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April 15, 1996 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1996-04-15

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A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 15, 1996


Few U.S. citizens
left in Liberia
WASHINGTON (AP)-The U.S. military evacuated one
more helicopter full of Americans yesterday from volatile
Monrovia as an open-ended airlift plan continued with few
. .S. citizens remaining in Liberia.
"We do not consider this evacuation to be over because we
haven't been able to get hold of every American and find out
ytheirintentions," said a State Department official who spoke
on condition of anonymity.
."Our view is the situation is very fluid still."
But no more evacuation flights out of Monrovia were
immediately scheduled, according to the Pentagon. And only
. 18 government workers and Marines were left to guard the
U.S. Embassy complex amid a tenuous cease-fire.
"It's been a successful operation so far in terms of pulling
'people out," said Lt. Col. Roger Kaplan, a Pentagon spokes-
man. "It's a fairly stable situation for Americans. But I
wouldn't want to be a Liberian right now."
.No injuries were reported among Americans, who U.S.
officials said were not targeted by rebels more intent on
looting and searching for food and shelter.
One helicopter was called upon yesterday to evacuate a
group of 30 to 35 Americans "who changed their minds about
leaving" or who simply turned up at the embassy, Kaplan said.
Other Americans might have decided to stay or make their
own way out of Liberia, according to the State Department
official. "We just don't have any reliable figures about how
many Americans might be left."
The evacuation was the third U.S. military rescue opera-
tion in this decade triggered by civil war in Liberia.

Continued from Page 1A
the University's choice.
"I am sure that Johnnetta Cole is a moving speaker, but
I harbor concerns that the selection process focuses more
on the ideology than the stature of the speaker," Wainess
He also added that the commencement speech serves a
dual role.
"It should both draw attention to the University of Michi-
gan and serve as food for thought for graduates," he said.
"Johnnetta Cole might meet one of those stipulations, but she
doesn't meet both."
Adye Bel Evans, a Spelman graduate who now works as a
librarian at the University's Institute for Social Research,
said Cole is an accomplished individual.
"She has put Spelman in the news. She has good rapport
with students and she attempts to keep an open-door policy
with students," the class of 1963 graduate said.
"Our Spelman graduates can stand toe-to-toe with gradu-
ates from any school in the country."
Although Evans did not attend Spelman during Cole's
presidency, she said she knows many students who have
been at the college during Cole's tenure. She also said there
are about 20 Spelman graduates currently living in Ann
Spelman is the sister school of Moorehouse, a prestigious
all-black male college in Atlanta, which Martin Luther King
Jr. attended.
RC senior Marian Fiona Bouch, who has been selected
the student speaker at commencement, said Cole is a role
model, even though many students may not recognize her
"I think if she delivers a speech that is as impressive as her
bio, people will leave impressed," Bouch said.

Continued from Page 2A
"Besides, it's nice to see them glitter
with hope,"
Friday's video conference lasted 45
minutes. Boumen, 12, said she was over-
whelmed with the prospect of seeing
her classmates for the first time in more
than a year. "It's hard - you have to go
through a lot of things, like being sick a
lot," Boumen said. "At least I can talk to
my friends now - it will be easier for
me to talk to them."
Jill's mother, Debbie, said she was
excited but nervous about the proce-
dure. "It was kind of funny because I
didn't know what to expect," Debbie
Boumen said. "It's neat. It would be
interesting to see if they could do this
on a daily basis. I wonder if it could
even help them get better ifthey weren't
feeling so isolated."
Debbie Boumen said it's often diffi-
cult for Jill because she's restricted to
one room and can not leave for any
reason. "It's hard, you know, being
surrounded by the same four walls, es-
pecially when she's used to playing and
just being a kid."
Jill was diagnosed with a rare type
of leukemia the day before Thanks-
giving last year. She had a bone mar-
row transplant March 7 of this year
and has not left her seventh-floor room
at Mott.

inton tp to emphasize secur
WASHINGTON - President Clinton traveled to Japan three years ago as a
tough-talking trade warrior. He returns to Asia this week in a markedly differeni
role: America's reassuring commander-in-chief.
Security problems - not trade disputes - lead the president's agenda or his
weeklong, round-the-world journey.
Clinton, who left Washington late last night, is stopping briefly in South-Korea
before a three-day state visit to Japan. Then he will fly on to Russia for a sung
dealing with threats to nuclear safety.
"The president will confront some of the oldest and newest challenges to the
security of our nation, from the last unresolved problem of the Cold War -
stability on the Korean peninsula - to one of the most urgent new threats we face
- nuclear smuggling," Secretary of State Warren Christopher said.
It is a trip designed to fill an election-year scrapbook with photos of Bill Clinton
being president, showing off his leadership skills.
The intended message is one of Clinton skillfully dealing with world leaders on
vital security issues, not squabbling over divisive trade matters.
Reinforcing the administration's theme, the trip comes amid troubling tensions
on the Korean peninsula and just weeks after China's menacing missile testsf
"Americans will see him representing the United States in important parts oU
world," said Brookings Institution political scientist Thomas Mann.

Continued from Page 1A
leader in undergraduate engineering
education. In addition to serving as the
University's Engineering dean, he also
will work as a tenured professor of
electrical engineering and computer
"He is very interested in undergradu-
ate education and we think he can pro-
vide leadership in the area of under-
graduate educa-
tion and research," I thjni
Machen said.
Engineering really a s
Prof. Glenn Knoll
has served as the leader.
University's in-
terim dean since - E
November 1994, Busine
after former dean
Peter Banks stepped down. Banks now
heads the Environmental Research In-
stitute of Michigan, a nonprofit organi-
zation based in Ann Arbor.
Business School Dean B. Joseph
White said Director is a "wonderful
choice." White, along with other Uni-
versity deans, met Director during the
interview process.
"I am delighted to hear he was ap-
pointed," White said. "I think he's re-


ally a strong leader."
White also said he expects that Di-
rector will be a team player, helping to
unite the University's many schools,
"There is a lot of teamwork across
the deans," he said. "We don't work in
isolation. We want a person who is
going to reach out and partner with us."
Director said he predicts that tech-
nology will play an even greater role in
the engineering program under his lead-
"We are going to see a much greater
use of technology
h@! in the delivery of
education, and the
technology will
be used in a num-
ber of ways," he
said, citing the re-
Joseph White cent creation of
s School dean the Media Union
on North Campus.
LSA Dean Edie Goldenberg said
Director will bring a new perspective to
University issues, especially in terms
of undergraduate education and inter-
disciplinary thinking.
"I am impressed with his vision and
energy andhis interest," Goldenberg said.
Director said some of his goals in-
clude increasing minority and female
enrollment to make the College of En-
gineering more diverse.

U.S. to give back 1/5
of land on Okinawa
TOKYO - The U.S. military will
give back to Okinawa about 20 percent
of the island property it uses for train-
ing, but only a small number of Ameri-
can troops will be withdrawn, Defense
Secretary William Perry said yester-
The land return is the biggest since
the United States relinquished control
of the island in 1972. Okinawa was
captured by U.S. forces during World
War II and remains a key to projecting
U.S. air, sea and land power in the
"We have in no way backed off from
our view that the U.S. military presence
... in Japan, in Okinawa, is critical to
security in the region," Perry said in an
interview aboard his plane en route to
Tokyo from Washington.
Later, in brief remarks before a meet-
ing yesterday at the official residence of
Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto, Perry
said the United States was determined to
make its military presence on Okinawa

Perry said.


Rancher defies
Freemen land claim
JORDAN, Mont. - A rancher ig-
nored a threat from the Freemen anc
moved his cattle yesterday onto state-
owned land claimed by the anti-gov-
emnment group.
In an unrelated development, an FBI
agent on duty outside the Freemen c
pound was killed yesterday when
truck he was driving slid offa muddy din
road and overturned. He was identified
as Kevin Kramer of Sioux City, Iowa.
The Freemen had sent notices to sev-
eral ranchers who lease government
land in the area for grazing, warning
that if they used the land this spring
they would be tried ina Freeman cour
and punished.

less of a burden on local citizens.
"These actions taken on Okinawa
are important, but even more impor-
tant, they are the path to revitalizing
the entire security relationship be-
tween the United States and Japan,"

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Pope calls for peace
Sto occur or
Cbrisas, Muslims
TUNIS, Tunisia-On a lightning visit
here carefully scripted to accommodate
his frailty and avoid offending Islamic
hosts, Pope John Paul II called yesterday
for peaceful dialogue between Muslims
and Christians in North Africa.
The pope was the perfect guest in re-
marks to welcoming government offi-
cials, saving his concerns about Islamic
fundamentalism for his meeting with lead-
ers of the tiny Roman Catholic commu-
nity in a nation of 8.5 million Muslims.
He urged prelates to maintain,con-
stancy and faith in the face of Islamic
extremism that is thinning Christian
ranks across the Middle East.
"Where violence and discord are un-
leashed, be messenger of the peace that
comes from God and from reconciliation.
... No one can kill in the name of God. No
one can accept bringing death upon his
brother," the pope said. "Despite difficul-
ties and incomprehension, go forth to

meet your brothers and sisters withou
distinction of origin or religion."
The 75-year-old pope moved slowly
but firmly through a carefully plannec
10-hour visit. He limped slightly bu
eschewed his cane, delivering six
French-language addresses.
Russia to withdraw
pardA in Checbny
MOSCOW -- Russian troops wil
begin withdrawing from stable areas
of breakaway Chechnya today, their
commander said yesterday, but per-
sistent fighting and a protracted-time
table for the pullout suggested tha
the announcement was aimed at
ating an illusion of progress toward
A neutral emissary working to ar
range negotiations between Presiden
Boris Yeltsin and Chechen warlord
Gen. Dzhokar Dudayev characterized
the situation in the 16-month-old wa
as hopelessly deadlocked, reporting
that the rebels are in full control and
Russian soldiers are "totally demor
- From Daily wire serv

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CALENDAR: Matt Buckley.
EDITORIAL Adrienne Janney, Zachary M. Ralmi, Editors
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STAFF: Shavannia Anderson-Williams, Chris Barry. Mary Coles, Alexis Costinew, Bryan Freeman, Stephanie Hu. Keith Litwin.



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