Monday, August 11, 2008
The Michigan Daily -
From Page 9
drooled over by critics and fans
for the supposed charm and sig-
nificance of their films. Whether it
be the "honesty" of "The 40-Year
Old Virgin" or the "compassion"
of "Knocked Up," several voices of
prominence have droned on about
how these films strike a chord
others miss. They should know
We as critics or fans often get
caught up in supposed depth in
films that would mystify even the
creators of those films. "Knocked
Up" might be the perfect example
of a movie whose gigantic flaws
were overlooked for such fallacies.
For example, few, if any, critics
have questioned the unflattering
depictions of women in Apatow's
productions, chief among them
Katherine Heigl's airheaded
embrace of Rogen (again a loser/
stoner) in "Knocked Up."
This trend continues in "Pine-
apple Express" with the ludicrous
romance ofRogenandahighschool
girl (who is completely indiffer-
ent to the fact that he might get
her whole family killed). It seems
that every lead female character in
these films either has serious self-
image issues or has never been in
the company of a sober male. That
might be a line to follow when
writing about the next Apatow
production, but it seems too many
of us are busy fawning over nonex-
istent undertones.
Apatow's stoner-with-a-heart-
of-gold shtick will inevitably wear
thin. But until that happens, we'll
still be fools looking for meaning
in fluff like "Pineapple Express."'
From Page 10
rine and cute, and it is - some-
what. There's nothing wrong
with that. But it is silly.
The film relies almost sole-
ly on the strength of its leads.
Lively and Bledel have the most
thankless roles, as their stories
end with the requisite hugs and
kisses. If only fights with parents
and boyfriends were that easy.
Ferrara and Tamblyn have
more to do, and they elevate
the after-school special mate-
rial with their amiability and
surprising believability. When
Tibby is confused about life's
coming prospects, it feels as if
she weren't just written that
way. And when Carmen gets the
lead in that Vermont-based play,
we're almost as excited and sur-
prised as she is.
I never read Ann Brashares's
popular books, and I didn't sit
through all of the first film. But
I'm calling this like I see it - a
middling, partially successful
youth drama.
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