are going to go on to
MDs, Ph.D.s, MBAs," Mann said. "I
think you're going to find that that's not
going to be enough.
"Are you able to touch people?," Mann asked
the audience as he held the hand of a student he
had brought up on stage. "That is the point."
Mann opened the lecture joking about the
string of bad luck he encountered when he first
came to Ann Arbor from the University of
California at Davis in 1991.
On a more serious note, he said that breaking
his arm and seeing his mother develop
Alzheimer's disease brought him to grand real-

"I no longer took my body or my mind for
granted," Mann said. "These are very precious
commodities that we often take for granted."
After talking about "four archetypical stu-
dents," Mann's lecture became more serious
when he read passages from the Bible to illus-
trate the point that the "confused student" has
existed throughout all of history.
"I don't think you should expect your answer
about whether you should go to medical
school or grad school to be any more
than that," Mann said after telling a
Bible story in which a prophet sits
through earthquakes and volcanoes
only to receive a sign from God in
the form of a whisper.
"The really important things happen
quietly," Mann Said
LSA senior Anya Rose said the lecture
left her "speechless."
"I think it's somewhat important for people
here to remember his message because we tend
to get lost in the academic stuff and forget the
point," Rose said.
LSA junior Rob Cohen called the lecture
"He showed not so much how he cared about
the subject matter but how he cares about the
people he teaches," Cohen said. "He teaches
not just to fulfill himself but more to reach out
to his students:'
See LECTURE, Page 7


"We counted on Susan to go to bat for women's issues
behind the scenes in the Fleming building," said Connie
Cook, director of the Center for Research, Learning and
Teaching. "Everyone respected her intelligence, grace and
d macy. We will miss her greatly."
Katharine Soper, an executive assistant in the provost's
office, described her as "gracious, caring and very confident."
"She was always willing to talk to people and she had a
wonderful sense of humor that would come up in subtle ways
that would make you smile" Soper said. "She'd been in frag-
ile health, but she's such a trooper"
Lipschutz continued to report to work even though she was
ill. When she finished her day's work at Fleming on Friday
evening, she left with the good news that her appointment as
associate provost would be renewed at this week's meeting of
t University Board of Regents.
er colleagues reported nothing unusual about Lipschutz
on Friday afternoon, which made the news of her death espe-
cially shocking to those who worked with her.
"She had gone for treatment Friday morning, but she was
in great spirits," Soper said. "She was just her usual self."
Lipschutz received a Ph.D. in philosophy from the
University in 1969. She attended Smith College for her
undergraduate education.
Her academic teaching career began at the University of
Denver, where she taught in the philosophy department. In
1 , she returned to the University and served as an assis-
ta to former President Harold Shapiro until 1986.
She was named associate Rackham dean in 1986 and was
promoted to senior associate dean in 1989. She also taught as
an adjunct associate professor of philosophy during that time.
In 1993, she was named assistant vice provost for academ-
ic affairs, where she worked to strengthen training programs
for graduate student instructors and examined the experi-
ences of first-year students.
"She really cared about the students," said Vice President
for Student Affairs Maureen Hartford. "Her own education
meant so much to her that she worked hard to help students
r*h the goals they set for themselves."
Services will be held at 3:30 p.m. today at the Ira Kaufman
Chapel in Southfield. Memorial contributions may be made to
the Susan Lipschutz Fund for Women Graduate Students at the
dean's office in Rackham,

Biology lecturer Eric Mann gives his speech, "The Point," in Rackham Auditorium
last night. Mann received the Golden Apple Award for his teaching skills.

Menit-based scholawrships on the rise

Search for quality
students drives up
merit-based dollars
By Chris Metinko
Daily Staff Reporter
For students who excelled in high
school and aced college entry exams, uni-
versities are more willing than ever to
show you the money.
Results in a new book, "The Student
Aid Game," show that merit-based schol-
arship money is on the rise at many insti-
"It is more important than ever to be
able to attract top students," said Morton
Schapiro, a dean at the University of
Southern California and co-author of
"The Student Aid Game." It is this objec-
tive that drives schools to give more
merit-based scholarships today, Schapiro
Between 1983-91, merit-based scholar-
ships to first-year students at public uni-
versities grew an average of 12 percent
annually, according to Schapiro's book.

Private colleges' rate of increase is slight-
ly higher at 13 percent.
Need-based scholarships also experi-
enced growth, 10 percent yearly at private
institutions and 6 percent at public.
Al Hermsen, assistant director of finan-
cial aid at the University, said Michigan
has seen an increase in merit-based schol-
arship dollars since the mid-80s, but he
was unsure about the increase's precise
"Merit scholarships have increased -
not by leaps and bounds, but an increase,"
said Hermsen.
However, some are concerned that this
increase in merit-based dollars is taking
away money from those in need.
"Sure, that is the big worry," Schapiro
said. But he said he feels the students who
get these scholarships can have a lot of
positive effects on colleges and universi-
Schapiro did say however, that these
effects could be minimized if the institu-
tion had a completely separate honors col-
Students said they are also concerned
that some might be deprived of an educa-

tion. But, they said, if students have
earned scholarships, they should receive
"I think it should be a concern, but peo-
ple should be rewarded for doing well,"
said LSA senior Leah Gershon.
However, Gershon said she sees a
potential problem if a student may be
deprived of coming to school if merit-
based scholarships cut into the funding
for need-based scholarships.
LSA sophomore Steven Neid said the
funding for some scholarships should not
slice into funding for others.
"I think they ought to be able to find a
balance between (merit- and need-based
scholarships)," Neid said.
Neid said that perhaps merit-based
scholarships should have some amount of
need involved.
Hermsen said some scholarships at the
University combine merit and need,
depending on the relevant scholarship and
the required criteria set for it.
LSA junior Kevin Fisher said that
instead of putting need into merit-based
scholarships, maybe universities should
put merit into need-based ones.

"I think the need-based scholarships
should have the merit along with it,"
Fisher said. "Scholarships should go more
to people who need it as long as they
merit it."
Fisher also said that instead of giving
large merit-based scholarships to those
who are not in need, universities should
instead give prestige-centered scholar-
ships, whose reputation is worth more
than its value.

A smokefiled room

Ann Arbor to get
new area code

By Meg Exiey
Daily Staff Reporter
The 313 area code in part of Ann
Arbor will go the way of the rotary
phone starting this December.
Effective Dec. 13, 1997, the 313 area
code used with most local phone num-
bers will change to 734.
Brandy Woodward, a sales repre-
sentative for Ameritech, said it is con-
ceivable that some regions will be
separated into two different zones
after the change.
"Changes in area codes do not go by
city or towns," Woodward said.
"However, at this point in time, it appears
that most University phone numbers will
be affected by the change."
Woodward said Ameritech has
already sent literature about the upcom-
ing change to the public.
"The new phone books will also list
the prefixes that will be affected,"
Woodward said.'
In the Ann Arbor community, num-

increase in fax, computer and pager
numbers in recent years.
"We are simply running out of num-
bers in the old area code," Woodward
said. "By changing to the new area
code, we will open up access to more
Woodward said the area code change
will not affect telephone rates.
"We want everyone to realize that
phone numbers that are local now will
still be local after then change,"
Woodward said.
Most University students said the
area code change is a surprise to them.
"This is the first time I have heard
about it," said Engineering junior
Charles Garnett. "I don't think it will be
a big problem, though."
Woodward said that when the 734
area code goes into effect in December,
callers will be able to use the old or new
area code until July 25, 1998 "for the
sake of transition."
She said that after July 25, it will be

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