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April 15, 1996 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1996-04-15

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Tonight: Light rain likely.
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One. hundred five years of editoril freedom


April 15, 1996

°I 1, C IR A~ Alb lo, .A; ,M a-~fhV

By Jodi Cohen
Daily Staff Reporter
Johnnetta Cole, a black woman pioneer in
higher education, will address the class of
1996 at the May commencement ceremonies,
sources in the University administration con-
firmed yesterday.
'ole, the president of Spelman College, has
led the all-female black institution since 1987,
guiding it into the ranks of prestigious institu-
tions. She also is the first black female presi-
dent of Spelman, a liberal arts institution in
Atlanta, with an enrollment of 2,000.
Lester Monts, the University's vice provost
for academic and multicultural affairs, said
Cole has led the college to new heights, both
financially and academically.
"It is one of the leading HBCUs (historically
*ck colleges and universities) in the coun-
try," Monts said. "She has certainly contrib-
uted to the development of the institution."
Monts said it is appropriate that Cole speak
to University graduates because she is an ex-
ample of an influential academician.
"She is a leading scholar. That is the caliber
of individuals we invite to speak," Monts said.
"She is highly visible nationally on speaking
out about higher education. She will have a
great deal to say and a lot that our graduates
1 be able to use as seeds for thought as they

pres. to speak at commencement

move into their various places in society."
Pending approval by the University Board
of Regents, Cole will be among seven people
bestowed with honorary degrees. Usually about
four or five receive this honor. Last year,
Marian Wright-Edelman, a politically liberal
black woman who heads the Children's De-
fense Fund, spoke at graduation.
Cole already has re-
ceived about 30 honor-
ary degrees from univer
sities nationwide. Last
year, she spoke at the ditInguh
University of North
Carolina's graduation. eductor
The University's hon-
orary degree committee extreme!
sifts through nomina-
tions, which are submit- regarded
ted throughout the year.
The committee then
makes its recommenda- Graduate stui
tions and President
James Duderstadt picks the speaker from
among the candidates.
Assistant Dean of Graduate Studies Homer
Rose, who works for the committee, said Cole
is highly respected nationwide.
"She is a distinguished educator and ex-
tremely well-regarded," Rose said. "I under-


stand she is a very compelling speaker."
Sources said Cole's nomination was ap-
proved about a year ago, but the degree was
postponed until May, which was the most
convenient time for Cole to visit Ann Arbor.
Cole graduated from Oberlin College in
1957 with a sociology degree. She then earned
her master's degree and doctorate in anthro-
pology at Northwestern
a Cole has written two
anthropology textbooks
lied and has published other
books in anthropology,
nd anthropological educa-
Swell.tion, African American
studies and women's
Among her other ac-
- Homer Rose tivities, Cole chairs the
ies sst.dean board of the Department
es asst. dean of Education's Fund for
the Improvement of Post
Secondary Education. She also served on Presi-
dent Clinton's transition team as cluster coor-
dinator for Education, Labor, and the Arts and
Michigan Student Assembly President Flint
Wainess said he had some reservations about
See SPEAKER, Page 2A

entres to speak
By Jodi Cohen
Daily Staff Reporter
It took RC senior Marian Fiona Bouch 40
minutes to write the speech that the University's
class of 1996 graduates will hear May 4.
"It's an opportunity to say a final farewell to
the University," Bouch said. "My years here
have been so good."
Bouch said she was surprised when she found
out she would be speaking at Michigan Stadium.
"For someone who is about to give a speech,
I was actually speechless," Bouch said.
LSA junior Dan Serota, who serves on the
five-member committee that chooses the student
speaker, said 15 students submitted speeches.
"We read them over and came up with the
top choices," he said. "It was clear which had
more support than others."
The selection committee consists of two
students, two staff and one faculty member.
Serota said the committee judged the
speeches on "wording, how it sounded, how it
would impact the student body."
Bouch, who will be the University's third

at gduation
student to speak at a commencement, also ad-
dressed her high school graduating class.
"This is something more collegiate and sophisti-
cated," she said. "It is kind ofa reminiscence on the
traditions and the responsibilities that graduates
from here carry. I ask people to consider what it
means to graduate from the U-M."
Bouch, who is from Bloomfield Hills, will
graduate with a bachelor's degree in European
Cultural Studies.
Michigan Student Assembly President Flint
Wainess said students should have a greater role in
the selection process.
"Students should know they are not emipowered
to pick their own speaker," he said. "Instead,-not
surprisingly, a committee made up of a majority of
administrators select the speaker."
Wainess said administrators may want a differ-
ent type of speech than students would choose.
"When administrators select our speaker, they
typically select speeches that don't have a chat-
lenging message," Wainess said. "They select
speeches that essentially say 'Go Blue' and are
fconformist, status quo speeches."

Commitee picks student from 15

'U' taps Carnegie
Mellon dean for
By Jodi Cohen
Daily Staff Reporter
Stephen Director, Engineering dean at Carnegie Mellon
University, will serve as the next leader of the University's
College of Engineering.
Director's appointment, which will begin July 1, marks the
end of a yearlong search process. The selection only needs
the approval of the University Board of Regents at this
gek's meeting. "He is regarded as one of, ifnot the top,
sitting dean of Engineering. He was the
first choice of the search committee. We
recruited him very hard," said Provost J.
Bernard Machen.
Machen said 183 candidates were
nominated for the position. About 15
received interviews and five made it to
the final selection.
Machen said that Director, who has
served as dean at the eighth-ranked engi-
Director neering school since 1991, will bring
years of experience to the job. Before
being appointed as Carnegie Mellon's dean, Director led the
institution's Department of Electrical and Computer Engi-
neering and was a professor there since 1977.
Director said he now looks forward to working at a larger,
more research-centered university.
"It will be nice to be part of an organization that is
progressing rapidly and moving into the future," Director
said Friday.
Adnan Akay, a Carnegie Mellon Engineering professor,
the college will miss Director's leadership.
"He is an outstanding dean," Akay said. "He has all the
best qualities that go along with being a leader. "
Machen said Director, 52, is nationally recognized as a
See DEAN, Page 2A
brings new
Erena Baybik -
ly Staff Reporter
On the seventh floor of C.S. Mott
Children's Hospital lies a little girl who
participated in a video-conferencing ex-
periment last week that may allow bone
marrow transplantees to break the iso-
lation that their disease imposes on them
Bone-marrow recipient Jill Boumen,
with the help of University Nursing'
student Adem Arslanovski, was able to
Ommunicate Friday with her class-
mates in Grand Rapids via the, Internet
and a quickcam camera.
"Personal computers can be a valu-
able tool," Arslanovski said. "We can Bone-marrow recip
use this low-cost tool to improve the from her room at C
quality of life for the patient."

Bombings force
Lebanese exodus

Los Angeles Times
TYRE, Lebanon - Fear-stricken
residents driven by the threat of Israeli
bombings fled this city by the tens of
thousands yesterday, swelling
Lebanon's refugee population to more
than 400,000 in the latest stage of an
escalating Israeli campaign to force the
Lebanese government to rein in
Hezbollah guerrillas.
This southern port city was turned
into a desolate zone of closed shops and
vacant streets after Israel issued an ex-
traordinary overnight warning that the

security sources said. Since Thursday,
at least 27 people have been killed and
about 80 injured by Israeli forces in
Lebanon. Hezbollah rocket attacks on
northern Israel in the past week have
killed one person and injured more
than 40.
"Our house has been demolished.
We were already hiding on the road last
night when it happened," said Manifi
Ataway, a 65-year-old refugee of the
village of Sawaneh, clutching her 2-
year-old granddaughter tightly.
"Frustration, pain and torture," she

city of 250,000
had been addedto
the target list for
attack jets and he-
licopters seen fly-
ing overhead.
The exodus
came as an array
of artillery,
planes and heli-
copter gunships
kept up Israel's
pressure on Ira-

We were
already hiding on
the road last night
when it happened."
- Manifi Ataway
Refugee of Sawaneh

said bitterly at
the thought of
second time;
the family also
fled an Israeli
invasion in
1982. "We are
being tor-
"We are not
happy to see

Props and projections
Residential College students perform "Your Silence Will Not Protect You," a multimedia
production dealing with women and illness using simple stage props and projected images.

nian-backed Hezbollah guerrillas -
who have been rocketing northern Is-
rael - and the rest of Lebanon for a
fourth day. The conflict expanded with
the first attack on a government power
plant that was seen as symbolizing
Lebanon's nascent efforts to rebuild
after its long and devastating civil
The strike was "just a hint of what we
can do," Israeli air force chief Herzl
Bodinger said.
All told, three civilians died and
seven were wounded in Israeli raids
and shelling yesterday in Beirut, the
-kaa Valley and southern Lebanon,

people abandoning the villages, but we
had no choice," said Israeli Chief of
Staff Lt. Gen. Amnon Lipkin-Shahak,
briefing reporters on the day's opera-
tions. "The Lebanese regime will have
to decide who is in control, whether
Hezbollah is in control. The Lebanese
in general will have to decide how they
want to live."
Hezbollah's leader, Sheik Hassan
Nasrallah, pledged that his movement
would respond to the campaign by turn-
ing Israel into a "fiery hell." He said
300 suicide bombers are on their way to
southern Lebanon and that they will
strike Israel abroad as well.

First woman to deliver
Golden Apple lecture

By Patience Atkin
Daily Staff Reporter
For any student who ever wondered
what the "f' word means, tonight's
Golden Apple Award lecture may shed
some light on the subject.
Carol Boyd, this year's recipient of
the Golden Apple Award, will deliver
her ideal last lecture, titled, "The Smoke
and the 'F' Word: Women and Health,"
tonight. Boyd is an associate professor
of nursing and women's studies.
Although Boyd could not be reached
for comment, Ada Sue Hinshaw, dean of
the School of Nursing, said she assumes
that the "f' word refers to "feminism."
"At least, that's what she said,"
Hinshaw said.
Previous Golden Apple recipients in-
clude English Prof. Ralph Williams, his-
tory Prof. Sidney Fine, chemistry Prof.
Brian Cnnol n h~is torv Prof Tomn

polls University students to select a
Golden Apple winner.
"It's a campuswide selection pro-
cess," Kraut said. He said that this year,
approximately 600-700 nominations
were received.
"(The decision is based on) a combi-
nation of who has the most votes and
who has the best responses on them,"
Kraut said. "Carol Boyd was one of the
professors with the most votes, and the
most wonderful things said about her."
Hinshaw said that although Boyd is
fairly new to the University, she is not
surprised at Boyd's award. "I've had an
opportunity to hear faculty and students
speak about her enthusiasm," she said.
Jenna Buan, an LSA senior who will
introduce Boyd tonight, agreed. "She is
very enthusiastic about her class as far
as the information she's teaching as
well as her stuidents," said Buan, who

lent Jill Boumen teleconferences with members of her Grand Rapids elementary school class last week
C.S. Mott Children's Hospital with Nursing student Adem Arslanovski.

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