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November 11, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

…Tuesday, November 11, 2008 Ann Arbor, Michigan THE ECONOMY AND THE 'U' Faculty focused on retirement accounts Group handling 'U' pensions says number of callers is up 60 percent from last year By STEPHANIE BERLIANT Daily StaffReporter Despite the massive losses suffered on Wall Street in the past six weeks, the retirement plans for Uni- versity faculty and staff have weathered the economic storm fairly well, officials said...…

November 11, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 49) • Page Image 2

…2A - Tuesday, November 11, 2008 The Michigan Daily - 2A - Tuesday, November 11, 2008 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Laying down the law of ping pong At about1 a.m.this Saturday, agroup offreshmenguyswas playingpingpong in the Baits I recreational center. They were so consumed with their heated game, in fact, that none of them noticed the visitor who had quietly joined them. Eventually, their concentration was inter...…

November 11, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 49) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - michigandaily:cam Tuesday, November 11, 2008 - 3A The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Tuesday, November11, 2008 - 3A NEWS BRIEFS WASILLA, Alaska Pali blames Bush policies for GOP defeat Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, amid speculation she'll run for presi- dent in four years, blamed Bush administration policies for the defeat last week of the GOP ticket and prayed she wouldn't miss "an open door" for her next political oppor...…

November 11, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 49) • Page Image 4

…4A - Tuesday, November 11, 2008 The Michigan Daily - I c, Iicl ig n ail Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St Ann Arbor, MI 48109 ANDREW GROSSMAN EDITOR IN CHIEF GARY GRACA EDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR GABE NELSON MANAGING EDITOR I know obesity is a big problem, and it's good the school cares, (but) at the same time, you shouldn't stop a kid from buying ...…

November 11, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 49) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 112008 -SA Diners and tattoos: the art of Americana Lions and tigers and giraffes and zebras and planes and penguins and Borat, oh my! A family formula went to Lucky Monkey tattoo parlor the other day to watch a friend get tattooed, while munching on the hippie hash (an ungodly-hour snack consisting of hash browns, random assorted ' veggies and feta cheese) I'd W bought from the Fle...…

November 11, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 49) • Page Image 6

…6A- Tuesday, November 11, 2008 the michigan daily The Michigan Daily - 6 PARKING SPOT AVAIL. immed. on OURAPARTMENTS INCLUDE central campus. 734-741-9300 Heat& water Excellent maintenance Great location " FREEFOD' FREE wireless internet 24hr attendant J >i s THE BEST OF ! 4 BDRM. Adorable Abode, 2 baths2 furn., dishwasher, free laundry, free 734-761-2680 parking, Fall '09. Hill St ., $2400/4 or Univern ly~wern-mcan $2500/5...…

November 11, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 49) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 11, 2008 - 7A " With Obama set to take office, labor unions compile wish list Judge: White House needs to recover millions of e-mails HE the uni WAS labor u Obama . looking Labo ing pre Democ include unions, worker hibitin nently and exf Gett busines walk in Still, they'll Bill Cli 12 year the Wh Back cal Le employ leave to es or p. in the e ton ad and the over tl Trade tion on ulti...…

November 11, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 49) • Page Image 8

…6 8A - Tuesday, November 11, 2008 # ) The Michigan Daily - focus on Tech game By ANDY REID nament will take place next week. Daily Sports Editor "But that being said, we can't take any game lightly, because if we lose, Just five days after the Michigan it's over with. So we have to worry State basketball team lost an exhi- about Michigan Tech right now." bition game to Division II Grand The Huskies couldn't muster a Valley S...…

November 11, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 49) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 11, 2008 - 9A "That's how you make babies?" MADAGASCAR From Page 5A Wait for the scene where they have plane-con- struction labor struggles with monkeys, a bit like real-life labor politics. (The first film was all about balls-to-the-wall sight gags and showcasing pen- guins.) And the swimming birds are back in force; look for them hijacking trucks at break-neck speed. This time aroun...…

November 11, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 49) • Page Image 10

…10A - Tuesday, November 11, 2008 The Michigan Daily - F0 t0 g Dreams. Realities. If you want to make an impact beyond the city, the country or even the industry where you'll work, meet us. We'll tell you why - in a company where innovation never sleeps - you can exceed your ambitions. oopc'tkor COME TO OUR INSTITUTIONAL CLIENTS GROUP PRESENTATION WHEN: November 11th, 2008 from 5:00pm - 6:30pm WHERE: Michigan League SPEAKE...…

November 11, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 49) • Page Image 11

…0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 8B - Tipoff - Tuesday, November 11, 2008 STAFF PICKS The Daily basketball writers do their best to predict what will happen in the world of college basketball this season. Jason Ruth Alex Andy Kohler Lincoln Prosperi Reid Michigan record 16-1S 17-14 16-15 15-16 eig Ten Champion Pardon Michigan State Purdue Purdue se c o n d............................... ..........Sta te.............. ....................W isc.........o n sin...…

November 11, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 49) • Page Image 12

… 0 090 0 V a a 0 2B - Tipoff - Tuesday, November 11, 2008 Tuesday, November 11, 2008 - Tipoff - 7B TIPOFF 2008 2008-2009 SCHEDULE Date Opponent Site Date Opponent Site 2K Sports Classic 1/31 at Purdue West Lafayette 11/11 Michigan Tech Ann Arbor 2/5 Penn State Ann Arbor 11/12 Northeastern or IUPUI Ann Arbor 2/7 at Connecticut Storrs, Conn. 11/20 C vs. C Semifinal New York City 2/10 Michigan State Ann Arbor 11/21 3rd Place or Finals New Y...…

November 11, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 49) • Page Image 13

…0 0 0 0 0 6B - Tipoff - Tuesday, November 11, 2008 Is 'Manny Fresh' the answer? Tuesday, November 11, 2008 - Tipoff - 3B BI G EN PREVIEW Manny Harris had a stellar freshman year. Is he ready to make Michigan basketball important again? By Andy Reid Daily Sports Editor Photo by Rodrigo Gaya The Michigan men's basketball locker room is a testament to consistency. Every locker is exactly the same - stark-white uniforms, navy blue warm-ups ...…

November 11, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 49) • Page Image 14

… 0 November 11, 2008 - Tipoff - 5B 48 - Tipoff - November 11, 2008 BREAKING DOWN 'BEILEIN BALL' By Alex Prosperi Daily Sports Writer So what is "Beilein Ball"? According to Michigan coach John Beilein, the offense is based on multiple players cut- ting, passing and shooting. In an ideal situation, Beilein wants four shooters around a big man who can score inside to the basket or step outside and hit the three. His teams are known for their...…

September 11, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…Wie iidligan Dail. Ann Arbor, Michigan Thursday, September 11,2008 michigandailycom * CAb CRIME NEAR CAMPUS Police say mugger targeting students AAPD suspects one robber responsible for two late-night muggings near campus this week ByKELLY FRASER and SARA LYNNE THELEN Daily Staff Reporters After two students were mugged late at night near campus earlier this week, police think a single man might be targeting students. Detective Richard Ki...…

September 11, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 8) • Page Image 2

…4h 2A - Thursday, September 11, 2008 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom The bus. driver's gospel You've probably seen Bob Grie- shaber around campus. You may even have shaken bin hand, chatted with him or, better yet, heard him ine gospel music. For those who haven't heard him burnt into nong while behind the wheel, Grienhaber in one of the mont recognizable bus drivers on campus. He currently driven the Bursley- Baits bun route from C...…

September 11, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 8) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 11, 2008 - 3A The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Thursday, September11, 2008 - 3A NEWS BRIEFS * WASHINGTON Defense chiefs: Afghan fighting is getting harder Even with American troops headed soon from an increasing- ly quiet Iraq to a more turbulent Afghanistan, defeating extrem- ists in Afghanistan is growing more complex and more urgent, President Bush's senior defense- adviser...…

September 11, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 8) • Page Image 4

…4A.- Thursday, September 11, 2008 The Michigan Daily - Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 None of us will forget this day. Yet, we go forward to defend freedom and all that is good and just in the world." -President Bush, in his address to the nation on Sept. 11, 2001. The seventh September ANDREW GROSSMAN EDITOR IN CHIEF GARY ...…

September 11, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 8) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday; September 11, 2008 - 5A CHECK OUT THE DAILY'S NEWEST BLOG, THE TABLE, FOR RECIPES AND TIPS FOR EATING HEALTHY ON A BUDGET. THETABLE.BLOGS.MICHIGANDAILY.COM/ PHOTO BY BILL O'LEARY/ The Washington Pos The Pentagon Sept. 11, 2001 memorial, seen here at night, officially opens today. Sens. Barack Obama and John McCain plan to make a joint appearance at Ground Zero today to commemorate the seventh...…

September 11, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 8) • Page Image 6

…6A-Thursday, September 11, 2008 01-4. ULASSIFIEDS The Michigan Daily - * the michigan daily f xr Apartments Available! COMPUTER DESK: 3 drawers, w/ shelf. $50.734-845-0755. Leases for May and AVAIL. PARKING AT 908 Sibil, and other locations. Call 734-769-7025. PARKING SPACES AVAILABLE Please Call 734-665-8825. !! BEAUTIFUL LARGE!! Campus Area Homes. 6-12 Bdrms. Avail. NOW for May 2009. Central air. Free laundry and parkin...…

September 11, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 8) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom Thursday, September 11, 2008 - 7A 19 OBAMA From Page1A Rice emphasized Obama's will- ingness to negotiate with Iran instead of only using military force. "Listen to McCain - he's joked that we ought to bomb, bomb, bomb Iran," she said. "He said it before Bush." On the divisive Israeli-Pales- tinian conflict, Obama supports a two-state solution, Rice said. She touted Obama's expansive service plan, which ...…

September 11, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 8) • Page Image 8

…0 8A - Thursday, September 11, 2008 Another wrinkle added to QB battle The Michigan Daily - By DAN FELDMAN and IAN ROBINSON Daily Sports Editors Earlier this week, Notre Dame coach Charlie Weis said he expected Michigan junior Carlos Brown to play quarterback Saturday. When asked whether Brown would play quarterback against Notre Dame, Michigan coach Rich Rodriguez didn't offer a definitive answer. NOTEBOOK "I don't know,"...…

September 11, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 8) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 11, 2008 - 9A BROWN From Page 8A that's really playing for the first time extensively has to have." Inthehopesofgainingthatrecogni- tion, Brown has recommitted him- self to film study, though he prefers the hands-on work of practice. "You can watch a lot of film, you can tell that it's faster than high school," Brown said. "You can watch on the sideline and tell that everybody is mov...…

September 11, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 8) • Page Image 10


September 11, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 8) • Page Image 11

…k v: I Yi Ate. 'y ati w tl I e I *. . The Michigan Daily j I Thursday, September 11, 2008 COLLEGIATE The Daily Arts guide to the best upcoming events - it's everywhere you should be this weekend and why. AT THE PODIUM Go ahead and get your fill of fine art tonight. Stasys Eidrigevicius, the Lithu- anian born graphic and poster designer, will be pre- senting his work as part of the Penny W. Stamps Dis- tinguished lecture s...…

September 11, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 8) • Page Image 12

…2B - Thursday, September 11, 2008 theb-side The Michigan Daily - 28- Thursday, September 11, 2008 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom CALENDAR The Daily Arts guide to upcoming events in Ann Arbor Today 9.11.08 "Best of Michigan": Arbor Brewing Company Beer Tasting 7 p.m. At Arbor Brewing Company $25 in advance and (if available) at the door History of Books & Printing: The History of Bookmarks 7:30 p.m. At Motte & Bailey...…

September 11, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 8) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 11, 2008 - 3B Oprah owes us L et me tell you the story of two audiences the b * popular television talk-show capable of deliv hosts: One is an out lesbian . having Palin on who brought both presidential can- shying away? R didates onto her show; the other is a fawn, Democra black woman who's deeply invested in Oprah will hav Barack Obama's candidacy and refus- In her press es to hav...…

September 11, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 8) • Page Image 14

…th The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 11, 2008 - 48 AP PHOTO By KIMBERLY CHOU Daily Arts Writer Sleeves are the thing this year, and Reese's col- lection proved all the ways you can do them right - delicate (if safe) shirred little wings on sheer tops, cinched and exaggerated cap sleeves. A reworking of the peplum silhouette showed up in several skirts, and a fitted strapless dress repeated in a handful of pastels -...…

September 11, 2008 (vol. 119, iss. 8) • Page Image 16

…t 6B - Thursday, September 11, 2008 The Michigan Daily - 0 POP C 1 1U, 2TiEl cg l Out of the publicist's eye Celebrities are leaving their publicists even as bloggers expose their every move By SASHA RESENDE Daily Arts Writer Who needs a publicist any- more? The Internet-age reality is that practically no one does, not even the celebrity demigods of Los Angeles. Gawker Media recently reported that Brad Pitt, one half of ...…

August 11, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…MINORITY Partthreeofafour-part series on effortstomaintain RECRUITING diversity on campusafterthe statewideaffirmative action ban Detroit office focuses on prep OPINION Making the (green) grade on campus After the Princeton Review re- leased eco-friendliness rankings tor college campuses, the Daily looks at what the University can do to improve its marks. See Page 4 ARTS Stoners suck "Pineapple Express" proves that Judd Apatow and company are...…

August 11, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 149) • Page Image 2

…2 Monday, August 11, 2008 The Michigan Daily - michigandailycom UNIVERtISTY ATHLETICS 'U' sells media rights bundle Deal guarantees $86 million over 12 years By TREVOR CALERO Daily StaffReporter The University announced Mon- day the sale of its media rights to IMG College. The deal, which guarantees the University $86 million over12 years, marks the first time the University has bundled its media rights into one package. IMG College will c...…

August 11, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 149) • Page Image 3

…Monday, August 11, 2008 The Michigan Daily - 3 CONSTRUCTION From Page 1 Smith's death comes seven months after the February death of masonry worker Leo Felty, 32, who fell 38 feet from a scaffold on the Skanska USA Building construction site for the Museum of Art. Brown said that the deaths are "very, very different" and should not be associated with each other. In the investigation of Felty's death, MIOSHA found that Skans...…

August 11, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 149) • Page Image 4

…4 Monday, August 11, 2008 The Michigan Daily - Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 JASON MAHAKIAN E-MAIL MAHAKIAN AT MAHAKIAJ@UMICH.EDU EMMARIE HUETTEMAN EDITOR IN CHIEF GARY GRACA MANAGING EDITOR KATE TRUESDELL EDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR Unsigned editorials reflect thesofficialposition of the Daily's editorialboard. Allsothernsign...…

August 11, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 149) • Page Image 5

…Monday, August 11, 2008 The Michigan Daily - i5 ELAINE MORTON- NATR ALL E-MAIL MORTON AT EMORT@UMICH.EDU Addicted to D. C. MUS ) Q REDUCE r EISSIONS, t 5s A Butman mentality A fter my third viewing of "The Dark Knight" - the spectacular sequelto 2005's"Batman Begins" - the caped crusader was on my mind. And as I was browsingg through the Detroit news and reading about Mayor ROBERT Kwame Kilpat- SOAVE rick's recent ru...…

August 11, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 149) • Page Image 6

…6. Monday, August 11, 2008 The Michigan Daily - the michigan daily END UNIT, 2 story, 800 sq. ft. condo, ONE mi. from UM hospital, wood floors, all appliances, TANKLESS WA- TER HEATER brand new, new roof, carport, great neighbors. $125,000 w/o realtor, $130,000 with realtor. E-mail SPACE AVAIL. SEPT. '08-Aug. '09. 402 Hill. $50/mo. Neg. 734-904-6735. monds y cros tUhle Los Angeles Times Daily Cross...…

August 11, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 149) • Page Image 7

…Monday, August 11, 2008 The Michigan Daily - 7 the michigan daily NEWLY REMODELED 6 Bedroom house. 831 Brookwood. Reduced rate. $2599/mo. Application fees waved. P.M.S.I. (734) 665-5552. RIVER HOUSE EFF. condo w/ car- port. A/C. Island Drive. $650/mo. Avail. 8/1. Call Mike 734-645-6261. WE JUST ADDED a ton of prime new properties - and some are still available for fall! Call or come in to see our lat- es...…

August 11, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 149) • Page Image 8

…81 Monday, August 11, 2008 The Michigan Daily - RECRUITING From Page 1 how to prepare for the University, Winfrey said his office also brings students to campus so they can get their own taste of Ann Arbor's atmosphere. The Application Tailgate spon- sored by the Detroit office brings potential students to the Univer- sity on football Saturdays so they can complete an application and experience the Big House all in one day....…

August 11, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 149) • Page Image 9

…Monday, August 11, 2008 The Michigan Daily - 19 ARTS IN BRIEF Film New French thriller excels "Tell No One" Music Box Films "Tell No One" is a thriller without explosions, without seductive blondes and merci- fully free of clich6 secret agents. Unadorned, captivatingly com- plex and replete with genuinely powerful acting, it's intense without seeming to try. In French with English subti- tIes, "Tell No One" was released in ...…

August 11, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 149) • Page Image 10

…10k Monday, August 11, 2008 The Michigan Daily - Coming of age ain't easy By BLAKE GOBLE The Daily Arts Writer are ba "Joanc cOURTESY WARnE nR( Life is hard when you look like a Cosmo model. Whoever said that "the heart wants what it wants" was a dun- derhead. The heart is confusing, impulsive and bitter, and it never leaves you completely sat- isfied. Its spon- taneity is, at the very least, Sisterhood taxing. Sounds of...…

August 11, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 149) • Page Image 11

…Monday, August 11, 2008 The Michigan Daily - 11 PINEAPPLE From Page 9 drooled over by critics and fans for the supposed charm and sig- nificance of their films. Whether it be the "honesty" of "The 40-Year Old Virgin" or the "compassion" of "Knocked Up," several voices of prominence have droned on about how these films strike a chord others miss. They should know better. We as critics or fans often get caught up in supposed ...…

August 11, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 149) • Page Image 13

…Monday, August 11, 2008 3g 7 The Michigan Daily - . 'M' athletes n Beijing: Seven-day forecast 13 B y now, everyone has heard Monday, Aug.11 of Michael Phelps and his ties with Michigan athlet- Heather Mandoli (Canada) ics - what you may not know is 27 Brett Sickler (USA) other current or former Wolver- Ellen Tomek (USA) ines are vying for medals in Bei- Michael Phelps (USA) jing, too. " Peter Vanderkaay (USA) From swimming...…

August 11, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 149) • Page Image 14

…1 A Monday, August 11, 2008 I ~ £j The Michigan Daily - FOOTBALL TrimmedaI or niakes bigsplash By DAN FELDMAN Daily Sports Editor Senior nose tackle Terrance Taylor sat on a table in the com- mons at Schembechler Hall to talk to the media after the Michi- gan football team's first day of fall practice last Monday. As sweat poured from his head, he rocked back and forth during the 15-min- ute interview. When he got up, he jok...…

August 11, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 149) • Page Image 15

…Monday, August 11, 2008 The Michigan Daily - 15 BEIJING 2008 Phelps grabs second gold in relay win 400-meter relay team helps Phelps in quest for eight medals . BEIJING (AP) - By a fingertip, Michael Phelps is still on course for eight gold medals. He can thank Jason Lezak for getting him No. 2. The oldest man on the U.S. swimming team pulled off one of the great comebacks in Olympic history Monday morning, lunging to the ...…

April 11, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…)NE HUNDI )I EIGLTEEN YEARSOF EDITORILAL FPEEDOM Ann Arbor, Michigan Friday, April 11, 2008 CAMPUS CUISINE eal plans set for overhaul Meal costs will stay about $10 ameal. The changes are meant to aim- the same; Entree plify the meal plans and give stu- dents more flexibility in deciding when and how they want to spend with 'Dining Dollars' their meal credits, said Michael Lee, the University's director of Residential Din...…

April 11, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 132) • Page Image 2

…2 - Friday, April 11, 2008 MONDAY: In Other Ivory Towers The Michigan Daily - TUESDAY: Arbor Anecdotes WEDNESDAY: The Extremist' THURSDAY: Explained Before there was Title IX Several decades after women had joined their male peers in the Uni- versity's classrooms, their extracur- ricular interests in sports and fitness still remained somewhat of a mystery to the rest of campus. According to the archives of the Bentley H...…

April 11, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 132) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Friday, A pril 11, 2008 - 3 NEWS BRIEFS WASHINGTON Bush tohalt Iraq troop withdrawals President Bush yesterday ordered an indefinite halt in U.S. troop withdrawals from Iraq after July, embracing the key recommen- dations of his top war commander. Bush said Gen. David Petraeus will "have all the time he needs" to con- sider when more American forces could return home. Bush's decisions virtually guar- an...…

April 11, 2008 (vol. 118, iss. 132) • Page Image 4

…4 - Friday, April 11, 2008 The Michigan Daily - Lbe1Midiigan &aly Edited and managed by students at the University ofMichigan since 1890. 420 Maynard Sc. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 We are not anti-Chinese. Right from the beginning, we supported the Olympic Games." -The Dalai Lama, at a news conference in Narita, Japan talking about the Tibetan government-in-exile's stance on the Games, as reported yesterday b...…

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